Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 20 - Aburame...Yamanaka clan

"Hello, I am Lord Senju. I need to speak with the Aburame head. Is he in right now?" Kai-La asked politely to the guards.

The duo looked at each other first. After a brief moment, one left while the other remained.

"The Head is in. However, he is busy Lord Senju. My brother will go and check to see if he has time to meet." The guard said.

"Very well no biggie," Kai-La said. He stood there and started to practice chakra circulation. Using his eyes on the guard in front of him he notices the insects moving to and fro around his body. 'Hmm, she was right about it. There is a different bug disguised inside the group around the lungs.'

Enhancing his vision again he could see the cells around the lungs were decaying at a slow rate. The top layer of the tissue showed healthy cells but underneath lay a disgusting poison.

'If it isn't treated he will die in a few years. What to do? If I tell the Hokage I wonder what he will do. Danzo may be able to help but then again he is currently straightening out Root. Guess diplomacy it is.' Kai-La thought to himself.

A little after 5 minutes the guard returned. He was not along he had three more guards with him.

"Lord Senju, the Head will see you now. Please follow me." The guard said with a little smile.

Stepping through the gate they made their way through the little forest that was on the opposite side. The guard set themselves up in a triangle formation around Kai-La. Two guards remained inside by the gate.

The short trip was quiet. With no one talking even Kai-La thought it was weird. But then again the Aburame clan has a lot of secrets. A close-knit group. Quiet on the outside with everyone else. But in the clan itself harmony. At least this is the rumor. Shura said otherwise.

'So much land. Guess they need to raise all the bugs.' Kai-La thought. He spent most of the travel observing the different chakra in the area as well as the weird seals in place. One stuck out to him though. Off to the far left a funny light purple chakra flared every now and then. 'Hmm, not my business.'

Arriving at a small cottage the group stopped.

"So what now? I really don't have all day?" Kai-La asked the Aburame ninja.

"Wait here. We will tell the Head." A ninja said before leaving.

Kai-La waited a few hours. Every now and then he heard screams in the distance. If it wasn't for Shura/Gemini's request he would have been nosy. But since she didn't want that he just waited. A few minutes before it was time to pick up TenTen he left.

After a few more or so, enough was enough. Kai-La turned to leave but was stopped by an Aburame ninja.

"Lord Senju please wait! It won't take much longer." The ninja said.

"Right but you see... I have a few things to go and do. Like not waste any more of my time here. I think waiting for a few hours was good enough. Also, I need to go and pick my daughter up so Bye-bye." Kai-La said as he sidestepped the man.

"Shup." The Ninja placed his hand onto Kai-La to stop him from taking another step. "Lord Senju I insist you wait." He said sternly. 'The Head will kill me if I let him get away.'

"Right so guess you are coming with," Kai-La said as he speeds away with the man holding onto him.

"What do you mean comin.." The ninja was barely able to get out as he felt himself being dragged along past the forest, over the gate and through the village. All the way to the daycare in a matter of moments. "That was .. bleargh… oh, my guts hurt. What did you ..bleargh…" The ninja continues to throw up and try to get his bearings. 'I should have gone on the delegation mission to the Mist village. Gate duty always suck.'

Kai-La looked around waiting for Ten-Ten to get out. The Daycare only lasted half a day till lunch. After lunch, the kids could go back for the other half but some returned to their own clans.

TenTen came out by herself. She watched as all her classmates walked to meet with their parents, caretakers, or older siblings to head home till later. Walking with her head down she was just going to wait outside with some of the other kids till they could go back inside.

Seeing this Kai-La walked over to her.

"Hey, why so down in the dumps? Is daycare that bad? Are you sick?" Kai-La asked softly.

TenTen shook a little and looked up. "Papa what are you doing here?! Don't you have work?" TenTen looked up shocked. 'Papa is really important the teacher said. Why is he here?'

"Huh?" Kai-La looked a little surprised. "Why wouldn't I be here? I said I would be. What's wrong?"

TenTen tackled Kai-La. "Hic, I didn't think you would show up after the teacher said you were really busy."

"She said you are an important person in the village. Important people almost never make it to pick up at lunch or at the end of the day. It usually is a clan member picking some of the kids up. Hic." TenTen said everything fast between hiccups.

'Huh makes sense I guess. But why not send a clone of yourself? Never mind that. They would most likely attack it.' Kai-La thought petting TenTen's head to soothe her. "What about that uncle of yours? Surely he came every now and then?"

