Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 310: Feeling lonely

Saira nervously gulped looking at Aria's intense gaze. Her pace lowered, her clutch on tray increased, her heart was drumming against her chest rapidly. She was at the state, a small move against her from Aria might faint her.

Seeing Saira's smile fade away, Aria smiled at her to let her at ease because it wasn't time to blow up things yet.

Nobody would believe her if she speaks against the demure lady of the house without proof so she buried her real emotions and behaved as if she knew nothing about Saira.

"Auntie Saira, I thought you forgot me."

Her mellow voice instantly put Saira at ease and her acting was back. She smiled sweetly.

Aria thought Saira could be a good actress who was pretending all her life.

Saira kept the tray aside and handed them coffee cups saying, "How can I forget you? I was scared I might disturb you. I didn't want to stress you out more."

Her subtle way of reminding her about 'Calvin is your half brother' was successful but it only enraged Aria.

Aria kept the coffee cup with Saira's cup. Even though she knew Saira couldn't spike her cup, she still didn't take the chance.

Next second there was another knock on the door by the butler and behind him were a man and a woman.

Aria waved at them to allow them inside. The man spoke, "President Cooper, iPad you asked for. I have installed a good amount of games that can be played by elders."

Aria checked the iPad as she nodded at the man and said, "Thank you, you can leave now."

He bowed at her and left.

Aria saw the former matron of the Arlaan orphanage before facing Elder Parker, "Grandfather, she will be your caretaker from today. She will be with you all day so you won't be bored. She knows driving too so she can take you out anywhere you want. And very importantly, your lifestyle will be altered a little for your health. She will report to me daily about your health so no mischief."

Elder Parker started chuckling hearing her, "Do I look like a baby to you?"

Aria readily hummed, "The grandparents must be taken care of as a small child." Then she pouted, "I don't want any rebuff in this... This one time, please..."

Her prolonged request of 'Please' brought a pleasing smile on Elder Parker and the caretaker's face whereas Saira grounded her teeth thinking she was acting to be in good favor of Elder Parker.

For Saira, the real Aria was the one who looked terrifying when Kite had slapped her.

Saira didn't want any people related to Aria in the house, "Arrie, we have maids who also look after Dad. And anyway we can't afford one more."

Aria could guess what was going on in her head, "Auntie Saira, you are humorous. The maids are different from the caretaker. The caretaker will not do any house chores unrelated to her job. No need to worry about her pay and her expenses here, the caretaker auntie is my employee so she will continue working for me but here."

Aria could say Saira was layering her smile and happy face but cursing her inside. Aria didn't care and continued without letting her make another excuse.

"If there is no space for her to rest in the villa, I will buy a villa next to this."

Saira's lips twitched hearing about the new villa for a mere caretaker. The life which Emily lived and the life which Aria was living, she wanted it all but it was snatched away from Emily which she wanted to take back.

Elder Parker laughed hearing her, "Look at you making such a big deal for me. There is a room on the second floor, it's small but good. That can be used."

Aria was happy Elder Parker agreed to her. "Okay then, Auntie Smither and grandfather, meet and greet. Get along and let me know if any of you are uncomfortable with each other. And Auntie Smither, please teach how to play iPad games to Grandfather." She passed it to her and stood up.

"I will check on Sister Kite, you guys carry on." She picked Saira's untouched coffee cup as if she didn't know and left the room giving her a sweet smile.

She usually doesn't drink coffee so she thought to give it to Kite.

Saira saw the iPad in the hands of a caretaker. Her breath twitched thinking how easily Aria squandered money while she had to think a hundred times to buy anything.

For Aria, it wasn't squandering. She had asked Elder Parker to move in with her but he had turned down so she was doing it to take care of him and nothing else.

After coming to the right state of mind and realizing Aria said Kite, Saira got up and bolted out and she still managed to smile at the caretaker.

Aria saw Kite laying back on the bed so she pulled her up and handed the coffee cup. "Drink while it's hot."

Kite looked at her and sipped. Aria asked, seeing her serious, "Aren't you scared it might be spiked?"

Kite smiled instead, "I will die soon then."

Aria's lips twitched. "I haven't done anything."

A nonchalance voice sounded, "I know."

Aria was amazed by whatever she was hearing from Kite. She took the blow dryer and started drying her wet hair ignoring bewildered Saira at the door.

Saira's knuckles turned pale as her nails dug her palm deeper and deeper. She always indoctrinated her daughter against Aria and was successful every single time from the past twenty years. She couldn't believe she was getting along with Aria.

She couldn't believe her all-time plan to divert Aria's attention to Abel failed and he was apparently treating Aria good. She had indirectly encouraged him to use Skyline money so that anything's points should diverge Aria's attention on Abel but failed.

She thought that Aria held a grudge against Kite and held her responsible if anything happened to her which was also changed.

She couldn't believe her high drama to send Calvin to Cooper mansion before she could make her way to bring everything in her favor also ruined.

Her instincts told her it was time up for her but she ignored and stormed to her room cursing Aria who could get anything and everything in her favor.

Aria whose attention was on Saira clearly noticed her frustration. She saw Kite in front of her sitting in a depression feeling lonely.

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