Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 31 - Mist Ninja

Charging in Kai-La felt his super speed leave him. His suit changed to his Jonin clothing. His mask disappeared as well. A longsword appeared on his hip. Drawing the sword he continued the charge.

"Badump," he felt his heart beat once then stop. Five seconds later it returned to normal. His chakra channeled through his body on its own.

'What the hell! Going into battle like this will get me killed.' Kai-La thought to himself. Looking at the ninja that were here because of him he channeled his chakra faster to arrive.

(Fight as a ninja. Rely on your instincts and your abilities that your soul has trained all these years.) The Fertility God sent this message to him.

'Don't you think I should have been told earlier!?'

Ducking a blow from a Mist ninja, he raised his guard in a cross with its sheath.

"Clang," Kunai was stopped by sheath. The ninja back flipped dropping two explosive tags as he left.

With a quick swat, they were knocked to the back of the ninja. With his back towards the bombs, he couldn't react in time to move away.

"Boom, boom," both exploded. This launched the ninja back forward towards Kai-La. He landed right in front.

"Damn it. Too long a fuse. Shorter ones next time." The ninja was having trouble standing after the explosions.

Seeing the young ninja in front he planted his feet and kneed him in the stomach. As the ninja was knocked into the air, his back was exposed. Swinging down with the sword at an angle, it traveled along his spine.

Kai-La hoped it would sever a few muscles.

The cut missed its target along the way. "Slchk," the sword cut right through the enemy ninja ribcage. Leaving the ninja gasping wide-eyed before dying.

(Right. I couldn't tell you though. Pandemonium and all. Good news time. The more you succeed with losing your powers the stronger you will become in the future. This world is rejecting your Kryptonian physiology.)

'What the hell man!' Why didn't you tell me that!?' While Kai-La argued with the fertility god he also kept a few enemies at bay. A Mist Ninja burst into water after getting hit in the c.h.e.s.t.

A set of flying senbon passed by Kai-La as he ducked.

"Hmph, I will get you next time." The ninja said as he jumped back into the puddle of water.

The Mist ninja came to close but was thwarted by a Hyuga Leaf ninja nearby. The Hyuga member gave Kai-La a nod before returning to help the others.

(Don't forget you have countless years fighting like a ninja. Use it! I will talk to you after the fight. Save your family.)

'What family?!' Looking around Kai-La could see most of the Leaf Ninja had regrouped already. No casualties just a lot of injuries so far.

(Oh, the Kaguya clan members agreed. They are technically your family now. That's what the pull was for. It alerts you when your family is in danger. As well as if your mates are in danger. Later.)

"Damn it. All Leaf ninja fall back!" Looking around Kai-La took a deep breath yelling.

A new wave of Mist ninja came out of the brush. A group of Leaf ninja traveled in the front. Blitzing through the back of the mist ninja, the Inuzuka's and their beast companions made it out first from the group. Striking and attacking as they fell back. Mastica lead a group of chunin in an attack. The shocking thing about these individuals though was the feral demeanor they held.

Mastica swung from up top. After a few bouts, Kai-La figured the pattern. Her attacks offset causing the enemy ninja to roll around. When they rolled one or two chunin would pounce on the enemy. If the enemy survived another member of the Inuzuka's threw kunai's to disable.

"Hopefully this helps." Making the quick hand motion Kai-La made eye contact with Mastica. "Light Style: Light's Prison!"

Several crosses appeared from the sky circling the enemy ninja pinning the slow members down. The Jonin rank moved to the side as well as some Chunin.

With each pinned ninja. The Inuzuka's speed up there attack pattern. They stop retreating to kill the enemy. At a glance, Kai-La noticed the look in their eyes. It was becoming more and more vacant.

Pushing forward into the group of enemies he slashed as he went through. Most slashes were dodged but it served its purpose of getting the mist ninja to spread out. Making it to Mastica and her group he looked upon on the marks on their bodies. Weird chakra rods extruded from each of the backs. A Mist Jonin was close by with a whip.

Unknown to Kai-La his hair started to turn crimson red. A voice played in his mind.

