Aria was already pouting at Alan who wanted to get back from Hanes family but Aria considered Noah and Norah so she just wanted to scare Elder Hanes.

Finn saw a couple were on the negatives. "What's going on?"

Aria spoke, "Only Chairman Hanes is behind this. Alan's attack would be on complete family and company. We are still aren't sure whether Norah wants to be with Noah or not."

Finn nodded and asked, "'What's your plan?"

Aria turned to Alan who didn't like how Aria stopped him from teaching Hanes a lesson. He saw Aria's gaze of plea and unwillingly nodded to hear her.

Finn: "..."

'Throwing dog food even when angry. My miserable life.'

Aria told the complete plan to three men including what she will do if Norah marries somebody else due to Elder Hanes.

Finn and Levi were amazed by hearing that.

Alan pronounced, "I will come with you."

That means he had no objection to her plan. Aria grinned, "You should. I want to show you off. How dare he say I'm homeless? Hmph."

Levi, "Add me in."

Aria gave him thumbs up while Finn held her head for just a second like scrutinizing her head, "You have little head, how do you manage so much?"

Aria's lips twitched.

Alan glanced at Aria and added, "If it was bigger, you could have learned to sneak attack too."

Aria: "..."

Finn smiled. All her plans were direct unlike how others do. "I'm coming."

Aria: O_O

Finn continued, "I will arrange the vehicle too. It's military, equipped, and bulletproof."

Aria: O.

'I haven't stepped in that pretty.'

Alan added, "I will... "

Aria looked at both men alternatively hearing them improvise and ornate the complete plan.

After fifteen minutes, "I'm suddenly feeling sorry for Chairman Hanes. Guys, bear in mind that he is old and can get a heart attack."

But two men ignored her and Levi was speechless the whole time. 

Aria who was drowned in her mess remembered suddenly, "Oh sh*t, Noah."

She stood up habitually planting a goodbye kiss on Alan's cheek, "I got to go, you guys carry on."

"Tsk Alia, once I get a wife, I will feed you vinegar daily."

Levi couldn't understand why Finn can't stay away instead he keeps getting hurt watching them and still be just like a friend.

Aria who had turned around realized what she did. Even though she flushed, "Tsk Finn Stanley, you will get a husband. No use of vinegar."

Levi and Alan looked at Finn involuntarily who grunted, "ALIA!"

Aria giggled running away. Levi followed her leaving Finn in embarrassment.

Alan wasn't interested in his personal life so when Aria left, his tone turned back to cold, "President Stanley, you don't have to stress yourself to protect my wife."

Finn knew well Alan was agreeing to him only because Aria was sitting with them. Seeing Alan's cold, indecipherable, oppressing air back, he wasn't the fun outgoing Finn anymore.

He looked indifferently at him, "Alia saved my grandfather's life. It isn't five years spanned and anyway it isn't like I'm giving my life. I am just helping my family benefactress and a friend. Is there a problem with that?"

Alan didn't show any reaction to his question. He had observed Finn very carefully for years and knew he never crossed his lines. He knew Finn's family is fond of Aria who treats her friends really well.

Alan stood up and buttoned his blazer, "See you then." Then he exited with Nathan who was back.

Finn sighed once Alan left. He knew Alan's cold, dictator, the stony side was for everyone while all other sides were only for Aria.

He shook his head to disperse his thoughts and called his grandfather as he left the cafe.


The Woods headquarters.

Aria reached last when Eva and Rian were forcing Noah to eat.

Eva saw Aria and asked, "Where were you? Why did you ask Jake's number? Any problem?"

Aria shook her head and saw Noah's troubled face from all the torture. She didn't speak much and took the plate to her hand.

Scooping a spoonful, she held near his lips, "For us... Please..."

Rian who had scolded Noah nonstop silently sat in the corner to be safe from the little devil. Eva sighed seeing Noah reluctantly taking the first bite.

"I'm really not hungry." Noah said, trying to keep the plate away from Aria's hand.

Aria didn't allow, "Alright... You are not hungry but who told you that you should be hungry to eat?"

Noah: "..."

Eva giggled standing aside. Aria again gave a reason holding the second spoon, "Eva specially prepared it for you. So this is for our chef Eva Miller."

Noah who glanced at Eva, ate the spoonful, "How do you always convince me every single time?"

Aria patted his head like a puppy, "My Dad used to pamper me all the time so it's hereditary I guess."

Rian and Noah were baffled. The former commented, "Your son is so such a big man."

"Wait, am I looking like a small child to you?"

Eva enjoyed the conversation while Aria fed Noah more than the usual appetite of Noah as they spoke.

Levi who was working quietly on the couch, couldn't help but ask, "How do you guys be mature yet behave like a child? Is it a talent?"

The Fourie chuckled. Aria went to him and asked, "Shall I teach you? You will get a girlfriend soon?"

Levi ignored his president and lowered his head to seriously work causing the four to laugh again.

Aria continued, "Actually, you don't need to learn anything. You are handsome, even though you are a bit boring, you give off secure, protective air so you can get one easily. Just learn to smile."

Eva chimed, "Yeah. Noah wants to see your smile."

Noah: O_O

Levi: O_O

Rian: x_x

Aria: *_*

Levi composed first and got up from the couch, "I didn't know President Wood is into men." He left promptly to save himself from the brainless Fourie.

"Eva Miller, you are dead tonight." Noah pulled his sleeves up and charged towards her.

"I didn't mean that cutiee... Ouch..."

"You didn't mean? Let me check if you have a brain?"


Rian and Aria sat and watched them bickering forgetting about the problems. Aria informed Rian in low voice, "I have increased security for the time being. You three go to Cooper mansion today, I might reach late."

Rian hummed and pulled her cheek, "Why do you hide your problems?"

Aria flung his hand and rubbed her bright red cheek, "I will miss the Beauty so."

Rian knocked on her head. He knew she didn't want him to turn into a grim man due to society or problems, "We will be Beauty and Little devil till we ripe to an old age torturing my wife and your husband."

Aria chuckled hearing him, "Deal."

Rian excitedly called the two who were cursing each other, "Guys, I have a Little bunny story."

Aria: O_O

Noah and Eva knew what he meant by 'Little bunny story' and heard the story laughing their heart out.

'Okay, Beauty is back. I asked for it.' Aria covered her face and cried invisible tears until it was time for her to leave to carry out the plan.

Sending the three to Cooper mansion, Levi and Aria left.

'Showtime Chairman Hanes.'

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