The couple's long drive was cut off due to Elder Parker's call. Aria dialed Calvin's number asking him to reach the Parker house.


In the Parker house

Kite welcomed the couple with the butler. Behind them, Calvin and Rachel entered too. Kite greeted Calvin, "Brother Calvin, Welcome miss..."

Aria smiled at the couple, "Hello Mr. & Mrs. Parker."

The Parker family froze hearing Aria. Kite reacted first, "Arrie, what did you say?"

Aria turned to Calvin, "Didn't you meet your family after your marriage?"

Calvin shook his head glancing at Saira. "I didn't want to come here."

Aria sighed hearing it, "But you shouldn't abandon other family members, isn't it?"

Calvin took a breath, "Okay My mother. Let's get inside first."

Loving, caring mother went towards the four, "Arrie..."

Aria and Alan didn't spare a glance and passed by her. Calvin took Rachel ahead too leaving Saira to stand awkwardly.

Kite saw their behavior and saw Saira didn't look sad, instead, she was trembling in fright but 'why?'


Saira easily smiled at Kite, "Go talk with your sister in law. I will get some snacks."

Kite saw Saira striding towards the kitchen. She wanted to check if she was fine but saw Elder Parker hitting Calvin's leg.

Aria introduced formally, "Grandfather, he is your grandson-in-law. Alan..."

Alan greeted with a bow, "Grandfather." Then he passed a few bags to the caretaker behind him.

Elder Parker's face was dark, "Wasn't he behind your father's death? Why did you marry him?"

Aria sat next to him and spoke, "Alan is innocent and I knew that from the beginning. It's a long story that I will tell after a few minutes. Now meet your granddaughter-in-law, Rachel. They married last Monday. They were in love for nine years, they were very low profile."

Rachel bowed, "Hello Grandfather. Sorry, we didn't seek your blessing sooner."

Elder Parker saw Rachel and nodded in acceptance. Then his cane lifted and hit Calvin's leg, "You brat, Why were you hiding your wife? Why didn't you tell me?"

Calvin chuckled hearing him, "You all were busy with Kite so I thought to inform you later."

Grandfather grunted and thought for a second, "When are you holding a wedding? You brat, skip that and see, I will show who is older to you."

Calvin stopped his cane from the second strike and went to Abel. He introduced Rachel and they sat down. Saira tried to talk to Calvin but he didn't speak. She spoke to Rachel who was reserved due to Calvin.

Elder Parker tapped the cane on the ground to get Aria's attention from Kite. "Now tell me, why did you marry him?"

Saira softly chuckled, "Father, how can you treat our son-in-law that way?"

Aria smirked, "Why? Auntie Saira, don't you know it well?"

Saira clasped her trembling hands and her voice was jittery, "How can I know?"

Kite sensed Aria's mockery and her mother wasn't her usual self, "What's going on?"

Aria quickly told them about the proof they had seen against Alan and the reality behind it. By the end, Saira was trying her hardest to control herself.

Elder Parker was filled with fury, "Those bastards aren't only trying to kill you but also trying to sabotage your relationship with Alan Morgan. Who are those wicked people? Why didn't you complain to the police?"

Aria calmly spoke, "Grandfather, I haven't completed yet. Hear me out."

Elder Parker hummed and buried his frustration.

Abel asked, "Is that the reason you hid about your marriage?"

Aria nodded and revealed important news, "We aren't recently married. It will be three years soon."

"What?" Many said in unison and calculated her age.

Aria smiled and nodded. "I had returned the same day back to country S so nobody knows we are married. I thought to reveal the truth during the reception but due to threats, everything ruined."

Elder Parker tapped his cane and asked, "Come to the point."

Aria smiled at Saira whose head was low and revealed the first truth, "Grandfather, auntie..." she paused to see Saira's wide-open eyes then continued, "... Scarlett's husband, Jasper madison once tried to kidnap me but Alan saved me that time."

Calvin frowned, "Roxy Stephen's father?"

Aria nodded. "Roxy has nothing to do with this. In fact, she hates her father."

All nodded waiting for her to continue.

"While all this was happening, attacks on me increased but they failed so I'm safe."

"Aria" Elder Parker was impatient.

Aria smiled and revealed, "Auntie Saira said, brother Calvin's biological father is my father."

Abel stood up in fury, "What the heck are you telling?"

"Arrie, what are you bluffing?" Elder Parker too found it unbelievable.

Kite was frozen looking at Calvin patiently sitting. 'Is that the reason Brother Calvin isn't coming home?'

Aria didn't freak out. She turned to Calvin who spoke, "Mom told me the same."

Suddenly, Saira fainted.

Abel cursed Aria, "Arrie, I am not going to leave you if anything happens to my wife."

Elder Parker breathed heavily without understanding what was going on.

Aria looked at Calvin, "At least, do you believe me now?"

Calvin grunted, "Mom, shut your drama. Please. I'm tired of it."

Alan leisurely switched on Television confusing Aria too. He sat next to Aria and played the video. 

Aria smiled, "I have an intelligent husband." Alan had recorded the video while Saira confessed.

"Movie time!" Aria said and all watched the screen.

Saira had thought they would stop and take her to the hospital which would stall time so that she could plan but failed. 

Abel heard each word carefully until he heard she woke up next to Oliver.


Alan paused the video and watched the live drama.

Abel had slapped Saira who was faking her faint. "Who woke up next to you?"


Abel gave another across her face, "Speak up, Who was next to you?"


Saira's cheeks started swelling and she cried out in pain. Even though she wanted to lie she was at the dead end.


Aria and Kite cringed when Abel slapped again. Alan wrapped his hand around Aria and spoke, "Mr.Parker, be a man. sit back and tell us what you know."

Abel left Saira and sat on the couch breathing heavily glaring at his wife.

His hoarse voice sounded awful, "I was the one who woke up next to her in the hotel. I took responsibility for her, proposed to her, and got married. Calvin is my son."

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