Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 26 - A little training, a short family meeting.

Walking to the side Kai-La created another dimensional barrier for him and Anko.

"Go ahead. What are your concerns?" Kai-La asked. He leaned against a tree and kept his eyes on the others.

"Don't you think that training was too hard?" Anko said worriedly.

"Not at all. I watched the entire time. I made sure the flames only took off the smallest of layers of cells. Combined with what I have feed them earlier, everything should be ok." Kai-La said blinking returning his eyes to normal.

"Should?" Anko had become worried. Rightly so. Flashbacks to the training she was subjected to played in her head.

"There are no real absolutes in the world. Even more so with it constantly changing. One can easily die on another's whim or a mistake." Kai-La said walking up to her. Wrapping his hands around her he looked at her.

"Eh, what are you doing?" Anko tried to squirm out on reflex.

"Holding you. I can stop if you want." Kai-La whispered.

"Don't you dare," Anko said leaning in. "Tell me, are you planning on doing that to all of the children?"

"I plan on doing worse as time goes on. But once our children are older anyway. In the meantime I want them to understand the different levels of pain one can experience. This physical pain is nothing compared to what they will face in the future." Moving his head down he stared at Anko. "I need them prepared. All of you as well."

"You talk as if another war is coming?" Anko started to fidget a little. 'I don't like this feeling. I hate that look in his eyes.'

"There is. Also, I believe I will not survive it. But I want you all too for sure. Plus strong kids will give me more relaxing time. Make them all do the work." Kai-La looked at her eyes a little more intently. "Those eyes how are they?"

"You always look relaxed. Especially with that dumb face of yours." Anko grabbed him tighter. "The eyes are doing fine. Thank you, I don't have any more headaches."

"Eh, sorry for my face. I don't plan on changing it. So deal with it pbllt." Kai-La said sticking out his tongue at her.

"Are you a child?"

"No, at least I don't think so. Let's go. Thanks for worrying about them. Also, attempt to stop me if you thinking I am going too far." Kai-La said as he started to let her go."

"I won't attempt. I will." Anko said as she broke away. "But later we need to talk more. There will still be a family meeting later yes?"

"Of course," Kai-La said as he walked back to the group. Closing the new seal he had made.

Both groups that have broken off are all back together.

Arriving back Kai-La looked over everyone. "Ok instead of continuing that training again, we will work on chakra nature."

"Who can tell me about chakra control?"

"I will this time," Pakura said.

"Look here at the center of your c.h.e.s.t. There is a small chakra gate here. It functions as your primary source of chakra production. A pierce or blow here, if not fatal, would most likely remove your continuing chances at a ninja career. It is important to train yourself to make sure this area is protected."

"Now focus here closely. If you have to activate a technique, do so."

All across the field a large amount of chakra generated. Kai-La activated a field to help generate more chakra.

"Feel the chakra in the area. Do not absorb it just mold it slowly. Attune yourselves with the energy Image the different elements in yourselves. Search for what calls to you. Block out everything else and just feel."

Moving his hands outward Kai-La touched them each with chakra. In front of each of them, several spheres of elements appeared. Pakura had stopped talking as her eyes stared at what was in front of her.

In front of TenTen were fire and earth.

Karin had earth and water.

Kira had water and wind. A small clear sphere tried to form as well.

Pakura had fire, wind, and a multicolored ball.

Shura had earth and wind.

The rest mostly had small little balls in front of them. The difficulty in concentrating caused the elements not to form. After 10 minutes Kai-La had them all stopped.

"Ok, everyone. Time to go home now. We will continue in two days. Everyone enjoy your day off tomorrow."

Everyone left the area slowly. A little worse for wear but better spirit wise.

Kai-La had grabbed both Karin and TenTen. Both were yawning and having trouble staying awake. Looking over he stared at the Jonin. "Go and make sure everyone gets home ok. Hisa make sure Ino and her mother arrive ok."

