Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 340: Outrageous

"I will be the only investor for our episode." Aria put up her first condition.

The manager thought to convince other investors, "No problem." He didn't know Aria never chose a deal without maximum profit to her.

Aria nodded and continued, "The profit share is..." She pointed Noah on her right, "Ten..." Pointed Eva and Rian, "Ten... Ten..." Then she pointed to the manager referring to him as Focus, "Ten."

Levi wanted to applaud for her.

Manager and the other two took time to understand, Noah, Rian, and Eva were getting ten percent each profit.

'What about Aria?'

'And why Focus will get only ten percent?'

The secretary spoke in bewilderment, "President Cooper, you mean, ten percent for us and 90 percent for you."

The three of Fourie were on cloud nine. They were fine going or not going to the show. Now they felt like, how easily they were going to earn in millions just from an hour show just to be themselves.

Eva wanted to send a flying kiss to Aria but Rian held her hand.

"Absolutely." Aria didn't show a flinch. 

She had the high instincts Xoan wanted her in the show and he could go any length to get her to the reality show to ruin her image.

"President Cooper, your request is really ..." 'onerous.'

"Request? Who do you think you are?" Aria sneered. "Do I look like I am in need of you?"

Aria stretched her hand towards Levi and took the file. She slid it towards the manager on the table, "The real statistics. The fifth and seventh show is down in the pit. Am I not daring to risk my cent percent investment?"

Sitting back, she asked in an unyielding, pressed and cold tone, "In or out?"

Levi was used to her autocracy. Her friends looked at her in amusement. They had full faith in her skills, seeing it live, they understood how she always handles and earns well at the risk of total rejection.

The manager stuttered, "We... Can we negotiate?"

Aria twirled the pen in her hand looking at the manager, "Alright... 5% for you."

The three employees of Focus were in real shock. Laughing awkwardly at her, they spoke to each other wiping their cold sweat again and again.

None had given them a hard time except Aria.

"President Cooper, Can we take a break for ten minutes? We will discuss and get back to you."

Aria motioned her hand towards exit because she wasn't going to ask her friends to leave. Levi guided them to a different meeting room.

Rian repeated his line, "Little Devil, hadn't I told you? I am in love with your domineering side."

Eva jumped to her and kissed her cheek hard, "You are sexy." Then she sat on the arm of the chair hearing Aria chuckle.

Noah spoke business, "What if they agree and our show flops?"

Aria joked, "Then I will not buy any wedding gift for you."

Rian bopped Noah, "I am planning, if we go, we should control the show following their format, what say?"

Eva added, "If we just be the US, The Fourie, show won't go flop."

Aria hummed, "Sweetie, don't you trust us?"

"Of course I do, I thought about you."

Aria just smiled at it, "To bring us on the show, they have already created quite a buzz. As I had told, they want to show us as fake and importantly Aria Cooper as fake. So TRP will be high..."

While they continued to speak, the manager was in utter shock in the next meeting room.

At the beginning of the meeting, Secretary had called Xoan as per his instructions and the latter had heard everything how Aria had handled.

He thought to himself, 'No doubt Skyline investments stand top.'

When the manager dialed Xoan's number, the secretary hung up the call and the manager tried to explain, "CEO West, President Cooper's has her conditions and they are really outrageous. There will be no use if we shoot and air the show. Most..."

Xoan spoke cutting in, "We are accepting all her conditions. Prepare papers and sign it."

"Huh?" The manager was shocked. He couldn't understand why his boss would like to do something without profits.

"But..." The manager heard a beep sound indicating the call ended. He couldn't understand what was wrong with CEO West.

Anyway, he had no choice and saw four sitting silently as if they didn't know each other. 'What the hell? Are they really The Fourie? They look like strangers.'

He sat down, "President Cooper, we will accept your conditions. I will get the papers by tom..."

Levi placed papers in front of him, "Manager Rogers, take your time and sign the papers."

Focus employees looked at Aria: O_O

Three next to Aria controlled laughing. They realized Aria's analysis of Xoan West was accurate.

Xoan on the other end of the call was laughing his heart out understanding Aria wasn't a fool but the show rules were set by him was what he was thinking.

Aria had added a clause, the host wasn't allowed to dig anything deeper about the personal life of them other than about the Fourie.

The manager didn't find it odd and he had already heard Xoan say, 'We are accepting all her conditions.'

Another condition was, if any clause was broken, Skyline will have all the authority to get the invested amount back with 25% fine excluding the commission the participants are getting.

The manager failed to understand it and signed starting with successful cooperation and left.

Levi couldn't help but say, "President Cooper, you are shrewd."

Aria chuckled. She will play the show without worrying about their dirty games on it. She never asked him to provoke her so she wasn't going to play by his rules.

Noah took the report to read and started laughing. "Thank god, I'm not against you."

Eva and Rian couldn't understand it so Noah explained it to them in the simplest numbers.

"Assume 1 is an investment and profit as 10. Then we will get 9 and they will get 1. If Focus breaks any clause and tries to play dirty, we will get our 9 with 1 investment and 0.25 fine. So 10.25 for the investment of 1.

Now replace the single-digit with millions. 10 million investment, we might get 90 million. If they fail, we will get 100.25 million. Profit is there but it's variable. It can be low or high."

Aria carefully saw their faces thinking they might not like how she did but they were busy calculating how much they could earn by the hour as if they were poor and in need of money.

Business is all about timing and profits so Aria knew well to use it.


All hell broke loose at Focus International

"Don't you have a bloody basic common sense? According to this, other than handing our show pattern and getting her permission, we have no other choice. What the f**k were you thinking while signing this?..."

The Manager could only cringe and stand quietly. He wanted to say, 'You were the one who told me to accept it.' but he knew Xoan will scold more for it.

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