'Don't let them kill our people! We have to stop them! Do not allow what happened to the Whirlpool Village to happen again to our family!' The voice rose to a peak. It was Kai-La's own voice.

"You monsters will obey me." The Jonin said as he used the whip in his hand went out. Right before it could hit an Inuzuka's ninja Kai-La intercepted it.

"Crack" sword met whip. The whip broke into several pieces as the sword only received a slight blemish. The Jonin came forward striking at Kai-La hand that held the technique in place.

Taking the blow directly, his hand broke but maintained the technique. "Such a fool why didn't y.."

The mist Jonin started to say before Kai-La stabbed his sword through his throat.

"Because I couldn't risk you getting away." Continuing the hold on the technique he felt his chakra reserves take a hit. Looking around he notices the Leaf ninja started to get an even bigger upper hand. The problem before him was that he couldn't see Tsume or the members of Kaguya's clan still.

A ninja with a serrated sword appeared from the water collected on the ground. Swinging his jagged sword he went straight for the kill. To bad for him Kai-La was ready.

Moving his neck slightly to the side Kai-La felt the blade graze his cheek. With an upward thrust of his sword with his dominant hand, he pierced the ninja's stomach. He felt the ninja's warm blood drip down his wrist. Swinging him off the sword Kai-La kept his left hand in its pose keeping the Light's prison active.

'Have to release this technique.' With that thought, the swords started to break against the attacks by the mist ninja. Looking at the Jonin on the sword he performed a mental technique.

'Yamanaka Style: Mind devour Technique.' With that everything, the Jonin knew for the last few days flowed into his mind.

The good news the effects of the rods were only temporary. Bad news it caused the ninja to go berserk attacking all sides.

The Inuzuka's men and women were doing a great job keeping themselves from attacking any leaf ninja. But the more they resisted the more dangerous it was for themselves.

Dropping the destroyed Jonin Kai-La moved over to Mastica sheathing his sword. He approached cautiously as he tried to get her to calm herself. The Inuzuka's ninja's nearby growled at him. Two males launched themselves at him and bit onto his shoulders with their extended canines.

"Gush" blood spurted out when their fangs sank deep inside. Kai-La continued to walk towards Mastica. When his blood entered in the two ninjas he programmed the cells to make them lethargic and sleepy for a few minutes.

The two members slid off Kai-La and fell to the ground.

'Damn that hurt. Injecting them would have taken to much chakra. But using my own cells should be more effective but most likely slower.' Arriving at Mastica he stared at her coldly. "Are you going to allow some stupid drug to take over you!? Did I choose wrong? Tell me Mastica. Is this the best you Inuzuka's can do?"

"Grrr, shut up. Stop wasting time! Go and save the others! Grr." Mastica snarled at Kai-La.

Another three Inuzuka's had latched onto Kai-La and were trying to drag him away. The power of the rods was too powerful.

"I can't leave you all here if you can't control yourselves. You might give in and attack the others. Plus I don't know where everyone else is." After channeling a little change into them as well they slid off. Taking a quick glance he watched the Leaf ninja already pushed the others back and regrouped. Focused on suppressing the gashes that were over his body he became a little dizzy. 'There pack mentality makes them protect her. If I can get her awake problem solved. At least I hope.'

"Arrooo, there back that way go! The main force of the Mist was rerouted to deal with an attack from the Rain village."

"Let's go then. Your job is not done yet." Kai-La continued to approach her slowly. His left hand already had a good bit of chakra gathered.

The beast companion followed the actions of Mastica. They attacked Kai-La as well.

"Stop! Calm yourselves." One of the Inuzuka called out. From his position on the ground, he tried to gain control of the situation.

"Grr I.. said to.. grr get back," Mastica growled before launching herself at Kai-La. With the others pinned to him, escaping was difficult.

"Spurt!!" An arc of blood flew in the air. From the side of Kai-La's neck, Mastica was latched on. In a few moments, her eyes regained clarity. Next to her c.h.e.s.t was Kai-La's hand. It was around her hearts location. His fingernails had breached the very tip of her c.h.e.s.t. He had injected some chakra into the wound helping to speed up her healing process.

