Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 19 - The kids they Need to train. But lets wrap some things up first.

A day or so later. Kai-La spent most of his time at the compound. Anko was asleep when he went to check on her. Shura had confided in him about the death of her parents she refused to return to the Aburame clan.

Oreo started showing TenTen a few techniques. Mostly the hand signs only. She didn't have the chakra control yet to start the real training.

Kira and Karin moved into a house that was attached to the main house. This was at Karin behest. She wanted to try having her own room to decorate.

Pakura seems to have gone into heat after Naruto called her Mama after having a nightmare the previous day.

"So you want to do what exactly?" Kai-La asked confused.

"I want to have a son. Like now. I am not getting any younger. Yes I know I will age slowly now, but still. I want a child! Come on! You won the fight. I am happy here. It's safeish. There are a lot of people in the clan now. Ok, a decent amount. I want to have a baby before the war breaks out." Pakura said with puppy dog eyes."Afterward, you can get Hisa knocked up."

A dish broke in the kitchen. Hisa was very embarrassed and moved about to hurry and pick up the pieces. "It's ok. I can wait to get pregnant later. We also haven't gotten married yet." Hisa said. 'I would love to have my own child. TenTen is amazing. But I want to give birth as well. Especially since the child won't have the same upbringing as me.'

She may have said this to possibly sway this from happening now. But her eyes told a different story. She wanted a baby just as badly as Pakura and Oreo.

"Um ok. We will make a baby then Pakura. Well, actually several." Looking at Pakura weird smile. "I am you will mostly like have twins in the beginning. Or possibly triplets. At the most octuplets. However, I need to talk to you alone about something first. I will think of a way to not make you as big as a hippo." Kai-La said to her. Looking at Pakuras' dazed face he started to think about how to circ.u.mvent his own s.p.e.r.m cells. Feeling a slight bang in his balls and head. A strange feeling floated in his head that would not be possible.

'I can have triplets! Or octuplets! In a years time, I can have a big family in one go! I want to start now. How to convince him I don't mind a big pregnancy. I always wanted a big family. I wonder what he wants to talk to me about. Cant be more important than the family.' Pakura thoughts fired rapidly. She couldn't wait to have children of her own.

Getting his thoughts togethor he looked over at Hisa. "When you are ready we will talk more about this. I don't mind waiting until you are ready. But do remember this I want to have children with you."

"Of course," Hisa said with a bright smile. "But TenTen is definitely the best. If we have a child I want her to be like her big sister. What do you think TenTen? Think you're ready to be a big sister?" She asked looking at the child who cleaned up the dishes with her.

"Mhm, I will be the best big sister Mama Hisa," TenTen said happily.

After a few minutes, it was time to start the day.

"Ahh," Shura yawned coming down the stairs. "Morning everyone."

"Morning" everyone responded after another.

"Um, Leader can you teach me some more today or are you to busy?" Shura asked while eating some toast Hisa sat in front of her.

"I will teach a way to expand your chakra pool. Also, TenTen will join us. I have waited long enough to start her training. It will be good for you two to train togethor every now and then." Kai-La said looking at Shura. "But wait you have a mission I thought today?"

"I do but it isn't anything big. Just a simple escort one." Shura said between bites. "Not a problem."

"Shura never become complacent you understand? I don't want you getting hurt due to foolishness." Kai-La said sternly to the girl.

"R..ri.ght. I understand Leader." Shura said choking a little. 'Leaders eyes are so pretty. Oh, my goodness they are gonna have babies. I bet they will be super cute.'

"That's good."

"Ok, TenTen let's go. Time for daycare," Kai-La said rising from his chair. Summoning his clothes around himself he walked to the door. "Don't forget the rest of you. You have to go to medical to get checked out."

"Coming! Bye, everybody." TenTen said waving goodbye to the rest of the family.

"Up we go, big girl!" Kai-La said as he picked Ten-Ten up and placed her on his shoulders.

"Thunk." The door closed soundly. This knocked Pakura out her daze.

"Huh, what happened?" Pakura asked a little daze. "Where did they go?"

"They left Pakura. They went to drop TenTen off at daycare. Speaking of which shouldn't you get ready to drop Naruto off to?" Hisa said.

"Yeah, I guess," Pakura said placing her head in her hands. "I have a little time left. Naruto are you ready?"

