Living As The Villain's Stepmother

Chapter 111 - Skipping Classes (1)

Chapter 111 – Skipping Classes (1)

Senior’s party seemed like it would be a great party. Edith must have put a lot of thought into it.

“Mmm.” Lila beamed widely at the results.

Suddenly a deep voice broke her line of thought. “What are you so happy about?”

Lila jumped, then looked back at the person before her. “Hey, you startled me.”

“Oh, was I too quiet?” Lacias placed his mug back on the table, almost satisfied with her reaction. Lila was temporarily staying in Lacias’ mansion. Officially the reason was to prepare for the wedding, but that didn’t stop her in-laws from making rude remarks.

I’m really getting a headache. Memorizing all the complicated relationships and their past and present acquaintances was cumbersome work.

Hir was also taking lessons at the Wipere Estate. He never had the chance to get a proper education while the viscount was alive, so Hir studied diligently.

Lacias opened his lips to talk as if hearing Lila’s thoughts. “I heard that Hir’s education is going well. Just for your information.”

“Oh really? Just as I thought. I believe that Hir has the potential to succeed in anything.”

Lacias looked at her strangely. “Your faith in Hir is very strong.”

“Of course, he is my son. But don’t you think so too?” Lila responded as she proudly grinned.

Lacias examined her face and also smiled. “Definitely, if he resembles you mentally. I’ll look forward to it.”

“He’ll be manifesting rings soon,” Lila mentioned, nodding her head.

Lacias seemed doubtful. “Oh ho, rings?”


“You look so certain.”

“Oh, does it seem like I am?” Because she had already witnessed Hir manifest the ring in the story, Lila had a strong belief in Hir. It took him a long time to gain the power, in the novel, but he also took a long time to meet Lacias then, so maybe the circumstances would be different here.

Lacias shrugged before responding. “If Lila says so.” He then proceeded to switch seats and chose a seat that was adjacent to Lila instead of opposite of her.

He inched his hand closer to hers, and caught Lila blushing for a moment “Do you trust me?”

“Trust you? Maybe…” She tried to throw it off as a joke but Lacias continued to lean closer.

Lacias was so close now she could hear his steady breathing. “I call it blindness rather than trust.”

“Mhmm.” Lila scratched her cheeks awkwardly. She was not yet used to listening to such words. At that Lacias sat back without being too close.

She silently turned her eyes to the table where several letters lay motionless, ones she received a few minutes ago.

I think it’s about time I take a look at these

Senior Hiln’s name was written neatly on the letter. Lila could almost predict what the contents of the letter could be, it couldn’t be more obvious.

Ever since she ordered Senior to practice, she had received several letters similar to it. Although she did not write back, she kept track of Senior’s improvement.

When Lila broke the seal, Lacias’s head moved from her to the letter in hand. He seemed interested. She did not mind Lacias reading her letters since she had nothing to hide from him. She shook her head silently as she periodically revealed more and more of the letter.

[Damn Dawson Hiln! I can’t take this anymore.] was written at the end of the letter in perfect handwriting of Senior Hiln.

Lila hastily closed the letter and Lacias audibly bickered at the sight. Lila frowned and put the letter back on the table. Why did she write such nonsensical bickering when she knows Lacias will be sitting near me?

Although she had nothing to hide from him, she tried to avoid embarrassing herself in front of him, even if she didn’t write the letter herself.

Lacias leaned back on his chair and sat in a casual position. “Senior Hiln must have become close friends with you.”

“Not really.” She replied quickly.

“How could someone not close to you send you a letter?” Lacias grinned dryly, sat back on the table, and skimmed through the letter. His expression was ambivalent.

Lila unintentionally ignored him and thought blankly at the sight of the neatly folded letter. I am still concerned about Senior.

Normally, such a task would’ve been easy, but Lila assumed that suppressing anger was challenging for such a person like Senior.

Lila sighed and continued her train of thought to her latest companion, Edith. Right she….

Edith seemed appropriate to have as a friend. More than just appropriate. There was no reason to worry about betrayal. They confirmed their mutual relationship, and thus Edith had no reason to betray her.

After what felt like ages of silence for Lacias he decided to ask Lila what was on his mind. “What are you thinking about-”

Suddenly Lacias interrupted himself by pausing and glancing cautiously at the door.

Lila looked utterly confused. “…? What’s wrong?”

“Someone is here.” He answered dryly.


Who could be intruding here? This is the Wipere mansion.
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