Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 343: Made you his

Norah Hanes was dazed looking at him. The onlookers were adoring the new couple. The cameras flashed for sometime before stopping.

The response everyone expected didn't come.

Noah who knew Norah was completely mesmerized hence he mumbled in a very low voice, "My knees are hurting. Are you punishing me?"

The rest were at a reasonable distance so they didn't understand.

Aria looked at Alan, "What did he say?"

Alan shook his head. Isaac who had proposed in movies said, "His knees must be crying."

Eva, Roxy, and Aria chuckled.

Norah came out of her daze too and nodded profusely extending her hand for the ring.

All gave them a round of applause.

The couple embraced each other. Rian passed Noah's ring and completed the ring ceremony.

Noah popped champagne and all toasted for the couple for long-lasting happiness.

Since there was still time for dinner, music played and the young to elder couples were pulled to dance.

Jude Hanes suggested Moran and Zara for dance seeing them standing. Seeing the lively atmosphere, he was glad he listened to Curtis Morgan and Aria reprimanded him.

Eva probed while dancing, "Shall we get engaged too? I don't mind if you can't wear the ring daily. Even Mom asked me now."

Isaac twirled her gracefully before holding her close, "What did Mom say?"

Eva just briefed, "She was like, Noah is so quick, why are we slow? She had expected me to carry a child in our first year of live-in. She even asked me if I am still a virgin. We were standing right behind Aunty Amelia and Uncle Rowan at that time. I covered Mom's mouth and threatened her to stop."

Isaac chuckled, "My Virgin Mary. I am ready to marry you tomorrow. So the decision is on you."

Eva was nodding, Aria popped up, "Mum said something to me... She told me to inform you... It's the 21st century."

Eva: 'Please, let me die.' She buried herself in Isaac's embrace.

Aria chuckled and moved away with Alan as they danced.

Roxy and Rian were debating on whose confession was good and eyed Alan thinking when they could ask him to propose Aria.

All had dinner merrily then everyone became a drunkard. Aria wanted to go home and work so she speechlessly looked at everyone drinking happily.

She noticed Zara and Moran getting along well too. She hadn't given a chance to Moran to talk to her when he tried.

It was eleven when all dispersed.


The next day,

Selena Hanes had convinced Norah and took Aria's designed gown with her.

Geoff took Aria's appointment and met her in the evening. He transferred a hundred million asking her to design Norah's wedding and reception gown.

The designer ALIA never accepts such orders but for Noah's sake, she agreed firmly saying she will design according to the themes, not to expect an extraordinary as the previous gown.

Geoff trusted Aria's professionalism so he didn't have any objections.

The top bachelorette finally changed his relationship status and uploaded his engagement picture by also tagging ALIA for his and Norah's outfit.

While numerous congratulated him, many were in love with gown and ALIA's assistant mailbox, the phone was busy for the whole week rejecting most except some which she reported to Aria.

As soon as the work was balanced and her runway dresses were ready.

Aria decided to pay a visit to Calvin Parker who hadn't gone to Parker Villa even once and was declining to meet his mother or talk to her.

"Brother Calvin."

Calvin was surprised but faintly smiled at her calling her in. "I heard you returned last week."

Aria nodded with a hum, "Sorry, I wasn't in the right state of mind when you came with reports."

Calvin didn't mind that, "Are you alright now?"

"I was stressed out and got to know who is helping your mom and everything became a mess."

Calvin felt ashamed hearing 'your mom.'. "Who is helping her? I didn't find any clue when I checked last week."

Aria revealed the truth, "Morse Industries. The Morse. But I don't know who exactly is helping your mother."

"What?" Calvin paled hearing the name.

Aria felt something wasn't right. "Brother Calvin, what's wrong?"

Calvin placed a set of paper taking out from the locker, "Why do I feel like they are trying to make me the scapegoat of everything? We signed a partnership last month."

Aria tried to be calm. 'Is Calvin really innocent? Or is he turning Saira into a scapegoat?'

Aria clenched her teeth and asked, "Hadn't I told you to contact me if your companies need any kind of support?"

Calvin's voice was helpless, "I didn't want anybody to say I stood by your support."

Aria asked back, "What do you mean?"

Calvin revealed some truth, "When the publication was ruined by Dad, our income had lowered too much to the stage my schooling became difficult. Kite had started her children product modeling so they started to balance it. Then Uncle Oliver gave a job for Dad and even appointed his trusted employees for the publication for its development. So all these years everyone was saying we are living under the Cooper family. Even though I was old enough to understand what was happening, Kite wasn't smart or mature. Hence she always hated you. I don't want to have the same tag all my life."

Aria understood where it was all started. "Sister Kite is always provoked by your mother against me. She is fine now. Her dance classes have also started. And I could have helped you privately without my name leaking out."

Then Aria placed a condo key on the table, "This is the key of Isaac's condo which has been empty for years. It's only two miles from here. You should take care of your lifestyle, it's not good to have packed food all the time. Grandfather was saying you aren't dating and isn't ready to go on arranged dates so he asked me to convince you."

Calvin was momentarily stunned. He pressed a number on his intercom, "Come in."

Aria didn't understand and saw a slender girl standing at the desk raising her brows at Calvin. He introduced, "Rachel, Aria... Arrie, my girlfriend. We have been dating for nine years. She is an orphan from Arlaan."

Rachel smiled at Aria, "Hello President Cooper."

Aria smiled back and greeted as she turned to Calvin, "Hi Sister-in-law."

Calvin nodded at Aria understanding her questioning eyes.

Aria continued, "You can call me Aria. By the way, when is the wedding?"

Rachel responded glancing at Calvin, "We were thinking to shift to country X due to all these, now after solving all these I guess..."

Aria understood what she meant by 'All these...'

Aria advised, "Problems will never stop. Just because I am President of Skyline doesn't mean I don't have problems. Even the President of the country has his own problems like any other common man. Because of problems, don't postpone good things in your life by living in the problems. I think you have waited long enough and now, you should get married and lead a happy fulfilling life solving the problems together."

Calvin and Rachel looked at each other and at Aria. Rachel chuckled and said, "You are right, Your cousin just looks like a tiny packet. I felt like I'm talking to my mother."

Calvin added, "No doubt Alan Morgan didn't wait long and made you his."

Aria: "..."

Aria couldn't understand why everyone makes her older just by hearing her small practical advice.


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