"Yes Mama Pakura I am all set," Naruto said getting up from the little table.

"Well let's go and meet Karin and Kira. Would you like to walk with them?" Pakura asked.

"Yeah, I do. They're both so nice to me. I can't wait." Naruto said running to the door.

"Bye Oreo. Have a good day," Pakura yelled up the stairs. "Hisa see you later at the Hospital." Grabbing Naruto by hand they left.

Back with Kai-La and TenTen.

"Papa your hair is so fluffy. It is like the bear at the animal habitat." Tenten said rubbing her face on Kai-La's hair. "It feels so good. I could just fall asleep in it."

"Haha, no little one. You have school soon. No sleeping." Kai-La said laughing to his daughter.

Walking through the compound a few of the other people gather with them on their way to the preschool. Shura closed the distance between her self and Kai-La once three others joined up.

The clansmen who cleaned all night with his son came up.

"Lord Senju. Good morning. I Tiara and my son Tengu greet you." Tiara said enthusiastically.

"Good morning. Calm yourself, man. No need to be stiff amongst us. Later in the day come to me. We will go over your and the rest of the clansmen needs to become better. Nothing major ok. Also, I heard you were a ninja. Jonin before an accident yes?" Kai-La said smiling as he walked.

"Yes, of course, my Lord we will strive to do that. I can't practice ninjutsu anymore due to poison from the hidden sand village." Tiara said sadly.

"Don't worry about that. We will get the cure for that. Can't have my clansmen being injured now can I. Don't stress about that. I will return you to your old self soon." Kai-La said confidently walking through the gates.

This left a few of the clansmen confused. Most of them had a terminal illness from the battles or destroyed nerves and organs. Chakra always being spent to keep them alive. Hanging on by a thread for their families. Most had given up. They were still alive just to provide money from manual labor for there families. Pride meant nothing when your child couldn't sleep cause they were hungry.

Breaking from there stupor the clansmen caught up with Kai-La. The children were happy with the idea of their parents becoming a ninja again. Some were just happy that they get to be healed.

Arriving at the pre-school. Kai-La lifted TenTen off his head and straighten up her clothes.

"Ok, are you ready?" Kai-La asked her smiling.

"Of course I am. I can't wait to go inside and play with my friends." TenTen said bouncing around.

"Ok then. Have fun." Kai-La said giving her a hug.

TenTen hugged and walked away. Stopping she came running back.

"Papa you will be there when I come back right?" TenTen asked with her head lowered. Her little finger pointing to the spot he was standing at.

"Huh, of course. Why wouldn't I be? I don't plan to go anywhere anytime soon. But I may go and pick up some other kids in the future. But I promise I will tell you when I don't come back." Kai-La said gently patting her head. "You will be the first to know if I don't return."

"Promise?" TenTen asked again. Seeing Kai-La smile, she turned and went inside.

Kai-La used his x-ray vision and watched her playing with some kids before turning away. Summoning his mask and suit he turned to walk away. "Shura watch over her for me," Kai-La whispered to her.

"Of course," Shura said disappearing. The moment she was out of sight her clothes changed to her clothing from the hidden grass mission. 'Huh, how did these appear back on me? I will ask Leader later.'

"Excuse me. Kai-La may we talk?" Kakashi appeared with a few other jonin.

"Oh about what?" Kai-La asked with a smirk. 'Oh dear, what could this be about.'

"Let's go somewhere else," Kakashi said disappearing with the other Jonin.

Looking at the clansmen Kai-La instructed them to return to the compound. "I will meet you all around 2:00." After that, he disappeared arriving right next to Kakashi and the Jonin.

"So what is this about?" Kai-La asked lightly. He looked at the monument behind Kakashi. "Ah, there are some names that shouldn't be up there. But then again it isn't my memorial."

"I need to know about the mission I had when I lost my teammate. As well as the Nine-tails incident." Kakashi said.

"Oh, I will tell you about that mission. But not the Nine-Tails incident. There is no real reason I should tell you about that. There is nothing in it for me." Kai-La said shrugging his shoulders.

Kakashi looked at the rest of them. "I am sorry. I figured he would tell us about it as well."

"What would it take for you to tell us about it?" A jonin asked.

"I need any soul or mental techniques. Any medical techniques that are not allowed to the general public would help." Kai-La said laying out his terms.

