Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 8 - Sarutobi The Third Hokage, and Danzo The man behind the Shadow.

"I think it is best we take a slight break now. We will continue in a few minutes." The Third Hokage said.

At that, the delegation left. They were accompanied by a few members of the Council. Mostly heads of the major families. As well as a few key members of the Civilian Council.

The Hokage lit his pipe as he leaned back in the chair. "Alright, this is quite a problem. Opinions now!"

A member of the civilian council spoke first. "For future relations, it would work. But concerning right now. We in the civilian division will support the Mist village need for aid. We should move forward in relation repair."

"Mhm, thank you. You all are dismissed." The Hokage said puffing out some smoke.

At that, the Civilian Council bowed and exited togethor.

"What do the families have to say?" The Hokage asked leaning forward. It surprised him the civilians wanted to help. Especially since the last incident with Might Duy and the Seven Swordsman of the Mist.

"The Aburame clan declines to help them. There is no real benefit at this time." A man with a large rise collar says. The collar obstructed a lot of his facial features.

"The Inuzuka clan declines as well. We have not forgotten how they tried to attack after the Nine-Tails event." A woman snarls. Another woman behind her nods agreeing.

"The Nara clan believes we should accept. Considering the Cloud's village visit next year. We will need back up just in case. There is a possible ambush if we decline. They can also help with intel gathering on the Village Hidden in the Stone." A man with a plain looking face says next to the Hokage.

"The Uchiha clan declines. We do not trust them. It's bad enough we are allied with the sand village." A man with a stoic face answers firmly.

"Hyuga clan accepts. It would be best if we keep possible tabs on them. This will also allow us the chance to check on their strength." A slightly irritated man says. He looks to his right for a moment wondering where his cousin could be. 'He should be finished with that emergency he had this morning.'

"Yamanaka clan will abstain. We cannot make a decision at this time." The other masked man says by the Hokage.

"The Akimichi clan declines. We cannot afford to reduce our ninja as it is. Most of my clan have not recovered from the work they have done now in the village." A hefty man says. Shocking most of those in attendance. The clan usually agrees with the Nara clan.

"This does not bode well. With the votes so diverse we cannot just allow this to pass. We will have to vote over. " The Hokage said rubbing his head.

"Why not allow the Uzumaki to vote?" The Inuzuka woman said. The tension rose in the room a little. "I heard he is also half Senju." This part caused most of those in attendance too now audibly gasp.

"Hmph, it hasn't been confirmed yet. Why allow such an unknown element to participate. He hasn't proven himself to the village. I for one believe he should not have any right to attend." The Uchiha head said. "Lady Inuzuka was surely making a joke. Heh." Snorting at the in was a mistake. But more than anything he did not want the Senju to start rising.

"The only joke is your face. You dried up fossil!" Lady Inuzuka snapped.

"What did you say?!" The Uchiha head said standing up. He activates his Sharingan and stared her down.

"You think I am scared of you. I said to you. Dried. Up. Fossil." Lady Inuzuka said pronouncing each word slowly. "To bad your stupid eye cant help you hear better. Hopefully, you read my lips this time. Or are you blind too?"

"Oh, my this is quite lovely. Hello everyone." Kai-La appeared in a bow as he sped into the room. Landing right between The Uchiha head and Lady Inuzaka. "Sorry I am late. Did I miss the meeting?" He asked as he stood straight.

The room was quite all of a sudden. To think the first one to speak after a few moments would be the last to speak.

"Why so serious? It is just little old me." Kai-La said looking around. "Am I that late?"

"You weren't invited?! Leave at once!" The Hyuga head demanded.

"Oh down boy. If not I will break you like that trash that came to my house this morning. Such a feeble ninja. If it wasn't for your children I would rip you apart right now." Kai-La said coldly. Looking over to the Uchiha head, "bad boy, just shut up. Little Uchiha you need to relax more. It's good for your eyes if you don't use them so much. If not you'll go blind little boy. Too much wanking it I say."

