Living As The Villain's Stepmother

Chapter 39 - I’m Yours (2)

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Chapter 39 – I’m Yours (2)

Lacias was entirely unfazed by the crowd’s silent glares. Some chittering in the background started to ensue as they heard the Duke’s assertive voice booming through the room.

“Did Count Wipere really say that?”

“He’s acting so different from how he used to act with the princess … he must be someone else in disguise!”

Lila felt very uncomfortable amongst all the uncensored talk being scattered around her. She felt a warm flush creep into her face. She covered her face with her hand and pushed Lacias away before he went for something more intimate in front of the crowd.

Lacias barely moved an inch from the shove and took her hands with a hint of irritation apparent in his eyes. “You tend to make me an impatient man at times, Lila.”

Even Lacias knew how unpleasant it was to be talked about negatively by everyone around you. Yet his voice was still booming like he was a performer on stage ready to give his speech. He knew how to go for what he wanted no matter the situation. Lila on the other hand, wanted to leave the vicinity as soon as possible. She wrapped her hands around his and pulled him towards the balcony.

“Come on. Let’s go this way please.” She pulled at his arms but felt a sudden resistance. Lacias stood as still as a stone.

“All right, but-” He pressed his soft lips against the hand that was holding him. “Please don’t say that you prefer a man with a belly and wrinkles.”

She couldn’t make sense of what brought this up. “Why are you saying such nonsense?”

“Because I’m not one of them.” Lila was immediately persuaded by his charming smile. She usually focused on her task at hand, but his smile would make you believe that it was raining knives if it came to it.

She shook her head and thought of what he just said once more. He really would never be such a man.

Lila took her chance and thought more on the reason why he brought up such a  topic. When her eyes caught the gaze of his. She tried to follow its pathing when it landed on the man standing on the left-hand-side of the room. Baron Doug Blake.

As soon as her eyes fell on him the Baron looked away. It was obvious that he was watching her just now and was trying to cover it by starting a conversation with another person. Lacias spoke again when he saw her staring at the baron again.

“What were you two talking about? I had been watching you two, you know.”

“Nothing.” She was still fixated on the man talking towards her left. He could clearly feel her burning stare because a sweat droplet fell from his forehead to the ground.

Lacias’s irritation grew more direct, he moved his hand up and tilted Lila’s chin gently until she was looking into his eyes again. He felt a little more comfortable at that.

“That can’t be true. You were-”

Lacias stopped abruptly in the middle of his sentence and chose his next words carefully. He felt strangely guilty. It was a new feeling for Lacias and he didn’t know how to deal with it. He didn’t want Lila to be annoyed by his blatant jealousy so he took a deep breath and tried again. Lacias looked at her like a puppy who was about to be scolded before snatching her hand once more.

“Lila, I can see you from afar because I’m tall.” Lacias slowly rubbed Lila’s palms, looking directly into her eyes. “I also have blue eyes that you like.”

Oddly enough, Lila knew that this was Lacias’s strange way of saying sorry. She could see signs of repentance in his self-proclaimed gorgeous eyes. She wondered why he had the need to apologize before he suddenly got closer to her and buried his face into her shoulder. She shuddered from the warm breath she felt as he turned his head to look at her.

“So, pay attention to me rather than anyone else.” Lila finally looked at him and he smiled with satisfaction, as if he had just won a competition. However, he was not met with the same face. He was met with an unexpected expression of anger.

“Please … Don’t make me anxious here, I’m near my limits as it is.”

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