Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 17 - Fighting a Snake Sage as well as The Scorching Sand.

"Fire style: Fireball bombardment technique," Pakura yelled as she lobbed fireballs from her mouth into the air. Kai-La didn't even look at them as he kept focus on the two.

Oreo started to form hand signs as the beads she realised from her sleeve started to glow.

"Voom, Voom." The beads vibrated in the air as they rotated around her. Chakra started to gather around from the enviornment. Then moving her hands, the surroundings changed.

'How interesting. Those lobs look like they are meant to hit me but they are more of hitting the environment around me. I need to watch more fights to understand more moves. This is a chance, however...' Kai-La thought. 'Pakura. I thought you would rather fight me one on one. What are you up to exactly?'

"Tch. I cant just condone this. Lightstyle: Light show." Kai-La said plainly. He jumped towards Pakura with a crab hammer attack. His closed fisted hands swung at Pakura's waist with high velocity that caused the air to scream a little.

"Ssshh" his fists went right through a sand clone scattering it in the air. The air let out a little boom as his hands came to a stop.

Pakura had disappeared underground but left a clone in her steed.

As beams of lights fired out towards Oreo. Each beam was stopped by a bead and absorbed into it.

'The hell! Of course, she is a master light user. Guess I will have to use other moves.' Taking a deep breath that was amplified by his body he performed quick hand signs.

'Windstyle: Unforgiving Gale!' A wave of condensed wind traveled from his cheeks. The longer he blew out the faster it traveled. The air released from his mouth started to destroy the ground as it traveled towards Oreo.

'Dammit! What the hell? Are you a living twister?' Oreo thought.

Pakura pooped out the ground. "Earth Style: Earth Wall! That should slow him down in this direction."

"Krkkk" a twisting noise was heard throughout the forest.

The Gale of wind hit against the wall and tore only a small layer off. Pakura still maintained the wall getting ready for anything. Looking back towards Oreo, she wonders what she was getting ready.

"What the heck was that? Can't hear too well with that wind." Pakura asked to no one in particular.

Right after she asked that, the wind stop.

Looking back was gonna cost her. She should have prepared another wall.

"Bam!" Kai-La came through the earth wall with a tree leading the way. Stopping right in front after breaking the wall. He then threw it right at Oreo at full might. Not worrying if it hit his target or not turning he inhaled deeply. Taking a quick breath he released it right towards Pakura point blank. This, in turn, caused her to jump back letting the wind carry her. This partially worked as the breath carried her straight toward a boulder.

Two sounds echoed out instantly.

"Boom, Creak" Pakuras body went right through the boulder leaving an imprint of her body left in it before it crumbled. Pakura landed against a tree. Her condition was not good.

"Kuff, dammit. He really isn't holding anything back. Perfect." Pakura said as she coughed up a little blood.

A strange gleam was in her eye.

"Boom" the tree hit against Oreo's orbs splintering the tree into several pieces.

Kai-La was already in front punching the front sphere. Each blow sent a shockwave upon contact. Glancing over he saw Pakura fell back to a tree catching her breath. As his eyes heated up he fires a few blast at her body.

"Dammit!" Moving to the side started to tire her out. Pakura created a quick earth wall to block herself.

Oreo started to sweat under the assault. The power didn't scare her at first but the buildup started to unnerve her a little. Instead of slowing down Kai-La gained speed. With speed came friction and pressure. The blows became wilder. For each blow, Oreo saw another blow went past her orbs. It carried a wicked wind with it.

The trees behind her buckled from the force of the blows.

'Each of those blows could crush a normal Jonin. How angry is he? Wait is his hair turning redder?' Oreo thought. 'I need a better light environment. Forget it half power is better than nothing. I can't believe I underestimated him.'

"Grand Summoning! Serpent Knight!" Oreo yelled after spitting blood on the ground then sending her orbs into the blood seal that formed.

A bright light appeared instead of smoke. A snake man appeared with an x mark under his nostrils. He stood about six foot flat. His eyes were a pale golden yellow. He looked to Oreo in intrigue.

"How did you summon this Lord? Your light is not strong enough nor pure enough." The Serpent Knight asked.

"You are a Serpent Lord? How can that be... unless. Kai-La are you a pure man?" Oreo asked shocked. 'He can't be a v.i.r.g.i.n. The only other option is if he reaches an understanding of being one with the light.'

"I will not answer that," Kai-La said as his eyes glowed with hot light. 'Grand summoning how interesting. Let's try 5% power with these eyes of mine.'

He unleashed a bright blast towards Oreo ignoring her summons.

"Ching!" Blade met heat ray as the Serpent Lord stepped forward to intercept. The blow carried the summons back a few inches before it dug its shield low to stabilize its movement.

"Hoho. You are quite a powerful boy. Such a strong light you have. I must know who you are." The Serpent Lord said. He was becoming excited as he started to walk forward pushing the blast back. 'Oh so powerful. This will be so fun.'

"Hmph, not saying," Kai-La said stopping his current attack. Making hands he prepared a small plan. "Water style: Water Dragon technique."