"Why you!" The Uchiha head said between gritted teeth.

"Sit. Stop barking at the Inuzuka woman. You sound like a bitch." Looking at Lady Inuzuka. "I didn't mean anything by it. Bad choice of words." Kai-La said scratching his chin. Looking at the Hokage he continued. "I say we help the Mist village. I have a little business near there. Having me go and help should help reduce the need to expend any ninja. Besides.." looking at the Hyuga head "It would be best. That way it keeps me from killing a majority of these useless Hyuga. Your kind makes my skin crawl for some reason. I think its the eyes. you look like those soulless dolls!"

"Enough! Kai-La stay! We have things to discuss. The rest of you. Wait in the hall." The Hokage said. "Now!" He said with some edge to his voice.

The room cleared in less than a minute. Leaving the Hokage, Kai-La, The Yamanaka head, Nara head, and Danzo.

"Was that completely necessary?" The Hokage asked. He relit his pipe.

"Absolutely!" Kai-La said chuckling. "It's good to make the fool of idiots. Those two are absolute idiots. So ready to proceed?"

"This again. I need more time to think about it." The Hokage said.

"Think on what?" Danzo asked.

"Third Hokage don't you think it would be best to return to your youth. Kakashi Hatake will make a great candidate to be Hokage. Sure he is young but you can mold him better. You will be like the First Hokage teaching him heart. Danzo will be like the Second Hokage teaching him about the darkness and evil of man. Just saying, you two working togethor are better than separate. "

"With the loss of his father. I doubt he will respond well to that." The Third said as he lit his pipe. "I had to think of the village and continue to use him in work. With the death of his friends, things became worse."

"Ah, the Uchiha brat. I would not worry too much about him. He is still alive. Don't give me that look. I have my ways of gathering info the same as any ninja."

"Tsk, why should we listen to you? I think you are in this for your own profit. You want the Leaf Village. I have heard enough of this nonsense. I for one am leaving." Looking to the Third Hokage he smiled. "We should just lock him up Sarutobi."

"Oh dear, do you really wanna go there? Considering the laws you have broken. Have you not ransacked graves and kidnap the heirs of your own village. Taking samples and passing them on to Orchimaru? This alone is quite a crime. This list can go on and on. Oh here is my favorite. Working with an outside source to promote strife in the village. Let's say Kumo for one. Considering there hand in the Second Hokage's death and The Third Hokage promotion. I would think you despise them. But they would make a great cover, wouldn't they?"

The air around Danzi became extremely cold. The murderous aura gathered strongly around him.

"Do you think this is wise to fight me? I am offering you an answer for your l.u.s.t to power. Return to your youth. The stupid eyes of a different type of Uchiha. Not the fakes you currently have in your arm. Yes, I know about them. That disposable clone one you have in your head right now. Or is it the eye of your friend Kagami Uchiha? Will, you kill his grandson to replace that eyes power when it is used up?" Seeing Danzo body tense more he continued. "Hohoho have I struck a nerve brat? I came in good faith. Yet you spit on my offer. Tsk, tsk shame on you."

"Danzo explain now!" The Third Hokage bellowed. At that several Anbu appeared in the room. At a glance, it looked like 20 or so. With at least 15 other Jonin. The weird part was the Grass village group was also here.

"I see. Do not do this Sarutobi. I have always put the village first. Will you truly believe this outsider." Danzo did his best to appeal to Hiruzen's foolish nature.

"An outsider he may be but so far he has brought things to my attention that need to be addressed. Is what he said true? Any of it." The Hokage had already signaled some ninja in the hall that had been vetted earlier that morning. Just in case.

"Some of it is true. I am sorry old friend but the village must be protected at all costs. We have been weakening by the Nine-Tails event and the ninjas are running ragged. We have technique but not raw power. I sought to change that by any means necessary." Danzo said with an eye only on the Hokage.

"You have gone to far my old friend." The Third said as he sat back down. He looks to Kai-La. "What would you do if you were in charge of the village and one of your own did this?"

