Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 6 - First Morning..First breakfast

The next morning. Well two hours later for Kai-La…

"That was a fair amount of sleep… I guess." Kai-La said as he started to stretch in bed. "Well, at least my body is bursting with strength. Yay high chakra recovery." 'I should take a chance later and fly to the Sun and get an energy recharge. No reason not to have a full charge.' Kai-La mused as he stroked his chin in thought.

Kai-La then went to the bathroom and freshen up. Standing in the mirror he noticed no stubble on his face. 'Right no cell loss. As long as I have a little solar energy my body stays the same.'

Summoning his favorite brand of toothpaste and a toothbrush he took care of his teeth. Then a quick bath. The thing about heat vision. It can let you warm water really quickly. After a soak, he got dressed in his suit.

The suit was completely clean and had no coloration problems. God clothes go figure. Reforming his mask on his face he scans around the house. Finding a quick route outside he speeds there. With a leap and then a quick flight to the sun he was fully charged in moments.

'What a healthy sun.' He thought. "This feels too good. Later there Sun." Flying back Kai-La thought of what he needed to do today.

'Ok, there are a few things to get done today. Meet with the Hokage. Find out about the Leaf village security problems. Check for threats. Find out about Karen and her mother. Should I go and get Haku and his/her mother before the Kage there goes a little nuts. That bloodline ability could work wonders for defenses. Hmm, I could most likely snatch them all up... but... Nah I will play it by ear. I am not the captain save a mutherf.u.c.ka. Neither am I a kidnapper. Well not yet anyway. I have a lifetime. Might as well take it slow. It's the decent thing to do right??' Kai-La thought about what to do next. Landing near the house he let himself drop down.

"Thump," he landed or dropped. 'Need to practice landing. At least have I have a little training in some of the more physical aspect of things. At least some of the moves are coming back to me.' Kai-La straightened his tie after he sped back to his room. Looking at Pakura he used his x-ray vision. Her healing was better and her chakra network was changing.

"Knock, knock." Two taps on his door. Kai-La looked over to see Anko on the other side with Hisa. While he had the chance he did a quick glance over the entire compound. There was nothing of note at first glance. But there was a ninja on this side of the gate.

Magnifying his eyes to see through the clothes seals. He was slightly surprised with who it was.

'Kakashi Hatake. Must have already spoken with the Hokage it seems. I will check with him later.' Kai-La thought as he turned his vision back to normal.

"Hey is everyone decent in there?" Anko asked.

Kai-La looked at Pakura who still slumbered. He raised the blanket and covered her up to the chin. Getting away from the bed, he removed the dimension guards around Naruto.

"Yeah come in. Do be a little quiet though. I am the only one awake at this time." Kai-La sound transmitted to them. This was the only power he seemed to have complete control over. And that was only due to the nightmares of remembering what happened to Uzu. When your voice can destroy solid stone you need to train it.

"Well, Naruto it looks like the changes I did to you are working fine. You are all healthy and strong little guy. Need to get you some food and a possible playdate later." Kai-La lifted Naruto up and was quite happy. "I won't let you grow up alone. This is a promise."

Naruto smiled. He was still asleep. The cells that were in charge of keeping him healthy required him to sleep more. Which really is not a problem at his age.

"Creak," the door opened up slowly. Anko gestured behind it for Kai-La to come outside the room.

Stepping out the room he absorbed the mouthpiece of the mask back in. Stunning both women.

Taking the chance he kissed both women on the cheek. "Morning. Let's go downstairs." With that statement, he went downstairs. Leaving both women even more stunned by the door.

"Umm that was my first kiss," Hisa said.

"Really? Wait till he does your lips." Anko said recovering faster than the other. She headed downstairs as well.

"Ok, so what's wrong? Are you two ok?" Kai-La asked while rocking baby Naruto slowly in his arms. "I understand this will take some getting use to, but you can talk to me ok?"

Anko gave Hisa a look. Her eyes seemed to say 'speak now!' Noticing the woman id not speak after a minute or two. Anko gritted her teeth and moved behind the woman. "Hisa needs to tell you something." Anko then pushed Hisa forward.

"Um..its... nothing. It's not that big a deal." Hisa said not making eye contact. "I say we should just forget it." The young woman started to hesitate even more so. Trying to step back she was stopped by Anko who pushed her back up.

"Hmm. Is it the mask? No, that can't be it. You both are trained female ninja that shouldn't bother you. Ladies if it's not important then fine. I need to make breakfast. I kinda want to eat something." Kai-La said to the two kindly. He started to get up but was stopped.

"I will do it. Please sit back down. Spend time with the baby more. It is good for his development." Hisa said. After she said that she busied her self in the kitchen.

Kai-La looked at her weirdly. Mostly a little surprise. How much did she know about kids? 'Note to self ask her what her job was in her clan.'

Noticing Kai-La was not gonna say anything else. Anko interrupted his train of thought.

"So... she ran away from home. The guy who came yesterday was her uncle. He is the head of her branch family." Noticing she had Kai-La's attention she continued. "She signed up for the mission of a wife the moment she saw the posting. Like most of the Hyuga members especially the women. There are some things that are not... nice about the inner workings of the clans. She was reaching the age where she would have to make a choice."

"Oh... I do not wanna guess tell me." Kai-La said as he focused his eyes on Anko. His ears spread around the compound to listen in.

"It is better she tells you about that. They have a look out in several places. Mostly for a way to marry an influential person that can protect them from family laws. Apparently, she heard the comment you said to the Hokage's receptionist." Anko said. She had a weird smile on her face at the last part.

