Living As The Villain's Stepmother

Chapter 113 - New Teacher

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Chapter 113 – New Teacher 

“So … what you are trying to say is that your teacher is too intimidating?” Lila shook her head after Hir’s wild explanation.

“Yes….” Hir’s hesitant reply bewildered Lila. It was incredible that such words came out of Hir’s mouth.

Is the teacher too intimidating? Hir never called the former wife of Marshmell or even her servant intimidating even while experiencing abuse from them. How could the teacher be more intimidating than that?

Lila didn’t think it was possible, Hir was about to be the duke’s son, no one would dare mistreat him.

What exactly was going on? Lila had so many questions, but she asked cautiously and calmly to not startle the child.

“Did something happen between you and the teacher?”

Hir put his fingers together as if he were shy. “Like … what?”

“Um, well, from how long ago did you feel intimidated by this teacher?”

It took several minutes for Hir to come up with an answer, but he replied eventually. “I- I’m not sure. I just feel extremely frightened … when he comes close to me.”

Lila was taken aback at that. “Oh … so you’re scared without him doing anything out of the ordinary?”

“Yeah … I don’t know. I get overwhelmed by just being near him. I have a hard time breathing, my hands get sweaty, and I stiffen….”

“Hmm.” The symptoms were clear. Hir was nervous in every class and was suffering from fear. Hir was pouting. He felt that he was annoying Lila for something pointless and worry was written all over his face.

Lila decided to ask him what was on her mind. “Hir, is it because the teacher resembles someone? For instance, the servant that used to work at our old mansion?”

Lacias replied to Lila instead. “I remember hearing that the teacher is a ‘him’. I doubt that he resembles the female servant.” The female servant who used to help in abusing Hir.

“Oh, is that so?” Lila could not think of a feasible reason as to why he felt intimidated. She felt deeply concerned for Hir. His attitude was so different from before, so different from the original novel.

Have I acted appropriately? Everything proceeded more smoothly than she had initially expected. As long as she was involved, Lila wanted to support Hir. Nonetheless, she was aware that it would be close to impossible to alter Hir’s personality.

Before Lila could think of something else, Lacias already stood up straight and stomped his feet. “Who would have the audacity to abuse my child in my own mansion?!”

“I thought that too … but I’m not sure that the teacher actually abused him.”

Lacias’s firm attitude instantly vanished when he saw that Lila had a different point of view. “That’s true, we get informed about the teacher a lot and I know that he did nothing physical.”

So it must be true that the teacher did not do anything wrong. Then why is Hir…. Lila gazed at the sofa to check on Hir, he still looked depressed kicking at his legs. He believed that everything was his fault.

“Hir, were you scared?”

He slowly looked downwards. “Yes…”

“I see.” Lila decided not to ask any further. She didn’t want Hir to feel as if he was being investigated.

It should be best to just replace the teacher and make sure to give him a lump sum for his abrupt leave. Even if the teacher did nothing wrong, getting along was an important part of teaching, but the teacher must be compensated.

Deep in thought, Lila turned to Lacias and noticed him wink before she opened her mouth.

“We should fire Hir’s teacher and hire a new reliable one,” he said casually as if he broke into her mind.

When her eyes widened in shock, Lacias giggled as if he had read her mind once more. 

Lila could feel her cheeks flushing. She turned away to hide them. What is this?

She turned back to him when she felt her cheeks calming down. “So who do you have in mind as a replacement then ?”

“How’s Lugar.”

“What? … Lugar?” That was the last person she expected to hear.

She did not find him very credible, but she thought that Lacias must have had his reasons for recommending him.

Noticing that Lila felt reluctant with his choice, he took the initiative to explain. “Lugar is pretty talented as a teacher. He might be better than Roxanna or Hizette.”

“Is that so? I thought Hizette would be a better match.” She felt uncomfortable with his current decision, as it veered off from the original story, where Hizette was his one and only teacher.

Lacias smiled and continued with his explanation. “By the way, Lugar taught Hizette everything he knows, so he’s more than capable. He might act nonchalantly, but inside his head is a mystery. The personality Lugar displays is not his real self.”

“Is that so….” It sounded convincing. If Lugar appeared silly and gullible in front of friends and companions, there was no way he would have gained such authority and respect if that was his actual personality.

Lila didn’t expect Lugar to be Hizette’s teacher, she always assumed he had been taught by Lacias directly or possibly another reliable teacher. If he’s the one who taught Hizette then I wouldn’t mind at all.
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