Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 16 - Getting ready for a battle with Oreo as well as.. shit..

"So I heard you are in the baby making business. Wanting to rebuild your clan actually." Oreo continued after seeing Kai-La just nod. "How about you give me your seed? I will use it to help you rebuild your clan. Also to a much higher level."

"Heh, I will do it myself thank you. But no. Besides I have about ten years to do it. So hey a lot of time actually." Kai-La said as he leaned against a tree. Looking at Oreo he thought what her angle could be.

"Hmm, and why only ten years. What will happen after that?" Oreo asked. She was disappointed he declined her offer but wouldn't give up this easily. 'His seed is perfect. He has a high vitality as well as light chakra. It cannot be a coincidence he came upon me fighting the creature. With the remnant pieces of the ten-tails husk descending more frequently, I need the help. But then again there are no more pieces coming for a while.'

"Well, the war of course. The biggest one to date I think. It will engulf this whole continent in it. Gotta make some kids before then. Leave progeny to continue on and all that. There is a chance I will die during it. At least I think so." Kai-La said calmly looking at Oreo intently. 'Paying intention now, this lady has a great body. She shouldn't have any problems finding a man. Dammit, I am getting all riled up from Anko. I wonder if she is crazy like she keeps heads of men in a cave or something. Her face is so pale she needs some sun. But her eyes are very beautiful. It looks like.. oh shit it cant be?'

"What war? Do you think this a joke? The Ten tails husk is falling to the planet and you crack jokes." Oreo said. She started to fidget under his gaze. 'Why is he looking at me like that? Why is he getting angry? I should be the one angry.'

"Hey! Are you related to Orchimura? You have the same skin tone and eyes like him. How can that be? From your body structure, you are definitely a pure female." Kai-La said scanning her entire body with his enhanced x-ray eyes. Looking at her chakra network he was surprised at the amount of light chakra within. "I don't think he has swapped bodies yet? So who are you?"

"It is rude to stare like that! I told you who I am already! Lady Oroborus! The Sage of Snake Mountain! Hmph! Remember that next time." Oreo said slightly miffed. 'Wait I got sidetracked for a minute there.'

"Huh oh yeah, that is your name. I totally forgot. Wait doesn't your name mean (….)." Seeing her nod Kai-La continue but slightly apprehensive this time. "I really wasn't paying attention seeing as how you didn't help me during that fight. I could have died ya know. So that brat Orchimura of Ryuchi Cave is he your brother or some shit?"

"How rude. No. He is way younger than me. By several generations. I have been around since Lady Kaguya walked the earth. Before the Sage of six paths did his thing later everything was simpler. I was only a child at the time but still. You may not believe but.."

"Eh, I believe you don't worry about that. Continue your story though." Kai-La said. 'So I wonder if she was supposed to die against that piece of Ten-Tails? Did I change her fate? Hmm, things to really think about. Wait she said Lady Kaguya... I really hope she isn't an agent of hers.'

"As I was saying. The children of the Sage of six paths started their journey and trials and whatnot. The older brother came to our clan to try to learn our swordsmanship. We did not teach him. He vowed to return one day to learn it. After the battle between the Sage and Kaguya he returned. This time he was a changed man. A lot more powerful, he slew tons of my clan. Some scattered others ended their own lives to keep the clan's techniques from falling into his hands." Oreo said sadly. She seemed to be reminiscing as she told her story.

"We heard his brother tasked him with guarding the Ten-Tails on the moon as punishment. The fool couldn't kill his mother or punish his brother for what he did to my people. Solitary stay on the moon to guard the Ten-Tails my ass! We could have done it a lot better as well as revive our clan."

"If you guarded the Ten-Tails. How did it do its whole rampage thing then? And how could Kaguya get to it?" Kai-La asked. 'This was not adding up. I have a bad feeling about this.'

"Because of Prophecy. It spoke of a woman from the stars who would change the world. The thing about the Spirit Animals. I believe they call it contract summons. They will not stop what is to happen. But they will train others to do it.

"Wait I understand he was a badass and all but you couldn't all put up a better fight?"

"Tch my people had healed much of the land after the fight. Our vitality was spent. Most of us lost our immortality. Others willing gave it up to one another to continue the clan customs. There must always be a Sage to lock away the one you all call Ten-Tails. He caught us unprepared at the end of the battle. If we knew he would strike we would have prepared better." Oreo said. She was quite animated in her speech.

"I am sorry stop. What the hell do you mean?"

"My clan was tasked by Lady Kaguya to seal the Ten-Tails again if it went out of control. If she died in the process of controlling it, we would move in." Oreo said a little confused. "You didn't know this? The Ten-tails has walked the earth before. My clan are.. were.. its wardens you could say. But we only seal it, if it goes out of control and attacks wildly. The Ten-Tails is apart of this planet. Without it, the planet would become less fertile. Less life and light."

"Ughh my head hurts. Tell me why your clan specifically?" Kai-La asked unable to keep his calm. 'Why do I feel like this is that God's fault.'

"Because of the light. Kaguya referred to it as light chakra. But to the clan, it was just lifeforce or just the light depending on your level of control.

"Life gives birth to the light. Bathing all in its glory. Glory gives way for new life." Oreo said like she was quoting scripture. "That is what my people follow."

'Not gonna lie that was weird. Light and life seem like the big bang. Ah well, guess I should just listen.' Kai-La thought.

