Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 346: My husband

The next round was "Let's bring the secrets out."

All grinned at each other but paused thinking what others could say.

"Secret is meant to be a secret." Rian said which increased the curiosity of others.

The host chuckled and spoke, "Four of you will choose one and tell the secret. Anything which only you four know or only one know. Of course, three can target one."

The Fourie looked at each other if they should target one.

"Let's start with President Cooper."

Rian closed her mouth shaking his head, "It's a pass, It's a pass..."

Aria bit his hand and said, "I will reveal a photo today but you all have to guess who it is."

All curiously looked at her mobile but Rian chased after her, "Little Devil, I will break your leg tonight."

Aria ran away and tossed her mobile at Eva holding Rian. Eva revealed Rian's childhood picture. He was wearing a white dress and a white veil on the head.

"Beauty is my little bride. Isn't he cute?"

Many in the studio answered in unison, "Yes"

Rian snorted and sat down.

Next, it was Noah's turn who high fived at Rian and displayed Aria's childhood picture where she was sitting on the floor with a big candy jar, her face smeared with chocolate all around the mouth.

"Where did you get that picture?" Aria was chubby, her forefinger in her mouth, opening her eyes wide at the camera on getting caught. She looked very adorable.

"Our goddess is a glutton from childhood."

All were shocked knowing it was Aria. The host complimented seeing Aria blush, "President Cooper, you are so cute."

Aria pinched Noah and smiled at the host.

Next, it was Eva's turn, who chuckled and revealed a picture, "I don't know if you guys remember, six years back there was news saying the soapy foam at the Mall's water fountain."

Noah shut her mouth but Aria continued, "It was Noah due to our dare."

Everyone's mouth was wide open while the three laughed sitting next to Noah who twisted two girls' ears.

The host spoke in admiration, "Probably the owner will hunt you today."

Aria and Rian low fived chuckling, "Skyline and Morgan are the largest shareholders of that mall. So our sweetie is safe."

"Such a narrow escape. "

But in the Cooper mansion, Alan was speechless. He was president at that time and he had no idea about it. It had taken many workers to clean up the liquid detergent to stop the foam from spreading. That time Aria video called him to show it. He understood who had hacked the mall security cameras.

Next, it was Rian's turns who laughed evilly looking at girls and showed a picture of Aria and Eva. Two girls instantly turned scarlet and were frozen looking at the picture.

Eva and Aria wanted to cry looking at the picture because Eva had pinned Aria on the wall.

Aria mumbled, pushing the microphone away from her face, "Beauty, I'm a runaway bride without a reason. The picture is telling them that we two are lesbos."

Rian froze and saw everyone's expression wasn't funny. 'Crap, Bro will kill me today.'

Xoan looked at Xin who had no expression. "Did Alan Morgan leave little bunny for the Little girl because of this?"

Xin gave 'I don't know' look and added, "Didn't Rian Morgan say Miller is a great flirt with Little bunny? It must be just a tease but the wrong time."

Hitting her own forehead, Amelia groaned in frustration, "My son is really dumb. Ugh."

Alan sat silently in Cooper mansion while Isaac was at the fit of laughter watching it feeling sorry for Aria.

The host recovered and joked, "No doubt Ms.Miller is a good flirt with President Cooper. Now let's move on to the interesting segment. Dial the recent call history. The condition is that, whoever may be the contact, they have to say 'I love you'. Let me clear it, you aren't allowed to speak or give heads up before the call."

Aria and Eva flushed together. Noah was sure Zara would say it. Rian's lips were twitching because it was Amelia who he had dialed last when they sent their show outfit picture.

The host started with Rian. He dialed but the call wasn't picked till the last ring, "I love you, my little young lady. Visit me soon."

"Mom, it's not fair."

Aria giggled and responded, "I love you, Mum."

Then the call was hung up. Rian snorted, "Mom said I love you. Since it wasn't mentioned to whom, I won."

Aria patted Rian's back and heard the host, "President Cooper is very close to Madam Morgan."

Rian remarked, "I'm doubting who is my Mom's child now."

Then it was Eva's turn. She had saved a number as 'Hottie' which displayed on-screen causing quite a buzz. Eva flushed darker when Isaac answered it.

His voice was light and sweet, "I love you, my fairy angel."

Eva hummed, "Darling, I will see you at home. Bye." She hung up the call.

The host chuckled seeing Eva quickly stuff her mobile away, "Ms.Miller, may we know who he is?"

Eva promptly answered, "My boyfriend."

There was a loud cheer when she finished. They weren't allowed to dig about it so next, it was Noah.

The contact name was 'Sis' so the audience wasn't excited but Zara followed Amelia, "I love you, my pretty girls."

Noah: "..."

Aria and Eva said in unison, "I love you, Sister Zara."

Noah very much wished his last caller was Norah, "Sis, you are spoiling these two."

"Aren't you spoiling your fiancee?"

Noah: "..."

All chuckled and looked at Aria who involuntarily blushed. The contact name was 'My love' so all were even more curious.

Alan answered the call but he didn't talk for three whole seconds then all heard the deep, magnetic voice. "I love you, my wifey."

'Wifey' caused complete silence for a few seconds before a loud exclamation started.

Alan spoke again, hearing no response, "Am I getting no response?"

Aria flushed more and her tone sounded mellow, "My love, cook for me, I will be home soon."

"Sure." Alan said and hung up the call seeing her flushed red on the screen.

"I see, President Cooper loves to feed dog food. I so wish to ask the name, is he your boyfriend?"

Aria shook her head, "My husband."

That was the shocking revelation that didn't only stop the rumors of Aria and Eva but the world got to know Aria wasn't single.

Aria knew why Alan said 'Wifey' so she revealed it.

Xoan looked at Xin whose expression was still serene, in fact, he saw Xin's smile... A happy smile.

'Doesn't Xin love Little bunny?'

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