Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 316: Best for you

Aria froze, realizing that it was a bullet shot sound.

Even though the common public couldn't understand it was bullet fired sound, She was trained to use weapons and she knew how the bullet would sound in different circumstances.


The cops quickly called a police technician to unlock the door but the bullet shot sound heard a total of four times.

Aria exactly knew what was happening inside the van. Her guess turned out on the point. She heard the cops gasps looking inside.

She couldn't control herself and ran towards the sprinter. Even though she knew they wanted to hurt her, her breath had already twitched wishing the situation shouldn't be what she was thinking.

She had just crossed the junction, her hand was held by someone. She turned to see Finn panicked, "What's wrong?"

Finn was on the perpendicular road when he heard bullet sound. He had alighted to check and saw Aria running.

His eyes froze on her. She was edgy, she was agitated, she was nervous. He could feel her slight tremble.

Aria tried to relax after seeing Finn and pointed sprinter for him, "They were following me."

Finn's face darkened instantly. He pulled her behind him when she moved to check.

First, he saw inside before it came to Aria's sight. Her breath twitched again when she saw four dead bodies in the car.

They had shot themselves on the side of their forehead without any chance of saving them.

Aria and Finn understood they weren't following to hurt her or kidnap, they wanted to kill her.

Getting caught to cops and if they were under detention, they would be tortured for truth due to following and holding weapons so they mercilessly took their life to save their boss.

Aria stumbled back trying to compose. Finn balanced her quickly, "It's alright. They were bad, they were the reason behind their death. It's not your fault... Stop looking at them, look at me. Are you hearing? Alia..."

Aria looked at Finn and her dry hoarse voice sounded, "They shot themselves because I fooled them with a plan."

Finn frowned hearing her blaming herself, "They wanted to kill you, you are not responsible for it."

Aria shook her head but she was spun around by a big hand and the man cupped her face gently. His voice was deep and consoling. His words were clear soothing her nerves.

"They shot themselves because they feared. Because they failed. Because they chose the wrong path."

Aria nodded and wrapped her hands around him.

Alan sighed internally feeling her relax. He knew she would go to any extent to protect her people even if she has to take somebody's life but he couldn't understand why she never gave herself that priority.

Finn saw Aria fine. He breathed a sigh of relief and also realized only Alan knows her well what to say and how to calm her.

On the other side, while a few cops took care of the procedures, a few watched three presidents.

Nathan went to the Police captain. "This incident should be highly confidential. I have already spoken to the chief so please send a cop with our team to erase all the footage of this area. If you investigate or not, we want you to close the case without Young Madam's name."

The police captain agreed because he knew Alan well. He turned to Jake who was checking the four men for evidence. "Jake, Complete the case and submit the reports."

"Yes, Captain." Jake replied and mobile in his hand rang.

Finn spoke, "Jake, Get it here."

Finn noted the number while Alan said, "Answer the call."

Jake followed his order while Finn sent the number for investigation but the caller didn't speak. Aria who was silently standing pulled rubber gloves from Jake's hand and wrapped them on the microphone, confusing them.

Aria tried to voice like a man, "Assistant Seven!"

Her voice failed and the caller understood the speaker wasn't his man and hung up the call quickly.

Aria smirked knowing it was Elder Hanes's assistant. "Chairman Hanes is behind this."

Finn asked to confirm, "How are you sure?"

"His breath twitched hearing me. He wasn't confused, he was frightened hearing me. Call back, the number will be invalid. And I think I have seen that man." She pointed the man on the shotgun seat.

She had just finished saying Levi reached them. He regretted listening to her and continuing to the meeting. He had no idea she was leaving the company until he went to her office room. He got to know later from her bodyguard and left the office.

Aria saw him and asked, "Levi, Do you remember any of their faces?"

Levi slightly bowed to Finn who was giving a dirty glare, he quickly took a look inside the van. His memory power at analyzing faces was far better than Aria.

"All four were there at Hanes mansion. Their faces must be recorded on the dashboard camera of your car President Cooper."

"Hanes in the sense, Hanes family of Hanes Industries? If you have video evidence, please submit and we will take action now itself with higher priority."

Since she had promised Geoff Hanes that she wouldn't use the video she recorded, she didn't want to use it.

"Case is solved but you guys can't touch them. They are too strong to be kept behind the bars even with the proof because they will get an innocent scapegoat for it... Lieutenant Davis, close the case as you got information that four men in the car carrying illegal weapons and you caught them and I am sure I will call you Captain next time if we meet. Thank you."

Jake: O_O

Other cops: "..." 

'Good to have a high profile connection for promotions.'

Even though the Davies family had a good reputation, it was nothing in front of Hanes. If he goes against the Hanes family, the probability of losing his job was higher which Jake knew well.

Finn patted Ceon Davies's cousin, Jake, "It's best for you."

"Yes Brother Finn." Jake could only say that.

Finn went to the cafe nearby where Alan and Aria went with Levi while Nathan instructed his team to clear out a few things.

Finn sat down asking, "What's the plan?"

Aria was already pouting at Alan who wanted to get back from Hanes but Aria considered Noah and Norah.

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