Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 7 - How to handle uninvited guests. But breakfast... fine. But your not stopping me.

The other party couldn't see his face due to the mask. But the party could tell he was not taking any of them seriously. They are Hyugas of the main family. Never had they received such disregard before.

"Hmph. I am Harishi Hyuga. I am here for my niece." The man in the far back said.

"You have no authority over Hisa Hyuga. As a female ninja of the village. She falls ultimately under the authority of the Hokage. Leave at once." Kakashi said.

"Stand to the side. She belongs to the Hyuga clan first and foremost. We will take her by force if we have to!" A Hyuga in the front said.

The air started to bristle. The Hyugas took a step back for a brief instant. Realizing his cowardice he stepped forward. "Hmph."

"Oh dear," Kai-La said shaking his head. His eyes glowed with the intensity of his heat vision. "She is mine. I am quite possessive of what I deem to belong to me you see. It has only been a half a day and I am already attached." Kai-La said amused but coldly. "The moment a decision has been made, I won't change it unless it is disastrous to the rest of the things I hold dear."

Kakashi opened his eye under his mask to get the full effect of his Sharingan. 'This will not end peacefully.'

"Anyway, you should all leave. There is no Hisa Hyuga here. Do leave walk away now sho, sho." Kai-La said turning around walking into the compound.

"How dare you!" A Hyuga said.

"Fwoosh" A Hyuga charged Kakashi.

"Fwoosh, fwoosh" two more charged at Kai-La.

"We are here for Hisa Hyuga. We will not walk away without her." Hirashi said.

"Then you will not walk away then," Kai-La said. He turned around in a pivot grabbing both men by the neck. "Decrepit hands!" Kai-La's hands radiated bright chakra.

Before he gripped both men by the throat, he changed the cells in his hands to cause a cellular breakdown in whatever organic they touched. That was not him of course.

Both men could feel their throats in his grip start to change. With the Byakugan they could see in high intensity a foreign chakra invade each others body. The decay started instantly.

First, the skin was red than yellow. In a few seconds, it turned black than grey. The chakra piggybacked into there bloodstream by riding the blood cells. It wouldn't take long before the entire body would be affected.

"Both of you are quite resilient. Or, I need to practice more. How do you like this technique?" Kai-La asked with his eyes narrowed. He continues to watch the cells in their bodies fight off everything. "Oh dear sorry. Let me ease up on your throats a little. You should be able to speak now."

"Kuk, please spare me. I don't wish to die." The man begged. Feeling his throat burn away terrified him. Seeing his comrade's throat burn made him fearful. 'His chakra travels way to quickly. I can't stop it!' His thoughts went to his family.

Kai-La flung both men at the other two who were guarding Hisa's uncle.

"Don't give me that look... dog. Neither of them are active members of the village. They are just lapdogs of this fool." Kai-La said pointing at Hirashi. He shrugged his shoulder showing he didn't care what Kakashi thought.

"Be that as it may," Kakashi said as he punched his assailant to the side. Afterward, he roundhouse kicked him in the c.h.e.s.t. "Let's solve this without any bloodshed."

"Nope," Kai-La said plainly. Shocking Kakashi at his statement. "Listen I like you kid. But they are just bottom feeders. A nuisance. Bugs.. I squash bugs. If they thought for themselves that would be a different story. But you see.." Kai-La said before he blurred over to the other two who got up already. "They threaten my family. I can't let that pass."

Stepping passes both of them. He quickly spun on his heel and fired his heat ray up both men's backside. Both men collapsed on the ground seconds later.

The nerves along there neck and back had been severed. Well burned to be exact. No responses to the brain and back.

The gate now had four men on the ground in agony. The first two could night even scream anymore. Their vocal cords had deteriorated to that extent. The two could only still breathe due to there chakra. Once it ran out they would die.

"See these four are still alive. Just a little crippled. Well, the throat guys won't be able to move at all soon." Kai-La said stroking the chin of the mask. "You see I kind of- sent my chakra to disrupt the brain signals as well. Can't be too careful. If the mind doesn't work the body is useless you see."

'How dangerous is the Warlord of Uzu. I can't kill him instantly. I will need to talk to the Hokage about this. At least he didn't kill them!' Kakashi thought. He had a job to do and he wouldn't take it too lightly. Kakashi looked toward Kai-La. "Thank you for sparring them at least.. for now." He looked at the other two. "Take them and go. I do believe you two are still standing only because of him not paying attention currently. It is best for you to use this time and leave."

Kai-La was indeed not paying attention. His current focus was on the two he used "Decrepit Palms" on. He watched as the chakra battled one another. Every time his chakra touched a cell it caused for it to breakdown. If it wasn't for the two men's own chakra resilience they would have died already.

Before Kakashi could continue. He went on guard to intercept the man he fought earlier.

"Clang, ching" kunai met kunai.

Kakashi had youth and the Sharingan. The Hyuga had Byakugan and experience. It was taking Kakashi effort to keep from having his chakra points sealed.

'I need to stop this without killing him. The Hokage gave me a really difficult mission. But I have to accomplish this if I want that information about Obito.' Kakashi thought as he created distance with a substitution.

With the gap, he fired off a move. "Fire Style: Giant Fireball Technique." At that, a huge ball of fire was sent hurdling towards the Hyuga.

"Damn you!" The Hyuga yelled before spinning. 'Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven' he thought.

"Boom!" Fireball met rotating palm resulting in an explosion of dust and debris. Out of the smoke, the Hyuga jumped back.

"Huff, huff, you will have to do better than that." The man said as he jumped back in engaging Kakashi.

