Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 15 - Out with Anko.... Yeah what could go wrong.

"We should just eat. We can talk later." Anko said. 'Damn what to say. Ugh, my head still hurts. Why can't I remember everything? What did he do to me?! Why did he leave me behind?'

"Hmm, very well." Kai-La ate his food.

10 minutes later. The food was all gone. Kai-La finished quite fast. He sat and waited for her to finish. While waiting he circled his chakra. The best thing to do was to gain a bigger chakra pool.

"I'm done. Come follow me." Anko said. She gestured with her hand. Mostly with a crooked finger as she walked towards the outer part of the city.

Both of them traveled in silence towards the gated area. They stopped right outside the forbidden forest. Two Jonin guarded the area.

"Greetings, trainee Anko. What brings you here?" One of the Jonin asked. He then looked over to Kai-La. "Lord Senju. First time meeting you. It is an honor. The jonin reached out his hand before retracting it to cover his mouth. "Cough cough," after a few moments he was fine. The woman next to him looked with worry for a split second.

"Gross man. Hehe." Kai-La chuckled. He still reached out to shake his hand. He left it there waiting for a shake. His eyes narrowed once he released who he spoke to. "Your Hayate Gekko aren't you?" He looked over to the woman. "Yūgao Uzuki I take it?"

"Yes, I am," Hayate said. "How did you know?" He looked curious towards Kai-La then to Anko. "Did you tell him about us?"

"Not at all. He just seems to know some people in the village. How, I don't know. Records show he has never been here before in the village." Anko said as she shrugged her shoulders. "I am just here for some training. He is here to watch and supervise."

"You and her make a great couple. Since we aren't gonna shake it looks like, I guess it is better to put my hands in my pocket." Kai-La said putting his hands in his pockets. "I know the most dangerous ninja. It is shame about that lung cancer. Or is it something else."

"How do you know about that?" Hayate asked.

"Sorry about that," Anko said stepping in front of Kai-La. "Do forgive him. He generally just says whatever comes to mind."

When Anko stepped in front of him it broke his thoughts. Waving his hands Kai-La stopped his musings. "So since the pleasantries are over let's go Anko."

"Wait! You won't tell anyone about us will you?" Yūgao asked. She was slightly nervous.

"Of course not. Our lips are sealed." Anko said as she dragged Kai-La through the gates.

"Bye-bye, have fun. You two should have a baby before a war breaks out." Kai-La said smiling as Anko dragged him on the ground. His feet left marks till she picked him up. She took off in a sprint after the baby comment.

A few minutes later.

"Huff, huff. What were you thinking? You can't just keep doing that." Anko said almost out of breath.

Kai-La poked her in the side. This caused her to kick him in the face as she jumped back. "What the hell are you doing?" Anko asked red-faced. "You just don't just poke people like that."

Kai-La looked at her with a smile. "Of course I do. I do a lot of terrible questionable things. I most likely shouldn't do it but... I really want to." He said shrugging his shoulders. "That couple, they are strong ..but.. the woman emotional heartbreak will destroy her. So many ways to fix it. So little time." Looking off to the side he watched some animals in the forest scurry about.

"What's your deal?" Anko asked stepping away. She continues to distance herself from him.

"My deal?" Kai-La grabbed his chin and just smiled at her. "My deal is.. I want to have fun. Especially when I am not doing my missions. Is that so hard to understand? I thought I have been quite forward with what I want."

"You can't be serious. Your mission to breed is really your biggest objective?" Anko asked surprised.

"Yeah... and to see if Naruto can have a better chance at life. You people have treated him like shit. But I have a feeling me and he will fight in the future. But that is just a hunch." Kai-La said shrugging his shoulders. He did not walk forward towards Anko. He actually took a seat on a tree trunk.

"Seeing if that's true. What about your plans for the Leaf village and its people? You adopted TenTen and took in Hisa. You have disrupted the Hyuga's livelihoods and have a way to remove the Cage Bird Seal. You became friends with Danzo and healed him from what I heard. You also did something to the Hokage as well. You cant...there is no way you are just here for marriage and Naruto!" Anko screamed. She was beyond agitated.

