Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 308: He adores you

Rian and Roxy had to give interviews when reporters swarmed them.

Roxy wanted to leave but Rian held her and faced the media for both. He answered most of the questions without troubling her.

"Mr.Morgan, what is your inspiration for this piece of art?"

"Actually this isn't my idea. It's Noah's idea so we decided to come out of doors and ditch the papers."

"Your art piece is amazing, how many did assist you and how long did you guys take to complete it?"

Rian had a faint smile when he replied, "Noah assisted us and it took six hours to complete for us two." He smiled at Roxy who forced a smile pinching his palm.

Another reporter asked, "We never got information about the marathon beforehand and most of the attendees are employees of Morgan and Skyline Industries? Is this meant to be kept a secret?"

"Nope. 'Save environment' Marathon is usually arranged on June fifth but this time it's arranged on the occasion of 'International Day of Families'. Employees are also part of the Morgan family so they are participants."

All heard a commotion and turned to see Isaac joining other celebrities who were busy posing with earthquake art on the road while media cameramen captured numerous pictures.

While reporters continued their interview of Rian and Roxy, Eva puffed her cheeks looking at Isaac far away.

Noah chuckled and remarked looking at her blown-up cheeks, "Paying for your own conditions."

Eva snorted and looked away from Isaac who gave her an indifferent concealed smile. "Hey sweetie, stop giving me fake smiles. You or Arrie better tell us what happened... Let's grab some drinks."

Noah's lips twitched, "In the afternoon? Why? To get our ass kicked by Arrie? No thanks."

Many times Aria had to pick them at clubs after getting dead drunk in the private rooms. They didn't even have the consciousness to pay the bill or call drivers.

Thanks to drunken Eva who calls Aria so the latter could save them from embarrassment.

"Ugh" Eva grumbled for some time and said, "We will hide it from the goddess."

Noah rolled his eyes, "After your fifth or sixth beer, you will call Arrie yourself and blurt out everything."

"Uff you are speaking as if you don't know my goddess. We are going." A decree passed and she pulled him to the car secretly waving at Isaac.

Noah sighed and didn't object anymore. They knew Arrie just lectures so that they could be careful.

Eva sent a message to Rian and Roxy if they wanted to join and left with Noah.

Isaac cursed his profession standing with other celebrities and gave the shortest interview and left to continue his shoot.


Unbeknown about the plans behind her, Aria went to the cemetery with Alan. The latter silently accompanied her.

It was near lunchtime, the couple left the cemetery for lunch. After talking with Alan, Aria went to the Parker villa calling her grandfather.


At Parker Villa

Aria entered inside alone and saw Abel first. He was surprised by her visit. Even though their recent encounters weren't good, he was still good to her.

"Arrie! Come in, come in." Abel waved at her calling towards the couch.

Aria felt bad for Abel who was kept in the dark by his wife. As much as she had heard, his wedding was around the same time as her parent's wedding and it wasn't an arranged marriage. Instead, it was a love marriage.

She handed bags that had gifts and eateries to the butler. "Uncle Abel... How have you been these days?"

He hummed first followed by he answered mildly, "How will a man lead a retirement life? Either I go out with friends else resting at home."

Aria nodded in understanding and asked, "Uncle Abel, you could look after publication instead of letting others look after it."

The Parker family had a publication that publishes magazines and books and had a huge book store. Eva's first novel's publication was Parker publication.

Abel's expression changed hearing her which he concealed quickly and laughed awkwardly, "I'm enjoying my retirement, why do you want to put an old man at work?"

Aria too chuckled for it without digging about it. After talking a little while, she asked about Saira, "Where is auntie Saria? She always ran up to me knowing my presence."

She didn't show her disdain towards Saira.

Abel responded, "She went to meet her friends. She will be back soon."

Aria faintly smiled as she typed a message, [Locate Saira Hayek.] She sent it to her team and spoke little time with him before going upstairs.

While passing by Abel and Saira's room, she snuck in. She easily found the hair sample on hairbrushes. She carefully kept them in small separate pouches which she had prepared beforehand.

She wanted to check the room for any clue but she didn't. She didn't want to alert Saira so she went towards her grandfather's room but heard breaking sound from Kite's room.

She went in to see the wreaked havoc room.

Kite threw remote at her without seeing her, "Get lost..."

Aria easily held the remote hearing the hoarse voice. Kite who raised her head froze.

Aria too froze. 

She never saw Kite so dispirited and low. Her dark eyebags looked scary. Her lips were chapped as if she was dehydrated from days. Her hair was disheveled and greasy, she was laying on the bed in nightwear looking messy.

Looking at the bloodstains on the bedsheet, "Sister Kite, are you hurt?" Right after saying it, she realized she had to be angry with her.

Kite started laughing hysterically and it didn't stop soon. Aria almost doubted if Kite was mentally stable or not.

"I'm sure you know why I am in this state? Aria Cooper, you have succeeded in ruining me. Are you happy now?"

Aria wasn't sure whether to pity at her state or give her the right state of her mind hearing her being sarcastic.

She did so many things and what Aria did was collecting evidence for that. 'And now I'm labeled as vicious?' Aria chuckled lightly and searched for the first aid box ignoring Kite's gaze.

She was checking the drawers when Kite asked in melancholy, "Arrie, You got everything from the birth, you get everything you need. You are smart and learn so fast. You are as beautiful as ever. Why is it only you? Why?"

Kite cried out asking her. Aria realized Kite couldn't keep up with herself anymore hence her anger and desolation were coming out in words. She looked at Kite who continued.

"Why can't I have anything? Do you know, if I behave demurely, I will not get anybody, if I am bold, I still don't get anybody? But you don't care what others think yet everyone is in love with you. I had thought you are rich so you get everyone's adoration but no! Even rich people love you.

Everyone always said Finn Stanley is heartless but he is so in love with you. Vice President Daves never met you but still, he adores you.

Whoever I met, they always took your topic as my cousin and ignored me every single time. Your presence is not at all required, yet you get everyone's attention..."

Kite continued to speak but Aria was frozen hearing about Finn.

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