"I have Naruto. I will make sure to get him tucked in. It is very late at night."

"Kira lets go have a talk."

"Of course," Kira said smiling.

Arriving back at the house he placed TenTen and Karin in the same bed. Kira watched as he tucked both of them away. Before he pulled away from the bed he felt someone embrace him.

"Lord Uzu, are you sure about this?" Kira said into his back. "I am ok with being hurt. But I cannot have my daughter getting hurt."

"I will do my best not to fail her in that regard. Only thing I can really provide is a home, family, and a place to learn. All I ask of you is to be a great doctor and a great mother. You do not have to do anything else. Like I said be happy." Kai-La said turning around.

"Thank you again."

"No problem. It is the least I can do. Also, it doesn't hurt me in any way. Both you and Karin deserve a better life. Don't you think?" Kai-La said to her. With a little hug, he started to walk to the door.

"Wait," Kira said lowly. "If I have a child for you can we stay?"

"No. You can stay no matter what. Don't belittle yourself that way ok? This is not the grass village." Kai-La said quietly. "Come on the others should be back by now. It is better if we all talk together. That's what families try to do." Reaching his hand out he waited till she took it.

"Right," Kira said walking forward taking his hand. ZShe felt things could finally get better for them both. Not having to worry about seeing her daughter's face as she was dragged out of the bed to heal some ninja.

The door closed quietly behind them.

"See told you. You all aren't going anywhere. Papa made up his mind. We are family, and as your big sister I won't let you go either." TenTen said to Karin. She grabbed her hand and held her little sister as she cried.

"Uw wu. Sorry, I doubted you.. big sister. I have a big sister and a papa. Plus a whole bunch of mamas. Never thought I would get so lucky." Karin sniffled away her tears.

Back downstairs Jiraiya, Tsunade, Oreo, Anko, Pakura, Kurama, and Shura were seated. Joining them at the table with Hisa, Kai-La erected a barrier around them.

"There will be a war in about 11 or 12 years or so. A year or two after that it will escalate massively. Each and every large country will be affected. Each of the tail beasts plays a part in everything. The prophecy child will fulfill the condition or fail. It cannot be stopped as the world is now. You can try to prevent it, or help fulfill it. That is the one you know about Toad Sage." Kai-La said to the table.

Noticing there gaze he started to tell them about ways to increase the defense of the village. Also, he emphasized a need for a closer watch on other nations.

"Jiraiya what do you think about all of this?" Tsunade asked.

"What about the other prophecy?" Jiraiya asked toward Kai-La. "The one involving you."

"I will help the prophecy child for now. But something tells me we will fight in the future. Especially with my personality. Your network should be able to help you keep tabs on the organization that will make its move. When the time is right, I will give you more information on them. For now, it will be detrimental to you. It will also most likely get you killed earlier than what they have planned." Kai-La said evenly.

"Wait you know of a threat to his life! Why are you keeping it quiet?" Tsunade said getting angry. Her tone became deadly and her voice rose a bit.

"Shoosh." Behind her, Gemini appeared next to her with a blade at her throat. The blade contained various poison she can activate at a whim. She master the lethal uses already just needed to increase her swordsmanship.

"How did you do that?!" Tsunade asked alarmed. "Is that a shadow clone in that chair."

"Retract your killing intent now. Do not threaten the Leader in my presence." Gemini said coldly.

"Fine, just back off," Jiraiya said. Looking over at Tsunade, he signaled for her to calm down.

With a blink, Tsunade retracted her killing intent and calmly sat down. Gemini disappeared and the room became quiet.

"He is in the bingo book. Do you think he doesn't have a target on his back? Also, you two should train more. For the Legendary Sanin, you both have become weaker. Orochimaru, on the other hand, has increased his skill as the years grow." Kai-La said evenly.

"Thank you. I will let the teacher know. Let's go Tsunade."

Getting up both left out quietly.