TenTen shook her head negatively. "He never came. He had to work a lot. I usually walked home myself." TenTen looked up after calming down a little.

"I see. But you're not even three yet. Can't have you walking back by yourself. I will pick you up every time I can. If not me, someone from our main family. Oh, there is also your guardian Gemini. She will usually be nearby ok?" Kai-La said as called for Gemini.

"Shup." Gemini appeared to the right of Kai-La. With a slight bow, she addressed nodded at TenTen before disappearing.

"See you aren't always alone ok?" Kai-La said to her.

"Mhm. Thank you, papa." TenTen said smiling.

"For what?" Kai-La asked. He looked around into the pre-school to make sure nothing weird had happened.

"For not breaking your promise," TenTen said. "Grumble." Her stomach then growled a little. "I'm hungry."

"Heh, let's go get something to eat then. You're a growing girl so I guess some vegetables." Kai-La said looking at her frown. "How about this then. We will go grab some bbq but you have to eat some veggies with it."

"Um ok." TenTen said tapping her chin like she seriously thought about it. "I will eat one for every one you eat. Um, papa, who is that man." She said pointing at the Aburame ninja who was done puking.

"Ah, that is a new acquaintance.. Yeah, that's it. I just moved a little too fast getting here. Hehe." Kai-La said tapping his foot. 'I should probably get that figured out. How did old supes do that without killing the people he took with him?'

"Euhm. Lord Senju, we need to go back to the compound." The Aburame ninja said after clearing his throat standing on shaking legs. "The Head will not be happy with this."

"Hey, is that you Araneed?" A woman said walking over. "It is you. Haven't really seen you much since the graduation 6 years ago. How are you doing? You make it to chunin yet?"

"I.. did not," Araneed said slightly ashamed.

Kai-La and TenTen looked at one another. Even TenTen felt awkward at this. There was no way Kai-La would get involved in this at the present time. The best course would be to walk away post haste.

"Do you have any classmates you want to invite? It wouldn't be to weird for me to meet your friends already would it?" Kai-La asked.

"Um don't really have too many real friends. But there is this kid Rock Lee he is usually over there trying to make friends." TenTen said pointing to a boy who walked around introducing himself to several kids who turned him away. Apparently, the boy weirded some of them out.

"Invite him over. Or you can next time. Your choice." Kai-La said smiling. 'Glad most of them are in the same age group. I can slowly influence him along with Guy. Healing his Chakra coils wouldn't be too much of a problem. But I should wait till he works really hard to get to that level before fixing it.'

"I will talk to him now and invite him next time. I think it should be just us." TenTen said before running off talking to Rock Lee.

When she made it to him. The boy looked up really happy. He jumped around for a bit before she left returning to Kai-La.

"Papa he said he can't wait till next time. He is very energetic. More than me. He also said I am his first real friend." TenTen said smiling. "I made a friend."

Looking down Kai-La patted her head. "Of course you did. Making friends is good when you are young. When you become older you may be separated so treasure your time now ok?" Pausing Kai-La stopped what he was originally going to say. Looking at her all big-eyed listening to every word he realizes some things can wait. 'Making her stronger and happy will do for now. Need to get the medical ninja trained really soon.'

With that, he sent some chakra to clear her head. And to repair some fractures he noticed the previous day.

'How many villagers are injured with shadow injuries. Tch wish I paid more attention to my subjects. Then again, I can summon the books and build my own medical division." Kai-La thought.

"Remember the life of a ninja is dangerous and sometimes short. Friendsh.i.p.s should be treasured but never forget to protect yourself. Let's go get some food." Kai-La said as he looked over noticing the conversation between the Aburame ninja and the female ninja was dragging along.

"Uh-huh later. I am taking my daughter to lunch. You can come if you want." Kai-La said as he picked TenTen up and placed her on his shoulders. "Let's go get some bbq!"

"Bbq! Bbq!" TenTen chanted as they left to get some food.

Araneed just followed along dejectedly. The other villagers nearby just watched laughing at their antics.

'I hope he does agree to go back.' Araneed thought. 'It would most likely be best if I can get the info out of him of what he wants to talk about beforehand.' Getting himself fired up he decided to be direct. "Excuse me, Lord Senju. What is it you want to talk to the Head about?"

Not looking back kai-La kept walking ahead. He gestured for Araneed to step ahead of him a little. He then used his voice transmission to speak directly into his ear.