Attempting to pull off Kai-La stopped her. His hair already had streaks of white added.

Muffled she spoke up between gasps. "I am *gasp so sorry *gasp*. Let me go! I didn't mean to I swear!"

"I know just relax a little. It will be fine in a few moments. Let my blood fix you up some." Kai-La stood there a little dazed as he waited for the process to finish. 'Memo to self, giving myself the Uzumaki feed ability was not that smart on my end. I feel so bloody tired. This is what Kira was going through, damn. I can never let Karin do this.'

Dropping to his knees he watched as the other Inuzuka's members came up. One by one he let them feed on his wrists. In a few minutes, they were all ready to go.

Reaching over to the dead Mist Jonin from earlier he grabbed some chakra pills from his pouch.

"Down the hatch." He threw them all inside grimacing at the pain and influx of chakra.

Consuming them all in one go he restored most of his chakra he spent from the feeding. His vitality was already restored from basking in the moonlight.

He could already feel some of his Kryptonian powers restoring themselves. His longevity anyway.

A few more of the trapped ninja broke through the light prison. Seeing Kai-La recuperate they went on the offensive.

"Earth Style: Muddy Swap!" Mastica yelled turning the ground in front into a bog of sloshy dirt. A few ninja were trapped but not all of them.

As another team of ninja appeared Kai-La was surprised they sent genin to the field. Especially fresh recruits. Those not trapped launched several water bullets towards the gathered Leaf Ninja.

Grabbing kunai that were scattered everywhere on the ground he threw them at the incoming ninja. Most of the kunai missed but the ones that made contact tore holes through the enemy ninja.

'The more I kill the more my chakra reserves recover… this is nuts. This can't be what he meant a few minutes ago could it?'

'Dammit! Need to keep my cool. Time to reassess everything that' is going on. I don't have my advance powers as a Kryptonian but, I have the durability and regeneration of an Uzumaki and Senju. No breath, speed, x-ray vision, or damn near invulnerability. The cellular ability still work, and the ability to learn and see what is wrong with my self does. Chakra is restoring slowly from something.' Kai-La was broken from his thoughts when a ninja appeared to strike him down.

"Die!" The ninja said coldly as his blade came down.

A little fluctuation let him know his chakra restored a little. Right before the blade made contact the world slowed down to a standstill.

In front of Kai-La was another version of himself. One that looked more wore out than he did. He was dressed in Whirlpool Jonin commander attire.

"Hi me. This isn't going so well. That would be my fault. I wanted to see if we were worth letting live."

"Well shit, Even my self wants me dead. What kind of bullshit is that? Well go ahead and kill us then yah piece of shit. No reason to drag it out."

"Easy there, easy. I am not gonna do that I want to live. You need to realize we aren't back home. These people are ruthless. They will kill anyone to get there way. You have killed only a few yourself. Too much hesitation. We can't be that way. I grew up in the Whirlpool village. Friends and family died. You don't have that complete connection like I do. It's also the reason your chakra is so low. Trust me in a few moments you know why things need to change."

With that, the other version walked up and touched Kai-La's head. The fragment of his soul fused with its core. He was now complete.

The memories of all the people who died pass through his mind. Those who begged for the babies to be spared were all cut down with no remorse. The elders ripped apart in front of the children. Husband and wives placed in illusion force to kill each other. Coming to terms with what happened was easy since the soul was his own.

For him, it was like watching a movie on fast forward but the killings were in slow motion. Within a few moments that felt like an eternity, Kai-La took a deep breath. His eyes were cold and devoid of warmth. If it wasn't for a playful smile on his face. One would think they are looking at someone entirely different.

"Water style: Water Prison Technique." A Mist ninja said as he launched an attack towards Kai-La. The sphere of water enveloped him cutting off his escape and movements.

"Lord Senju!" The same Hyuga ninja yelled.

"Water style: Shark Bite Technique." A mist ninja said generating sharks inside the sphere. The moment the sharks bit down unto the body of Kai-La, he turned into water. "Dammit, where did he go?"

