Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 347: Little bunny is Little devil

'My husband' stirred quite a lot of buzz in both Entertainment and Business Industries.

Aria's maternal grandfather was in shock too. "Who is her husband? Did my granddaughter marry a random..."

Kite cut, "Grandfather, it's Alan Morgan. Don't shoot your blood pressure. They are living happily and she will meet you soon."

Even after hearing it, he was still conflicted. Abel was surprised but Saira started trembling. She had thought they were just together. She looked at Kite and somehow she could say she was missing something.

Why didn't Arrie tell me?

Am I not the one who is closer to her than Kite?

Why Calvin isn't talking to me?

There was nobody to answer those questions yet.


Ceon Davies started laughing hearing that piece of information.

His father snapped his head, "You are just a waste fellow."

"Dad, don't tell me you believe that. The model of tomorrow's photoshoot is Aria Cooper for wedding gowns. She just created it so that it doesn't affect the Aida fashions." He assumed to himself over smartly.

The celebrity photographer Maxion was his friend who had spilled out in their last get together.


At the studio

Xoan couldn't help but ask, "Are you sure you are happy to know that piece of information?"

Xin glanced at Xoan and hummed, "She seems to have a good relationship with her husband. She is happy."

Xoan: "..."

'So Aria Cooper left Alan Morgan for somebody else.' He thought to himself and it became the rumors too.

The show continued while social media was in uproar soaring the viewers of the show. There were many comments asking the host to ask Aria who was her husband.

Soon there was a clip of Aria dialing a number followed by the voice and Aria accepting as 'My husband.'

The top search result became, 'Aria Cooper's marital status.'

'Goddess is taken.'

'Aria Cooper's husband.'

The reporters were swarmed at the Focus entrance waiting for Aria.

After completing the show, Aria sent Eva, Noah, and Rian together safely. She didn't want reporters to corner them due to her presence. Since they were sent first, reporters asked a few questions without troubling them.

Levi rubbed between his brows looking at people outside. "President Cooper, even if we bring twenty bodyguards, it isn't easy for you to exit. They aren't leaving the door and your car too."

Aria who was checking the message smiled. She turned to Rose, "Let's change your outfit."

Levi and Rose had no idea what she was planning. Rose still agreed and wore Aria's dress while Aria wore the dress which she was wearing when she entered the Focus.

"President Cooper, what's the plan?"

"Take Rose and Leave. If the crowd is unmanageable, show Rose's face so they will disperse automatically."

Levi asked back, "What about you?"

"Alan is picking me."

Since it was Alan, Levi wasn't worried. "Drop me a message once you reach safely to President Morgan."

Aria: 👌

Aria sent them and watched the basement. As soon as Rose stepped out wearing Aria's dress and face mask with Levi, the reporters who were in the basement 1 rushed to the entrance.

Rose was on the verge of tears seeing so many cameras flashing at her and sharp voices sounded around her.

She clutched Levi's blazer, "Assistant Levi, I'm scared."

Levi saw her trembling and remembered how Aria stands in front of the media. He sighed and led ahead forming a human chain around her. "Don't worry. You are safe."

The twenty seconds walk became five minutes but they were still stuck hearing the questions from reporters.

"President Cooper, are you really married?"

"President Cooper, who is your husband? Or were you bluffing?"

"Did you leave President Morgan for another man?"

"What does your husband do?"

"Did you make that lie to cover that you are interested in a woman?"

"Is Eva Miller really has a boyfriend or is that your plan?"

The questions went on until somebody asked, "President Cooper isn't so short. Doesn't she reach the shoulder of her assistant?"

Then reporters tried to peek and started their speculation, "President Cooper's Skin complexion is looking different too."

"Her hair isn't so short."

Levi finally reached the car and to divert the attention of reporters, "Secretary Rose, remove your mask and sunglasses."

Rose followed his orders and forced a smile at reporters, "I'm sorry for fooling you. Please allow us to leave safely."

The reporters cursed them in mind and ran around to see where Aria was leaving. Only some stayed, "Is President Cooper really married?"

Rose ignored them and sat in the car and Levi drove the car away before they breathed a sigh. "President Cooper is really brave."

Levi glanced at Rose hearing her mumble. "You have no idea how brave she is."


Xoan and Xin watched Aria alone walking in the building boldly. Curious, they followed her activity.

Xin asked, "Why didn't you send our security to escort her out?"

Xoan revealed his intention, "I wanted her to come to me and ask." but failed at it.

Xin shook his head resignedly and continued to watch Aria on the screen changing the cameras as she walked in the lobbies as if it wasn't new to her.

Aria didn't care even if Focus security or Xoan was watching her through surveillance. She saw the basement one which was actually above the ground level.

After making sure reporters weren't present, she ran and jumped out of the building flawlessly.

"F**k, It's nearly fifteen feet. She will break her leg." Xoan shot on his foot watching Xin's lab screen.

Xin and Xoan raced towards the other end of the lab and opened the glass windows to check behind the building.

Both peeked down from the 17th floor to see Aria running to the arms of a man who was standing a few meters away.

Xin breathed a sigh of relief seeing her physically active while Xoan's mouth was wide open.

They returned to the seats once Aria left in the car, "I had tried to jump over there five years back. I had to limp for two months with a ligament tear and sprain. Your Little bunny is an actual little devil. Who is that man? Don't we have cameras there?"

Xin rolled his eyes. If there was any, why would he run to checkout?

Xoan announced as he walked out, "We are meeting Aria Cooper next week." as his plan failed today

Xin looked behind but Xoan was gone. Xoan wanted to make sure she was married so that he could knock some sense to Xin else try his best to get Aria for Xin.

Xin ignored him and went back to work.


Aria saw the new McLaren model behind Alan when she fluently landed on the ground.

She jumped to his arms happily, "I had told you to cook for me."

Alan left her down before opening the car door, "How can I not pick my wife?"

Aria grumbled after receiving a peck on her cheek, "You should have come in the front."

"Too crowded. I want you, not that nonsense."

Aria smiled brushing her nose to his and they set off on a drive in the new car.

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