"Oh, that is easy. I would kill him. If he was a friend I would torture him to the end of his life span. I would use his soul to practice a Forbidden Technique. But that would be for my village. My views or different. This is the Leaf Village. I say we let him make amends. That is what the first Hokage preached I guess. "

"Oh really?" The Hokage said surprised.

"Yes, I do. What say you Danzo. Do you really wanna prove your loyalty to the Village.

" With every breath I take. I do."

"You may wanna dismiss them, Lord Hokage." Gathering his though Kai-La focused his chakra through his body. "You don't want them to see this."

"Very well." Everyone left except two ninjas. The same male-female duo in the back of the Kage.

"Danzo remove the bandages. And the one around your eye."

Danzo hesitated for a little bit. He then complied. Several Uchiha eyes lined his arm. Little small ones as well. Unlike in the Anime he had more now. The arm he received because Orochimaru's aid Shin Uchiha is quite disgusting.

"Danzo check your self for any abnormalities. Do use the eyes power on yourself. Even you couldn't have trust Orochimaru that much.

"Very well," Danzo said as he used the main eye in his head. He grimaced in pain as he sent his chakra throughout his whole body. Right behind his regular eye was a seal. It activated during his search. "There is a small seal that I triggered with my chakra. It should not be there."

"You should most likely not continue. You have two choices before you." Kai-La said plainly. From his tone, he didn't care either way so far.

"I can destroy all those eyes my self, along with that seal. Or I can leave it all and you continue to use it as is. But good luck explaining that to the Uchihas. They are a crazy bunch. I mean do you remember Madara?"

Thinking for a few minutes. Danzo came to his decision. "Destroy them all."

"Very well then. This might hurt a little." Kai-La said as checked over Danzo quickly.

Kai-La fired his heat vision in microbursts around the seal. To do that he destroyed Danzos original eye. His heat vision then destroyed the nerves around that eye and any that lead to his brain. This had the effect of removing any ocular techniques he happened to be under. Also preventing the chakra in the seal from triggering.

Noticing a strange chakra pulse in Danzo's body, Kai-La sped to Danzo and ripped the arm off. He threw it into a pocket dimension for later study. 'Glad I was able to do that before anything happened.'

Danzo was in excruciating pain. Taking several breaths and studying himself Danzo remained focus. But not once did he cry. He took his pain as a sentence for his actions. Even felt the pain of losing family. Without the chemical constantly released from the seal in his eye, he would notice the erosion of his mind. He felt whole again. And with that comes regret for his choices.

Unbeknown to him, Kai-La had sent empathy in him earlier. We'll he trigger it in Danzo's brain anyway. A bit of empathy for others should cause something in this old war monster. Even with that, it was barely enough for him to feel remorse. He would still need to change on his own. The psyche was a strange thing.

The Third Hokage and his two attendants just watched. The three still could not believe what they all saw. The two behind the Third Hokage looked at each for a moment. A tacit agreement passed between the two.

"Will he be ok?" The Third Hokage asked.

"That is up to him. Danzo are you ready for some real pain?" "Kai-La said. He reached in the pocket dimension

"Do •gasp• your worst. I will not run or hide."

"Good that's what I wanted to hear."

Kai-La placed both his hands this time on Danzo. He changed the cells in his eyes to match with his body. Breaking down the Senju bloodline and the others that were mixed into one. Masked in the cells was the mixture of the others. But on the surface was only Danzos own cell structure. Kai-La gave him new eyes. These eyes were reversed in the color of the Uchihas. Black eyes with reversed comas. The points now pointed outward instead.

Kai-La then redirected the cells in Danzos brain to start to grow a new arm. It was a slow process but it was visible to the eyes.

"This will start to heal up. I will come to you later to fix this up even more so. Also to give you younger cells." Kai-La said. He then looked at the others in the room. "What?! Did you think I was gonna kill him? Who the hell else will set the trap."

"What trap?" The Hokage asked.

"The one to trap a snake duh," Kai-La said.

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