Living As The Villain's Stepmother

Chapter 38 - I’m Yours (1)

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Chapter 38 – I’m Yours (1)

The atmosphere felt very awkward, each party had the same feeling about the other, but none of them knew how to discuss it, Finally the baron broke the silence. “Hello.”

“Baron Blake. Nice to meet you,” said Lila, staring at him head on. Doug lightly flinched at her tone. He decided to try and get straight to the point, instead of beating around the bush. “Haven’t you been staring at me all this time?” The baron said.

Lila slowly but authoritatively shook her head as Doug changed his attitude. “I was not. Why would I stare at you when we don’t really know each other?”

“You … didn’t?” Doug looked a lot more passive compared to the confidence he had shown when he first approached Lila. His expression even had a hint of nervousness.

I was wrong about him being menacing. Lila thought to herself.

He couldn’t admit defeat just yet. “No, I am sure that our eyes were fixated on each other until now!”

“Must I tell you again, Baron? I’m getting tired.” Lila watched as Doug shrunk his shoulders at her cold rebuke. Why is he talking to me this much? Lila started thinking of ways to insinuate that she wanted him to go away. She sighed to herself silently when she notcied him getting ready for another shot.

“Haven’t … we met somewhere? I think we have!”

“You and I?” She said, folding her legs elegantly and raising an eyebrow. “Of course not.”

On face-value she looked like she was trying to be respectful, however, Doug could easily find out what she was really insinuating by her tone and body-actions, like he could never be good enough to get closer to her.

“Is that so … I apologize for bothering you then.” He waited for a moment but got as he guessed, he got no response from her. “Ok then. Please enjoy the party”

As he walked back towards his table Lila noticed that she treated him a little harsher than she should have. She thought about why she felt annoyed and felt comfortable about the conclusion that he looked old enough to be her father. Not to mention that the aura that surrounded him discomforted her.

Lila knew that deep down, she too oddly recognized him, yet she refused to acknowledge it. A soft-warm feeling on her shoulder quickly made her forget about the entire topic.

Lacias was affectionately brushing his soft-mermaid-like lips on the exposed part of Lila’s shoulder. She couldn’t help but smile at the scene.

“What are you doing here at the entrance?” He asked, acting like he didn’t know exactly why she was there.

Lila smickered to herself. “Does it really make a difference from being inside?”

He deliberately ignored her and moved on to what was important to him. “I missed you.”

“We saw each other yesterday,” she said, rolling her eyes and looking at him.

Lila still had the memory of being introduced to Roxana and Lugar fresh in her mind. Naturally it wouldn’t escape her mind since it had only happened less than twenty-four hours. She couldn’t stop seeing Lacias as a loyal dog who always returned to his master. Lacias’s head-tilt response only made her reinforce that thought.

“I can’t wait until the party ends.” His lips were still on Lila’s shoulder, and she could feel his lips move as he spoke. She flinched a little

It tickles.

Lila expected no one to notice them since they were in a discreet corner at the entrance, but she still looked around just for assurance. Her eyes widened a little when she was met by countless eyes staring back at her. Have they been staring this entire time?

She felt like she was a priceless art piece on exhibit, the crowd seemed to widen their eyes in awe at what took place before them, some turned pale like they had seen a ghost or their blood was taken out of them. If Lila got these reactions at the edge of the entrance how would it have been if she was still at her place in the centre of the room?

She turned back towards Lacias and he moved off her slightly. “They’re all staring at us.”

“So?” He said with confidence. “I’m yours anyways.”

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