Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 25 - Training for the first time

After the explanation of chakra baths, Kai-La had developed an idea for training. Gathering everyone up at a spot at the compound, he started to speak about what was going to take place.

The new Uzumaki members were here. Followed by his Genin team they stood to the side slightly bored. The Jonin team was standing by as well behind him.

Hisa and Kira stood to the side with a bunch of medical supplies. Two medical ninjas from the hospital were there as a backup. Ino was to the side with her mother and the woman from the shop. Turns out the lady he was mistaken as her mother was, in fact, a cousin of hers instead.

Kurama and Naruto were asleep under a tree.

Rock Lee sat next to one of Kai-La's genin.

Gemini stood next to TenTen who sat on the ground by Kai-La.

Karin was reading a book on chakra natures that Kai-La gave her. Talking to her after the academy let out he found out she was bored in the classes. The teacher ignored her a little bit. Karin also said the teacher kept saying why are all redheads such a pain.

After that statement, he gave her an advance book to occupy her time. He told Kira they would have a much-needed talk later about her development.

Pakura sat in a chair next to the refreshments and a few cots that were set up behind them. Oreo was talking to a star ninja about her village. Everyone now and then she looked at Kai-La. She always had a look of frustration and anger.

"Ok, so first up welcome. Most of you know the basics already. For those of you who don't. Hisa here will go over it." Kai-La said pointing over. "The fundamentals are always important, remember that."

Some of the Uzumaki members went over to Hisa and started talking.

"Now the rest of you. We will start with body conditioning then the tolerance level for your muscles. Anko will take those for body conditioning the rest will come with me for tolerance level for your muscles."

"Ok, spread out all of you, fingertips apart for distance. That's good. Remove all of your weapons and tools that could possibly hurt you from your radius."

"It isn't mandatory but it will help. There is a reason why medical ninja are standing by." Kai-La said sternly when he noticed his Genin didn't listen at first.

Sora Lee aka Little Dipper removed her weapons and placed them behind her.

Thorn aka Big Dipper placed them to his left side.

Aburame Shura aka Gemini had retracted hers. She was dressed in basic ninja attire instead of her gear. She looked uncomfortable in her current clothes.

Aize Uchiha aka Comet kept his on.

Inuzuka Yuri aka Lucifer had none on. Kai-La finally realized she didn't have a ninja dog companion. He thought it was weird.

A few members of the Uzumaki clan were on his left side. None of them had weapons just ninja clothing.

"Alright, do not circulate your chakra this is to establish a base for your physical condition. Also, keep your eyes closed." Looking around as they all nodded he stopped at TenTen. "This will be very painful. Are you sure you want to continue?"

"Of course papa! I will be the strongest there is. Just you wait." TenTen said happily.

Kai-La nodded and summoned a dimensional barrier around them. An influx of energy poured in afterward. Everyone's hair and clothing twisted in different directions.

Using his enhanced vision he observed each person and took mental notes. Noticing that they were ready he continued.

"This is putting a pound of Pressure on your bodies currently. Now for the fun part." Spreading his hands out he released some chakra. "Fire field!"

The area around the pressure well started to burn up. Traces of flames danced in the field around everyone. Little flickers of fire passed over there bodies.

"This is 70 degrees. We will wait like this for 5 minutes before cranking it up. Do not talk during this. It would be a bad idea is all I am saying."

The five minutes passed quickly everyone had no trouble. Kai-La noticed that Cho hadn't flinched as well as Comet.

"Ok pressure increase time. Condition increase as well. I am adding two pounds on all of your limbs to go with the current one. The temperature increase will go up by 10."

Another five minutes passed with no issues. Someone's patience ran thin.

"Just kick it up higher we can take it!" Aize said.

"Patience. I am going slow for a reason. Why do you Uchiha always want to rush things?" Kai-La said to him specifically.

"Don't want to waste my time is all," Aize said shrugging his shoulders.

"Then leave. I will tell the Hokage it was a bad fit. Consider yourself removed from the team. Goodbye now." Kai-La said sternly. "Why are you standing there still? I said to leave."

"Fine, I will." Aize disappeared from the spot.

"Ok, increase time. 3 pounds added with 20-degree increase."

"Ok so who can tell me how muscles work. Anyone? Since everyone looks to be a little impatient might as well do stupid things right?" Kai-La asked a little sinisterly.

"I can."

"Ok, go for it, Cho. Bonus points if you can also name the point of this exercise as well. Besides what I said."

"Muscles work by taxation and repair. The practice of putting them under intense pressure then rebuilding them is the main objective of genin." Cho said gritting his teeth.

He didn't know when but something started to hurt.

"That's correct. But what about your internal organs? How do you train them exactly? YOUR lungs for example. They work extremely hard as well as your heart and your nervous system all without actual training. Don't get me wrong you can train your lung capacity but it still doesn't help your actual lungs if they tear."

"You can't train them," Sora said. "Kuff.." She had puked up a little blood.

"Why is That?" Kai-La asked them all.

"Because they are squishy papa! There isn't a way for them to get trained." TenTen said fidgeting. Her face was contorted as well as her veins. Her breathing had become quite labored. Shura watched the entire time in case anything went wrong.

"Fwoosh," a breeze of wind passed as Aize returned.

