Living As The Villain's Stepmother

Chapter 112 - Skipping Classes (2)

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Chapter 112 – Skipping Classes (2)

Lila could not hide her nervousness, her eyes widening more than she had anticipated. Noticing this, Lacias’s serious expression faded and was replaced with a chuckle. “According to my ring, a small child is loitering at the door.”

“A small child … ?”

Lacias laughed again at the fact that he had to remind her. “There is only one small child that would step into our mansion.”

Lila felt annoyed that it took so long to reach her head. “Hir is here?”

But why is he wandering here when he should be in class at this hour?

Lacias stopped Lila, who hastily got up from her seat, and went to open the door instead. With a single stroke, the door came wide open and the presence that the ring anticipated was accurate as usual.

An astonished Hir stood before them not knowing what to do next. “Uhh, uhm….”

Hir must have had his hands on the door handle because his arms were hanging awkwardly in the air. He did not expect Lacias to come out so suddenly.

Hir, who was not yet used to calling him ‘father’, trembled his lips in awkwardness, forcing Lacias to have the first say.

“What are you doing here?” He tried asking in his calmest voice. “Your teacher should have arrived by now I’d assume.”

“Th- that…” Hir attempted to peek to see whether Lila was present, but failed to do so because of Lacias’s vast body.

Lacias leaned on the door and smiled slyly. “Looking for Lila?”

“Ah, yes…” Hir tried looking up to meet his cunning eyes, but failed halfway and concluded by blushing and looking flustered.

Lacias couldn’t help but smile. Hir must be greeted very gladly. He thought to himself. It would be good for his health since he’d been staring at papers all this time.

Lacias fixed his posture and signaled Hir with his eyes.

“Alright, come in. Lila is inside.”

His embarrassed look was substituted with an excited one. “Oh … Okay!” His face noticeably brightened up at the presence of Lila as he rushed into the room with his short legs.

“Hir? You’re really here! What brings you here?” Lila acted surprised as he rushed into the room, trying to hide the fact that she saw him from her chair.

“Mo-mother….” Hir reluctantly headed towards Lila with his enthusiasm from moments ago missing, in its place was shyness as he slowly inched to her.

“Don’t you have class today?”


Lila crossed her arms and turned to Lacias, who was chuckling lightly at the scene as if watching a play. “And he’s in the middle of a class right now, right?”

Lacias, who felt like he got caught breaking a rule, swiftly stopped laughing and looked at her. “That’s correct.”

Hmm, so why is Hir here?

She thoroughly examined Hir’s face, but could not figure out the reason. Hir, who had been acting diligent this entire time, sneaked out of class? That didn’t seem to check out. Lila gradually leaned forward to meet eyes with Hir.

“Could you tell me why you came? I’m just trying to help you.”

“About that….”Hir kept his head down as he murmured as if he was guilty about something.

Numerous thoughts passed through Lila’s mind while he was gathering the strength to reveal his answer.


“Don’t worry Hir, you can take all the time in the world,” She said while leaning to Lacias’s ear.

“Lacias. Would you mind asking the teacher to dismiss his classes early today?”

“Sure,” he said casually, leaving the room reactively to find the nearest servant.


Once Hir was informed that the teacher had left the mansion, he looked more relieved. Hir, who was sipping on fresh orange juice, picked up a cookie and offered it to Lila.

Lila felt like her heart was about to burst out of her chest. “Thanks. They look delicious.” Lila devoured the chocolate chip cookie, and Hir beamed proudly.

Then, Hir met eyes with Lacias. “Oh, uhmm … would you like some too?”

Hir also offered a cookie, but Lacias kindly refused. “It’s fine I don’t eat them”

Hir nodded and drank the rest of his orange juice. Lacias stood up and leaned on the table in front of Hir.

“Now, I think it’s time to hear the story about what happened to my son here.” Lila, who was munching on cookies, also paid attention to Lacias.

Hir played with his glass a bit before finally giving in. “Um … about ditching my class….”


“It was uhh….” Hir hesitated once again.

Lila covered Hir’s hand, which was clutching onto the glass, with her own warm hands. “Everything is alright. I’m on your side.”

Lila gently tapped on Hir’s hand, and his anxiety seemed to disappear. He finally looked ready to speak.
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