Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 32 - Inuzuka and the Mission

"He will be informed. We will make sure the practice stops now." A jonin said holding back tears. 'You ruthless monster! If I had the strength I would kill you.'

"That's good. I wonder if it's fear or something else that keeps you all in check. But still..." stomping his feet on the ground, a mound of dirt came up.

Once the dirt cleared the genin that was just killed, fell out.

"Ha, hah that s.u.c.k.e.d." The genin said spitting out dirt. "I almost crapped myself."

"Hurry to your teachers. People only get to live again once."Kai-La said smirking. Back peddling a few steps he turns to greet the Inuzuka ninja and another Leaf ninja.

"Lord Senju do you think they will stop." The Hyuga stated watching the reactions of the ninja nearby, he saw various expressions. "Do you think your plan will work?"

"Don't know. Can only hope." Kai-La watched the reaction of the others as he listens for Tsume and the rest. "Hope is the road to disappointment. So it will have to do for now."

Mastica and her people came up next.

"The exit area is clear. Lady Tsume and the rest have already made it to the rendezvous point." Mastica said after sniffing the air taking in one of the scents. "What plan? What are you talking about?"

The group spread out in a standard counter ambush formation to meet with the rest. On the way, Kai-La spoke to those around him.

"So you destroyed a substitute body to see how they would react? Then brought the original out after they didn't retaliate. Just to make a point."

"Correct. How many genins did you think they saw die in that last attack? A few squads at the most. But that is usually overlooked compared to seeing one killed right in front of you." Pausing Kai-La looked at the chunin in the group who was maybe 14 or so. "War cares not for your age. Nor does it care if you survive it. You should think and care more about yourself."

The Leaf chunin nodded and fell back to a more slower pace.

"Don't you think you went too far snapping his neck first?" The Hyuga ninja from before asked.

"Nope. Shock value. Physiological warfare. I need them to know what is at stake for there people if they defy me. I will do to them what they did to mine. An eye for an eye an all that." Kai-La said neutrally.

Looking to the side at Mastica he noticed she looked away. Refusing to make eye contact he left her be.

Doing a quick transmission to the Hyuga ninja as the others listened to the rest of the plan for the Mist village. He needed to get the information on the Hyugas at this time to formulate a better plan.

'The compound is secure. There have been talks of rebellion amongst the family. A few of the main branch retaliate firmly. After what happened with Hisa, some changed there ways for the better. Others count this as a single incident. Some of the younger generations have become antsy. They are picking sides.'

'Keep yourself safe. For good or bad this will have the Hyugas making a move in the future. Are you sure you don't want to have your family leave yet?'

'I am sure. I want to do this with the least amount casualties. Plus I am having fun. As an undercover agent, everything is slightly easy for me. But the moment I think my family is in trouble I will leave.'

The Hyuga member broke off to follow his squad away from Kai-La.

'Glad he is turning out better than the other guard I spared. That guy is living passed his usefulness. I should decide later what to do with him.' As he thought to himself he did a glance over all the ninja gathered. As well as the Kaguya members. He stopped once he saw a man dressed in bandages with a young female ninja with Auburn hair.

"Hey, that's the guy!" A blue skin guy said coming from the back.

"No f.u.c.k.i.n.g way... what in tarnation is he doing here?!" Kai-La was noticeably shocked at the ninja that came out.

At that time Tsume walked around from a group of mix ninja. Kai-La noticed Danzo's Uchiha mistress walking with her. 'Well, this won't end well.' Kai-La thought amused.

"Hey, you!" Kisame said pointing as he walked closer to Kai-La. Even younger he stood evenly with the formers Kryptonian build. "Heard you are the one who paid for this operation. As well as killing a good score of our ninja. Is it true?"

Before Tsume could say anything Kai-La spoke up. "Yes on both accounts. Is there a problem?"

"Yeah several. From my understanding, you will give our ninja a place to stay as well as provide for them. Taking into the account of what we did to you, will you be able to overlook everything that has happened?"

"Yes and no. I am human therefore a hypocrite. My offer still stands for those who wish to leave. I don't plan on forcing you to do anything. Will you be able to accept what I have just done to your village."

The bandaged man stepped forward. "I Zabuza Momichi can and will. On the condition, my siblings do not have to become ninja. No matter what I have done, the village is on the decline. The Kage tells to many lies. We are not safe there. I will not allow them to be used as I was.'

"Very well. How about you all?" Kai-La said after nodding his head at Zabuza.

The Auburn haired woman stepped up next. "I Mei Terumi will follow. Behind me are the genin who just joined the academy as well as there families. The Kage said he would end the practice but already had another genin planted to create another massacre." Looking over to Zabuza she gave a wane smile. "Sorry, Zabuza. If we have your word our people won't be subject to that then everything can be forgiven on our side. Besides, none of the ninjas that fought were our family members. They were already killed by the stone ninja attack."