"The gate for the compound is locked I can't leave." Aize had looked at everyone's condition and realized he may have run his mouth too early.

"Very well. Go sit by the side then." Kai-La said dismissively.

"I.. can I .." Aize started to say.

Summing her gear back Shura stared at Aize coldly.

"Go and take your position from before. Do not interrupt again. Is that clear?" Shura stated.

Shaking his head Aize stood where he was before. 'I am sorry Leader. But technically I am in charge of the Genin you said. So I think it would be best I deal with his discipline.'

'Very well. I will leave it to you.' Kai-La transmitted back.

"But what about chakra? Ninja use it all the time to make themselves stronger. Why not organs and the internal network of the body... Food for thought." Kai-La said before checking each and everyones body conditions.

"It's too dangerous that's why." Yuri said. She gripped her sides and started to sweat more. Her tongue kept l.i.c.k.i.n.g her lips to wet them.

"Says who?" Kai-La asked. He had added some more chakra as they all talked.

"Umm ee by ryone." Rock said before closing his mouth.

"Well glad I am not everyone. Neither are all you. You will be much better I can assure you."

"TenTen how do you feel currently? Can you handle this small level of training?" Kai-La asked in a teasing tone.

"I am thirsty. And a little sweaty. I can handle it!" TenTen said defiantly.

"Good. Brace yourself then." Kai-La said. Something started to nag him in the back of his mind but he didn't know what.

"Huh for what?" Thorn asked. "Kuuk It hurts."

The kids started to struggle a lot more. As well as some of the a.d.u.l.t ninja.

"Currently, I have created a scenario in which your lungs are having to breathe in hot air. Technically your lungs are cooking from the inside from the temperature." Kai-La said as he walked around each of them.

"Each of you has chakra within. Some small," he said passing by Sora and Rock. Walking by Thorn and Cho, "some large. This exercise is to determine how well you can deal with poor conditions to survive. One thing that has not been taught heavily is how different weather conditions as well as change in battle can cause the body to react slower. Everyone is usually trained on reacting to poison but not this. So fire training. In the future other types."

"You will have to control your breathing to deal with the pain. Most people die from small exposure to this. You have been exposed to this for over 15 minutes now."

"When did it start?" Sora asked. She had gained control of her breathing already and was back to normal. The others still had problems.

"The moment I summoned the fire actually. I directed it with my chakra into each of your lungs and body."

"I didn't feel any add to my body. How did you do it?" Cho asked. He had gained control next.

"The increase in pressure. Every time I kicked it up, I opened your pores on your bodies and sent the fire and chakra inside in minuscule amounts." Kai-La said slowly. No matter how much we train there are some things that cant be prepared for. But we train anyway just in case."

Another ten minutes passed by before the exercise was stopped.

"You may all use your chakra to mediate the pain now," Kai-La said pulling back the field.

Yuri and Sora had collapsed in a heap. Booth of there breathing was heavily labored. The others recovered as they drove there chakra to alleviate the pain.

Pakura came over and instructed on the proper treatment for dehydration. She also used her spheres to help somehow. Kai-La did not know how she did it, but he would ask later.

"Kira, Hisa tend to the older ninja. You two treat Sora and Yuri. I will treat TenTen. Gemini treat your teammates." Kai-La said as he picked up TenTen.

"Papa it hurts," TenTen said teary-eyed.

"I understand but this is only the beginning. This training is light compared to the future. Do you still want to continue?" Kai-La asked hesitantly. Shaking his head he made sure to heal the underlining damage first.

"I want to be a Ninja! I want to be strong!" TenTen said bawling her fist.

"Very well. Then we will continue. Follow my chakra with your own. Imagine on yourself where each part is going towards. No matter how well someone can treat you, the master of your body can only truly be yourself understand?

"Mhm," TenTen mumbled.

"Papa I want to help!" Karin said as she watched TenTen.

"Me too me too!" Ino said. "I want to help my friends!"

"Ok, you two settle down. Go and grab me a towel and some water. Make sure the water is warm ok?"

"OK!" The two said in unison darting to the table. Returning he explain to them to dip the rags in the water and moved it around TenTen's forehead. Then to dab the neck and exposed areas.

"Her temperature dropping down is the most important thing understand," Kai-La said before looking over to Hisa and Kira.

Hisa walked over grumbling a little.

"Is this why you had me read this book," Hisa said as she removed a book from her clothing.

(Neural control of blood pressure and Body temperature during heat stress.)

"Yes for this training. As well as for Pakura. In case she gets sick I would like to be prepared."

"Fine. But make sure I get all the books related to whatever you will train our kids in." Hisa said looking at TenTen. "Quite the little soldier. Reminds me of my sister."

"Hehee. No problem." Kai-La chuckled with a big smile on his face. "What sister?"

"She passed when we were younger. What's so funny?" Kira asked turning to him.

"You said Our kids just now." Kai-La walked over pulling her closer.

"Well, I am her mother so... just be quiet," Hisa said trying to fight her blush.

Once everyone had healed up again a small break happened. A meal was had as they all relaxed. TenTen never left from Kai-La's side as she answered all of Karin's and Ino's questions. They both were curious about what it felt like.

Right before the training started again Anko came by.

"Can we talk?" Anko asked. "It's about the training."

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