"Do not be alarmed. I wish to propose to your Clan Head about the poison some of your people have among other things. Do not deny it. I already saw for myself the affliction some of you suffer." Kai-La said as softly as he could.

Araneed paused in his tracks. Cold sweat traveled down his spine despite it being such a warm day.

'How did he know? He said he saw it. But the technique's we have can even mask it from the Hyuga clan. How did he find out? The Head must be informed! This cant be allowed to spread.' Araneed thought. Looking up he noticed Kai-La had already made it into the restaurant. 'I can't just turn down his offer I need to go in as well. I will excuse myself later.'

Walking inside Araneed found Kai-La and TenTen and an additional person. Gemini had joined them as well.

'Isn't that Shura Aburame? What is she doing here? It was reported she went missing.' Araneed thought confused.

Kai-La waved him over smiling.

"We ordered a big spread come to eat. TenTen what have you learned in the academy so far?" Kai-La asked looking over to his daughter.

"We had chakra explained to us today. Also, we had the History of the village explained as well. Umm, that's about it. Oh. We also were taught writing and some math." TenTen said before eating some veggies in front of her. She looked up to Kai-La and motioned for him to eat the veggies in front of him as well.

"That's so nice. Glad you are learning the essentials already." Kai-La said before he picked the entire plate of his vegetables and poured them into his mouth. Using super speed to hurry and eat them, swallowing before his tongue even got a taste. 'I should have just turned my taste buds on my tongue to a different type. I hate most vegetables.'

"Gulp." An audible swallow passed around there table.

"No fair! You didn't even chew it. Papa, you cheated. You have to eat it slowly. That way we can see if you cheated or not." TenTen said puffing her cheeks.

"Eh, I don't remember setting any rules. You have to eat them. No take backs little one." Kai-La said smiling.

"Urgh, you stink papa," TenTen said eating here vegetables slowly with a grimace.

"Pft," Shura couldn't contain her laughter. "Leader you are childish you know that. How could you do that to her? I don't think you ate those veggies either. I think you used a technique to get rid of them." She said trying to make TenTen smile.

"See. Even Guardian Shura says so. You have to eat it slowly for we can see. No techniques to get rid of it, papa." TenTen said after she ate a few more pieces of grilled celery.

"Ugh fine then," Kai-La said before grabbing some lettuce and some type of broccoli he thought. He chewed it slowly and painstakingly in front of them before swallowing. "See I didn't cheat. Ate really slowly for you this time."

Right after that, he turned his taste buds to have a bland taste when it came to these vegetables. No taste was better than anything sometimes.

'Doesn't matter what body I am in. Taste buds are deftly the same still. It feels like I can taste even more thanks to the Kryptonian physiology.' Kai-La thought. 'Ah, there's a baked potato yum.' Reaching over he grabbed one and started to eat along with some ribs.

TenTen finished her veggies off and scarfed down a full rack of ribs. Where she packed it all Kai-La had no idea. When she finished, she laid back in her chair dozing a little.

"Hehe, she ate too much. Let me check to make sure she doesn't get sick." Kai-La said placing his hand on her forehead then rubbing her stomach a little. When he touched her stomach he checked the increase in her metabolism. Everything showed fine. All the food was processed as it needed to be. All material went towards fixing some of her internal injuries that he dare not mess with on his own. Programming the cells to take care of the body and its changes had to be done at a slow pace. 'Can't have her being on the radar for people like Orochimaru.'

Shura ate mostly vegetables. With a small portion of rice with an extra rare piece of pork. Drinking mostly water after every bite of meat.

"Shura," Kai-La said to her. "You can eat your fill don't worry about anything else understand."

Slightly embarrassed Shura nodded her head. With that, she grabbed another plate of veggies and rice and increased her food intake as well as drinking more water.

Looking at her Kai-La thought back to what they talked about. 'I wonder if she is sure about her decision. She is running out of time to change her mind.' Shaking his head he started to eat and converse with some of the folks around him that made it to the table for a quick greeting.

After 20 minutes of this Kai-La settled back. Looking over towards Araneed he noticed his frequent gazes towards Shura.

"So.. Araneed was it? What is taking your Clan Head so long? If I didn't know better, I would think he didn't want to communicate with me. I had all the best intentions but to think he would dismiss me like I was a nuisance." Kai-La said as he watched Shura eat.

