Kite, at last, ended with, "... Why is it so unfair for me?"

Kite was crying without caring what Aria might think. Aria knew she was emotionally unstable and it wasn't the right choice to get near her but she still went to her by taking a tissue box from the side table.

She tried to hand the tissue but Kite slapped her hand away.

Aria calmly spoke while she carefully wiped her face, "Finn Stanley is my friend and I really don't know Vice President Daves."

Kite chuckled lightly without stopping her hands, "Rumors are right. Your EQ isn't good. Arrie, not everyone who treats you good are friends."

Aria jerked aside when Kite's hand moved towards her face. It wasn't that she was scared of her, she didn't want to mess her mind more. 

If Kite attacks, she couldn't just receive it. Even if she does and Alan gets to know, then he wouldn't leave the whole Parker family.

"Why are you scared? I will not do anything." Kite's voice unknowingly sounded serene and elderly without any pretense. She removed a small feather that was in Aria's hair.

"Thank you." Aria didn't know what else to tell her.

Kite continued, "Everyone always doubted Rian and you will get together but you were with Alan. Your friends treat you well because you didn't have a mother and became friends but that doesn't mean who treats you well are friends."

Aria literally had goosebumps hearing her. Always being opposed by her, Kite's sudden changes felt like she was laying a trap to hurt her.

Kite didn't stop Aria when she cleaned her small wounds on her hand.

She couldn't believe it, the one who she least expected to care for was sitting right in front of her gently blowing and dabbing disinfectant on her wounds.

Her father didn't even go to see her after locking her in the room. Saira always ran away whenever she threw anything on her. She didn't dare to face her grandfather. She couldn't understand why Calvin wasn't staying in the villa for so many days.

Being locked up in her own room by sending food three times, she felt like she was caged, she was caged for going against Aria, planning against Aria.

She was very angry at Aria for quite a few days but in the end, that anger just consumed her energy but got nothing.

That made her realize her anger, her enviousness towards something she doesn't have just brings her down.

Looking at Aria attentively tending to her, the first time she felt Aria cared for her. The light traveling from the window paled in front of Aria for her.

Her hand subconsciously brushed Aria's cheeks. Aria's hand froze and her gaze went to Kite's face being alarmed.

But Kite faintly smiled, "Your skin is so soft and silky." Then her smile widened and poked her cheek, "It really feels good to touch."

Aria blurted out, "Sister Kite, you are giving me creeps."

Seeing raised brows of Kite, Aria came to her senses, "No no no I mean, we... You never appreciate anything about me. It's just a little uncomfortable suddenly hearing it. I mean you know our recent meetings are awful."

Kite chuckled seeing her trying to make her understand in fluster. "I know."

Aria quickly finished treating her wounds hearing Kite softly talking all the time.

After filling the bathtub, She sent Kite to take a bath asking her to keep the wounds dry.

She breathed a sigh after standing alone in her room. She asked a maid to clean the room quickly and went to her grandfather's room where he was playing chess alone.

"Grandfather!." She warmly greeted sitting next to him.

Elder Parker always doted on Aria but due to Abel who is a half brother of Emily, he avoided her so that Abel and his family don't feel like he was biased.

He smiled and patted her back, "You remembered the old bones finally. Now accompany me to play. It is so boring to be alone."

Aria chuckled and sat opposite him who was very delighted by her presence.

Both played generally talking and she used her mobile for a few seconds.

During their second game, Aria asked about the publication, "Grandfather, why didn't you let Brother Calvin or Uncle Abel look after publication? I heard, the chief still reports to you."

Elder Parker snickered remembering it. "Calvin wanted to be independent so I didn't force him. What is so good about your uncle? Due to that bastard, most of the branches are shut."

Aria paused hearing that and asked in confusion, "Parker Publication had branches?"

Elder Parker's face was dark, remembering the past. "He took over from me but didn't look after it well. We had 9 branches but all we have now is three. You were still a child at that time. I was so angry that Abel used the maintenance and infrastructure funds for drinking and gambling around taking loans on publications. I had no choice but to sell and feed the loan sharks. I had even thrown him out of the home but your dumb mother and father convinced me then after a year, your father gave him a job seeing him waste time which he exploited all his life. He is just good for nothing."

Aria heard a whole new story behind Abel getting employed in Skyline. It wasn't because of Calvin but for her mother.

'Saira Hayek, your covers are uncovering.'

She was about to speak about publication but they heard a knock on the door. It was pushed open from the other end.

Saira graciously and delightedly smiled at Aria, "Arrie!" There wasn't the least bit of annoyance or frustration looking at Aria.

She looked at Aria as if her daughter who stays far away from her family was back home to meet her. She looked as if she was pleasantly surprised by her visit.

Her eyes were bright as if she found her priceless treasure. Her lips were arced as if she could finally let herself at ease seeing Aria fit and fine.

Aria always believed her in the past, she never could guess there was a monster behind that innocent face always sugar-coating her words.

Aria had all the urge to go near her and slap across her face as many times as she could.

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