A strange wave of chakra passed through the two. It came from Anko. She grabbed her shoulder in reflex.

"Oh and why not?" Kai-La asked leaning back. He smirked at her. 'I wonder what's going on with her. Let us check on something.' Using his x-ray vision he noticed a strange chakra flow. A dark purple chakra passed through several key points in Anko's body.

"Huff, huff, damn it not now," Anko said leaning against a tree. "Are you just going to stand there and watch?"

"Yes, I am. I overstepped my bounds on you earlier. But I couldn't really resist actually. You are quite the woman." Kai-La said as he watched the chakra flow. "I removed the curse mark but there is still lingering chakra. Do you miss the mark? Would you like for me to return it to you?"

"Tch, you talk as if I am some prize," Anko said as the residue chakra died down. "I don't need that back! I can do fine without it."

Anko started to stand wobbly on her legs.

"I would like to help you only if you want to, yes prize is accurate I guess. Personal fancy I am afraid." Kai-La said no longer smirking. 'Hmm, the chakra resided in her brain now. Interesting very interesting. Is she possibly under the effects of a genjutsu?'

"I don't need your help! Everyone who tries to help leaves. First my father, then Jiraiya, then Orochimaru. You will leave me to! Everyone leaves." Anko says with her eyes slightly glazed.

"Anko do yourself a favor and use your chakra to clear your mind. I do believe you are in an illusion technique." Kai-La said strongly. He sat exactly where he was observing.

Anko channeled her chakra and tried to break free. After five minutes of constant circulation, she felt better. "What is going on? I remember more now. Orochimaru placed the seal on me and.. then... I confronted him." Anko said confused. She looked up at Kai-La, "did you know about this?"

"Nope. I can honestly say I did not remember to check for that. Or to be precise didn't notice the weird chakra flow the first time. It is still there by the way. After you purge all that weird chakra, you should be up to snuff." Kai-La said shrugging his shoulders. "Actually better than before. If what I believe to be true, you should experience rapid growth in your thought processes."

"How did you find this out?" Anko asked as she took a chakra recovery pill to replenish herself.

"The eyes. " Kai-La pointed towards them. "They did the work for me. Me personally, I kinda didn't think about you under an illusion or hypnosis." Taking a look around he notices someone had entered the forest. At least his hearing picked it up. Glancing around he saw Oreo moving about the treetops. She was on a course to their location. To her credit, she did move to the side a lot and grabbed herbs. 'Is she actually here for those or something else?'

Looking at Anko he squatted in front of her. Also putting his body in the way if Oreo attacked from a distance.

"Tell me what you remember. I just want to help you that's all. If it makes you feel any better I will act really aggressive the next time something major happens." Kai-La said smiling.

"Ok. I remember confronting him in his lab. It was right after I woke up. finding out he placed this stupid mark.." Anko said touching where the mark on her neck used to be. "I mean the former mark on me." She said smiling. "He didn't leave me behind. I left him. I didn't agree with what he did to the others and me. He killed so many of my friends. Just because we were orphans and wouldn't be missed. I was the only survivor out the rest. But it was by a stroke of luck."

Anko started to cry for a bit. Kai-La just stared at her the entire time not looking away. He waited till she was calmer. By looking at her chakra flow and listening to her heartbeat he started to speak once he felt she was calm enough.

"Anko listen.. you are strong. Don't count yourself to short. Not to badmouth your friends, but they died. Due to there own weakness. Whether it was the strength of the heart, soul, body or mind. They all faltered in some way. We are all weak in the beginning. We grow stronger by facing those problems. In the last few years have you not gained strength and moved up as a ninja." Kai-La said softly.

"Don't bad mouth them! If you do I'll kick your ass!" Anko said fiercely.

"Hahaha. Good, that's good. That is exactly what I wanted to see from you." Kai-La said smiling. 'Well, now, can't have her crying like that. Especially in this forest. '

"You jerk you did that on purpose.!" Anko said swinging at Kai-La. He grabbed her pulling her in close. "Eehh what are you doing?!"