"Not at all Lord Senju!" Araneed said quickly. "There are just complications going on is all. The Head isn't really like that. He wouldn't dismiss you like that."

"Hmph," Shura said between bites.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Araneed said looking over at Shura. "What would a child like you know!"

"I know a lot more than you. You bastards didn't even give my mom a proper burial!" Shura said as a tear fell down the left side of her face. Her right iris changed colors at that moment. A piercing red color. Like that of the finest ruby.

"You.. you awakened. You need to return to the clan at once." Araneed said smiling. "The clan head would be most happy. The clan would celebrate knowing your bloodline lives on."

"I will die before I return to that clan!" Shura said as a small pressure gathered around her.

"You brat! You can't be this foolish!" Araneed said standing up.

"Oh dear!" Kai-La said as he looked at the time. "Shura return to your position. We must get TenTen back to class." Picking TenTen up he left some money on the table and started to walk.

"No, wait for just a second!" Araneed started to say as Shura disappeared. Looking at Kai-La he asked, " Where is she? Where did she go?"

"Doing her job," Kai-La said as he left the restaurant.

After a few minutes, he returned to the pre-school. Looking down he woke TenTen up and cleaned her face. Standing her on her own two feet he watched as she got her bearings back.

"Ok have fun in class I will be back later to pick you up," Kai-La said.

"Mhm ok!" TenTen said slightly asleep. She hugged Kai-La and went inside the school. On her way, she was joined by Rock Lee and a few other kids.

Looking around not noticing anything Kai-La turned and left.

"Lord Senju!" A voice called out. The young woman before came up to him. "Thank you for waiting. Do you have a moment to talk?"

"I suppose so. Walk and talk. I am heading back to the Aburame compound. What do you need?" Kai-La said after looking at the young ninja.

"Ah thank you. It's like this.." She went into a discussion on how she would like if he finances some missions. Specifically for her clan. Turns out she was an Inuzuka ninja and the new clan head had spoken about him some.

Making it to the Aburame clan again, Kai-La made up his mind. Looking to the young ninja who followed behind him he addresses her request.

"I don't see any reason that I should decline. However... I need you all to train one of your female ninja. Just a little more for me will definitely help with my plans. She is a scout and I would like to see her develop more. As far as missions go I have no reason not to decline. I need someone to check into several ninjas and their locations for me. It will be quite dangerous but I think your clansmen can handle it. What is your name by the way?" Kai-La asked at the end realizing he didn't quite catch it.

"It is Mastica. Thank you, Lord Senju." She said vehemently.

"No problem. Feel free to call me Kai-La. This is a list of the ninja I need you to find. And your people need to be careful about who you get involved in helping. After your Head agrees, have her clear it with the Hokage cleanly. No mistakes. Don't want people to think I am not abiding by the rules." Kai-La said handing her a scroll that he had prepared earlier.

The list contained…

"Yuna retired female ninja of the Village hidden in the mist and her son/daughter Haku. 5 Chunin at most to talk to them to show the seriousness of protection. Warn them of the danger of the village and to themselves. Inform them I know there secret and would like to provide them another place to set up with her surviving clansmen. S rank mission.

Zabuza Momichi offers him a future solution to his current plans for his village. At least three Jonin to approach and talk to him. If he declines just leave him. Simple as that. A rank mission

Members of the Kaguya/Ootsuki clan looking for any members who are approachable. Go for the ones who are sickly if you can. Kidnap them if you must do not engage if you can avoid it. Your target is a boy named Kimimaro. S rank mission. "

"If you all can take care of these missions... I will present the others as well. Rember this, the missions are for you all understand. I know the Hokage will change who goes most likely but a member of your clan must be present." Kai-La said as he watches her go through the mission briefings.

"I will deliver this at once," Mastica said. With a salute, she ran off.

'The Inuzauka clan is quite large. I hope they can get this done to my liking. I need to build ties with them the Nara and the Yamanaka clan.' Kai-La thought as he waited in front of the gate. 'Where did Araneed go?'

After an hour the gate opened. Araneed and some other guards came. The Clan Head came out with a little boy in his arms.

The guards immediately went on the defensive. The Clan Head raised his hand stopping them.

"Stand down. If he wanted to hurt us he could. Lord Senju, I am sorry but a problem has arisen I could not get away from." The Head said dryly. "A prominent child is sick and I couldn't get away. Excuse us we need to move to the Hospital and I can not afford to move abruptly."