"The line blurs once mastery is obtained. It wasn't until later after our clan was attacked and reduced to a small state that we started to practice chakra as you know it. Wait they called it Ninshu and then ninjutsu. Both of these took a heavy toll on our bodies. It lacked harmony with our bodies." Oreo said slowly. Looking at Kai-La's face she rephrased herself. "To put it simply our lifeforce rejected this way. This Ninshu crap!"

"Ah ok. Do continue."

"It took us to long to figure it out. It wasn't till later we found ourselves under a genjutsu. That bastard with the purple eyes! I'll kill him myself. Tch wait till if find him." Oreo said punching her palm with her fist.

"Easy now."

"Most of my kin died trying to master its uses," Oreo said taking a seat on the boulder Kai-La sat on earlier.

"Why not just stop then?" Kai-La asked intrigued.

"We couldn't. We had a job to do. Sealing the remnant of Ten-Tails took a lot of us. The mutated beasts that arrived from its cut off flesh, destroyed so many additional people across the land. During the battle that idiot sage should have sealed the environment before starting. I wish we could have participated in the battle but too many people were sick from the twisted energy from the combination of Ten-Tails and Kaguya.

"I see. This is a lot to take in but... I don't think he is worth sparing. Besides, there is no light in that boy. Mostly darkness. But he is extremely brilliant. If he met you he would try to take your body in an instant for your longevity."

"But we are from the same clan. I didn't get a chance to meet him I wish I did. But I am glad he is alive." Oreo said with longing eyes. "To have another member of my clan survive that is a blessing. I believe I can help him."

"Kin means nothing. The person is what matters. That boy is rotten." Kai-La said anger rising.

"You can't mean that. Then why are you raising Naruto? Why build your own family?" Oreo asked. Her chakra rising with her mood. 'How can he turn so cold?'

"Tch yeah I do. Naruto a number of reasons. But mostly because I want to. If it makes you feel any better. I think we will fight in the future. As for Orochi. He won't be alive much longer. I plan on killing him. So that bites for you." Kai-La said plainly. There was no edge to his voice.

It is spoken as a certainty and not as a possibility.

"Why?!" Oreo asked nostrils flared. "Can you not spare him? He is the last of my clan. His blood may be diluted from my own but he is still a member of my clan."

"You have spoken with The Hokage yes?"

"I have. What's that got to.. oh you don't mean.."

"Yes, I do. He has done a lot he must answer for. Killing him will take care of that." Kai-La said never looking from Oreo. Her eyes were gentler now but that did not change his mind. "I don't agree with the notion living will give him a chance to atone for what he has done. That doesn't work on monsters. You can believe me on that."

"You talk as if you speak from experience," Oreo said getting angry again.

"I do. But that does not matter. I will do what I believe needs to be done. If I am not meant to do it, I will be stopped or I will fail.. Until then, what happens will happen." Kai-La said flexing his muscles. He basked in the sunlight. 'So what is going on here? Who is approaching from the outskirts? If Oreo was not here I could take a look that way.. but...'

"I will fight you then. I can't allow you till kill him!" Oreo said as she removed several beads from her sleeves. "I don't have a choice! He can help me seal the Ten-Tails into its original container."

"There is always a choice. You told me I should have been a little more forceful on Anko. Maybe I should be that way on you." Kai-La said smirking. "I should have a little fun with you. To blow off some steam. You will be great practice for that bratty snake." Kai-La started to speed up his chakra flow.

"Hmph, I am not that easy to take down. I was injured and exhausted before fighting that beast. Don't take me lightly." Oreo said backing away creating distance.

"Wait! I need to be involved in this." Pakura said appearing from the ground.

"Why do you need to do this now?" Kai-La asked.

"I can't wait anymore. We need to have our fight now!" Pakura said. 'Oreo did a good job signaling me. But to think Anko would give me so much trouble. Luckily I was able to convince her with Hisa not feeling well. Hated baiting her away using her cousin, but it worked well for me.'

"So you both want to do this now?" Kai-La said looking at Oreo then back to Pakura.

"Yes, I want to do this now. It is a perfect time. Since Oreo is here I don't think you will mind a handicap." Pakura said smiling. Her look showed she was determined and she was not gonna take no for an answer. 'The longer I wait the harder it is to resist the d.e.s.i.r.e to fight him.'

"She is right. I like her more and more. I will up the stakes. If we win. I will do whatever you want. Even take my own life, if that would make you happy. And Pakura, well she can offer her own ante." Oreo said with a seductive smile. "You can't be afraid of us can you?"

"If we win.. you have to do something for Oreo and I want you to change villages," Pakura said calmly.

A strange energy washed over Kai-La.

"Hmm, what the hell is this?!" Kai-La said angrily. His hair ends started to turn red. The streaks started to change as well. They started taking a darker hue. "Explain yourself now, Pakura!"

'Oh crap. His reaction is worst than what they told me. He is actually really angry.' Pakura was glad it worked. But she regretted making him this angry. The good news he would take the fight seriously and not hold back. 'How dangerous is his anger. Will, it put the family in danger in the future. I need to check the limits he has. Are all those he cares for endanger. Hopefully, he still cares enough about me not to kill me.'

"You heard me. We win you transfer to the Sand Village. That is what I want." Pakura said looking at Kai-La then Oreo. "You ready to give it everything you got?"

"Child I was born ready. Let's do this." Oreo said assured of herself. 'We have to win. His genes are needed. I can't let him kill Orochimaru.'

"Believe me you are not ready. Not in the slightest." Kai-La said.

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