Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 27 - Outcome of a mission.

"I have to know. The way you talk... it is different. Your speech is like that of someone who has experienced our lives before. Your understanding and changing and implementations of chakra is... otherworldly. Are you the same as lady Kaguya?" Oreo asked.

"This area is sealed so I will answer your question. I am... something like her yes. The otherworldly part is correct. I can't say anything else on that matter." Kai-La said looking at her frowning face. "You have to understand, but I must vet you more. It means I need to trust you more."

"And these two have?" Oreo pointed to Pakura and Gemini. "You have known them just a few days longer than myself."

"Yes, they have. Pakura is the first person I saved here. She also shares a connection with me. Gemini loyalty goes without question. That is all you need to know." Kai-La said watching Oreo stare at Gemini.

"What is she wearing? I can hardly feel her presence. Who was the other her? The one that appeared behind Tsunade?" Oreo asked standing up.

"Oreo, do you trust me?" Pakura asked. "If you do, relax. Kai-La just set up for you to find more meteorite fragments. Shouldn't you be more excited about that?"

"I do. I trust you and him. But her." She said pointing at Gemini. "She scares me. There is something unnerving about her at times."

"Oreo. You must not push this. No matter what happens, I will not tell you about her. Nor will I allow you to interfere with her." Kai-La said coldly. "You have a purpose here. I can use you just like you plan on using me. But do not meddle in certain things. I trust you with training my daughter. I even found you a possible student."

"I.. am sorry," Oreo said downcasted. With that, she walked upstairs quickly. 'That voice why did it cause me to change my mind. When he talks like that I can feel my heart racing. Urgh if he was more bloodthirsty this would be better.' L.i.c.k.i.n.g her lips sensually she thought about the different challenges she would face in the future.

"At times you can be an a.s.s you know that," Pakura said watching Oreo go upstairs. "I have seen and felt everything you have done with our connection. But this girl is a blind spot. Why is that?"

"I cannot tell you." Kai-La stood up and walked over to kiss Pakura cheek. "Go to bed. It has been a long day. We can talk later tonight if you like."

"Yes, we can. There is much to think about. Will you go and visit Anko on patrol?" Pakura asked standing up. She grabbed Kai-La around the neck and looked him in the eyes. "You don't have to die you know. It is just war I have been in a few. It won't be that bad will it?"

"I don't plan on it. But I can feel it. Something dangerous will happen. Good news, we have time." Pulling her closer he felt his blood rush. L.u.s.tful thought filled his mind. His hand grabbed her backside moving down slowly.

"Why? Just tell me why?" Pakura stared at him fiercely.

"Because ... I don't know. It is a gut feeling. I will tell you about it in the future." Kai-La just held her in his arms.

They held each other for a few hours before separating. Walking away quietly, Pakura stopped when she reached the staircase. "Don't get into trouble. Come home afterward."

"Fwoosh, fwoosh." Both Kai-La and Gemini appeared on the roof.

"Gemini how are you?" Kai-La asked staring upward.

"I am fine Leader. Today has been a good day." A voice answered from the side.

"It is good you had fun sister," Shura said. The two girls walked up and touched hands. In an instant, the other was gone leaving only one behind.

Looking back, Kai-La stared at Gemini. It impressed him. Her ability to separate both of her consciousness into two bodies. With an increase in her cell's, she was able to do it multiple times. Kai-La wondered back on the conversation they had about her choice.

"Are you feeling ok? I know the procedure hurts a little." Moving forward he touched her wrist. Circulating his chakra through her he felt the subtle changes still working. Increase in nutrition would help. Finding a balance would be hard. With age that will help determine a lot in the future as well. Letting her wrist go he watch as the young child moved about.

She could feel his gaze on her. "I am fine Leader," Gemini said as she sat on the roof. "Is it ok? Not informing them about what will happen."

"Pakura knows more than the others. You know more than Pakura. I can't tell them everything. Not yet anyway. I won't risk them acting crazily. Having them increase their strength and enjoying themselves is the best option. Besides, I don't know that for a fact. I should not make this harder on them."

"What about you? Is this not stressful?" Gemini asked watching his every movement. 'How can you stay calm like this? Is this a sign of strength or are you running away from reality.'

"Not at all. I am in a place I like. I have amazing companions, So many new stimuli. I am more relaxed than ever." Kai-La said removing his mask smiling at her. "But what about you? You know all my secrets. And have a bigger burden than anyone else."

Nodding her head, Gemini looked up. "I am fine. Do you regret informing me?"

"Not at all. It needed to be done. I needed a confidant. You fit the bill perfectly. Especially after what you shared with me. Sigh." Kai-La resummoned his mask. He felt another weird sensation run through him. "Watch everyone tonite. Make sure to rest up."