"So what now?" Oreo asked.

"So Kira are you staying with the main family?" Pakura asked. Her tone was playful as she already had a hunch.

"Yes, I am. Please continue to take care of me and Karin." Kira said happily.

"Of course we will," Hisa said. "I need help with the medical. Considering how big the family will become."

"Yeah about that," Oreo asked looking at Kai-La. "So you are going to get the village of women pregnant is that right?" Her tone had a trace of jealousy.

"I will attempt to. They may say no." Kai-La said looking at them. Each one had a different response to what he had said.

"Why do you need them?" Anko asked.

Before Kai-La could answer Pakura drew everyone's attention.

"I will answer that. It is my job after all. He needs them to fulfill his contract as I understand it. Without a large number of children, born by him. He will die. Both body and soul will cease to exist. Everyone he cares about will meet a terrible fate as well." Pakura said evenly to the others.

"What contract did you sign? This is monstrous." Hisa said as she grabbed the table. From the looks around the table, the others agreed.

"I would be dead without that contract. So would you Oreo, as well as Pakura. Hisa you would have been still in the Hyuga clan suffering. Kira and Karin would face a fate... No, they would have been under the whims of the Grass Village. To be honest it would have gotten worse before it got better. As for Anko, I don't have to say it do I?" Kai-La paused letting it sink in.

Five minutes later Kira spoke first.

"Kai-La I thank you on behalf of my daughter. I will train hard to be a good wife and medical ninja."

"Hey now, I am already a good wife," Hisa said. "I will also train hard for the future, along with the children."

"No matter what. I am not going anywhere. I have made my choice." Anko said determined. "I will do my best to kidnap him from you, so deal with it."

"Well.. good luck with that," Pakura said smiling. Her eyes had a twinkle in them. "So what's going on with the boy Ku-La." Looking over he was knocked out on the table.

"Grr.. shut up Shukaku. That's' my food." Ku-La grumbled in his sleep.

"I will talk to him, and see if he wants to say it. I rather not break the little trust I have with him." Kai-La said going over and picking Kurama up. Speeding away he returned back to the table.

"How are you all with the changes. Have they all settled down yet?" Kai-La thought about he needs to pay little more attention to his family.

"I have greater control of my bloodline ability. My body is also healthier. The regeneration is definitely a perk." Pakura said. She flexed her hands creating perfect condensed spheres of heat.

"I have a greater awakening of my bloodline ability. My body is also healthier compared to back in the grass village. Not seeing the marks every morning helps me to forget that place." Kira said.

"Kira, later when we have the chance we will go to the Yamanaka. They can help you with getting through it all." Anko said.

"Ah, sorry about that. I will see about getting you an appointment with a female member." Kai-La said. "My mistake. I have been too relaxed. I need to remember about health concerns."

"The eyes are great. This new bloodline ability that developed, helps with anything I have seen. I can pull it up with a little use of my chakra. The regeneration helps as well. Even though it is only blood clotting it definitely helps." Hisa said. She then got up and went to the kitchen.

"I am enjoying this reinforced body. I can train a lot longer, and push myself to higher levels of training." Oreo said. "I agree we should help the star village with its problem. I will go there and survey the area and call you if I need your help. The reverse summoning should work on you now."

"I am having trouble getting used to the eyes. But Hisa said she can help me get the bloodline under control soon. The training with Oreo has been hectic, to say the least. A lot of her techniques are different than my own." Anko said. "More time alone with you will help with that." Anko then got up and kissed his cheek. " I am going to join the others on patrol. Stop by if you have the chance."

"Swoosh." Anko was gone.

Placing the tea on the table Hisa walked up to Kai-La. "Smooch." A quick kiss on his cheek and she walked upstairs. "Have a good night everyone. I am really tired."

Kira excused herself shortly after. She went over and gave him a hug before disappearing through the hall.

"Ok, you three what's wrong?" Kai-La asked the remaining family members.

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