Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 321: Shot you to death

Aria smirked. Finn had thought Jude was a level headed strong man but his view changed. Geoff had thought his father might at least now understand that he wasn't right but he was wrong.

"Heh?" Alan slightly tilted his head, "You dared to assassinate my wife."

He twirled his handgun, "Pray that you are still alive."

Finn continued, "You are alive because of her. Do you think we have mercy in your life?"

Jude breathed heavily and looked at his son, "Can't you stand for your father?"

Geoff knew Alan was there to give a last warning else he wouldn't have visited and cleaned up. He glanced at Aria and sighed.

"Why should I? Did you stand for me when I needed you? Why are you expecting your own blood to shield you and die for you when you are the one who tried to kill a girl thinking nobody is there for her? Enjoy the special treatment."

He left taking Moran upstairs.

Aria smiled resignedly to herself seeing Jude in desolation. "Chairman Hanes, Your friend left you, you have a family but you don't have anybody besides you to take care of you. Who exactly is homeless?"

Chairman Hanes looked at her passively losing all the aggressiveness.

"I agree I don't have my birth mother and father with me right now but do you know? I have so many who take care of me like parents. I have friends who stand for me. I have my husband who will face anything for me and supports me. Who do you think is an orphan? If I get hurt, I have so many to ask, who do you have?"

"Your bodyguards? Your butler? Your assistant? Your driver? At least have you treated them like a family?"

Jude Hanes frowned slightly but didn't speak a word.

"Your business, your money, your invisible power, your ego, your self-esteem doesn't get you anything. If you wanted to be treated like a master, be one. If you want to be treated as an elder, be one. If you want respect, earn it. Don't expect you will get everything because you have seen more decades than us. I know I shouldn't expect an old tree to grow new roots but it is very essential to live longer."

Aria stood up, "Before losing your family completely, realize your mistake, and correct yourself."

Aria cued two men to leave and walked out. Levi followed her, impressed by his president.

Finn and Alan didn't care about Elder Hanes's life and how he was living. So they gave the last warning.

Finn's face was cold and words were frosty. "I will make sure to use the same helicopter to crush everything to ashes if you dare to hurt her."

Finn left with Dustin after that while Alan hadn't moved from his place.

Jude Hanes avoided Alan's eyes. It wasn't his first time meeting Alan.

When he had lost a project against Alan while he was President of Skyline, he had sent a warning to Alan saying stay out of his way to live peacefully.

The same day, Alan had blocked him on the road when he was on the way to Hanes mansion after work.

He was so enraged that he went out and even tried to beat him when a series of vehicles stopped and surrounded him.

Alan hadn't spoken a word and didn't leave the place until he apologized and said he wouldn't do it again.

Alan hadn't used any wrong way to get the project so he wasn't an idiot to hear the threat and be quiet letting Jude think there was nobody to stop him.

Alan had also checked if Hanes Industries used any underhand methods for administration projects or others but didn't find any other than threatening a few.

"I am sorry, I didn't know she is your wife. I thought she ditched you at the wedding."

Alan's lips tilted dangerously, "I don't care about your family and decisions. The smallest scratch on my wife by you is the cost of your life."

Jude Hanes nodded multiple times keeping his gaze down from Alan.

He had thought Alan would be like soft-spoken, mild Rowan Morgan just to mind his work and protect his family, he hadn't expected Alan to be stronger and more powerful than his grandfather.

He wanted a son like Rowan Morgan but Geoff wasn't so mild. He wanted a grandson like authoritative and regal Alan but Moran didn't hold such a presence.

Now, he was sure, he couldn't get a daughter in law as straight and upright as Aria who respected everyone around her and stood for her people without caring who she would go against.

He failed to win against Curtis every single time.

Once Alan left, he waved his hand at Seven to leave and dialed a number whose owner and he hadn't in touch for decades.

He was silent and the other end growled at him, "You old rascal, tsk my little girl is too softhearted. Why did my grandson let you live? I would have shot you to death if I was there."

His hand trembled lightly hearing Curtis Morgan. The latter asked in surprise hearing nothing, "Are you mute? Don't tell me my grandson cut your tongue?"

Jude's low-spirited voice sounded sincere, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have raised my hand at you."

The phone line went silent when Jude apologized. Their past memories flashed in their mind as if it happened like yesterday.

Jude spoke again like a man who was still stuck in that one past incident, "I was flustered, I was scared my father and grandfather might do something to me or you. I didn't know how else to stop you from talking for me, for standing up for me."

Jude, Curtis, Zeke weren't classmates or family friends or neighbors. They had weirdly met in the club drinking till their throat when they were in their twenties. They had started seeing each other at the same place every Friday then they started getting along.

The eldest one was Zeke and the youngest one was Curtis. They shared about each other and Jude had spilled out his real identity when he drank but it didn't affect them.

They had helped each other in their problems, got along really well but one day Zeke and Curtis had noticed Jude was severely scolded by two men at the club entrance. They were his grandfather, and father.

Both friends stood up for Jude and argued rightfully. When Jude had noticed his grandfather ordering his assistant to call the police, he tried to stop the two but they weren't scared and still took stand for Jude.

Without being able to stop either side, he had slapped Curtis and scolded both men to stay out of his life.

Curtis had controlled himself from giving him back the slap right there and left. He never stepped to the same club again, he had contact with only Zeke Wen who was tired of convincing both the parties.

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