Kai-La looked at the boy with his x-ray vision. The same poison the others had. So did the child.

"I can abate the poison a little if you like. Then you can stabilize him yourself." Kai-La said not moving from his spot.

"What how do you know about it?" The Head asked shocked. This was the first emotion he showed since stepping out.

"I know only what I know," Kai-La said approaching. "May I tend to the boy or no?"

After a few moments, the boy coughed up a little blood. A few white insects left out as well. They dissolved in the sunlight. The child's complexion turned a little better but only for a moment before he started to sweat.

"Clan head something must be done. Shino won't survive if we don't do you know what." A ninja guard in the back said.

"I know that. But you are asking me to condemn my own grandson. If his father were here this would be easier." The Clan head said. Looking at Kai-La he asked, " are you sure you can help him?"

"Yes, I can," Kai-La said confidently. Reaching his hand out he moved it over Shino's mouth sending strands of light chakra threw him.

Changing the cells in his lungs to feed off the poison and expel a large portion of it out of his pores.

The Aburame clan watched in fascination. After 15 minutes of this, Shino breathing returned to a normal pattern and he opened his eyes. Kai-La moved his hands to his throat and did his best to take small useless tissue from his tonsils and sent them to help repair his lungs.

For the next hour. They made sure Shino was ok. Nothing else mattered.

'He hasn't tried anything unusual as the Hyuga Head said. Have I been misinformed.' The Aburmae head thought. 'I need to tread carefully. Do the others know of his medical abilities?'

"This will help a little. You need to still take him to the hospital. We can talk another day." Kai-La said to the Clan Head.

With a quick nod, the Clan Head and his guards rushed away as best they could towards the hospital.

"Aburame clan is so different," Kai-La said out loud. Casting his eyes over the compound he frowned.

"What secrets are inside?" Shrugging his shoulders he left. He returned to the daycare to pick up TenTen.

"By Rock. I will see you tomorrow." TenTen said as she left. Seeing Kai-La she ran tackled him. "You made it back papa. I knew you would." She said as she turned and blew raspberries at some kids in a group.

The duo walked around the village talking and observing.

"TenTen do you like the village?" Kai-La asked as he watched some kids running around. "Would you like to leave this place?"

"Umm. I like it here. Its the only place I know. But I would love to travel. That is one of the reasons I want to be a ninja. I get to travel and stuff." TenTen said excitedly.

"Ah, I see. Let's make sure we make you the best you can be then." Kai-La said smiling.

"Yup yup. I am gonna be the best." TenTen said jumping about. A little bit later she started to get tired.

Picking her up he held TenTen as she fell asleep.

They walked around the village getting insights and more familiar with the different clans. Once he made it to the Yamanaka shop he went inside.

A little girl was at the counter with a mask on. A woman who bore an exact resemblance to her. Had to be her mother. She was busying her self under the counter moving things.

"Excuse me I am Lord Senju. I was needing to speak with a clansman of yours. He had something for me." Kai-La said politely to the woman. Looking at the child he realized it was a young Ino.

"Just a minute let me get this squared away first. Have been waiting for you to stop by" The woman said.

Kai-La made funny faces with the child much to her delight. The child had looked to be bored until now.

"Tehe you are funny mister." Little Ino said. "Is she sick like me?" She asked pointing to TenTen.

"No, she is just tired. Recovering from some old injuries. Training hard to be a ninja to early." Kai-La said looking at Ino. "What about you? Will you become a great female ninja as well?"

"Maybe I don't really know. I might just work in the shop. I like the flowers how about you?" Ino asked blinking her big eyes.

"I like flowers. But I am very selective about which ones. My favorite are roses. Maybe Tulips every now and then. I once saw a blue rose. They were spliced to make though. Still my favorite though." Kai-La said smiling.

"I never really had a favorite. But anyone who likes flowers cant be to bad." Ino said crawling on the counter towards Kai-La.

"Well, I will stop every now and then to check out the flowers with TenTen here," Kai-La said looking at TenTen then back to Ino. "I think she needs some female friends as well."

"Everyone needs some friends," Ino said as she sat in front of Kai-La.

"So what say you little Ino? Will you become friends with my daughter? She is a little older than you though." Kai-La asked the little child.

"Um, ok!" Ino said happily. As long as you come by and help with the shop too." She outstretched her little hand.

"Of course you have yourself a deal," Kai-La said shaking her hand.

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