Hirashi charged at Kai-La who was distracted. " Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms! I will kill you for your insolence!" Hirashi rain blow upon blow on Kai-La. With each strike, he sealed a chakra point. To his Byakugan each pathway closed stopping his opponent chakra."Hah. All your chakra points are sealed I will take you back to the clan for interrogation and punishment." Looking over to his partner he yelled out another order before trying to leave. "Keep him contained. I will send back up for the others. You all have done well.. kuk.. how..what" He managed to say before more of his own body started to turn colors. Collapsing on the ground he started to twitch a little.

"Hmm, wait what was that. I shouldn't get lost in my thoughts so easily anymore. Ah well." Kai-La said shrugging his shoulders. Looking down he saw the Hyuga in front of him. "Oh, how did you get down there? Are you ok... Oh, you touched me, didn't you.. Damn, that sucks for you."

Kai-La walked over to the other two Hyuga men. Using his voice transmission he said "do you wish to live? I can make it for you never have to worry about the main family ever again."

Both men looked Kai-La like he was a demon incarnate. "Please." One of the men rasped out. The other wrote it in the dirt.

"Good show gentlemen. I will use you to help liberate the Hyuga branch family. We will take this slow don't worry." Kai-La said as he placed his hands on both of the men.

Channeling his chakra he reversed the damage on the surface. But below the surface deep down each cell that would divide carried the effects of the "Decrepit Palm". With a blast of his chakra, he could cause the men to die a very painful death. He would also be able to detect there location.

In a few moments, both men could breathe normally again. Circling there chakra their body became better than before. Each man looked at Kai-La confused. They could feel something blocking the curse mark. Not completely, but enough.

"There, there all better. Kai-La went over to Hirashi. He placed his hands on his eyes and destroyed them. That is how it looked on the surface. In actuality, he copied the entire cellular structure of the eye. Payment for your Insolence." Kai-La stressed the last word. 'Hmm, this should be able to help Hisa. Healthy cell structure.'

Looking at the other two on the ground he just shrugged. They both were main branch personnel. The other two were branch members.

"Oi, hurry up over there dog. If not I will intervene and it will not be pretty. I need to eat breakfast before I get cranky." Kai-La said teasingly to Kakashi.

The Hyuga man was relentless. At a closer glance, he was venting his frustrations. He did have a smile as he fought.

"You are good. I haven't fought a stimulating battle in a long time. You remind me of an old teammate of mine. He fights just like you!" The Hyuga said as he launched a strike towards Kakashi's stomach.

"Rip," The kunai tore right through the clothes.

"Hmph. What was his name?" Kakashi asked in wonder. Kakashi started to go through hand signs.

"Sakumoto Hatake." The Hyuga said before rushing Kakashi who froze on hearing the name.

'Oh dear. I forgot this is a young Kakashi. He is still going through a lot.' Kai-La blurred grabbing the Hyuga. A quick poke at the back of the neck. Caused a shut down to his motor function. Shutting down the man's brain function that kept him awake.

"You were taking to long. Then you froze. So I took action. Gentleman take them away. I will talk to you another time. Do enjoy your new strength." Kai-La said. He blurred into the house. It was time to eat.

Arriving in the house he settles down to eat. The women were just talking away. 'At least they were getting along.' Kai-La thought.

Anko noticed him first. "So.. what happened.?"

"Nothing much just a little talk," Kai-La said peacefully. "No one died," Kai-La said after he notices the frown on her face.

"I am glad everything resolved peacefully," Hisa said.

"Yeah. Later today I will take care of that cage bird seal. Also, I have a method for your Byakugan to awaken. Look forward to that." Kai-La

"Aye.. th thank you. I promise I will." Hisa said. She sat down and ate with the rest of the family members.

"Knock, knock." A light knock came from the door.

"I will get it." Said Hisa.

"Sit down. You have done enough." Pakura said. "I will get it."

Walking to the door Pakura opened it. Two people were there. One Kakashi Hatake and a ninja she hasn't met. She had a cigarette in her mouth.

"Kai-La its Kakashi and some smoking Lady. She also has a cigarette in her mouth." Pakura said as she invited them in.

Looking over to her partner. The lady smiled. "Kakashi why does she look somewhat familiar?"

"I have no idea. But they are Vip's so don't cause trouble." Noticing her nonplused attitude. Kakashi said more firmly, "Lady Sarutobi this will end badly if you continue to cause trouble. I can assure you he has no trouble with crippling you. Warlord Kai-La crippled two Hyuga men and a few main branch member just minutes ago. I should not have to remind you, what you came across outside."

Kakashi then walked inside. Lady Sarutobi started to walk in but was stopped. "Please put the cigarette out," Kai-La said.

Lady Sarutobi walked in without putting the cigarette out. "It's ok it won't cause any problems its just a little smoke."

As she took a few steps. She stopped when she felt the killing intent directed at her. The strongest came from Hisa who looked directly at her. Kai-La ran a cursory glance of her dismissing her. Pakura just sat down with a smile as she fed Naruto. Anko had a sheepish smile as she looked at her.

"Ok ok. I will put it out. Geez, calm down." Lady Sarutobi said. "Let's get down to business. The Hokage and His council will like to see you later today. Preferably this evening."

"Ah, I am busy this evening. I was gonna stop by this morning actually." Kai-La said offhandedly.

"That won't work he has an emergency meeting with the council right now. I was just informed earlier." Kakashi said.

"Oh the council consists of Danzo does it not?" Kai-La said with his head tilted to the side.

"Yes Lord Danzo will be there." Lady Sarutobi said.

"Hmm, I will go right now bye," Kai-La said as he disappeared in a blur.

"Does he always do that?" Kakashi asked.

"Hmm yes actually. From what I have seen." Anko said. "Oh, where are you two going?"

"To the Hokage Tower. There is a delegation from the Village hidden in the Mist as well. Their cant be any interruptions. Let's go Kakashi we can't waste time." Lady Sarutobi said.

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