Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 21 - Taking care of the Nine Tails.

After shaking hands with Ino. Kai-La looked up to see Ino's mom smiling.

"Here you go, Lord Senju. This is the temporary scroll with the techniques. Will you open it here for me right now. After a few minutes, it will disintegrate after you go through it." Ino's mother said.

"Well dang. Hold on a moment. Do you mind holding her for a bit." Kai-La said handing TenTen to her.

"No problem."

Opening the scroll Kai-La speed read over it countless times to memorize it all. After the thirteen pass, he started doing the hand signs next.

After learning the hand's signs he went back to reading and memorizing the scroll again.

This process continued up until the scroll disintegrated.

"Ah think you for that. What is your name by chance?" Kai-La said rubbing his temples.

"Oh, Chrysa. A p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you." She said.

"Thank you for that. Kai-La by the way. Feel free to use that. No need to be regal all the time. Especially between new friends. I will return another time to purchase some flowers. I need to get this one home and to bed." Kai-La said as he reached for TenTen.

"Not at all. We look forward to seeing you." Chrysa said.

"Yup. Bye Bye." Ino said waving.

When getting outside Kai-La jumped onto the rooftops and jumped all the way home.

'Best time to control the force around myself right now. If I can get home without waking her that would be progress.' Kai-La thought as he sped up some.

Making it home in a few moments Kai-La landed in the back of his home. He watched as the ninja at the gate stood attentive. One looked at him nodding as he made his way inside the barrier.

"Ok, she is still asleep, good," Kai-La said as he entered the house. Waving at Pakura he told her that he will be busy with Naruto for a bit. Make sure no one tries to touch either of them. Walking in the nursery he placed TenTen down on the bed in Naruto's room.

He removed the seal around Naruto. Picking him up went into the back yard. Stepping out he resummoned his suit and mask. Laying a dimension seal around them, he started doing a modified version of the techniques of the Yamanaka clan.

'Mindscape Technique.' Kai-La had entered the soul/mental realm of Naruto and nine-tailed fox.

Looking at the cage he walked towards it with Naruto sleeping in his arms.

"So little fox come out. No need to be shy. Let's be civilized and talk." Kai-La said talking towards at the gate.

"It has been a long time Warlord of Uzu. I heard your village was destroyed. Such a pity." Kurama said sarcastically.

"Aw, Kurama you should be a little nicer to the person who will free you," Kai-La said narrowing his eyes.

The Nine-Tails glared at Kai-La and snarled. Sending his killing intent towards them both.

"How did you learn my name!?" Kurama yelled.

Sending his own killing intent towards the gate Kai-La looked sharply.

"Easy there. No reason to be rude. You will hurt your vessel at this rate. So let's talk about getting you out of here." Kai-La said coldly.

For the next hour or so Kai-La tells him what he plans to do.

"So Kurama what say you? Placing you in a body will help with your problem. However, you have to work with me. No blatant rampage across the damn countryside and what not. I will give you the means to grow in strength and a way to protect you from mind control. Everything else is up to you." Kai-La said coldly.

He didn't think this would be this difficult. But he was wrong. The fox was unstable and did not trust easily. Another option would be to kill it. Well seal it away in another dimension then it couldn't be used in the Geddo statue shenanigans.

"Oh, and you think I will trust you?" Kurama snarled at him. "You humans have used me and my kin all sorts of ways. Why should I even try to work with you?"

"Well for one freedom. Two to strip you of your pseudo-immortality. This will make you like your so-called father. Mortal. You will feel just like we do, breathe like we do and most importantly have to try to survive as we do. Considering how the sage wants you and your kin to all help humanity that seems like a plan to me. You won't be stuck by the limitations of your host. You can grow and become stronger if you want. Or wither an die. But it will be your choice. Also considering the woman Kaguya is making a comeback it will help if you and your kin are in a different form."

"How do you know this!" Kurama demanded. His tails strained against the bars to no avail.

"I know only what I know," Kai-La said smiling. "Just saying if you want to help them this is a way to do that. Protecting the world from those crazies of world domination. it seems noble. You can repay the world for the massacres you and your kin committed."

"Hmph. Our atrocities? You, humans, forced us to fight. We didn't have a choice." Kurama said righteously.

"Of course you all didn't. It's not like you could have sabotaged your hosts in a fight. Getting them killed right.? Or you couldn't flood there body with chakra turning them into stone. You all are mostly nature chakra are you not? Yes, you have the sage's chakra in you thinks to the rinnegan most likely. But at the core, you are all derived from a force of nature. Shouldn't you and your kin have the ability to turn your chakra into nature type? This, in turn, will cause your host to die. Most likely freeing you yes?" Kai-La asked coldly.

