Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 331: Arrogant Princess

Drama queens got into action, "I am imagining my sweetheart. What with your reaction?"

"Why will I look at you like this? I imagined my hottie shirtless on the desk."

Noah: "..."

Norah: "..." 'Shirtless on the desk?'

Aria patted Eva, "Stop freaking out the little girl."

Noah: "Norah, they are shameless. Don't take them seriously."

Aria and Eva started wailing by hugging each other, "Huu Huu, we lost our sweetie..."

"Such a heartless man tossed us away after getting a wife."

Norah gave a suspicious look at Noah and actually felt bad for the girls seeing them cry while Noah was speechless.

"Guys, it's too much."

Eva wailed louder saying, "My goddess, he is saying too much to us."

Luna who brought juice to the two girls, rushed in, "What happened?"

Two girls quickly jumped to her, "Your president is telling his wife that we are shameless."

"He also said not to take us seriously."

"He said we are doing too much."

"How can he abandon us so soon? He will abandon you too Luna. Don't trust him."

Norah felt it was really too much now.

Noah strode to them and grabbed the juice glasses, "This is for me then."

He was leaving, two girls quickly pulled him and took the glass, "You got the girl and you want our drinks too. Tsk, cold-hearted man."

Luna realized what was going on hence she left feeling their lady boss should have a strong heart.

The two girls wiped invisible tears and continued their overacting. They sobbed and drank juice while Noah wrecked his brain on how to stop their drama.

"Arrie, do you want to design the wedding gown for Norah? And Eva, I was thinking of a digital invite so how about you write a storyline for it."

"Really?" The duo girls said in unison but they also knew he purposefully diverted so both looked at each other and held his arm, "Aww, our sweetie doesn't care even if we ruin it."

"I will make sure to write a funny storyline that everyone keeps laughing their heart out."

Noah: "..."

Norah burst into laughter seeing Noah at loss and girls purposefully clinging on to him to tease him.

Aria and Eva high fived Norah and tortured Noah until they couldn't hold their laughter looking at his defeated face.

Noah saw Norah getting along with his loonies instead of getting irritated. So he didn't buff and flicked on two girl's heads before going to his seat.

"Ms.Hanes, I know we are overly dramatized." Aria paused, Eva continued, "You have no choice but the bear with us." Then two girls laughed high fiving each other.

Noah nodded, "You should get used to us Fourie. We kick up lots of fuss if we want. Our families are used to us."

Aria and Eva hummed to his line and looked at Norah who was silent as a mouse. Their expression changed seeing her sit silent.

'Holy crap, we went overboard.' was written over Eva and Aria's face.

Noah asked, "What's wrong? They were just making fun."

Norah shook her head, "You guys... I mean how do you guys manage to enjoy life with all the responsibilities?"

Aria and Eva held their hearts and went to the couch, "I almost thought I would get a heart attack."

"I was ready to hear the breaking of my little heart."

Noah sighed after hearing her, "We almost thought you misunderstood us."

Norah boldly commented, "You guys are monkeys of the same flock. What's there to misunderstand?"

Aria: "..."

Eva: "..."

Noah subconsciously looked at two who burst out, "Noah Wood, how dare your wife to bully us?"

"Do you want my and Goddess's husband to bully you?"

Norah was shocked but two girls smiled at her, "Thank you for the compliment Ms.Hanes."

Noah facepalmed seeing them sending Norah on an emotional roller coaster ride. 

Norah took time to understand and promptly spoke, "Why didn't I meet you guys sooner? You guys are so funny."

Eva, Aria, and Noah chuckled hearing that. "You are a quick learner."

Noah and Aria hummed and stopped their big drama after giving her taste of the Fourie before the four could actually freak her out someday.

Luna entered inside and told him about the meeting. After knowing it was a long meeting, "President Wood, we will kidnap your wife."

"Ms.Hanes, we will update you about all the funny stories of your husband. Let's go."

Norah promptly stood up taking her bag after hearing Aria. "Let's go."

Noah: "..." He saw three girls abandon him just like that.

He smiled thinking of Norah who was socializing and slowly changing and giving her opinions without the fear of others' judgment of her.


At the mall.

Instead of just humming or answering, Norah was talking with the girls, asking them questions, opinionated, laughed, shopped, and enjoyed with them.

Sitting in a cafe to rest, they heard a commotion while a few socialites passed nasty comments on a girl.

"Wasn't she behaving like an arrogant princess? Look at her now. Tsk."

"What is she wearing? Such a tacky dress."

"When did security start allowing beggars inside this mall?"

"Hadn't you dirtied my clothes once?" Then that lady threw hot coffee on the dress and all heard a cry.

Aria cued Eva to be with Norah. She saw the girl identifying her as Kite who was pushed to the ground by a girl. She didn't think twice and gave across the face of that girl and the one who threw the coffee.

Aria bodyguards who were in shades quickly stood near.

"Who the hell... President Cooper, how dare you?"

Aria carefully helped Kite next to her seeing her skin turn bright red due to coffee. Since her dress material was thick, she wasn't scalded.

Aria took the cold coffee and threw it on the face of the girl. "Do you want to see the length I can go?"

"Who the hell do you think you are?" The girl who pushed Kite tried to slap Aria but Aria twisted her hand to her back easily.

"Me? Do you want to know it?"

Aria slightly turned and said, "Call the police, Manager, get me the footage."

Kite tugged Aria's top, "It's alright. I'm not hurt."

Aria was unyielding, "No, these self-named, new money socialites should know their limits." She pushed the girl aside.

She looked at the girls trembling in anger, "Tacky clothes? At least Kite bought her clothes with her earned money, what about you? Squandering your parent's hard-earned money.

Arrogant Princess? She has the right to be one and what about you? Have you looked at your faces? Lips filled with fillers, nose job, jaw correction, and what else? Face packed with layers of creams?" She pointed to the one whose makeup was ruined by the cold coffee.

She couldn't understand how those girls warm up to the one who has more money and talk nonsense when they don't have it.

If that is what called a socialite, then she didn't want to be called a socialite.

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