Living As The Villain's Stepmother

Chapter 49 - Father And Son (2)

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Chapter 49 – Father and Son (2)

“This chair is high too.”

Members of the Wipere family were much taller than average, and the chairs were high for a child. Lila knew that Hir was scared, but he would say no if she asked him. Lila suggested something to Hir as if in passing.

“How about sitting on my lap?”

“Oh … can I do that? But it’s impolite.”

“You can do whatever you want.”

Lila pulled Hir on her lap and felt someone look at her sharply. However, when she looked around, no one was looking at her. She ignored it, thinking that it may have been a servant looking at her while serving food.


Hir finally saw the table filled with a delectable feast in Lila’s arms and was especially impressed with the sweets. Hir’s eyes travelled over the table, and when his gaze went to the chocolate fountain, he met Lacias’ eyes. Was he imagining it? Lacias was staring intently at Hir as the boy sat on Lila’s lap.

“Hello.” He said when the boy caught him looking.


“Have as much as you want.”

“Thank you.”

Lacias was smiling, but why did Hir feel so cold? The man was staring at him in Lila’s lap like he was jealous. Did Lacias think that Hir was impolite? Hir could not push away his worry.

“Hir, what do you want to eat first?”

Hir turned his gaze to the feast at Lila’s question.

“There’s so many delicious dishes that I don’t know where to start.”

“Do you want to see the chocolate fountain?”


Lacias was near the chocolate fountain, and Hir did not want to go there. Lila’s face fell at Hir’s refusal.

“Lila.” Lacias spoke after staring at them, and he had a smile on his face.


“Since Hir will be our son, I want to be closer to him too.” At Lila’s wide smile, he continued, “can Hir sit on my lap? Maybe I can help him with dinner.”

“Right.” She was happy that he wanted to bond with Hir, mealtimes were particularly helpful, but she couldn’t send Hir without his consent. “Is it all right? Hir.”

“Yes?” Hir answered and questioned his answer at the same time. He wasn’t sure why he felt apprehensive of the man.

“Hir, come to your father.”

Why did Hir feel goosebumps when hearing Lacias call to him? Hir thought that he did not want to go anywhere near him.“Hir, come to your father,” said Lacias, smiling and patting his lap. However, Hir remained frozen in place. Lila looked at him with concern.

“Hir, you don’t want to go?” asked Lila.

“No,” Hir replied awkwardly.

Lila was confused. Hir had greeted his stepfather warmly in the carriage. She looked at the chair where Lacias sat. Perhaps it was because the chair was too high. “I can help you,” said Lila, walking to the chair where Lacias was seated. Hir nodded, frowning. “Okay,” he said. He had a fear of heights, and Lila had guessed it rightly so.

“Please take care of Hir,” said Lila with Hir in her arms, approaching to hand him over to Lacia.

“Don’t worry,” said Lacias, “I do everything exceptionally well.” Lacias had emphasised ‘everything’ as he said it. This wasn’t lost on Lila. She looked at him. He was, in turn, looking at her lips.

“Why won’t you look me in the eye while saying that?” she asked. Lacias smirked. She turned around and went to her seat. She heard Lacias laugh behind her.

“Have you ever cared for a child before?” asked Lila.

“No,” said Lacias.

“Then where do you get the confidence to claim that you can do it ‘exceptionally well’?” she retorted.

“I wasn’t talking about child-caring at the moment,” he said, smirking.

Lacias placed Hir on his lap and wrapped his arm around the child securely. The gesture warmed Lila’s heart, and she smiled. They looked like the perfect father-and-son pair.

“Hir, can you see everything better from up there now?” asked Lila, “What do you want to eat?”

“I… uh,” stammered Hir.

“I heard you like Chocolate Macarons the most,” said Lacias, reaching for it and handing it to the child. “I brought some for you.”

The child bit into the chocolate and relished the sweetness. “It’s delicious!” said Hir happily.

Lila looked at them both with a smile. They looked so similar with their black hair and blue eyes. “You do look like father and son,” Lila said.

“Of course we do,” said Lacias. Lila nodded. Lila felt relief and gratefulness towards Lacias. He had acknowledged Hir as his son, despite the contrary circumstance. “Hir, you like pudding right?” asked Lacias, looking at Hir in his arms, “What about ice-cream? Do you want some?”

“Really?!” asked Hir, wide-eyed, “I can have some?” Lacias chuckled and nodded.

Hir finally shed his awkwardness and sat with Lacias comfortably. His cheeks were rosy. It was heart-warming watching the two. Hir began to nod off after the ice-cream and a hot chocolate. “My son seems tired,” he said tenderly, looking at a sleepy Hir. He looked at Lila. “May I let him sleep somewhere comfortably?” he asked her.

“Of course,” said Lila.

Lacias indicated to a servant, who wrapped Hir in a warm woollen blanket and took the child from him.

He looked at Lila. “Lila, How about a walk with me?” he offered.

“Sure,” Lila obliged.


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