Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 330: Shirtless on the desk

At Woods' headquarters.

Noah had just alighted the car when a guard opened the door, he saw black Bently stopping behind his car.

He didn't expect Norah to reach at exactly five minutes to nine.

She skipped over to him, "Good morning President Wood."

Noah hummed and led her inside as he instructed the security head who was there to receive him, "Call all the security personnel here in five minutes."

He got into work while Norah checked out the magnificent interior. "I thought you were simple and sleek. It's opulent... This chandelier is so big, is this custom made?"

Noah hummed, "Rian designed it when we were in school. I am thinking of changing it."

Norah shook her head, "This is beautiful. Just change the corner pendants if you want a new look."

Noah didn't know Norah knew about such details. Since it was a Hanes family, she was trained in household chores too.

"Then that's your first assignment." Since she liked it, he thought of letting her do what she likes.

"Really? That's great." Norah happily took the pictures of it as she thought which designs could be molded without affecting its beauty.

Soon fifty numbers of men stood and greeted Noah in unison.

Noah's face was emotionless as he ordered, "She is the young madam Wood. She should receive the same respect as me. Am I clear?"

Norah flushed.

"Yes Sir!" Their voice was loud and clear. Then they bowed to Norah, "Greeting to Young Madam Wood."

Norah gulped and nodded, "You said I'll be your secretary."

Noah hummed at her and said, "Disperse."

They responded and quickly returned to their respective works.

Norah realized Noah tricked her again, "I want to work."

Noah led her to his office, "You will."

"I don't want such a high profile employee status."

"What do you mean?"

Norah saw him frown and quickly explained, "I mean I don't have work experience so I want to work as an employee. If everyone knows I'm your would-be wife, they will treat me special without giving me proper work."

Noah knocked on her head, "You are my secretary to learn a high-level management structure. Other than me, nobody will give any work, And anyway I'm just writing a line for other men to stay away from you."

He smirked at her and walked holding her hand. Norah gave up. She had thought she would gain experience as a nameless employee but her boyfriend turned out to be a possessive one.

"Who is she? She is so beautiful." Norah unknowingly held Noah's arm with the left hand walked next to him.

Noah heard her envious tone and saw her getting near him. He didn't want Norah to think otherwise so he introduced them when that secretary greeted him, "She is my secretary, Luna Black. Luna, she is your lady boss."

Luna smiled at Norah with a bow and greeted, "Welcome to Woods' International, Young madam Wood. Please let me know what you would like to drink, I'll get it for you. If you would like to take a tour of the office, please let me know."

Noah responded, "She likes latte. I will take her around later, check if we could prepone the meeting and reschedule tomorrow's meeting to the weekday."

By the time he finished, Norah and Noah were inside. Luna closed the door as she responded.

She was very happy for her president who doesn't have to eat excess dog food from his friends.

She quickly rearranged the things before calling her husband, "Darling, you wouldn't believe my lady boss is so pretty. They make such a sweet couple. She is a harmless kitten looking at me curiously..."

She continued to brag about the couple while the couple sat opposite to each other talking not so business.

"Where is my desk?"

Noah hung his blazer on a hanger aside and sat on his seat, "In front of me."

Norah sat down and tried to speak, "Noah, I really want to work."

Seeing her way too serious, "I will arrange a desk here." He pointed out space next to his desk.

Norah objected, "I want there." She pointed opposite to him at the floor to the ceiling glass wall.

Noah saw and didn't object, "Isn't the current seat better than sitting far in front of me to look at me?"

Norah flushed and pointed to the place next to him, "That place is alright."

Noah hummed, "You want to be next to me."

Norah flushed. "If you continue this, I will sit outside."

Noah was unperturbed and teased, "Our company doesn't give the independence to employees to choose their own desk location."

Norah: O_O

She tried her best to come up with a reason, "I'm the lady boss. I can sit anywhere."

Noah pushed his laptop to her and took the files to check, "Are you asking my seat? Sure."

Norah pointed her finger at him but no word came out. She took the laptop and started working on her first assignment stealing glances at seriously working Noah.

Noah didn't want to confine her. He knew her social awkwardness and her unhealthy habit of saying yes to everything so he wanted her to slowly get used to it instead of going all out at once.

Norah quickly got the idea to revamp the chandelier and reported to Noah. He agreed and told her to wait for Monday to meet the concerned employee.


Aria and Eva reached Noah's office and were greeted by Luna, "President Cooper. Ms.Miller."

Both smiled and were about to open the door, Luna spoke, "I think you should knock and enter. Young Madam is with President Wood."

Aria and Eva grinned and pulled Luna to them, "How is your lady boss?"

Luna was already used to the Fourie so she responded, "She is really pretty. Her voice is so soft. President Wood got a good one himself."

Eva and Aria chuckled and pulled her with them, "Let's catch them red-handed."

Luna: "..."

She had no choice and she also curiously peeped in slowly creating a creak at the door but three were disappointed and stood straight.

Eva commented, "Your President is boring. Who looks at a file sitting in front of a beauty?"

Aria too hummed, "The first date in the office. These working men's problems. Ugh."

Luna chuckled and was about to knock the door for them, Aria stopped. "We are sneaking in, bye."

Luna: "..."

She saw Aria and Eva enter without making a sound so she went back to her seat. 

Aria and Eva stood behind Norah, cupping their faces like Norah and looked at Noah innocently blinking their eyes

When Noah felt something standing up behind Norah, he was almost freaked out ready to pull Norah towards him.

"What the heck? I am getting goosebumps for real, what's with your look?"

Norah was confused. She thought it was for her and saw his line of sight to see two friends copying her and flushed.

The drama queens got into action, "I am imagining my sweetheart. What with your reaction?"

"Why will I look at you like this? I imagined my hottie shirtless on the desk."

Noah: "..."

Norah: "..." 'Shirtless on the desk?'

Aria patted Eva, "Stop freaking out the little girl."

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