Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 320: Show you the end

Aria was speechless hearing Zeke Wen. 'I just wanted to scare Chairman Hanes. How did everything change?'

She looked at Alan and Finn. One was sitting like a cold daemon king while the other one looked like a devil from nirvana.

Both freaked out everyone over there and now, Zeke Wen didn't care about his friendship with Jude Hanes (Elder Hanes). Zeke Wen was taking her side due to Curtis Morgan.

Zeke Wen continued, "I had thought you have common sense but you just have poop inside your head..."

Aria covered her mouth tight to control from laughing out hearing Zeke Wen. Finn was amused looking at his grandfather.

"... Don't you know to do a background check? More than half of the city B wealthy families are working for Morgan and Skyline Industries. If they stand, were you thinking of flying in the sky?"

Then he pointed his hand at Finn without looking behind, "That headless brat sitting there, he is the useless grandson of mine. The whole Stanley family adores Aria, General Stanley will chop you into pieces. And this brat can..."

He paused and turned to Aria asking curiously, giving her goosebumps, "Aria, did Finn study with you?"

Aria nodded quickly, "Yeah, In the country S."

Zeke's attention moved to Finn, "You heartless fool, were you eating grass five years? Don't you know how to woo a girl? How can such a girl slide off between your fingers? It's a shame to call you my grandson, learn from Old bones' grandson. He knows to pick a gem and you die with stone now."

Aria's face was red controlling her laughter. Alan had expected such lines. Elder Hanes was in utter embarrassment while his son and grandson stood like a statue looking at them.

Dustin couldn't control his laughter and chuckled before shutting his lips. Levi felt like Zeke was the older version of the Fourie. Nathan agreed to Zeke in his head about Alan.

Whereas Finn, he tried to speak but failed. Reasoning with his grandfather was useless.

Zeke turned to Aria who thought he would scold but he asked dotingly, "Aria, are you interested in becoming the heiress of Wen family? I will make sure to find a way to adopt you. I have no hopes on this useless grandson of mine or my senseless son."

Aria: O_O

Everyone: #_#

Aria slowly turned to Alan and pointed at herself asking in bafflement, "Did I just earn a new family just sitting here doing nothing?"

Alan was like, 'Why the hell everyone wants to covet my wife?'

He looked at Zeke Wen, "Ask your friend." He didn't want to argue with Zeke.

Aria again asked in shock before Zeke could speak, "Is he asking for real?"

Finn knew his grandfather was cent percent serious.

Zeke snapped at her, "Do I look like I'm joking? That stubborn fellow will curse me to death if I ask."

Aria awkwardly laughed. 'Why was I here? What am I doing? Where is this going? What do I have to do?'

She snuggled closer to Alan and sat quietly turning off her brain functionality. She was even ready to take a nap leaning on Alan.

Zeke sat back on the armchair and sighed cursing Finn in mind for not wooing Aria and cursing Curtis Morgan for having Aria as his granddaughter in law."

Aria was about to take a breather, Zeke scolded Jude, "Look at yourself, the Interpol most wanted man is your assistant. Look at those three ex-military men, He is Major Ben Collins aka Nathan. The next one is Captain Owen Brown aka Levi, and this one is Captain Frank Gomez aka Dustin. That's the difference and how lowly life you are leading."

Aria turned behind and gave them thumbs up. A smile appeared on their face seeing Aria proud of them.

Zeke asked calmly, "Are you going to attack the little girl again or do you want me to poison you?"

"Zek..." Jude grunted at direct threat, "Is she more important than me and our relationship?"

Zeke's lips twitched, "Tsk, how did Hanes Industries grow under you? Can't you still understand who is important?"

"You..." His eyes moved to Aria wanting to crush her but he felt a chill run down in his spine and saw six men glaring at him while Aria was looking at Zeke in admiration.

"Fine, I will not bother her but I do not agree for the marriage."

Zeke rolled his eyes and turned to Aria, "Aria, he will not dare to touch you. If he doesn't accept the love marriage, you can torture him."

"Zek..." Jude growled but Zeke Wen didn't care and looked at Geoff, "Geoff, send my staff safe and sound after these three leaves."

Geoff responded respectfully, "I will take care of it, Chairman Wen."

Zeke advised Aria seriously, "Little brat, stop trying to grow moral roots in evil minds. People aren't simple and innocent like you that you teach them and they will learn. The world is too complex, lower your tolerance, and protect yourself more."

Aria blankly looked at him without knowing how to respond. She was pointing her weapon at Jude in front of Zeke, she couldn't understand why he was still calling her simple and innocent.

Zeke saw her clear gaze and sighed internally. He invited Aria for dinner at his place and left the Hanes mansion planning how he could covet Aria as his daughter or granddaughter.

Alan knew what was happening in her head. He gently rubbed her head.

Aria came out of the daze and saw Geoff. She gestured him to sit and asked, "Vice President Hanes, any progress on Norah Hanes's decision?"

Jude said through his teeth, "I will not support."

Aria faced him and said relaxedly, "No problem. Noah isn't marrying you anyway."

Finn's hand itched to bop her head. Geoff smiled hearing her. Moran had noticed Aria didn't spare a glance at him the whole time. He smiled to himself remembering how Aria had stuck her tongue out at him calling him 'Chicken.'

"Don't cross your line." Jude roared.

Alan's voice immediately sounded, "MIND YOUR TONE."

Aria almost trembled by hearing his voice near her ear. His threatening, stony voice was just tyrannizing.

Alan wrapped his hand around Aria's shoulder when he realized her changes hearing him.

Jude involuntarily turned pale without his knowledge. Moran's gaze was sharp on Alan while Geoff's fingers clenched tight because Jude was his father even if he wasn't right.

Jude stuttered, "I... I will..."

Aria gave heads up, "Touch Noah, I will show you the end."

Jude again lost his temper, "How dare you sit in my place and threaten?"

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