Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 10 - Moving out...are we going to have a problem kid??

Kai-La waited at the gate. He was having trouble deciding if he wanted to travel with his mask on or off. Technically this mission involved Uzumakis but.. as a ninja commanding some genin, he should probably show his face but then again.

'I will leave my mask on.' Kai-La thought after he second-guessed himself for the last time.

'Let's make some gear for these kids I will get. Nonsense in risking their lives. Especially since technically this mission wouldn't exist without me. Let's use some future clothes from Batman Beyond. It would be better to shape it to look like regular material though. Enough to protect them, but not make them invincible.'

'I need to lay some seals as well. Let's put scent removal as well as a voice changer. There are walkie-talkies in this world so an advance one won't freak them out too much. Hmm, can't have the clothes stopping their chakra flow. Let's change that part up. Last but not least, lets put a small cell seal to let me find them if anything happens.'

After a few minute tweaks, he was done. 'Wait let's inscribe some Constellation symbols for call signs. Gotta have some other fun myself.'

A few kids showed up. Right as he finished his thoughts and seal prep no less.

"So are you ninja ready?" Kai-La asked. 'I used quite a bit of chakra there. It's a good thing this falls other something for my family. I don't even want to think about how much chakra this would have really cost me.'

"Of course." A kid stepped forward from the group. He looked a little goofy but he was bold enough to speak first.

"Call me Leader. Alright then. Hear throw these on. None negotiable. If you can't go home." Kai-La said as he threw eight hoodies with gloves and track pants made of a light kevlar. The boots were form fitting to the toes for flexibility as well as traction. He did not tell them the suits were alive. No one would be able to tell since the cells were camouflage as dead cells.

"What kind of clothes are these?" A pink hair kid asked.

"I will answer once you all change and we start our journey." Kai-La summoned two little changing screens. "Go there and change your clothes. Reattach your shuriken and weapon pouches after."

"I am not wearing this." A kid said throwing the clothes and gear on the ground. He had a haughty expression on.

"That's fine you are eliminated from the mission leave now," Kai-La said looking at the others. "Anyone else? I don't have time for idiots." He said unsomming the gear with a wave of his hand.

Another kid dressed similarly to the other decline as well. But he at least walked forward handing the clothes back.

In three minutes the other kids were dressed an ready. All there gear had been reattached and set.

"Good, which one of you has been to the Grass Village. Or to the area where the chakra beast usually form in that vicinity?" Kai-La asked.

The pink hair kid stepped forward. "I have. My father has done business in that area." The kid said smiling.

"Good up front. Help chart the course." Kai-La said as he summoned a metallic platform. Under neat was a set of concealed lights.

He motion for the kids to get on. The platform lifted into the air and they were off. Using his chakra of light he bent the area around them masking them from view.

"Whew, that took a bit of chakra," Kai-La said rolling his shoulders. "Ok, the mission is to scout. I will engage in fights taking out the beasts. Recon for the rest of you. I don't want any heroics whatsoever. Keep yourselves safe and each other safe got it?" Kai-La stated. Each gave a nod. "Ok, so question time. Ask them."

One of the kids looked at the rest and spoke up.

"What are these clothes?" A kid asked. "Ah what happened to my voice?"

"Those clothes are to help hide your scent and features. The mask you have on, well help with breathing. Circle a little chakra to your collarbone. There is a mic there that will let you talk to one another. Each set has a call sign attached. This is a mission but also training." Kai-La said as he gathered more chakra.

"What are the call signs?" Another kid asked.

"It's on your back, on your hands as well. It will appear when chakra id circulated's, but also at the tip of your hood or cowls if you prefer. Circle your chakra through it and I will tell you your call sign. In case we are separated and you need to identify yourself when we meet again. This will help." Kai-La said as he gestured to the children.

A child in the back did it first.

"I have a pair of twin people in mine. What's that mean?" The child asked.

"I have a three-headed dog." Another kid said.

"You are Gemini." Pointing at the child Kai-La pointed to the next. "You are Cerberus."

"Do the symbols have different meanings?" Another kid asked.

"Yes, they do. But I won't tell you till another time." Kai-La said as he looked back to the kid in the front. "At this speed how long do you think it will take us to reach there?"

"Umm hold on a second." The child said as he walked over to the edge. Looking down for a bit he hurriedly ran back. "It will take about two hours. Why are we so high up?"

"I like sunlight. Good job." Kai-La said. 'So in twenty minutes, I will need to stop this disc." Looking back at the others he waited for them to speak.

"I have a small ladle it looks like." The child said with their head down.

"I have a big ladle." Another said.

"Do not get down in the dumps. You don't know what any of it means. I assure you it is nothing bad." Kai-La said consoling the child.

"Right." Little Dipper said.

"I have a meteor." Another child spoke up.

"Does it look like it's moving?" Kai-La asked.

"Umm yes, it is." The child said after shaking their head repeatedly.

"Then you are Comet," Kai-La said. "How about you?" He said looking to the last child.

"I have a person." The last child said. "At least I think I do."

"What do you mean, you think you do? You either do or you don't." Comet asked in a rush.

"Calm down Comet." Kai-La looked to the child. "Describe to me what you see."

"It looks to be a man. But he has several pairs of wings on his back. I don't know what that means." The child said dejectedly.

"It is the sign of the 'bringer of light' but in regular terms it means Lucifer. " Kai-La said happily. 'The child has some traits of light chakra. Hopefully, they survive.'

"Hey, that's not fair. You said what Lucifer meant. What about the rest of us?" Comet asked.