"What does it look like? Holding my bratty wife. Wife candidate anyway." Kai-La said tightening his grip. "If you say let me go I will. I will not pursue you anymore. No teasing or taunting. I will treat you the same as everyone else. I cannot postpone my mission due to my own No matter how much I would like to."

"There are a lot more women out there besides me. You have the money, strength, and the looks. Can't you just get more and leave me alone?" Anko asked burying her head in Kai-La's c.h.e.s.t. 'I don't deserve this. He already healed that mark. He also helped free me from that genjutsu. What can I offer him? Just my body.. no that wouldn't be enough.'

Kai-La kissed Anko hard. To him if she said no after so be it. This kiss would make up for his troubles.

"Hmm definitely worth it. Such a natural taste. Ah to answer your question I can get more yes. I will later. I can leave you alone yes. Does not mean I want to. It is human behavior to mess with people they have an interest in. If you want me to stop you know what to say." Kai-La said smiling down at her. 'I feel different from that kiss. What is this? That Fertility God needs to come back I need to speak with him again.'

"I will say what I need to afterward. Answer this then. Why me?" Anko looked up into Kai-La's eyes. 'Those eyes are something else. So different.'

"Why not you?" Kai-La asked with a smirk. "I can't wait forever ya know. Now or never." He said pulling away slowly.

"Don't you dare! I choose you, idiot. Just don't let me down." Anko said tackling Kai-La to the ground. He landed on his b.u.t.t, with her on top.

"Woah! Ok geez. didn't expect that. I will try not to let you down. But I am only human. Ok?" Kai-La said stroking the side of Anko's face. "I will fail. A lot. I am a bit of a brute and I severely lack tact. Well, that is what my art teacher told me anyway."

"You studied art? I can't imagine that." Anko said looking down smiling. "I would like to see it sometime. Your work do you have any left?"

"No, I don't. But you got it. I will work on it the moment I get a chance. I promise." Kai-La said stroking her lower back. "Tch dammit."

"What is wrong?" Anko asked puzzled. 'Did I mess up? No, he is definitely happy. I can feel it. A little too well actually. I am gonna share this with Hisa she is so curious.'

"Company has arrived," Kai-La said looking at Anko's puzzled face. "I was really enjoying myself here."

Standing them both up. He turned to deal with the new problem.

"So Oreo what's your angle?" Kai-La asked in the direction towards a big tree.

"You knew I was here? How?" Oreo asked coming as she moved through the trees towards the two. "Your hearing is amazing. Or are you a sensor type?" She smirked as she drew closer towards Kai-La. Her gaze was like a predator looking at prey. "Answers my questions! It is rude to keep a lady waiting." She said angrily with a little pout.

"Don't want to," Kai-La said chuckling. "Hehe how cute. But you ruined my time with Anko. We were actually making progress. Getting to the good part." He said looking back to Anko who looked everywhere but at him.

"Good part my ass!" Oreo said as she looked closer at the two. "You were being a fool. You should have jumped her bones and sort out the mushy stuff later." She said seductively. "She studies the ways of the snake only force will impress her. Not this coddling you are doing."

Kai-La looked towards Anko who just looked at him dead-eyed. She neither confirmed or denied what was said.

"Um, maybe I should go?" Anko finally said more than asked. She was uncomfortable with Kai-La not really saying anything. "You two look like you have something to really talk about. Bye for now." Anko kissed Kai-La on the side of his lips breaking a little skin. She licked the blood away disappearing.

"Yah know... you are causing me all kinds of troubles. I will have to correct that soon." Kai-La said sternly.

"Umm, that's what I am talking about. She is like me. Needing a strong man, not an understanding one. You can have all you want if you tried. I have an offer for you? Care to hear it?" Oreo asked with a smirk.

Meanwhile traveling back to the village.

'I feel so great. But I can't focus on that now. I need to let Pakura know about Oreo. She said to keep tabs on her if she ever made her way to Kai-La. For her to get into the forbidden forest she would need the Hokage's permission so she can't be an enemy. But Pakura said to be cautious. I need to hurry.' Anko thought as she raced back to the village.

Shooting right pass the Jonin outside the gate.

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