Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 14 - Showing them a home. Well ok then Anko.

The next morning. Instead of sleeping a good night Kai-La spent outside watching over the new clansmen. It was an hour before sunrise.

So far most just settled in and rest. However, the man who spoke earlier yesterday did not. He worked tirelessly around the house fixing things up. His son spent time cleaning the floors. Every now and then they muttered something.

"Must have a nice home. Can't get kicked out. Nowhere left to go." The father-son duo said on repeat. The home was completely clean by the morning.

'That is something interesting. Well so far so good. I need to finish these scrolls on seals, and medical technique. May want to talk to a Yamanaka for some mental ones. Quite weird there isn't any in the library.' Kai-La thought to himself. 'No more missions for a while. Time to work on the family. The others will have to wait.' Getting up he looked towards the moon.

'The sunlight chakra from the reflection of the moon is way worse compared to straight light. The moonlight had a different quality to it but also makes me dangerous. Is it chakra radiation or different filtering of light? So exciting. Then again I could travel across to an area not blocked by it. That will take time and is exhausting. That would completely destroy any surprises. The best thing to do is brush up on my ninja skills. My physical is perfect. It is all about chakra control and build up.' Skaing his head Kai-La started to return inside.

"Ahh, doesn't matter. Just gonna enjoy life." Kai-La said yawning.

Something in the corner caught his eye.

Noticing someone leave the main house was weird. He watched as Anko left the house quite stealthily. If he wasn't outside he would have not caught her leaving.

'I wonder where she is going? No matter I did knock her out yesterday. Can't apologize though. Stupid fertility God. He should have told me he also represented Pandemonium!' Kai-La grumbled as he returned inside.

Inside the house, Kai-La speed cleaned the entire place. Leaving it spotless. Had to contribute a little to the house right. Plus it made him feel useful in a normal way and let his mind relax a little. A little later there was a knock at the door.

"Knock, knock."

Kai-La being the one up went to check on it first. He was surprised to see Might Guy.

"Morning is everything ok?" Kai-La asked as his eyes narrowed. "Something the matter?"

"No of course not Lord Senju. I have come to report the families are here." Guy said formally.

"Easy Guy feel free to call me by name," Kai-La said with a smile. "Wait what do you mean families?"

"I can't do that Lord Senju. Youth must always show respect!" Guy said with a lot of enthusiasm. "There are three families Lord. Kari Uzumaki, Kira Uzumaki and a Lady Orborous with two attendees."

"Ah, shit balls. I forgot about her." Kai-La said slapping his head. "Let me get cleaned up and head out with you. Do you want to come in for a moment?" Kai-La gestured for Guy to enter.

"Yes, Thank you." Guy walked in and relaxed a little. "Lovely home."

"Thanks. The Ladies make it worthwhile the children make it better as well. You should start your own family Guy. Your father would be quite happy about it. Oops sorry, I forgot he passed away." Kai-La said with a sad smile.

"It is ok. I honor him every day." Guy said with a self-deprecating smile.

"Umm, I will find someone for you to marry. I mean to introduce you to. Anyway arrangements in the place was not my work. Only thing I did was clean a little." Kai-La said as he went upstairs. Cleaning and bathing himself quickly he came back down. Wearing dark blue ninja clothing with boots. His mask was now on.

Guy stood up when he entered. "I can find my own woman. Hehe." Guy said sheepishly. "Lord are you ready?" He was slightly embarrassed which was funny.

"Hold on one moment," Kai-La said as he turned around. Using his voice transmission he told Hisa and Pakura that he was leaving and would be back with some guests later. With that, he turned and left with Guy.

Along the way the to become friends. Not close ones but friends none the less. Along the way, Guy spoke about a woman he had an interest in. This in turned surprise Kai-La.

"Sorry about that. Didn't know you had someone already." Kai-La said with smiling eyes. 'Huh find out new things every day. I wonder if this meant she died during or before the show started?"

At the Hokage Tower, everything was not going ok. Turns out the older Kari Uzumaki didn't care for him. She was quite grumbly all together.

"I really would like it if you all stayed with me. For relative safety. The Grass village was not the best place for you. Considering your treatment that spoke for itself." Kai-La said to the family.

