Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 9 - The Trip to the Grass Vilage was troublesome.

"Why, do you want to go after him?" The third Hokage asked hesitantly. "There is no real rhyme or reason for it."

"He is a threat to my clan and the village. Because Anko is mine. Taking him down will make a lot of problems disappear. I won't rest easy knowing someone like that is loose. Any member of my family will be a possible target." Kai-La paused. "He is also a missing-nin. Shouldn't he be more of a priority?"

"It's no surprise he doesn't care what he has to do attain power. Unlike Danzo, he won't stop. At the very least, capturing him and subduing him will do the world a favor." Kai-La paused when he looked at the Hokage. "Don't give me that look. For immortality, that boy will do anything to achieve it. I will go into details in the future how I know this."

Kai-La spoke at great lengths speaking of the atrocities the boy committed. Waving his hand once he realized he couldn't convince them. 'Ugh need to get my own ninjas to hunt for him. There are those two Hyuga members.' Shaking his head he thought better of that plan. 'Those Hyugas need to be strengthened first. But then again..... I guess I can make some of my own soldiers later.'

"Lord Uzumaki it would be unwise to just go after him. This we know. It would be better to wait for any intel to pop up." The Nara's head said.

"As long as I receive updates it won't be a problem," Kai-La said absent-mindedly. He was lost in his thoughts.

"Fine. But not now. The village is focusing on building and growth. You have done business for the last few years. You also have a daughter and wives to take care of. Also, Naruto would need family nearby as well. Do you not wish to rest?"

"I will work on a plan to capture the snake. You know of my abilities. I will see to it, Lord Senju." Danzo said. He was working on his eyes control. So far it did the same abilities as a regular Sharingan. But there was no strain. He could also feel his head clearing up. Different things popped up over the years. He could see times he was placed in an illusion. Some many things to fix later. So little time. His perception differently cleared up.

"Hmm, Fine. Thank you, Danzo." Kai-La said shaking his head. He looked to the Third Hokage.

"Rest is good for people our age." The Hokage said puffing on his pipe.

"I will do as you suggest Lord Hokage. Wait I have a daughter? My daughter is here?" Kai-La said slightly surprised. Looking at Danzo. "Did you call me Lord Senju?"

"She will be here shortly. A few hours actually. About around 11:00. As for the Uzumakis you spoke about in the grass village. I sent Might Guy to get them. He took a small Chunin team for the experience."

"I did. The Uzumaki... are not something I can really support. But as the Senju Head. I can support you. I will do my best to redeem myself. Do not take this gift back from me. That is one thing I truly ask." Danzo said. He was constantly cycling his chakra. Causing his arm to heal faster. Having a semi-healed arm he could not abide by. Caution and preparation kept him alive.

"I see you have my thanks, Lord Hokage," Kai-La said humbly with a bow to both men.

All in the room were shocked.

'To think he is capable of humility. ' All four thought.

"Kai-La, as long as you comply with the laws in the village you are welcome." Before the Hokage could continue Kakashi arrived.

"Lord Hokage. I need to report... How did you get in here?" Kakashi looked at Kai-La. "You didn't cause any trouble did you?"

"What, not at all," Kai-La said grabbing Danzo. See look at those eyes. " He pointed at Danzos face. "Mwah a miracle worker over here." Kai-La placed his hands in a pinch and kissed off. "He's better than ever. It only caused me to lose some chakra and him temporarily an arm."

"Right... Lord Hokage, I should report a matter." Looking at the Hokage who gestured him to continue. "Lord Uzumaki crippled three Hyuga's of the main branch. He roughed up two branch members but they are fine. The leader of that part of the main branch had his eyes destroyed. His Jounin bodyguard received slight injuries." Kakashi said with a little edge in his voice at the end.

"They were asking for it," Kai-La said shrugging his shoulders. "What's the big deal? I would have killed them all but Kakashi would have been all butthurt. I think I handled it quite well thank you very much. If he was better.. whatever he is. He should have disabled them before I stepped outside. They almost ruined breakfast." Kai-La said calmly. "Come to think of it, what were you really doing there d.o.g.g.y?"

"Why you! I was guarding my teachers home. What I do during my time is my business." Kakashi said disinterestedly. "Considering how you live your lifestyle I pity those women."

"Heh." Kai-La chuckled. He then started to laugh. "Haha. Coming from you. That's rich. A little cherry boy is commenting on relationsh.i.p.s on grown people. You can't even get your head away from some dead traitors. Oh, wait just one dead traitor actually."

"What's that suppose to mean?!" Kakashi asked eyes narrowing.

"Enough Kakashi! I thank you for your report. You are dismissed. If you are so raring to cause trouble go now. Head to the mission office. There are some nonessential missions that need to be done." The Hokage said sternly. "Go. If you wish to learn the information he has for you. I would suggest you reevaluate your attitude."

"Understood Lord Hokage," Kakashi said before disappearing.

"Kai-La, do give him a little breathing room. You are in the home of his teacher. He is quite testy when it comes to anything about the Fourth Hokage. Especially his home." The Hokage said. "So what happened with the Hyuga girl? Did the others.. did they... were they that much of a handful?"

"So... I beat them up a little bit. They came to my gate and not so politely demanded Hisa Hyuga to return. I said there is no Hisa Hyuga. It is quite simple really. Her and Anko will take up the Senju name. So I figured that she no longer had any affiliation really. With the clan I mean. Give me the paperwork and I will make it official." Kai-La said nonchalantly. To him, the matter was already on its way to getting solved.