"Fwoosh," Kai-La disappeared. The young ninja watched the location her Leader disappeared from. Standing up she scanned the entire compound before relaxing.

'Leader is so cute. You think we have a shot with him?' Shura asked herself.

'No we do not. You know he thinks of us differently than that. Besides, I rather make sure he survives the war. Don't you?' Gemini said. 'He will never look at us like that. He said it before he views us as children. I think we have a chance in six years.'

'Fine whatever let's go back inside.' Shura thought back. 'Wait you kept track of that part. You want him to dear sister.'

Yugao, Hayate, and Anko met back up in the center of the compound.

"Anything to report?" Anko asked.

"Nope." Both replied in unison.

"Fwoosh," Kai-La appeared a few feet away from them.

"There is a problem. You two need to go spend time together." Kai-La said to the duo.

"That isn't very appropriate. Lord Senju, we should do our duty." Yugao said.

"You are right. But guess what, it's an order. Don't worry. Soon, you won't have to do this all the time. Once I finish the defenses you will all be able to relax a little more. We all will." Kai-La said to them both. "Anyway taking Anko bye."

"Huh, wait don't..." Anko started to stay.

"Fwoosh," both of them disappeared. They both reappeared far from the village in the forest of death. Stopping Kai-La waited and looked her over to make sure she was ok. "Hold on tight we are going further this time."

Anko grabbed him and held tight. In another moment both of them were gone again. For the next five minutes, Kai-La kept stopping and speeding them both away. He finally stopped once he reached an open field.

"Hah, hah where are we?" Anko asked looking around.

"I have no idea. I just went in a single direction. I know how to get back. Don't worry." Kai-La said placating her worries. He stretched his arms out and held the grass in hands. Looking back at Anko he watched her looking around.

"We are so far away. Is it safe here? Is there anyone else?" Anko was slightly worried about the location.

"No, we are alone. We shouldn't be interrupted this time." Kai-La didn't mean it in that way. Anko just took more of a different approach.

"Eh.. oh yeah.. that's good," Anko said stepping back slowly. Her heart beating so loud it caught Kai-La's attention.

"No reason to be afraid. I will keep my distance." Kai-La said turning his back. Looking at the sky he couldn't help but notice there wasn't a moon. 'I wonder if it changes as it does back home. Huh, the first time I really thought about that.'

There was no wind blowing around. The land was so quiet Anko could hear her heart beating fiercely before settling. It was loud and fast before she was able to calm herself down.

Anko watched him as he stared at the sky. 'What is he thinking about?' Stepping forward she walked around him and grabbed his mask. "Why bring me here? This mask, is it really important to wear it all the time?"

"Of course it is. The hidden face hides emotions. Keeps people guessing at what I will do. The eyes and tone of my voice only tell so much. My suit hides my mannerisms. My body language to be exact." Kai-La felt vulnerable. His mind tried to remember his own past before he shook it away. "I want you to know something. I am not a good man. But I am not a bad man either. I am a decent man. I am a hypocrite, and hypocrites are human. We do things.. things we don't want to do some times."

"Is that necessary around us as well?" Anko tried to think of what to do. More than anything she wanted to help him but she didn't really know how. 'I was worrying he was gonna have s.e.x with me here and it's this instead. This is so difficult. Ughh I should have talked to Oreo more.'

"Of course. I have to protect myself from you all the most. The most dangerous thing in this world.. are you and the others. " Kai-La receded his mask back into his face. Grabbing Anko's hand, he waited for a little before asking. "Are you ready to go back now?"

"No. Did you bring me here just to talk a little? I want to stay longer." Anko pulled him closer feeling like he would disappear any second. "Stay right here. Right now with me. Think of nothing else."

He thought of nothing else but her. But a small nagging kept pulling at him. The faces Of Mastica and Tsume appeared in his head. He couldn't quite figure out why though.

"Of course." Holding each other both just enjoyed each other's company. "Quality time is needed. I also confirmed something for myself." Kai-La said softly.

If Anko would had looked up she would have seen the change in his eyes. They had returned to its natural color. But do the positioning of the two it was missed.

"What is that?" Anko asked in wonder. 'What did he figure out?' Noticing his face contort she was worried. "What is wrong?'

"This trip will be a little faster. Circulate your chakra just in case." With that said he sped off back to the Leaf village. Arriving back at the compound he looked at Anko seriously. "I will be back in a few hours. Before sunrise hopefully."

Some voices could be heard not too far away. Running up he was surprised to see several leaf ninja fighting against mist ninja.

'Shit this hit the fan. Why the hell did I get pulled here? Never mind question answered. The Inuzukas and that mission I gave them. The only thing to do is to help.'

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