"Tch can we refuse?" Kari asked. "We were taken from the home we knew and brought here. Everyone knows The Leaf Village could completely destroy The Grass Village!" Kari said pointing her finger.

"Sister! Don't be that way. Warlord Uzu has done a lot for us already. He has only the best intentions." Kira pleaded to her sister. Her half-sister anyway. They shared the same father.

"If he was so great. Why did Uzu fall?! Mom and Dad would still be alive if he did his job." Kari said with venom. Tears started to form in her eyes.

"I tried. More than most." Kai-La said defending himself. "If the main head family wasn't so wrapped up in foolish peace talks. They would have guarded the Village better. What could we ninja due when the advisors crippled the village in paltry negotiations?"

"Bah excuses! Our father was no fool! He believed in cooperation. Your birth put people on edge. Prophecy child! My ass!" Kari said adamantly.

"We have argued this for an hour. I am done with this." Kai-La said. He relaxed himself and made his stance clear. "I tried and that's the bottom line." Arguing with a pissed off Uzumaki woman wouldn't work well unless you didn't mind fighting. That would be counterproductive for his task.

"Yeah, you did. Sure you did." Kari said sarcastically. "You were supposed to protect us. The fights, they put us through just to survive till the first village we reached.." Kari placed her head low. The room became a little quieter.

Noticing the indifferent look in Kai-La's eyes caused her to lose it again. His clothes look new. She was told he had an entire compound to himself and family. Something broke inside her. She said something she should have not said next. "Making our way to the Grass Village we lost so many. But I heard you left the battlefield. Sounds like a coward. Is that not why you wear that mask all the time? Because are ashamed of yourself?"

The Aides pulled up their guard. Might Guy stood to shield the woman just in case.

"How dare such a little bitch as you harp at me. Who are you to judge me? If it wasn't for me, you would be dead. The reason you and your family escape is because of me. The others that are scattered only survived due to my effort. How do you think the boat that carried you all made it. I left the front lines to make sure the refugee sh.i.p.s had a chance. Even then I ran out of chakra and fell in the water. You are mad about your life?" Kai-La said fuming. His eyes started to glow bright white. "No one is alive from my immediate family. Not a single one!"

"I.." Kari started to mutter. 'Crap I didn't think he get this pissed.'

"Saving you was a mistake! I can see that now." Kai-La said coldly.

"Calm yourself, Lord Senju! This is not the way!" The Hokage said.

"There is no changing it now. We should take a break." The Hokage Aides said one after another. Each trying to get the man from killing someone from a disagreement.

"You are wrong. As a matter of fact, we can change that right now," Kai-La said as his mask receded. His hair turned completely red. Borderline crimson like blood.

Guy stepped forward opening his first gate.

"Kai-La! As a new friend, I ask you to stop. I can not allow this to pass." Guy said determinedly. Looking back at the frightened Kari. He steeled his resolve. He bowed to Kai-La. "Allow her and her family to live. You said I should get a wife. I choose her. I will do my best to help her!"

"You don't have to do this Guy. You barely know me." Kari said. She likes the man but she did not want him to have a problem with his village.

"I have made my decision! A man in his youth must be firm and decisive!" Guy said standing tall.

"Accepted Guy. I hope you will make them happy and you will be happy." Kai-La said as he calmed down. His hair turning back to normal. His chakra returned to normal levels as well. 'I cannot be the reason Guy does get a woman. I would hate myself forever.'

Guy and everyone else relaxed.

"You are serious aren't you. You won't stop me from being with him?" Kari asked.

"No. You have someone who is more than capable of taking care of you and providing for you. Your family should be fine with his." Kai-La said with a smile. "However I hope you continue to train Guy. You must become an even better ninja than you are now. Can you promise me that?"

"Of course! I will show you my resolve!" Guy said enthusiastically.

The aides looked confused.

Danzo thought. 'Can your mood change less. I thought there was gonna be a rumble.'

"What about you Kira? Did you find someone as well already?" Kai-La asked looking at the woman.

"No, I did not," Kira said shaking her head. "I am happy as I am. As well as happy for my sister. As long as my daughter is safe I am happy."

