Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 13 - Eh, it was a success. It would be better if I report tomorrow..

"Well.." Kai-La started to say till there was a knock at the door. "I will say later. It was a success better report the rest tomorrow."

Answering. The Hokage beckon them inside. Hisa walked in with Anko in tow.

"Hisa how are you?" Kai-La asked. He then looked to Anko. "What is wrong Anko?"

"Everything is fine Husband. Anko had a little trouble with something she heard." Hisa said.

"Tch. Is it true you are going to remove her eyes?" Anko asked almost snarling. "It is a stupid choice."

"Of course I am. She won't need those crappy things." Kai-La said approaching Hisa. "I also noticed when we first met. Her eyes are slightly damaged."

"You can't be serious! Even with little astigmatism, she exceeds others at her job. She is a ninja. Damn near Jonin rank. Without her eyes, she won't be able to continue. You are taking something so precious from her. And for what? Some stupid deal with the Hyuga!" Anko said angrily. She didn't want to believe this was happening.

"Oh, you are worried about the wrong things. Besides Hisa doesn't have a problem with it. Do you Hisa?" Kai-La asked smiling. 'I really want to go to bed. It has been a long day or days how long have I been up? Just two right. I really don't like that star chakra. I think it gave me something like the flu when it hit.'

"I do not have a problem with it. I wanna trust husband has a plan." Hisa said with a smile. "I am trusting you not to hurt me."

"Of course I do," Kai-La said amusedly. He reached for Hisa's face. "If I hurt you it only because I have to. I will make it better."

Hisa just continued to smile. Tsume clenched her teeth. If Hisa would have said no she would have attacked. Since she agreed there was nothing to do.

"I won't let you.." Anko said. After a quick blur, she started to drop. Kai-La punched her in the gut with enough force her spine rattled. "You.."

"Shh. It'll be ok. Go to sleep now." Kai-La said as he laid her next to TenTen.

"You. How could you do that to her?" Tsume asked? "That's your wife isn't she?"

"Very easily. Don't get me wrong if I wasn't tired I would have been more gentle. But you are mistaken, she is a wife candidate." Kai-La said with a little edge in air quotes. "Till the vows are made and the seal is done. I must not show weakness. Everyone does things differently."

"I barely saw a thing," Hiashi mumbled lowly. 'How fast did he move?'

"I would have ignored what she said if she were my wife. But she has to know. I am in charge. I won't tolerate any interference when it comes to there lives. If this causes a problem with them so be it. I do things my way. This is very important for Hisa's freedom." Kai-La said coldly to Tsume. Causing her to almost avert her gaze.

She held her breath. Staring Kai-La down.

"But still. This could have been handled better." Tsume said.

"It could have, maybe. But that would require me killing the Hyuga's till I received what I wanted. Hisa would not be happy with that." Kai-La said offhandley. Looking to Hisa he placed his left hand on her shoulder and right hand near her eye. "Are you ready?"

"Do it, please," Hisa said as a tear fell down her cheek. She trusted Kai-La but the loss of her sight or her freedom.

Kai-La reached forward plucking her eye out. Hisa only whimpered at the oddity of it all. Kai-La had disabled the nerves that led to her eyes when he placed his hands on her shoulder.

"One down. One more to go. Hisa you are doing wonderfully." Kai-La said smiling.

"Mm, continue," Hisa said.

Kai-La moved his hand to her other eye and removed it next. He handed both bloody eyes to Hiashi.

"There you go. Now remove the Cage Bird Seal." Kai-La said coldly.

Hisashi started to move before he was stopped.

"I will do it Hiashi. This is something an Elder should have to do. Not a new Head of the family." The Elder stood up and performed some hand seals for 10 minutes. The mark on Hisa disappeared.

"I do believe this has been concluded. I think the Hyugas for the work and understanding. Hopefully, next time, It does not come to this." The Hokage said.

Danzo and the aides agreed.

"Of course Lord Hokage." Hiashi and the Elders said as they left.

Kai-La walked back to Hisa and gathered chakra in his hands. Placing both palms on her eye sockets. He pressed down.

"Tsss" smell of burned fleshed passed through everyone nose. When Kai-La moved his hands it revealed two new eyes forming in Hisa's sockets.

"Relax Hisa. Your new ocular network is forming. Soon you will have new eyes." Kai-La said as he led her to a seat.

"Of course. I can wait." Hisa said. She relaxed and started to meditate to calm her mind.

"You.. you grew her new eyes. How?" Tsume asked amazed.

"Clan secret of course. I wouldn't let her walk around blind. I mean if she wanted to sure. But if I could help it hell no." Kai-La said as he observed TenTen, then Anko, and finally Hisa before relaxing.

"Sorry I doubted you." Tsume said. "It pissed her off knowing she misjudged the man in front of her. Not all men were like that mate that left her.

"Ah thank nothing of it. Nothing really became of it. Besides my image I guess. But then again that is useless really. But I gained a free wife. No dowry and an amazing woman at my side. Straight win across the board. As well as the methods to release the caged bird seal Lady Tsume and Lord Hokage." Kai-La said leaning back in a chair.

It took a few seconds for what he said to sink in.

"Come again, Lord Senju. What did you say?" Danzo asked.

"Oh, one of the reasons I did this was to learn the final methods of the Caged Bird Seal," Kai-La said opening one eye looking at the rest of them. "What? I didn't do it underhandedly. Nor did I steal it from them. I watched it and finally put the finishing touches together in my head? I could not allow them to leave that on my Hisa."

