Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 322: Failing miserably

Curtis didn't tell him he forgave him or if he could forgive him. He felt his blood boil for the past and for the present.

"You are still a filthy thing who is scared of a little girl being righteous. What is the use of your apology when you behave like those dead ancestors of yours?"

Jude was feeling like he was lectured by his father when he heard Curtis, he snorted, "Who is scared of her?"

Curtis started laughing hearing him, "Shall I ask her to visit you again? I don't think she will let you live the third time."

Jude remembered Aria coughed lightly and sneered, "Your taste is still worse as ever. Who likes a feisty woman or girl?"

Curtis mocked, "Why? Did you piss in your pants seeing my dear granddaughter-in-law?"

Jude looked at his mobile in bewilderment, "Narcissistic pig."

"I'm better than you, wild hog."

Both continued to curse each other over the phone while Curtis bragged about his family and mocked Jude relentlessly throwing off all his frustration.

Jude failed in words against Curtis but he wasn't angry instead he childishly retorted everything. He had called only two as friends in his life, Zeke Wen and Curtis Morgan. Circumstances sent them different ends of the city.

After many years, he had met Zeke in the hospital when his grandfather was on death bed. He got to know Curtis was in contact with him and Zeke had asked him to apologize but his ego had stopped him.

He just followed what his father and grandfather taught him and did the same thing to his son and grandson. There wasn't anybody to tell him what he was doing wrong and he just continued thinking he was right all the time.

As soon as Aria entered their life, everything changed.


Aria who had left with Levi first asked him in perplex, "I didn't plan all these. Why did everything change as soon as one after another man entered my plan?... Hehehe, Professor Wen was so funny even when scolding."

Finn flicked on her head seeing her laugh remembering his grandfather, "Are you planning to take over my place everywhere?"

Even though he sounded grim, he wasn't angry. He didn't expect his nasty ill tempted grandfather to like Aria so quickly.

Aria gave it a thought and patted his head, "You can call me Mom when I take your place."

Finn: "..."

Levi and Dustin controlled but chuckled before controlling seeing Finn's icy glare. Finn locked her hand in a swift heard her hiss, "Do you want a son older than you?"

Aria clenched her teeth and flipped him with all her strength but Finn easily landed on the ground and locked her back.

Levi and Dustin and all guards who watched: O_O

"Little girl, that was a good move." He petted her head and twirled her aside.

Aria puffed her cheeks in fake anger looking at Finn's smirk. She knew he was way too strong for her to win unless she cheats.

Even though Finn won, he saw all the adoration towards Aria from the men around her. 'Okay fine.' He understood Aria is adored irrespective of the result.

Dustin and Levi almost said in unison, "You are amazing."

Aria didn't accept the compliments, "That's him. Hmph." She hopped on the helicopter whose blades started whirling and five men hopped on and left while the private sentry took the cars back safe.


At Cooper mansion, four were wasting time talking nonsense and heard whirling helicopter blades and exited the mansion to see the military helicopter.

From afar they saw Aria hopping on the ground while five men walked like devils out of hell. Their lips twitched looking at the contrast picturesque.

Eva and Noah chuckled looking at Aria happy even though they didn't know where they had gone.

While Rian was a painter of joy, light, hope, optimism, beauty, Roxy was a painter of bitter but truth realisticity like hatred, the darkness of life, power, calamities. She captured the picture for her next painting.

Rian understood why Aria had said, 'I will miss Beauty.' by looking at men behind her. He understood why she wanted to keep him away from problems and wanted him to see a happy life.

If he remembers right most of his paintings were inspired by the world she always showed him. He glanced at Roxy and realized he was the light in her life while Aria was the light in Alan's life.

Dazed, he didn't realize when Aria reached them and pulled his cheeks getting no response, "Where have you lost? I'm super hungry. Let's get in."

"Little devil, you have nails." He rubbed his cheeks taking her in.

Eva chuckled, "That's why she used nails." Aria and Eva high fived irritating Rian. He was about to knock her head, Alan pulled her back.

Rian rolled his eyes, he showed guest rooms for three assistants, and saw Finn standing, "Don't you remember where your room is?"

Aria heard Rian and turned from the stairs. Alan paused with her. "Finn, Last time where you stayed will be your room. There are clothes in your size too. Get fresh and come for dinner."

Finn was surprised and saw Alan taking Aria away. Noah cleared his thoughts.

"We all have rooms here and that one is yours. It isn't a guest room." Noah pointed the stairs before going towards the dining hall.

Finn realized Noah and Eva weren't guests out there. Everyone was like a family. He smiled to himself thinking he has a room for himself in Cooper mansion and was treated like a family member.

He saw Isaac enter and wave his hand as a greeting before going upstairs freely. He sighed and went to 'HIS ROOM' and reached the dining hall soon.


At the dining table.

Aria and Eva smiled at each other and skipped all poultry products. They drank soup and ate a green salad. Even though they craved to take chicken, they controlled themselves.

Isaac saw Eva skipping many dishes. He also understood why she was doing it but seeing her eat so less, he regretted saying it.

On the other side, it was similar. Alan saw her eat what she doesn't like. He placed vegetables on her plate but she placed back on his plate, "It is cooked with chicken."

Aria sounded so rightful like she was an obedient wife who doesn't cross her husband's words. Alan frowned and said, "It's alright, eat."

Aria was speechless, seeing him still point at the vegetable. She licked her wounds failing miserably in tricking her husband.

'I'm sorry my little stomach. Sob, sob...'

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