Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 341: You are mine

At Morgan mansion.

After the meeting at Skyline Industries, they quickly dispersed to get ready for the formal evening.

There weren't many invited. The Hanes family had called Geoff's cousin and family. From Woods' family, They hadn't invited relatives. Noah's grandparents, Eva and her family, Aria and Rian's family were attendees.

Aria got ready quickly before Alan reached the Morgan mansion. She was wearing a simple off the shoulder navy blue knee-length dress.

Pinning her on the wall, Alan teased her, controlling himself from marking her flawless shoulder and asked, "Do you regret having no official party for us?"

Catching her breath, Aria promptly answered, "It doesn't matter to me anymore. We are all happy is what is important."

Taking his movement of distraction to advantage, Aria slipped away, "You are wearing the suit matching to mine. I will be off, see you at the Woods mansion."

Seeing her runaway, he instinctively peeked out. Aria returned and quickly gave a goodbye kiss and ran away bringing a smile on his face.

He didn't care how everything happened, he was content seeing her happy.

Downstairs, Rian chided Aria for taking too long and took her out asking the rest to reach on time.


At Woods' mansion

Isaac dropped Eva and went to the Morgan mansion as there was still time.

The party vibe started as soon as three started running around helping them. Arrangements were by the Woods' team so they were quick, clean, and specific.

It was time when everyone went out, Eva's parents reached followed by the Morgan family and Isaac reached.

It was dusk and with the lights, everything looked elegant and classy.

Soon a limousine pulled in followed by three more cars. While Woods' family went ahead to welcome them, the rest waited for them.

Two froze when Norah alighted the limousine.

Norah looked breathtaking and delicate in the pastel-colored gown which had a long trail. She walked holding Moran's hand with a sweet smile looking at Noah. 

Her gown was intricated with many details highlighting the youthfulness and blooming flowers of spring that sparkled under lights.

Aria was frozen looking at the gown. Isaac was frozen looking at Aria. Alan's eyes stayed on Aria holding her hand.

Eva excitedly spoke, "I forgot to inform you earlier. I had stolen the best gown in your collection. Arrie, I just love this gown. It looks like it came out of a fairytale."

Isaac speechlessly looked at Eva. Alan just brushed his eyes on Eva before looking at Aria.

Aria took a deep breath clutching Alan's hand tighter. She faintly smiled at Eva and nodded.

Isaac smacked Eva's head, "Why didn't you ask Arrie's permission?"

Eva gave him dirty glare saying, "My Goddess will not say anything to me. What's your problem?"

Isaac controlled smacking her again and chided her in a low tone, "Arrie took more than a year to complete that gown. Stupid, that's your wedding gown."

Eva looked at the dress again and remembered what she had told Aria two years back, 'I don't want a white gown. It should be multiple colors without gaudiness. Its huge trail should have flowers and minute beautiful works on it. The sleeves must be full but flowy giving off a princess vibe...'

Rian who was frowning, went next to Aria, "Little Devil, isn't this the gown which I assisted you for the color strenuousness. I thought you didn't use it."

Aria nodded and greeted Geoff when he neared, "Congratulations Chairman Hanes. Sorry for the late wishes."

Geoff smiled, "You should wear pretty dresses more than the formals."

Amelia jumped in, "See, I had told you. You don't listen to me and wear those boring pants."

Aria nodded and took Amelia back to Rowan, "Mom, let's not freak them out today. We will be gracious madams of the Morgan family tonight."

Aria wasn't angry with Eva but she had given her all to the design losing many nights of sleep and prepared the gown for Eva. Even though Norah will be marrying Noah, she still didn't like to see that gown on anybody other than Eva.

Failing to keep it safe, Aria was hurt and was angry with herself.

Eva's lips trembled. She understood why that gown had a special room and kept safe. More than the gown, her heart ached knowing Aria spent so much time for her and she gave the gown to Norah just like that only because they didn't find anything special in the market.

Isaac sighed looking at her cry. "It's alright. Let's not ruin Noah's engagement. No need to tell him or his fiancee anything... Arrie will not blame you... Eva, stop crying."

He regretted telling her about the dress. "Eva, Noah is important now... Stop now... Shall I call Arrie?"

Eva shook her head, "I will come in five minutes."

Isaac nodded and saw her going inside the mansion. He turned to see Aria glaring at a lady.

Norah's cousin sister saw Alan standing alone while greeting the Wood family. "Hey... Alan Morgan... It's been so long since I have seen you. How are you?"

Alan saw her but didn't remember. He turned to leave but the lady held his forearm, "What's wrong? How..."

"Leave..." Alan didn't want to create a scene and said through his teeth.

"Huh?" That lady was confused without understanding why Alan was telling her to leave the party.

"I'm Norah's cousin. Why should..."

Aria pulled Alan's arm away from her and spoke, "Hello Norah's cousin sister. I'm Noah's friend... Yeah, What Alan meant to say was 'Leave his hand and stay away'." Then Aria took Alan away.


Aria shook her head. She knew Alan doesn't like people touching him other than her.

Alan sighed seeing her silence, "It's alright. The new one was lucky to wear your masterpiece. It's your friend's party, don't ruin your mood. Probably another one crying."

She glanced at Norah dazzling in her best piece of gown she had ever made. "If not for the wedding, I really wanted to give it to Eva."

Alan knew that. "You helped Noah and her to be together so think as you and Eva are gifting it to her. Wasn't the gown called 'Eternity'? Think as you are wishing them Eternal love safe from all the struggles."

Aria smiled hearing him. It was like the pain she felt was vanishing into thin air. "I will beat them up if they fight unnecessarily."

Then she sounded like cherishing Alan, "You are so good..." then her tone was like passing a decree, "You are mine."

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