An aquatic serpent traveled from his hands towards the snake man.

"Hmph, foolish." The serpent said as he stroke his blade. Chakra channeled up his blade destroying the water dragon in one blow.

"Water Style: Hidden Mist Technique," Kai-La said coldly. A fog spread out around the blade from the contact of the water dragons with the heated blade. The temperature started to drop as well.

"Hiding behind a fog boy didn't pick you for a coward!" The serpent lord taunted. The serpent looked around trying to find Kai-La. 'Why can't I sense him through this mist. Don't tell me its due to the chakra that was used. Clever boy.'

"Hmph, foolish. I am not Hiding just thinking. Do forgive me I don't want you thinking I am running away." Kai-La said walking towards the knight. He parted the mist as he walked. This gave a straight line of sight towards them both.

"Let's cut loose, shall we. Something tells me you are holding back. Don't disappoint me." Kai-La said charging forward.

"You are correct! Bring it, boy!" The serpent lord said. He dropped all pretenses and released all his chakra. Black symbols traveled down his spine and neck. He placed his sword and shield on his sides and struck out with claws.

The Serpent Lord speed increased as well as his flexibility.

Kai-La watched with interest. Swinging outward claw met palm. Each blow upon impact turned into a small pressure blast.

Blow after blow was struck changing the immediate landscape around the two.

"You have a tough skin boy. I wonder how tough?" The serpent lord said. His claws started to glow as he gripped Kai-La's hands. Closing his hands around them he tried to pierce through the flesh.

The claws could not make it though. Only a small layer pierced not even skin deep.

"I see. So you are the same as a creature made from pure chakra. Not really flesh it seems a pity." Kai-La said dejectedly.

"You sound disappointed." The serpent Lord said. He broke off the grapple. Grabbing his sword on the side he double gripped it and slashed upward at Kai-La. "Eat this! Snake barrage."

Multiple illusions of snake wh.i.p.s formed out. Each looked alive and quite deadly.

"Foolish." Kai-La stepped forward taking each blow. "Thanks for the power up." Absorbing each blow made from his own light chakra just gave him a quick boost. 'Let's change the cells to a massive breakdown effect. I wonder how fast I can cause cellular destruction.'

Grabbing the snake man by the throat and arms he ripped it in two.

"What did you do to my chakra? What are you?" The Snake man said as he twitched trying to move.

"Thump, " the remains were thrown to the sides.

"How?" Oreo asked terrified. "You can't be that powerful."

"Your right. I am not. But his attack gave me a temporary boost. You don't need to know the details. Goodbye." Kai-La said as he watched the remainder of the chakra dissipate inside the creature.

"So Oreo. You can use your techniques to create a pseudo-life. But it had my own chakra in it big mistake. I couldn't hurt it with light chakra powered techniques. But I have physical as my power base. You should have thought of that before fighting me. It is pity that you are more a sealer than a fighter. You would have been quite a deadly ninja"

"Didn't know your chakra was at that level," Oreo said plainly. "My mistake. To think this would be the end of my clan. At least there is someone strong in the light to defend everyone from Ten-Tails return." Oreo started to gather chakra for the last move.

"Right...not me," Kai-La said as he closed the gap between the two. Grabbing Oreo he grabbed her by the face and threw her into the sky. "I wonder if she will survive the landing. Then again I wonder if she will break the atmosphere?"

"Scorch Style: Extremely Steaming Murder," Pakura yelled.

Looking over Kai-La was greeted with the sight of high pressured fireballs that evaporated all the moisture in the air as it traveled. Several small balls that were easily dodged. A giant one was lobbed at the end engulfing the smaller ones that didn't go out.

"Kaboom" The giant ball landed right against his fist. Detonating it scorched the area.

"Where are you Kai-La? That attack couldn't have killed you!" Pakura yelled. She looked around searching for him.

"Fwoosh" a small breeze of air graced her back. Looking back she saw Kai-La's smiling face. The red hair started to fade away.

"Right behind you. So how should I punish you? I am a little upset. But I kinda understand but spell it out for me. Do not mince your words." Kai-La said sternly as he placed a hand on Pakura keeping her in place.

"Dammit. You are just singed. How?" Pakura asked shocked.

"Eh, it is my physiology combined with chakra output nothing to worry about," Kai-La said offhandedly.

"Fine. I wanted you to fight me seriously is all. I didn't think you would come at me full throttle like this though." Looking up she tried to find Oreo. "You threw her to high up. Is she gonna die?" Pakura asked a little worried.

"Dunno, maybe," Kai-La said looking up. "I think she will. As long as she doesn't lose consciousness on her way back. She should make it."

"Right. I give up. Don't through me into the air like her." Pakura said with a sheepish grin. "I am the one who convinced her to find you and fight you."


"Can't have everyone thinking the first wife is weak. She needed to know my strength just like I needed to know hers. Don't get me wrong I could have just watched through your eyes. But I also needed to fight you soon as well." Pakura said trying to loosen herself from his grip. "Can you let go already?"