A different Jonin stepped up. "I can do the soul/mind technique. As long as you don't pass on to anyone else."

"Alright. That will do." Kai-La said looking at Kakashi next. "I suggest you all take a seat." With that, he placed a sound barrier around them. Then a dimensional portal around them isolating them from this dimension.

"Your friend Obito is alive. He was saved by an extremely powerful shinobi."

"Who was the ninja?" Kakashi asked.

"You are not ready to know. But I can tell you who can help lead you to him. A man named Sasori would be good to tail. Check your bingo book on a man called Kakuzu. He could lead you to his location. But that would lead to your death. This I can assure you. Your former friend is now a brainwashed agent in a group called Akatsuki. He has awakened his Sharingan to a higher level and has been trained in some old ninja arts. Deadlier compared to today's standards. He also has something that has boosted his regenerative abilities higher than a standard Uzumaki. The body you all buried was a fake. Have Dazno check into it. He will find something you all didn't."

"That can't be true!" A Jonin said furiously. He turned out to be an Uchiha. "The elders checked the bodies of all clansmen making sure nothing untoward happened to the body."

"That's nice you think that. But tell me what do you know about the monument in the main families house. You know the one that houses the info about your eyes." Kai-La said sternly. "Probably nothing. But if you don't believe me ask the Hokage or Jariaya. He has been looking into the group that formed Akatsuki. But it is funny, ask him about the Rinnegan. And a boy he trained named Nagato Uzumaki."

The Uchiha Jonin left. Good thing the moment he left the circle it brought him to the outside back in front of the monument.

"Now about the Nine-Tails incident. Your friend Tobi/Obito is the reason your Kage and his wife died." Kai-La said disdainfully.

"I take it you didn't like them?" A jonin asked.

"I despise them both. But that won't prevent me from doing what I have to. He battled your Kage along with his awakened Sharingan he played with him. If it wasn't for a moment of carelessness on his part. You most likely would have lost a lot more from other villages attacking you in a time of weakness. The village hidden in the mist would have been the least of your problems." Kai-La said taking a break letting everything sink in.

"Do continue." A Jonin in the back said.

"Very well. Kakashi you and your team at the time were sent away on a created mission by Obito/Tobi to draw you away from the village. Tsunade wasn't that hard for them to get away from the village. They preyed on her weakening mentality and emotional state to get her away. Jiraiya well he can tell you where he was. It wasn't that hard for them to manipulate the council to get rid of a lot of ninjas. Just create a lot of jobs and there you go. It is no secret the village was hurting for money after the previous war." Kai-La said.

After saying all this he told them about the different incidents that lead to the attack afterward from the mist village. He also told them to be wary of the cloud village.

A few hours later they returned to the monument.

"Anyway when can I get the scroll?" Kai-La asked the ninja.

"Come to the Yamanaka flower shop. This evening after 2:30. I will have it ready then." The Jonin said as he disappeared.

The rest followed suit one by one. Except for Kakashi.

"I can't believe this," Kakashi said shaking.

"Believe it or not this is what I know," Kai-La said shrugging. "Oh, your Sharingan can become a lot more powerful. Good luck unlocking it."

"Wait! Can you stop him? Save him?" Kakashi asked pleading.

"Yes and no. I can stop him by killing him. Save him I refuse. He deserves to die. But you can save him. But as the broken man, you know you cant. Kakashi Hatake" Kai-La said strongly towards the young man. Breaking him from his thoughts he looked at Kai-La. "Your father was a great man. You should continue to live for his sake as well as your own. He did not die from suicide as you think."

With that Kai-La used super speed to leave. 'He should be fine. Hopefully, the Leaf village fights harder now.' Stopping at the Aburame compound. He approached the gate slowly. 'Let's get this taken care of now.'

Back at the memorial. Kakashi thought about how he lived in the last few years. Removing his blindfold he wept for the first time in a long time against the monument.

"Father, what do I do?" Kakashi asked towards the sky.

"You live child. That is all one can do." A voice said behind him.

Looking back he was surprised about who showed up.

"Lord Hokage, Lord Danzo. I am sorry about my appearance. If you have a mission for me I can't fulfill at this time. I need to take some time off." Kakashi said placing his blindfold back on.

"That is not why we are here." The Third Hokage said. "We are here to talk to you."

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