"Sching," In a fluid motion a sword cut the Jonin in half. Kai-La had appeared behind the enemy lines and attacked from there. With each attack, an enemy ninja went down. The more he killed the faster he recovered.

"Someone stop him!" A Chunin Mist ninja yelled.

Looking around seeing most of the Leaf ninja were no longer around Kai-La tipped his feet. Getting into a pose he spun into a top. With one hand he held the sword as he traveled through the Mist Ninja.

Leaving a slight wound on those he passed by he activates with his other hand, "Fire Style: Fire Annihilation Technique!" Spinning the flames went outward in waves of burning fire. At first, it wasn't damaging but after a third wave, it caught the genin that made it to the battlefield. On contact, they burned to ashes. This causes his chakra reserves to climb up even higher.

Pouring more into the now fire tornado he spun faster till the flames reached the clouds. The ninja who were anchored down with kunai and sword was pulled into the inferno.

The Mist Jonin that escaped watched as there genin and chunin brethren were lifted into the air from the force of the flames. They traveled around and around as the flame tornado burned them alive. As their screams traveled into the sky, they stared helplessly.

"Teacher help me!" A genin said as he was getting s.u.c.k.e.d in. His teacher attempted to help him but was stopped by another Jonin. The other Jonin had tears coming down there cheeks as they held him back.

"There isn't anything you can do."

Right as the boy made it close to the flames, it stopped. Kai-La grabbed the child in the air and looked at the mist village ninja as he descended down the sky in flames. The flame was produced by his chakra molding it was quite easy as long as he focused.

The Mist Jonin watched in fear. One stepped forward once he noticed the hair color. A bright red hair that flowed with the wind.

"You.. you cant be. The Warlord of Uzu is a myth. I heard you were dead!" The man said stumbling back.

"You wish I was." Holding the boy by the neck Kai-La started to squeeze slowly.

"Please stop! He is just a child!" A Jonin said.

"No, he is not. He is a ninja! A soldier!" Kai-La said increasing his grip even more. The boy's eyes started to water as he struggled.

"He is a fresh genin he doesn't know anything of war yet."

"This is a perfect time for him to learn. Listen closely boy for your final lesson. Your village along with two others destroyed my village. They killed all the civilians, all the elderly, all the retired ninja, and the newborn babies." Looking around he watched as the Mist Ninja waited in anticipation. "That's right, some were just born and were all killed." The more Kai-La spoke, the more the Mist ninja felt themselves shake.

"Your village was once known as the Bloody Mist village. A bunch of butchers and killers. You are too young to have seen them in action. But for me… I have. I watch them kill my kin and my clansmen. What do you think should happen to a village like that?" Releasing his grip he allowed the boy to talk.

"Cough.. a village.. cough like that should perish.." The boy said between gasps of air.

"Very good. What an honest young man. What would you like as a wish before you die?" Kai-La said slowly.

"You cannot do that. Take me instead." A Jonin stepped forward on shaky legs. It was the boy's teacher.

"I .. I wish for you... To spare my village.." The boy looked up at Kai-La. "We have changed. I know this to be true myself. The academy is stopping that practice."

"It takes time! It can't be done in a day!" A Jonin said stepping forward.

"Very well then." Reaching over Kai-La picked up the young ninja again. "You are about 8 year's old yes?" Seeing the boy nod he looks towards the rest of the ninja. "Your village has eight years. I will give you eight years to change your ways. If you attack another village unprovoked I will come in killing. If you dare to even coordinate with another village to attack the Leaf village I will come in killing. If I hear you are all going back to your previous ways well… I think you get the picture. If you are attacked and need help you can expect the Uzumaki clan to come help. To cement this bloody alliance this ninja will be a reminder."

Raising the child up in the air Kai-La snapped the child's neck. Releasing his heat vision he destroyed the body reducing it to ashes.

"May his ashes watch over your village. Go back and tell your leader I have not forgotten the night the Whirlpool Village fell. It haunts my dreams and I shall haunt his."

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