"No need to apologize. I will do my best to atone for what happened." Zabuza said. Looking down, he rubbed the heads of his siblings.

"This is the perfect time for me anyway. Me and Samehada here are ready to fight for a better cause. The Fourth Mizukage commended me for my loyalty to the Mist village. However, killing my comrades left a bad taste in my mouth. I want to see the truth of this world! If you can show me that the world is not filled with lies and treachery. Then I Kisame Hoshikage will follow you."

"Very well then. I accept all of your conditions." Making eye contact with as many as he could Kai-La gave them his sincerest smile.

'Then Kisame I should tell you now then. The Mizukage is under hypnosis. Before you go off the handles I can't beat the person currently in my condition' Kai-La transmitted. 'But in the future, I will. Or have someone strong enough to do so. We can talk later about this. You have enough on your plate.'

"Sorry for intruding on your mission. I know you had it under control. A feeling pulled on me hard enough that I became worried is all. Do forgive me." Bowing his head Kai-La didn't say anything else.

"No. Thank you for your help. Intel didn't say anything about the Stone village attacking. There are more people than expected in the group that we recovered. But the Hokage figured this might happen. Thus he sent a squad of Uchihas to help cover the retreat." Tsume said neutrally. "Looking at the marks on Kai-La 's body she glanced over to Mastica who looked away. 'Is that what she wanted to talk about in private?'

" Very well." Lifting his head Kai-La did a quick glance again. Noticing no problems he bid the group goodbye. "It is best I leave then." He said in a slight hurry.

"What is the rush?" Mastica asked. 'I should talk to him now than later.'

"Hehe I told the wife I would be back before dawn to.. well.. crap. I actually forgot what we were supposed to talk about." Kai-La said rubbing his neck. "Dang nabbit. To much stuff going on in my head. Screw It. I will just get yelled at when I get back."

Circulating his chakra he sped off from the group. Running past the Uchiha formation he dropped a piece of paper.

"Don't f.u.c.k this up. Especially if you want help with the compound getting off house arrest." The note said.

Once he was away he jumped into the air and took off flying. Speeding straight home he checked the roads to make sure they were cleared. Landing in the backyard, he cleaned himself up before heading upstairs. Soon as he opened the door his jaw dropped.

In the bed, the entire family was laid out sleeping.

Pakura was curled up with Naruto. Kurama was behind him sleeping. Hisa was leaning against the bed frame with TenTen curled up on her. Kira and Karen, we're sleeping in a rocking chair. Ouroborus was by the window sleeping by it. Anko was in the corner meditating. Gemini across from her doing the same.

"Huh, this is our. family. To think it has to get even bigger. " Kai-La mumbled out.

(I will speak with you in the morning. Do make sure you have an explanation for your family.) The fertility God said before breaking the link.

Back to the Inuzukas.

The group was now on there way back to the Leaf village.

"What the hell has gotten into the Uchihas? Before, they barely look like they cared about what happened during this mission. Now they are coming back and checking the flank and on us. What gives?" Tsume said. Looking over to Mastica she asked what was on her mind. "What happened to Kai-La that he received so many bite marks."

"Well, the Mist ninja acquired the berserk drug somehow. It should have all been wiped out already. My squad was exposed to it. We did our best to do as much damage as possible to them before the drug took a bigger effect. Once the retreat was called a lot of us lost more of ourselves. I am sorry. I thought you fell when the retreat sounded off. Combined with the fact I couldn't smell your scent I lost control. I ordered the others to attack Lord Senju. I felt an overwhelming rage. With the rods amplifying my need to act upon them."

"What else happened? From what I saw, we had no casualties. A few maimed members and injuries but nothing more. "Who went for his throat?" Tsume asked keeping her voice leveled.

"I did," Mastica said as her voice went to a whisper. Tsume felt her hackles rise. "I went for the kill. I thought if he was dead it would all be over. That's what the last order from the Mist ninja said in my head."

"You went .. for his throat.. don't tell me you.." Tsume paused not letting her thoughts get ahead of her.

"No matter what I said to Lord Senju he didn't leave us. He cured each of us before the next group of ninja attacked." Mastica looked up at Tsume. Seeing the slight anger in her eyes she didn't know what to say. 'I hope this doesn't cost the clan. We need the help to rebuild.'

"When we get back. After we talk with the Hokage we will head to the compound and have a talk with him. Hopefully, it turns out ok." Seeing her subordinate relax Tsume focused on the mission. 'Why did I get so angry just now? The mission may have run into trouble, but even more, followers have been recruited than asked initially. Hopefully, a bonus is in store for us. With it, we can definitely rebuild some of the homes that were destroyed. Definitely, have more of our partners treated.'

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