"Then again you have my offer. I will do what I can to help you and your daughter." Kai-La said plainly.

"Kai-La take them to the compound. We will talk later." The Hokage said calmly. "We need to discuss Oroborus."

"Hmm, very well. Bye bye for now. I will wait for you outside The Tower." Kai-La said to Kira walking out.

A few minutes later the trio made their way to the Namikaze compound.

"So this will be your new home, " Kai-La said as he pointed around the compound. His mask had detracted when he entered the compound. "Well, the community I guess. Your actual house has a courtyard and a place for a garden and such. I think you will like it."

"Thank you very much. But... can we stay somewhere closer to you? I would like to be closer to the family. Besides.." Kari paused as she looked at her daughter. "I wish for my daughter to be safe above all else." Kari looked determined for her daughter to be placed under his protection.

After a few moments, Kai-La looked at her. "I want you to train as a medical ninja. I understand you can heal people by letting them bite you. So can Karin. But that has several issues. You can pay me back by living a good strong life. Spend time with your daughter and enjoy life. As long as you study hard as a medical ninja. I will provide as long as I can for you and Karin. You have my word ok." Kai-La said.

Between sobs, Kira managed more thank you's.

"You can stay in the main house with us. There is plenty of room in that big house. Dear husband here wants you to study medicine for his own benefit I assume." Pakura said as she greeted them at the door. Pakura, Naruto, TenTen, Hisa were eating fruit on the porch.

"Since you don't want to be indebted it looks like work is the best option. I also need another woman to go over the customs of the Uzumaki clan. Can you do that for me?" Pakura asked much to the relief of Kari.

"Yes, I will serve you well," Kari said. With a light bow, she kept her head down. Karin followed suit.

"Nothing about serving again," Pakura said angrily. "We are family by blood. If not future friends. Address me as Pakura. Any other way will be an insult."

"I.. can't. I mean you all have done so much for me already." Looking up Kira saw the anger in Pakuras eyes. "Yes, I will do my best!"

"Good. Let's go." Pakura said standing up.

"Go where?" Kai-La asked in wonder.

"Naruto, Hisa, TenTen, Kira, Karen and I will go shopping. Kai-La go and spend some time with Anko. She should be around the village. I do believe she wishes to speak with you about some things." Pakura said sweetly. "I have a little pocket money since hubby is stingy." She said routinely to the others.

This caused a chuckle out of the children. And a snicker from Hisa who couldn't keep it in. Kira just looked to the side trying not to make eye contact.

"Right... I should provide some money." Kai-La said. He reached in his pocket then into a little dimension retrieving a small bag of gold. "This is play money for the year. It is more than enough to last a regular family for 5 years. Try not to spoil each other too much. We can go over the budget later. Make sure to buy what the kids and yourselves need for training."

Walking over to Naruto he did a quick check up on him.

'His cells are compacting quite well. Soon I will do something about the Nine-Tails inside you. Till then wait for it little guy.' Kai-La thought to himself.

Noticing the whiskers he circled his chakra and targeted the cells. This caused the whiskers to recede. There was also the added effect of Naruto gaining a red streak of hair as well.

'Food for thought.' Kai-La looked back at Pakura who counted the money.

Pakura looked gobsmacked. One could tell she was joking about the money. But since it was to last a year. She would have fun with it. Considering the pocket money she did have on hand as well. It should be enough for some fun.

"Umm, thanks," Pakura said. 'I have to think Anko for the pout technique.' Walking up she kissed Kai-Las cheek. Grabbing Naruto's hand and left. Hisa held onto TenTen hands and Kari held onto Karins.

Watching them leave, Kai-La did a full scan of the compound. Detecting no abnormalities. He relaxed. He then jumped into the air then flew up to the sun. After a quick recharge using his enhanced x-ray vision to find Anko in the village. He found her at a shop buying something that looked like sweets and tea.

With a burst of speed, Kai-La flew to an alleyway not far from the area. He walked out and to Anko.

"Anko may I sit?" Kai-La asked with a little smile.

"Do whatever you want?" Anko said off-handedly.

"So you wanted to talk to me. Let's talk." Kai-La said as he ordered a set of food.

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