Living As The Villain's Stepmother

Chapter 50 - A Secret Spot

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Chapter 50 – A Secret Spot

“I would have had the place cleaned and decorated if I knew we would be strolling here,” said Lacias, looking at the garden.

“It is beautiful as it is,” assured Lila. The garden was large and full of stray leaves and flowers. It had a certain kind of chaotic beauty. The sky was darkening and the bright moonlight lit up the place beautifully. Lila gazed at a small space surrounded by bushes.

“What are you looking at?” asked Lacias.

“That place,” said Lila, indicating a small grassy space surrounded by small shrubberies, “Can I place a swing there?”

“I will have it placed tomorrow,” said Lacias.

“No, I made it myself,” said Lila hurriedly, “For Hir. I want to place it myself.”

“Of course,” said Lacias, nodding.

“It’s not very good, but it’s sturdy,” said Lila, smiling fondly, “He will be pleased to hear it. He loves swings.”

Lacias was looking at her. Lila looked so resplendent in the moonlight that he blushed to the tips of his ears and turned his face away so that she wouldn’t see.

“It is different from the time I walked here with Hizette,” said Lila.

Lacias stopped in his tracks. “Hizette?” he asked, “one of my knights?”

“The very same,” said Lila, turning to look at him.

“Hizette offered you a walk in the garden?” said Lacias, raising his eyebrows.

“Not him, really” Lila said, “Lugar ordered him to take me on a stroll here. You didn’t know?” She was looking at him with all seriousness. “Why are you summoning a ring?” she asked, looking at his elbows.

“Oh…,” began Lacias, “I am just a bit anxious, I think.”


“Because I am with you,” said Lacias, smiling gently and looking at her. The sight of her filled his heart with love and made him anxious of any blunder he might create. “And because your fingertips brushing against mine made me nervous,” he teased.

Lila looked down. Their fingertips were almost touching. Lacias was standing so close. “Why don’t we sit for a while?” he suggested, indicating a secluded place nearby. “I know a secret spot,” he grinned.

A secluded place seemed a tab bit indecent for a man and a woman to be sitting alone together. But Lila knew the spot he was pointing at. Hir would always run there to hide his tears when he could not make the rings appear. She nodded and walked to the spot with Lacias.

The place had a rose vine that creeped up the wall in front of which there was a small wooden bench. “This place is beautiful!” said Lila and meant it. “Who designed it?”

“My mother,” said Lacias, “Come sit.” He walked to the small bench and sat on it.

So, this is where Hir sits when he is sad, thought Lila. The bench was wide enough only for one person to sit at a time, which right now was conveniently occupied by Lacias. “Where do I sit?” asked Lila, thinking he would be chivalrous enough to let a lady sit rather than stand and watch.

“On my lap,” Lacias said, smirking. Lila thought he was joking until he pulled her by the waist and she fell on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist tightly so she wouldn’t be able to stand. “Are you barking mad?” she said, looking around, making sure no one was around.

“I am just so grateful that you came into my life,” he said, looking at her.

Lila looked straight in front at the garden, not turning around to meet his eyes. “Me?” she said incredulously, “You are overstating things.”

Lacias kissed her on the neck. She felt something cold and heavy there after a second. “What is this?” she asked, touching the necklace that had just appeared on her neckline.

“Your wedding gift,” he said, “Do you like it?”

“It’s lovely!” she said as she took it off to have a look. The elegant dark blue band was divine, which held a lone diamond that had a blue ring trapped inside. The ring inside kept hitting the sides, emanating a glow and making the diamond glitter and glow.

“Especially made for you,” he said, looking at her in adoration, “It suits you.”

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