"Heh hehe just great. Ta think this was your plan. I am impressed, Lord Senju." Danzo said laughing. This, in turn, shocked the Hokage.

He could not remember the last time his old friend laughed.

"Hmm. Be that as it may. I suggest we label this secret a SSS mission. If this were to leak we may have a civil uprising on our hands." The Hokage said.

"Eh, fine by me. I will keep this quiet as long as I remember to." Kai-La said.

"We won't say a word, Lord Hokage," the aids said.

"Understood Hiruzen," Danzo said.

"Mm." Hisa said." She started to flutter her eyelashes. "I am out of chakra. But it speeds up the healing process by a lot." Looking around she looked at Kai-La. "Husband you look tired. We should head home and stop taking up The Hokages time." Hisa was extremely jubilant at the sight of everything.

"I am tired. But let's wait a moment till you rest a bit more. Tell me how do you feel? Try sending a little chakra to your eyes again. Just at that location. Nowhere else. I wish to see something." Kai-La said walking to her.

"Ok," Hisa said.

With a small pulse of chakra, her new brown eyes dilated then constricted before returning to normal.

"Are you in any pain? Tell me what did you see?" Kai-La asked slowly.

"An exact copy of what I saw around me. It is weird. About up to 50 feet around me I have a picture of everything in my head." Hisa said shaking her head. "It doesn't hurt. Just weird."

"I understand rest. We will check that out later, for now, rest and try not to send chakra there for now." Kai-La said. With that, he kissed her on the cheek. "Can you stand?"

"Yes, I can," Hisa said even happier as she looked around.

"Lord Hokage, I do believe it best if we head home for the day," Kai-La said picking up Tenten. He lifted Anko in his other arm.

"Of course. Tomorrow I will send someone to get a briefing about the Grass mission. You have a nice day." The Third Hokage said.

Kai-La left with his family in tow.

"Lord Hokage. I wish to talk to you about something personal." Tsume said.

"Very well. Everyone else you are dismissed." The Hokage said.

"What seems to be the issue?" The Hokage asked.

Back to Kai-La.

"Who is that child?" Hisa asked.

"This is TenTen Senju. My first daughter. As well as your first daughter. I want you to raise her like she is your own." Kai-La said as they walked.

"Umm me. Shouldn't it be Anko to raise her? She is the first Senju wife." Hisa said hesitatingly. If one looked close there was joy in her eyes. 'I made the right choice in trusting him.' Looking at Anko she felt a trace of guilt. 'Sorry cousin I didn't want him to do this, but I want to be happy. Don't be mad at me.'

"This is true. But Anko has her own choices to make. I should have asked her more about what she wanted. Maybe she wanted the seal to stay. It could have been a number of things. I won't keep her back. She is young. There are other people. Maybe they will be able to give her what she truly" Kai-La said. He looked to Anko and shook his head before looking forward.

"But.. I will talk to her. Just like she talked to me. Don't give up on her just yet." Hisa said determinedly.

"Umm," Kai-La said shrugging his shoulders. "You are right. I need to let things happen."

They continued until onward. As the group made it to the Namikaze compound several others had been waiting. At the gate, five a.d.u.l.ts and two children were waiting.

"Greetings Lord Senju." A man stepped forward.

"Who are you, people?" Kai-La asked. Looking to Hisa he asked again. "Who are they?"

"Hehe, they are people looking for work. Technically some are retired ninja who couldn't take care of their family. Sister Pakura had me set up a mission to acquire help." Hisa said looking the other way. "I forgot to mention it to you."

"Ok...ok.. Come inside. Take the houses at the very front of the gate. I will sort you all out two days from now. Till then rest and get settled. Be civil. If there is any mistreatment amongst you all. I will strictly disciple you all myself." Kai-La said coldly towards the group.

"Of course Lord Senju. We will behave." The man in front said.

As Hisa unsealed the gate another person appeared.

"Please wait!" The voice yelled.

"For crying out loud. I just wanna go to bed. Just a nap is that too much to ask." Kai-La said dejectedly as his shoulders dropped.

"Wait for me! I wish to join your clan, Lord Uzumaki!" The child said before looking up.

"Why are you here..? Shura what happened?" Kai-La asked intrigued.

"I need a home to stay at. Heard you were looking for ninja. My skills speak for themselves." Shura said.

"Very well then. Follow me." Kai -La said as he made it inside.

Reaching the main house Kai-La smiled. It was short lived. Pakura came out fuming.

"Took you long enough. So where is that woman Oreo?" Pakura asked looking around.

"Huh, how do you know about that?" Kai-La asked walking inside.

"The eye thing you did a while back. Turns out if I focus on you it opens a hole allowing me to see what you see." Pakura said like it wasn't a big deal. "Who is the squirt? What happened to Anko?" Looking at Hisa. " Hisa nice eyes where did you get them? Brown suits you better than that blank Lavender."

"This is TenTen our first daughter. She is sleeping right now. Had to fix some damages. I knocked Anko out. I put the eyes in her myself. Oreo is someone I will explain later." Kai-La said walking inside.

"So let me tell you what happened on the mission. Aburame find a room for yourself near TenTen's ok. You're in charge of her protection." Kai-La said. Looking back he started to explain to Hisa and Pakura.

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