Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 282: It's about us

Unbeknown about the effects of her actions, Aria enjoyed dinner with Alan before routing to the Morgan mansion.

Amelia abandoned everyone and spent large-quality time with Aria. The latter might be swarmed with any works decreasing her visits, Amelia was still more fond of her than any of her sons.

It was half-past eleven in the midnight. Alan and Rowan checked their wristwatch N-th but their woman didn't seem to be willing to exit Aria's room.

Rian and Roxy had long back gone to bed so they were sleeping peacefully.

Alan commented so that Rowan could take his cue to separate the two ladies off the room. "Dad, it's been three hours."

Rowan smiled awkwardly. He knew well if he disturbs Amelia now, she would be grumpy for at least two days straight.

"Why don't you ask Arrie to rest? She must be tired." He shifted the hot potato back to Alan.

Aria was asking for a few weeks about staying over at Morgan mansion for Amelia so he knew if he pisses her off now, both would end up in different rooms.

He mulled over Aria's different room. 'Should I ask to shift her things to our room?'

While two men waited, two were enjoying their talk heartily, almost making their time like a girl's pajama party.

It was only when Aria saw Amelia yawn, she commented, "Mum, do you want to sleep over here? Or I will be frequenting here, so we can plan this regularly."

Amelia pondered. She would love to accompany Aria but remembering her son's somber face, she shook her head, "Rowan will be waiting for me and your husband will be cursing me. So let's wrap up."

Aria giggled and agreed with her.

Rowan breathed a sigh of relief seeing Amelia and took her to their room. Alan saw Aria in her old style nightwear in her room.

Alan clutched her oversized t-shirt pulling near him but to see her stand away and tease, "What are you doing in my room? Go to our room and sleep."

Alan's brows twitched, "My room is our room then why can't your room be our room? It's not fair."

Aria nodded, "Exactly, it's really not fair. I have to be called Mrs. Alan Morgan while you aren't called by my name at all. Solve it and ask for fairness. Hmph."

"Meanie..." Alan snorted and went to their room.

Aria had to sort things which both Amelia and she had used so she stayed back and tidied it before going to their room.

She saw Alan sulking even while on the call with somebody. She clicked on a button to close the drapes of the bay window.

Alan didn't react when she made herself comfortable sitting on his lap. Aria had no idea who he was talking with and started to tease him.

Alan froze when Aria blew air gently on his neck to ear. Thinking she was just distracting him, he ignored and tried to concentrate on the call.

Aria didn't like the result. She neared to him and started prepping his face with gentle light pecks.

Slowly and tenderly on his forehead, next on the eyelids then trailed down to his nose tip. While her left-hand sensually trailed on his neck, she continued prepping on his cheeks, teasing at the corner of his lips, down to the chin.

All the while her right hand was on his chest to know her effects on his heart which was raising its beats making her happy.

Aria innocently looked at Alan who was already driven out of the call, clouding by the desire but still trying hard to listen to the caller while all he wanted was her and her attention.

Vince Fang on the other end of the call, yowled at him, "Alan Morgan, Where the hell have you lost man?"

Aria controlled her expression by hearing the voice. Alan swallowed looking at her in the mischievous eyes and hummed before trying to speak, "Cont..."

Aria perfectly knew she was playing with blazing fire which she ignited but she was having fun locking his lips stopping him from speaking but she didn't kiss either.

Subconsciously, Alan tilted his head coupling their lips as his left hand snaked around her waist waiting for her to continue.

Aria left his lips when she heard Vince, "Are you asleep? What the f**k is wrong with you?"

Alan felt his heart weigh down seeing her stop hearing Vince. To finish the business quickly he started speaking, "Continue the investment. Pioneer and Gremole will... be... having... marriage... alliance... so... the..."

His voice started trailing off from the mid when Aria continued her tease. She nibbled his chin, tracing her lips on his chiseled jawline, sucking his earlobe and bit the skin under his ear until she heard him hiss.

Alan was done with the call and grunted hoarsely, "I can't talk." He hung up the call and tossed the phone away.

Aria soothed his skin with her tongue where she had left a mark by the time he pinned her down. He controlled crashing on her lips and asked, "Are you sure? Don't push yourself and can you handle me with your right-hand state?"

Aria knew she always comes first in everything he does. She was more than content hearing him.

Aria flipped him rolling on top. "What if no?" but her actions were opposite to what she asked.

Alan knew the actual answer to his question. Even though he wanted her he didn't want her to do when her mind was messed up with lots of things. Hence he confirmed.

Pulling her down on him to stop her putting pressure on her knees and arm, he responded equally letting her lead.

When she broke their deep kiss, Alan held her and spoke against her lips, "Mrs.Alan Morgan, I don't mind to be called your wife."

Aria smiled hearing him trying to give fairness against the social unfairness.

"My young wife, am I enough for a betrothal gift? Or need something more?"

Alan relished her smooth skin brushing on his skin as her soft lips and warm breath trailed on his neck by nibbling, kissing, biting.

"My sexy husband is more than enough."

Aria felt satisfying to mark him again and again like he always does to her as she tried to lead when his warm palm wandered under her top slowly melting her by his touch.

Alan was feeling like she was painting him red seeing her torture him slowly without giving into him.

His chuckle was deep when he saw her pout failing to pull his T-shirt off.

Flipping her down, going on her top, he nibbled her neck, "Now!" His voice was deep and mesmeric.

While she pulled his t-shirt off easily, Alan effortlessly tossed her pullover away with her movements.

Aria flushed when his eyes wandered on her. She wanted the night to be about him, so leaving him on top could easily overturn the things so she pushed him down.

He knew to turn her into a puddle of water easily but he didn't, he let her continue enjoying in the bottom.

In hazy, "What do I have in..."

His voice gave away and he trembled under her but soon he heard her hiss in pain.

He shot his eyes open to realize she had left pressure on her right palm unknowingly.

pulling her to his arms, he checked her palm. He stopped her from leading and heard her wronged tone after receiving a bite on his shoulder.

"I'm fine... It should be about you tonight."

"It's about US." He said and captured her lips with his when her words had already melted him.

She surrendered to his intoxicating kiss which she never could match to him.

It was a very long night for them after many days.

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