"That is such a problem in itself. The Hyugas tradition are limiting the clan and this village. I think we should intervene in the future. But for now Lord Hokage. We need to play nice with them. That is my suggestion." The Nara Head spoke.

"I think so as well." The Yamanaka's head said seconding.

"Very well then. On to other matters. Kai-La you spoke about returning my youth. Danzo and I will have some things to work on. However, about Kakashi, I think you are right about him training under both of us. Danzo looks younger already. The best person to protect my family is me. My sons are headstrong as well as my niece. I will need youth to catch up." The Hokage said standing up walking to Kai-La. "Let's get this started. Hopefully, this won't hurt these old bones." He said grinning.

Reaching out Kai-La touched the Hokages forehead. Channeling a little amount of chakra to order the others in the body to slow there replication. Sending a few of his own cells as well to breakdown and join the others.

He wanted to try something new. So he programmed the chakra cells to gather and grab the particles in the air. Any discarded skin cells, molecules, blood droplets, and the like.

These cells were revived under Kai-La's command. Revive into new cells to take the place of Hiruzens overworked body. All microorganisms in the room were pulled into a dot on the Hokages head.

Kai-La couldn't give these cells to many orders. The Third Hokage fell under a lesser extent. He liked the man. But not enough to warrant more cell control.

"Woosh." Small air currents continued to make noise around the room.

'Glad I kept a sample and dropped it into a pocket dimension on the side. Wonder what it is? No matter I will figure it out later.' Kai-La thought amused.

"How are you Hiruzen?" Danzo asked.

"Good. My body feels lighter and my bones ache less. The pain I received during the war is gone so there is that." Hiruzen said rotating his shoulder. "With more time I should gain enough chakra to be in my prime. Thank you Kai-La. I can only imagine what would have happened if you had more chakra and this ability was perfected."

"It is quite a troublesome technique," Kai-La said plainly. Not diving into the deeper level of the techniques.

Shaking his hand at Kai-La he continued. "Don't worry I can tell this takes extreme chakra control so there is no reason to request for you to share this technique."

Looking to the door Kai-La took a more serious posture. "Good. You have some guests."

The door opened to reveal. Asuma and a very injured ninja.

"Lord Hokage the team sent to the Grass village ran into trouble. I found him outside the Tower while smoking." Asuma said quickly.

"I see. You did well standby outside." The Hokage said flatly. "As for you. report. What happened?"

"Lord Hokage, everything was fine when we made it. The village leader agreed to the deal. However, a ninja of the village said they should only trade one of them. The daughter refuses to separate from her mother." The young ninja said. He was quite angry about something.

"Sho, what's the problem why are you so angry? Do not forget you are in the presence of the Hokage." The head of the Nara asked sternly. He made a note to speak with his clansmen about etiquette.

"Are there any casualties.?" Danzo asked.

"No, sir." Sho said after calming himself.

"Continue." The Hokage gestured.

"Right. Team leader Gai tried to negotiate. But the grass ninja demonstrated why the trade was disadvantages towards them. He sliced his arm in front of us. Then he bit the mother. Afterward, the wound healed." Sho said. His voice became cold at the end. "He didn't let go till he was fully healed. The mother collapsed afterward. The daughter started crying, but was knocked out by another ninja. It took the majority of us to calm Gai down."

"I... see. How did you get those injuries?" The Hokage asked? He kept his eyes on Kai-La whose eyes were closed.

"In the middle of the night. The village was attacked by some strange creatures. They looked to be chakra beast but we're extremely durable. We offered our hand in helping them push the beast back. But I think the beast will attack again. Gai sent me back to ask for backup. The Grass Kage also requests additional aid. He stated the horde looks to be a lot bigger than usual." Sho placed a scroll forward.

Danzo grabbed it and looked it over. Handing it the Hokage who grimaced at the contents.

"I would like to go. I will not endanger the people I want. Only take out the chakra beasts. The Leaf village can write up they sent ample backup. I will remove the problems from the shadows." Kai-La said standing up. "If not I can go with plan E."

"Plan E is what exactly?" The Hokage asked.

"Destroy whatever is drawing the beasts to the grass village. Taking our people and the mother and daughter with me. Leaving all the grass ninja to die."

"Hmm." The Hokage thought for a few minutes. "Take Asuma and Sho with you. Wear these headbands with pride Kai-La." He said with authority he handed the bands over.

Kai-La placed the leaf headband on his left bicep and the whirlpool on his right.

"Of course. I can't really afford to fail anymore." Kai-La said.

"This will be an A rank mission. Asuma you are in charge. Kai-La you are an attachment to the squad. Use your best judgment." The Hokage looked to his advisors. Seeing no disagreements he continued. "Sho think of three genins to take with you. You have half an hour." The Hokage said. Sho left right after. "Asuma take two chunin with you. When you finish with those beasts I have another mission for your team. Take this scroll and head to the mist village."

Asuma grabbed the scroll and left.

"I will inform my family. About my departure." Kai-La said walking to leave the building.

"Won't be necessary. I will send someone to inform them. Head to the gate I will send scout ninja with you. They are not high-level combat types. Mostly recon. The Grass village is quite vast. With them, you can cover more ground." The Hokage said.

"That sounds.. like a plan," Kai-La said shrugging his shoulders.

" Also, I want you to take on a teaching role. To much war will destroy a man. But peace is hard won. Out of those scouts. Pick some of them to become your team." The Hokage said leaning back.

"Very well then. I look forward to meeting them." Kai-La said before disappearing.

"Was that wise?" Spoke the Nara's head.

"Yes. I hope it helps him calm down in the future." The Hokage said with the others agreeing.

"This grass village has always been troublesome." The Nara's head spoke.

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