Living As The Villain's Stepmother

Chapter 22 - Monster (1)

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Chapter 22 – Monster (1)

“I brought the mousetrap.” Lila waved a black envelope at the handsome man sitting in the room after opening the door slightly.

“Ah you have come.”

“Yes I have come a little earlier than I said I would since things had progressed faster than I expected.”

Lacias had been in a good mood ever since his servant told him to expect a visit from Lila. It was rare that he kept a smile on his face but it was even rarer for him to laugh in his room. He couldn’t wait until Lila would come in and amuse him with her exciting antics. And now she was finally here.

Lila entered and delivered some news as she walked towards his desk. “I haven’t seen the spy since I’ve arrived at the estate, is it possible that he knows we’re on to him?”

Since Lila had come as a partner and not a visitor, she went past his desk instead of sitting opposite of it and stood in front of him.

“I don’t know if the spy has quick wits or good instincts. But all I did was bite their tail.”

Lila smiled confidently and handed Lacias a document that held the spy’s movements and behaviour in detail.

“I thought we needed to take action fast since we only got their tail so far. This is why I’m here earlier than I should have come.”

“Let’s do it together.”

“Aren’t you busy right now?”

“No, I’m free.” It was an obvious lie. The mountains of paperwork on his office desk presented that much.

“Fine, if you wish to do so.”


The spy was last seen at the Ahibalt Casino, which is managed directly by Empire officials. The casino was always booming with gamblers who dream of instant fortune. Yet only a few walk out with their dreams fulfilled.

Lacias eyed his surroundings as the casino was flourishing with business. “Since spies don’t usually gamble that much. I’m assuming that there is a customer to meet in the casino.”

“That’s definitely possible.” The spy would be harder to get a locate because if that were the case he would probably be hiding in a protected and privately managed reception room and not out in the open.

Good thing I chose to go with Lacias.

It certainly would not have been easy for her to get to the private VIP rooms if she were alone. But with the Duke it was sure to be a cakewalk.

“Your grace, we need to go up.”


“Yes, to the reception room.”


Lacias smiled and nodded. He seemed to understand what Lila had in mind. Just as they began heading towards the direction of the stairs someone came running towards them.

“Your- Your Grace!”

An elderly man that looked like the casino manager stopped and bowed in front of them. He was panting and he had a wide-eyed expression on his face. He seemed unable to believe that Lacias would visit the casino.

Mixed with the panting and surprise a nervous tone escaped his throat. “We-we would have escorted you if you had given us prior notice.”

“We were disa-disappointed that you have not answered our invitations in person.”

“Unfortunately, I have not come here to enjoy myself.”

The manager looked down in shame at Lacias’s concise words, and lowered his voice as a reaction. “Yes? Th-then what is the purpose of your arrival?”

He continued immediately assuming the worst. “Has someone come to hide in our casino after taking money?”

“It’s something like that.”

Despite his look the manager had sharp wits, as all casino managers should have. He gathered up his courage and stood up to the occasion.

“All right, I will help.”

“How can you help me?” The duke sounded very condescending but this wasn’t enough to break the manager’s current spirit.

“There’s a passageway your grace can use, so that you can move unnoticed.”

Lacias was impressed by his resolve and usefulness “That’s actually a good idea.”

Lila’s face brightened at the manager’s suggestion, as Lacias’s countenance was too showy to walk around in the public. Not to mention that rumors would have sprung up if they were seen walking together. That’s if they haven’t sprung up already. Nonetheless a hidden corridor would really have come in handy.

“Wh- who is this?” The manager spoke in clear surprise as he finally noticed the woman standing behind him.

Lacias smiled as he answered. “My wife.”

The manager’s mouth opened wide in astonishment. “What?!”


“I never thought I would ever go down a passageway like this.” Lila wouldn’t even have known that the passageway existed if it wasn’t for Lacias and his powerful position. The lights turned dim as stairs began to show an upwards spiral.

“Watch your step. It’s dark.”

“Thank you for caring.”

“It’s nothing really.”

Things had quieted down after going up the stairs unlike the bustling ground floor the passageway had a calmness to it. The manager, who had been guiding them, stopped and bowed as he made way for them.

“We have arrived. This exit leads to the reception room. Our visitor records show that the person your grace is looking for is in Room 3.”

They knew that finding the spy was not going to pose a problem, because the documents that Lila had provided specified their appearance in detail.

It’s almost too easy.

Lila felt that things were going too smoothly to be comfortable with her current situation. While Lila felt some apprehension, she decided that there wasn’t really much she could do and it was completely possible that things were just going well.

Lacias turned to the manager. “I’ll take it from here.”

“Yes worry not, our employees will not speak of this, and neither shall I.” Said the manager as he nodded towards Lila’s direction.

Lila couldn’t help but let loose a tiny smile. The manager thought that Lacias was trying to keep their relationship a secret. She knew Lacias too well from the novel for him to do something like that. Lacias smiled as he looked in Lila’s direction. As if he had read her thoughts he answered brightly.

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