Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 342: Karma is a bitch

Alan kissed Aria's forehead fondly, "I'm only yours."

Happy hearing Alan, Aria quickly went to Eva seeing Isaac standing alone. Isaac went towards Alan to ask what he told Aria that cheered her up so soon but paused seeing the same lady going to Alan.

Aria found Eva in the washroom who was trying to stop her tears but was crying her eyes out. She calmed her down, used Alan's line and Eva was alright after that.

"Will you again design for me?"

Aria didn't lie, "No. I won't be able to manage such a dress with the company work. I'm sorry."

Thinking about the gown, Aria had really treasured it. It was really close to heart.

Eva hugged her and apologized again.

Aria saw Isaac standing at the door, and ordered him, "She gave the wedding gown and you, I'm taking you away from her too. Let her die alone."

Eva pulled Isaac behind her, "You already have your eight pack abs husband, why do you want mine?"

Isaac wanted to strangle her, "Do you know to use the word called 'Love'?"

Aria ignored Isaac's comment, "Oh yeah, Apollo's belt too."

Isaac: "..."

Eva countered, "Don't say like nobody saw my husband's Apollo's belt."

Isaac: ○_○

It sounded so gross.

Aria giggled and held Alan who just entered, "I'll treasure you safe. Mwa. Let's go."

Eva's broad smile faded slowly after the couple left, "I really messed up this time. How did you know? How can I just give it to Norah?"

Isaac pressed a wet towel on her tearstained face as he responded, "I had given her surprise visit while I was on the shoot so I had seen the gown. That day, her teacher visited her and offered to bring it to his show as a show stopper but Arrie didn't agree. He offered huge like fifty million thinking 'Alia' was just a normal girl might agree for money."

Eva felt even more down hearing that. Isaac powdered her face lightly and asked, "Arrie is already fine. Why are you looking like this?"

Eva tousled her hair in frustration, "I'm so annoyed with myself."

Isaac: "..."

Her hair looked like a bird's nest. He patiently tidied it saying, "Ring ceremony is starting soon. Let's not make them wait. Alright?"

Eva hummed and went out to see annoyed Aria.

A few minutes back, The lady pitied her, "Mrs.Morgan, I really pity how you have to manage with Alan. Does he even talk to you? I heard you are his brother's friend, looks and money aren't important, a good life balance is crucial you know."

Aria grounded her teeth, she wanted to slap her mouth until she forgets to speak. Controlling herself, "Actually Alan doesn't talk, he just kisses me all the time. He uses it for a better purpose than spouting nonsense like you."

Norah's cousin: "..."

Alan buried his smile hearing her.

Geoff who was passing by paused and spoke, "Do you know each other?..." 

Getting no response, "Selena, He is Alan Morgan, President of Morgan Industries, his wife, Aria Cooper, President of Skyline Industries. You should ask her for some tips about business. I think... you lost two projects when she was managing director in country S last year."

Aria felt it was a great face slap on Selena Hanes, who was the operational managing director of Country S Hanes branch. She also understood Selena was Alan's classmate.

"Aria, she is my nephew. Selena Hanes."

Aria greeted sweetly to piss her off, "Hello Ms.Hanes."

Selena was pale the whole time. She heard Norah say Aria was Noah's friend married to Alan whose younger brother was Rian.

Initially, She felt bad for Aria thinking about how she has to handle Alan then she felt she must have married for money.

She stuttered, "Hi, President Cooper."

Geoff didn't feel fishy and spoke to Aria, "Aria, Norah said Eva gave that dress from the collection ALIA. Dad said it's bad luck to use the gift as a ceremony dress, let me know the price, I'll transfer it to you."

Aria never thought she would have to price that gown. No price matched her efforts, emotions, and time on it. "Chairman Hanes, it's alright."

Eva spoke behind her, "Designer AG had offered 50 million. Chairman Hanes, transfer whatever you feel right."

Selena couldn't hold herself, "What so big deal about the dress?"

Aria frowned, "Chairman Hanes, it's alright. I am not in need..." 'of money. You can transfer a little amount if it's bad luck.'

Alan cut in, "Many sleepless nights on four hundred days, 11 million material cost, and my wife's design. Quote yourself and transfer it." Alan said and took Aria away as he chided, "When did you start a free charity for rich people?"

Aria argued with Alan saying, didn't they decide it as a gift?

On the other side, Selena exclaimed, "So they are real diamonds and gemstones. No doubt the sewed threads were shimmering."

Geoff was in shock realizing ALIA wasn't just a brand name. Alia was a designer and it was Aria herself.

He subconsciously asked, "Why didn't she go with her own name?"

Eva who heard him responded, "She showcases her creativity and designs but not her name or face."

Moran announced they were starting the ring ceremony so they gathered together.

Rian and Aria low fived and sweetly smiled at Noah. The latter was smart and he quickly checked the rings and found them missing.

Since he checked them, all saw him and his line of sight. Eva pushed herself between them and asked, "What's the plan?"

Noah asked, "Speak off."

Rian said two words, "Propose her."

Zara had almost thought the party became too boring and simple. She was glad the Fourie was the real fun.

Noah pointed to two girls, "Why do only Me and you have to confess in front of everyone? Rian, they are fooling you."

It didn't work on Rian, "They aren't getting engaged now, don't dream about tricking me."

All started laughing hearing them. Noah asked, "Give me her ring to propose."

Aria quickly handed him and whispered to Norah, "Fulfill all your wishes."

Noah took a deep breath and was about to speak, Norah innocently asked, "Aren't you standing on one knee?"

Noah: "..."

Karma is a bitch.

He kneeled for her hearing complete silence around him feeling the anticipating gazes.

"Meeting you was destiny, Falling for you is love. Wishing to enjoy my future with you is life. I will not promise forever happiness. We will fight but I will never leave you. I will make it a reason to adore you more. Our relationship will have trust, faith, sweet smiles, snorts for the laughter, unnecessary stupid arguments but I will be patient towards it. We will solve the problems, we will share the sorrows and laughter, we will create beautiful memories together.

Ms. Norah Hanes, will you marry me loving my flaws and imperfections?"

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