"Ah, I see. But she is a grown woman. So the choice is hers to make." Kai-La said.

"It doesn't work that way for the Hyugas!" Anko said slapping the table.

"Ummu." Baby Naruto started to stir.

Kai-La waved his hand at Anko. Not paying attention his eyes narrowed a little subconsciously at Anko. "I know the Hyuga's have that weird ancient psychotic tradition. But I don't care about them. Just like they don't care about there family members. They care only about those eyes. Not a single bit actually beside a few members. I only care about physical, mental, and emotional well being of members of this family. Everyone else is a means to several ends."

"They do care! You cant truly think that!" Anko yelled. She was really agitated.

"Ummu mu mu." Baby Naruto mumbled in his sleep. Anko's anger started to unsettle him.

"If they cared they would slaughter the main members for there freedom. They do outnumber them. The cage bird seal puts them in excruciating pain. Yes, I know. But why don't the Uchiha's have the same thing going with there family?" Kai-La said as he shushed Naruto to calm him.

"Whatever that families dynamics are, they are beyond my current understanding. What's going on with Hisa and for that matter, Hinata, Neji and the rest in that age group will change. Hopefully for the better. The cage bird seal will be dealt with. Hisa needn't worry about it. Why are you so worried about the Hyugas?"

"I.. just want.. her to be happy is all. Shouldn't you?" Anko said looking away. "Why did you mention the names of the children of the main households. Even though Neji is a future branch member. Right now he is still important to them."

"Of course I do. All the members who fall under this household. I care about them. I may show more interest in certain matters above others right now. But that is my personal preferences. My interest in them is my own for now. What's with that look? Kai-La asked.

Anko was staring at him as if she expected him to continue.

"You have your secrets I have mine. You tell me more I will tell you more. That is how relationsh.i.p.s work. Liking each other and caring for each other. And years from now loving each other." Kai-La said. After saying that he started to focus on a basic chakra exercise. Leaving Anko to think about what he said. Hisa as well as she started to slow down cooking in the kitchen.

"What will you do when her uncle comes back? If he demands her return? Anko asked with a little fear in her voice.

Naruto turned away from her and nustled his head into Kai-La. He was wide awake. He just enjoyed being held right now. It was a lot better than the orphanage. Plus Kai was warm.

"He can demand nothing in this house. When he comes back we will have a chat." Looking at Anko's face. He saw the new worry. "What I said talk? Maybe with our fists. I promise I won't use any techniques ok?"

"But...but what if he uses underhanded methods? If he uses force then what?" Anko asked.

"I will show him his place. He will learn first hand why I am known as the Warlord of Uzu. I will beat him down. If he persists, I will leave him a broken man. In every sense of the word." Kai-La said calmly.

'How can someone talk like that so calmly. He is practicing his chakra control and rocking a baby in his arms. This isn't a trivial matter! I will need to send word to the Hokage about this.' Anko thought as she watched the two in front of her.

"Hisa," Kai-La called opening his eyes and turning back. "I think you should take the name Senju like Anko. Even though the Uzumaki name will help now, the Senju might be better for the future." This broke the silence of Anko. Turning back he looked at her. "It will help in the future with growing tensions. That name still carries weight to it."

"Thank you. I will do that name proud." Hisa said from the kitchen.

Outside the compound, trouble was happening. 6 men tried to enter the compound but were stopped by Kakashi in his dog mask and full Anbu attire. None of the men stepped forward for a while.

"Anko we have a few uninvited guests outside the compound. I will go deal with them. Watch over baby Naruto and the house." Kai-La said as he walked over and handed over the baby to Anko. "Hisa have faith in yourself and take care?"

Handing the baby over to Anko he disappeared.

"Wait a sec...Damn it!" Anko said. She looked at the baby in her arms. He looked so peaceful as she held him. 'Why do I feel so comfortable holding this baby?' Anko did not notice the marks on her neck healed. The mark of the Senju clan appeared then disappeared. Her chakra purified even more so when she held the baby.

Hisa walked out of the kitchen with some of the food. "Do you think he will be ok?" She asked slightly worried.

Snapping out of it. Anko didn't know why but she felt bad for the "uninvited guests" if they came for trouble. "If the rumors are true he will be fine. It would be best to continue making breakfast. Make sure you make something for the baby here." Anko said smiling at the baby.

"Most definitely," Hisa said. "Why didn't you tell him the connection you have with the clan?"

"The same reason you didn't tell him who your sister is," Anko said.

"Oh, and who is your sister? What is your connection to the clan?" A voice said as it came down the staircase.

"Both of you won't say? To bad. What terrible sister wives." Pakura said as she grabbed baby Naruto from Anko. "It's ok. Mommy Anko just has some things she is dealing with. She isn't mad at you." Pakura tickled Naruto as she sat at the table. "Hisa may I have something to eat as well.?"

"Um, yes no problem. Excuse me a moment." Hisa said fl.u.s.tered as she went back to the kitchen.

"How about I tell you about myself first. I will tell you how Kai-La saved me just yesterday. I will tell you about a few other things as well. Sound good?" Pakura asked towards the two.

"Yes please do. How long have you known Kai-La?" Anko asked.

"Well, it all started.." Pakura started to say.

Outside at the gate. Things were just getting interesting. Kai-La just blurred in front of the gate.

"Greeting guests I would say. But you all technically didn't get inside. So how about rabble-rousers." Kai-La said after a light bow. "This is the Namikaze compound. I doubt you have an appointment. Do leave children."

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