Living As The Villain's Stepmother

Chapter 21 - Finally A Smile

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Chapter 21 – Finally a Smile

Soup was falling back into the bowl as the boy drank wholeheartedly. His small mouth didn’t even seem to be able to fit that many vegetables at once but somehow they did so.

He’s not even a picky eater

Hir’s cherry red lips looked very cute as he drank the vegetable soup, just when Lila thought he couldn’t get any cuter he did just that, he must have exceeded the limits of human cuteness. She was mooning over him inside but was sitting expressionlessly without showing any hints of doing so.

Hir caught a piece of vegetable in his windpipe when his eyes met Lila’s as he was eating. His eyes widened and both his hands quickly flew to his mouth as he tried to cover the sounds of his coughs. He couldn’t let Mrs. Marshmell hear his coughs. However, this only made matters worse as he began to hiccup and let loose of his coughs even more. His eyes began to tear up as he started to cough lightly.

Lila was brought out of her cuteness trance and quickly jumped into action to go and bring him a glass of milk.

“Are you all right? Here have this,” she said, as she handed him a small glass of milk.

Hir was ready to burst into tears as he held the cup with both hands and gulped it down silently.

“I’m sorry, Mother. You lost your appetite because of me,” he said, looking down in shame.

“What are you talking about?”

“Because I’m sitting … in front of you, and it annoys … you.”

Hir’s gaze was fixed on Lila’s plate, which she had not even touched as the mealtime had progressed halfway. Lila looked down at her own plate and realised that she made a mistake.

I should have eaten first.

Lila forgot to eat because she was busy observing Hir’s cute antics, but because of that he misunderstood.

“I had acted dirtily… and did not follow table manners, I’m very sorry.”

Lila clenched her teeth. She hated being reminded of how much of a broken child Hir is from Mrs. Marshmell’s abuse. She wondered if there was any way that she could make him trust her again. Even though she would be gone in a year, she did not want to leave Hir on a sour note.

Hir should not look that terrified when I introduce him to Lacias.

Lila stood up, and Hir immediately flinched as she passed him to search some drawers. She remembered finding something before when she was making macaroons.

Here it is.

Lila took out a frilly white bib and gently put it around Hir’s neck. The boy’s eyes widened immensely.

“Wh-what is this?”

Lila almost fell on the floor holding her heart when she saw Hir’s adorable eyes brighten up with curiosity as he held the white frills.

Lila contained herself and spoke as if nothing had happened. “ *ahem* I’ll forgive you if you eat with that on.”

Hir pulled up the bib to his face “huh?”

She wanted to teach him some new kitchen manners and the bib was going to be a perfect  opportunity to let Hir realise that it was okay to spill food. Not to mention how lovable he would look while wearing it. Lila began to breath faster just thinking about it.

Hir’s face flushed, and he must have found the fancy frills embarrassing. “You’ll forgive me … if I wear this?”


“Alright … Then, I’ll wear it.” Hir lowered his embarrassed face and Lila remembered what she had to say

“Actually, I’ll forgive you even if you do not wear it because I was never angry with you.”


“Hir, I will never be angry at you, no matter what you do. So please be honest with me and tell me what you want.”


“If you want to take off the bib then you can.”

“It’s alright. If you want me to wear this … I can bear it.”

Hir was trying to earn her affection, and Lila’s heart nearly broke, seeing that small child enduring something he did not like so she would be pleased. Lila shoved down her anger and opened the lid of the silver tray at the middle of the table.


Hir’s eyes widened after seeing what had been beneath the cover.

“What … is that?”

“They’re macarons. You ate them before, right?”

“Yes! When I was younger!” Hir’s eyes did not move from the macarons.

He must really like sweets to be that happy. I’m so glad.

Lila spoke with an emrbracing smile. “I’ll give them to you as a present if you eat all of your soup, Hir.”


Hir widened his eyes even more and he quickly got into finishing what needed to be finished for his prize. Even as he drank the soup quickly, his eyes were still fixated on the macarons.

“Drink slowly. I don’t want you coughing again.”

“Yesh!” He said with a mouth full of soup.

Lila’s smile deepened. Finally! He’s acting like a normal child.

“You are lovely, Hir.”


Hir’s cheeks turned bright red as he buried himself in the soup. But even with the bowl covering his entire face she could still see a smile forming on the side of his face.


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