"I will say in due time. Right now get used to your gear and replenish your chakra when done. Every bit counts." Kai-La said as he started to pull in sunlight to restore his own chakra reserves.

"Argh fine," Comet said as he started to restore his chakra.

The rest of the kids started different chakra exercises. Each of them no longer used the standard academy ones.

Kai-La was restoring his chakra reserves yes. But he was also observing the chakra networks of each child. Especially Lucifer. Each chakra flowed differently.

Little Dipper had several obstructions within her chakra network. But she had the most control over all of them.

Big Dipper had vast reserves of chakra. Every other cycle there was a burst of new chakra that cycled. If he could get better training he would be a force to reckon with.

Gemini's chakra was balanced. She continued to send the chakra to her fingertips as she flexed the gloves. After every two cycles, she sent it to her toes. Slowly but surely the most control was found by her after a few minutes.

'This child is smart. Very smart. I am tempted to check further and see who clan she belongs to. But then again that will defeat the purpose of this exercise.' Kai-La thought.

Cerebus Had three different chakra signatures. Kai-La noticed he was quiet. Looking further at his actual flesh he notices several suture cuts.

'An experiment but whos? Root or Orochis spy. Then again could be from another village. Note to check on that one later.' Kai-La started to think about all the different things in this world before he snapped to the task at hand.

Comet had a strong rambunctious chakra. It was volatile and a little twisted.

Lucifer chakra was gentle and extremely rich. But there need to be more of it. The light absorbs every little bit of chakra and changed it to its own type. This in itself confused Kai-La.

'Comet will be a handful if he isn't straightened out in the future. This Lucifer child has got to be some experiment.' Kai-La made his final mental notes as he gathers some more sunlight.

In twenty minutes he stood up and walked to the edge of the disc. Noticing a long pasture of grassland he started to descend.

While descending he used enhanced x-ray vision to spot a group of chakra beasts further north. Northeast a smaller group traveled. The two big herds traveled a path that had several drag marks.

'Well, whatever we are looking for has to be there. This grass is tall as hell!' Kai-La thought as the grass reached above six-foot minimum in some areas.

"Everyone slow your training down and fix your conditions we travel on foot from here," Kai-La ordered as he controls the disc to continue to descend.

Eight minutes later the disc landed. Each exited off the disc and Kai-La unsummoned it.

"Alright Gemini step forward," Kai-La said. "You will be in charge of A team. Take Little Dipper, Big Dipper, and Comet with you and scout that way to the Northeast. I will take B team consisting of Cerebus and Lucifer to the North. I repeat do not engage anyone. Report as soon as you find a herd of chakra beasts. Or anything unusual for that matter. Do you all understand.?" He asked at the end.

"Yeah, why is Gemini in charge? I would be a better leader. I have the better qualificati.." Comet started to say before Kai-La blurred in front of him.

"Gemini is in charge because I said so. Do you have any idea on how to think about anyone besides your self? I don't care what you are qualified for. I put Gemini in charge based on my own observations. If you showed a reason why I should have placed you in charge I would have. You all have been gathered to do recon. That was the only qualification you needed." Kai-La said as he looked down at Comet.

"I understand.." Comet said as he took a step back.

"Good now move out. Remember what I said." Kai-La said stepping back. "Let's move."

Kai-La set a small pace as he traveled. Looking back and noticing the other kept pace easily he increased his own speed. After about an hour of constant running, he stopped at the first drag marks.

Several trenches were made. Looking around he noticed several impact sites. No dead beast or people near.

"Search the area be very careful," Kai-La ordered. He jumped in the air and floated a bit. To the two Genin, this looked to be his chakra at work. In actuality, he used flying as he scanned the area.

After a few minutes, the first to find something was Cerebus.

"There are some rock pieces here," Cerebus said plainly. "I didn't touch it but when I got close to it my chakra went out of control.

"Woosh." In a blur, Kai-La arrived.

In front of them, purple rocks could be seen. Concentrated chakra outlined the area around them. A bug went close to one of the stones. In an instant, the bug grew three feet long and flew towards the north.

With a wave of Kai-La's arm, the rock pieces were swept into a pocket dimension.

"What the hell is going on here?" Kai-La wondered out loud. "Lucifer contact the others tell them to be wary of the rocks."

"Understood," Lucifer said with a nod. "Leader there is a problem. The team ran into a few beasts. They are retreating now."

"What the hell. Why didn't they contact us?" Kai-La asked.

"Interference," Lucifer said plainly.

"Are they in trouble? Do they need help?"

"No, they do not. They are just falling back." Lucifer stated plainly.

"Go meet up with them. I will search the area here before moving up. Understood?" Kai-La said as he looked to the North and squinted. "If interference happens again. Retreat at once."

The two nodded and left.

"Alright the others are gone you can come out now!" Kai-La yelled.

"It doesn't matter. Soon we will take care of them." A man with a star headband said as he came out of the grass. He was not alone as two others came out as well.

"So the rejects of that pathetic Star village is here. Now, what would you fools be up to out here?" Kai-La asked amused.

All three men became extremely angry at that the comment about the village.

"Cheh, our village is far from pathetic. Unlike That stupid whirlpool village. Oh, wait its gone isn't it. Leaving a few scraps here and there." One of the ninjas said.

"Schlk, splurt." His arm was removed and blood poured out.

"Kill him now. We must return those pieces back to the village." The first ninja said.

Kai-La looked at the men with a menacing gaze. "The same won't be said about your village. I should pay a visit and wipe them out. It won't change much since the greater world doesn't think it exists anyway."

Kai-La then charged at the man with the ripped off arm.

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