The more the conversation went on the more agitated he became. An outside force seems to twist his thoughts.

"What you say... has some merit. However." Kurama started to say as he leaned against the cage. "Do we not deserve to live as well? Do you wish for us to remain petrified for life? What kind of fate is that?"

"The fate your kind deserves," Kai-La said coldly. He shook the thoughts away of whatever was trying to mess with him. "You were f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y separated by the Sage of six paths and made into this. What right did he have to do what he did? You were a single organism. As separate entities you are dangerous. Mortality will make you less a threat. Well, it will make me feel better."

"Tch not much of a choice. I will give this a chance. Do not make me regret this mortal." Kurama said as he leaked some chakra through the gate.

Kai-La extended his light chakra bolstering the strength of the seal. Engulfing it in a separate dimension with his other abilities. Kurama traveled into the little dimension slowly. After what felt like hours here but minutes on the outside.

Kai-La pulled away. 'There is another presence watching. Is it Minato or the other one. I will deal with you soon Minato. Just be happy I am taking care of your son.'

Checking the seal over he noticed nothing wrong. Closing the dimension on the inside of the cage he returns to the mortal plane.

"Whew. That was interesting, to say the least. Alright, let's check out Naruto." Kai-La said walking out to the main room.

"How did everything go?" Pakura asked from the kitchen.

"He looks fine. No problems. He also looks healthier. His Uzumaki genes have come out more. Don't know how but... it will be fine. I will take him to med ninja tomorrow." Kai-La said setting Naruto down.

"What now?" Hisa asked.

"A new child will be arriving today if everything goes well. I will be back in a few moments." Kai-La said before speeding out.

Going out back he looked around and listened for anything unusual. Noticing nothing he hopped and took flight. Flying as fast as he could he travel upward to space for a quick recharge.

'Let's try this. Summoning at a higher level.' Kai-La thought as he focused to think of a false body. One of the things that popped into his mind was the cyber bodies from Ghost in the Shell. The second was Gigai's from Bleach.

Floating in space he opened the portal to Kurama.

"So how do you feel so far away from the other parts of you? Any issues?" Kai-La asked as he started to direct the chakra around the Gigai he summoned. Directing and Grabbing the actual cells from the bodies he gathered, he fused the direct Chakra network into the fake body.

"Hmm I feel a little weaker but nothing else. Where are we?" Kurama quietly asked looking around? He was a floating ball of red chakra. with slight features of a fox.

"We are in space. Don't worry there is a barrier set up so when you get inside your new body it won't be painful with a lack of oxygen." Kai-La said focusing more on the chakra network. 'This will be great practice for people like Rock Lee in the future.'

"Hmm, this is the first time I have been here before. This is so peaceful." Kurama said as he looked around. Looking in the distance he loved to gaze at the stars already. "So amazing. Such freedom. How far does it all go I wonder?"

"Alright, I will just work on your body. You enjoy your star gazing." Kai-La said offhandley. 'I swear he is like a little kid right now.'

After an hour or so the chakra network setup was done. Looking over he noticed Kurama was still star gazing so he just started meditating training his regular chakra.

An hour later his condition was back to normal and reserves were up.

"Kurama it is time to move into the body now. You can star gaze later." Kai-La said opening his eyes.

"Very well," Kurama said as he moved into the vessel. "This body is so weak!"

"Give it some time. In the upcoming months, we will transfer more and more of you into it. For now, get used to the body and train your chakra." Kai-La said as grabbed him and returned to the back yard.

"That was fast!" Kurama said wide-eyed. "They call me a monster what about you?!"

"Hehe. Its the body. Don't worry you haven't seen anything yet. Besides with what you know I bet you can do all sorts of things in the future." Kai-La said giving Kurama's body a quick look over. 'Everything looks fine. What a relief.'

"Yeah, I will. You will see." Kurama said stoically. "Anyway, what is my name? I am not going by my real one. And don't you use it as you please either."

"Uh-huh. What do you want to be called?" Kai-La said walking into the house with Naruto.

"What is your name? I will not call you Warlord. Humph." Kurama said.

"Kai-La," Pakura said coming outside. Looking at the child with Kai-La she paused after looking him up and down. "Who is this?"

"This.. is.." Kai-La wanted to explain but someone had other plans.

"Hi. I am Ku-La. His son." Kurama said smirking. Dropping this on her he figured he could stir up some trouble between the two.

"You little..." Kai-La started to say.

He stopped when he saw Pakura started hugging Kurama.

"You are so cute!!" Pakura said squeezing the boy as she showered him in hugs and kisses.

"Ehh.. help.. to.. tight.," Kurama said.

"You have dug your own grave. Good luck." Kai-La said walking inside.

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