Kai-La released his grip. Looking up at Oreo he jumped off to grab her before she hit the ground. Speeding back he placed her next to Pakura.

"Could have sworn you were more honorable than this though. What changed?" Kai-La asked. 'People aren't always what you read on paper. But then again there are a lot of outside mixtures.'

"Hisa changed my mind. She told me a clan heads wife needed to be cunning as well as strong. She was right. I had to deal with so many crazy women earlier today." Pakura said stretching her head to Oreo's frozen face. Using a little chakra she melted most of it away. "Hmph, they asked so many prying questions I want to dry them all to death. They even insulted our family. Bunch of catty bitches. If it wasn't for the one you call Gemini and the Inuzuka child that came over. I would have been arrested by that Uchiha police force."

"Hmm, ok. But this isn't over. Where does she fit into this." Kai-La said pointing at Oreo.

"That's easy. She needs a strong male's seed. You fit that bill. She is also a Sage. She knows a lot of stuff with her being old to boot. I bet she knows a lot of things, especially techniques. Like how to help remove the Nine-Tails from Naruto." Pakura said looking directly at Kai-La. "I know you want to remove it from the boy. She may have a way to do that. Which is why I recommend to not kill her."

"Hmm, that makes sense. You are dangerous you know that." Kai-La said plainly. "But you need to explain the sand village thing. Why have me return there?"

"To rule it of course!"

"I beg your pardon?"

"I wish for you take it over. I grew up there it is my home. I can't forgive what the Kage and council did. But I have friends there some family left. If you took it over and reigned as the Kage it would be the best. The Leaf village is ok.. but some of the higher clans... are trash. The middle clans are great and lower clans don't have enough strength. With the war, in the future, we will need a bigger power base. I won't risk our family when it could be avoided." Pakura said almost crying.

'Well shit. Two in one day can't really fault her now. But..' Kai-La thought on the matter at hand. "We could go and take several people from the village. Give them new lives here in our new clan. In the future, we will set up our own village but not now." Kai-La could only think of this for now. 'With so many variables I will need to gather more ninja.'

"Right of course. Thank you for this request of mine. But can we please take Gara away. I grew up with his mother. She was an excellent ninja. I hate to let him grow up in that village any longer. I believe one of the reasons the council arranged my death was because of me trying to lobby other families to help change his living arrangement." Pakura said in realization. "They may have thought I was trying to get the Tailed beast on my side."

"Eh, what's his living conditions like currently. Isn't he only like one or so." Oreo said fully awake. She was slightly sulking.

"No, he is two. He will be three in a few months," Kai-La said looking at the woman. "How are you feeling there snakey?"

"I am fine. Wait for a sec there. Don't you dare give me another nickname. It is bad enough everyone calls me Oreo. What the hell is an Oreo anyway?" Oreo asked slightly ticked.

"It is a cookie. With a creamy filling. Or icing filling sandwiched between two cookies." Kai-La said smiling. 'I can't remember the taste of an oreo cookie. This bites.'

"That sounds perverted," Oreo said looking at Pakura. "Is he always like this? What's your nickname?"

"Don't have one. I have known him for only a few days longer than you. I don't know." Pakura said smiling wryly. Looking to Kai-La she waited for his response. 'You may have a nickname but I kissed him first.' Remembering what else they did Pakura's face turned a little red.

"Well, I am heading home now," Kai-La said jumping out of the tree.

"Wait for us," Pakura said. She climbed the tree instead of jumping. Her chakra hasn't recovered fully yet.

"You two need to fix the forest. Look at all this damage." Kai-La said pointing at the dried out trees and destroyed land. "That's your punishment for loosing. Oh and Oreo you will teach TenTen those sealing techniques. Also Pakura next time you want to save someone important, just tell me."

"Eh.. those are clan only I cant," Oreo said yelling. She didn't mind fixing the land that was easy.

"Yeah well welcome to the clan then. You are not the fourth wife but I guess we can have some kids to restore your clan." Kai-La said offhand waving.

"Wait why can't I be the fourth wife. Why can't I be the first I am the oldest?" Oreo asked happy but puzzled. 'Ah, seed for the clan. Whats this bitter feeling I have. My heart aches. Why?'

"Because you need their permission to do so. If they don't agree its a no go." Kai-La said as he sped through the forest. During his battle earlier he heard a noise not too far away.

Oreo looked at Pakura. She had a pleading look in her eye but her face was serious.

"So what's it gonna take for me to be the fourth wife?" Oreo asked.

"Eh... clean this all up and help strengthen the clan you got it. Also, side with me in the house then, its no big deal from time to time. I don't trust the Leaf village too much. After Hisa told me more about what's going on. We need to be careful. Especially me and you. We are not from the village and they will be quite suspicious of us." Pakura said sternly.

"Hmm, that is understandable. I can do that no problem. As long as my clan continues there isn't much I won't do." Oreo said smiling. "So I saw your face flush earlier. What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing don't worry about it," Pakura said. Looking at Oreo's mischevious grin she had second thoughts about this new partnership. "Ok fine, I will tell you."

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