Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 33 - A talk.. And new family members??

Not wanting to wake anyone, Kai-La went around placing a blanket on each of them. Stepping back out, he went downstairs and sat at the breakfast table.

"Ughh," all at once he felt pain run across his body. All of his body started to expand and constrict. His muscles became more solid then relaxed to their former state. His hearing picked up. For a brief moment, he heard the sounds of the waves crashing over the remnants of the Whirlpool village. Considering how far that was from his current location, he took deep breaths. Breathing slowly he tried to control himself to return to normal.

Once the sounds died down, he could feel his eyes straining. The magnification picked up the table and its entire set up. Seeing to a whole new level of subatomic particles.

"Kuff, kuff, kuff" he coughed up his stomach acid. "Cough, cough, ah shit." His eyes burned with the new vision. As the new sights continued to assault him, he started to fall out of his chair. Before reaching the ground he was caught.

"Easy there. I have you. Rest easy Kai-La. It will pass in moments." A voice said from the side of him. The person set him back onto the chair.

Looking up Kai-La saw the fertility, God. Carn-La as he remembers at the moment. Dressed in a white suit still. The tribal markings on the mask looked as intimidating as ever. Looking closer he could see the different swirls of energy around him. Black strands, white strands, and clear strands. The clear strands happened to be the most abundant.

"You have anything for these headaches right now? Better yet, a way to get it to slow down at least. Closing my eyes doesn't help in the least."

"No, I don't. But it will get better. It will pass as I said before. So... how are you feeling after that full soul merger? Experiencing a sense of identity crisis yet?" Carn-La said softly. 'Hold it togethor. You are very important.'

If Kai-La didn't know any better, he thought he could hear a touch of concern in the God's voice.

"No, I am not. The memories are troubling... they flashed quickly before. But now it is raw and at the surface." Shaking all over Kai-La spoke a little about what he remembered.

"I have memories of a mother and father. That were not unlike my own. They cared for me and died with the Whirlpool Village. Why do that?"

"Loved ones are a fast way for emotional development. We all go through it." Carn-La said sadly.

"Even you?" Kai-La asked. He clenched his teeth so hard he heard them grind away.

"Yes, I did. My father was a Soul Reaper that served with the Captain Commander. My mother was a Hollow that ruled a section of Hueco Mundo. Both were wounded in the war with the Quinces. I myself was raised in a pocket dimension till I was six or so. Then I was sent to the Human world. Right around the time, Ichigo mother was attacked. That is a story for another time, my friend." Carn-La looked at Kai-La as he struggled to maintain himself.

Noting the God would not continue, Kai-La focused more on himself. The God's words had helped distract him from the pain.

"If it wasn't for the Yamanaka clan techniques I studied earlier. I don't think I would be able to have continued the fight. For the better part...survived it." Shaking his head Kai-La started to move to get some water.

"Stop. Sit down!" Carn-La said authoritatively. "That is a bad idea. Summon some water. You haven't relied on that ability much. I am proud of you for not doing so. But still now is a time to treat yourself."

Waving his hands in the air Kai-La summoned a bottle of water. Popping the cap he guzzled it down quickly.

"Ah, that hit the spot." Wiping his mouth he dismissed the bottle.

"So what is going on? You said the world is rejecting me. What can I do about it?"

"Easy. Have kids duh."

"Come again?"

"Have more kids. Don't worry, the adopted children count. Even if you get the village of women it works the same way. The more that are apart of your family, the more the world will accept you. Plus the more my divinity works."

"Gotcha. What about the powers? You said they will come and go. How long will it take for them to stay exactly?"

"Depends on how much divinity you can use. Also how much you create." Looking at Kai-La relaxed pose, Carn-La relaxed in his chair as well.

"How do I get more?"

"By fulfilling Fertility and Pandemonium requirements. These are my two major aspects."

"That sounds troublesome. Definitely will focus on my ninja skills more. So what gives with the people near me. I have noticed an increase with my feelings for them. Both good and bad. It felt like I have known them for a long time."

"That would be my Third Divinity influencing you. Temporal Anomaly. The perception of time and the way it works. One of the reasons I am here actually. I can remove this from you, but you will become weaker. Or I can leave it alone. What will it be?"

"Is there a third option?"

"Yes. You can discard it altogether. This will, in turn, make it harder to learn anything time-related. In this world, not that bad. Considering you hate illusions and hypnotism. With what you have been gearing your cells to do, to prevent yourself and your people from falling under its effects is quite shocking." Looking at Kai-La no longer struggling to reign his powers in he continued. "The good side of that predicament, you can develop your own divinity. Faster than the normal time."

"Drawbacks... what would that be specifically?" Kai-La tensed up. "There are always drawbacks."

"Nothing really. The world itself would no longer see you as an obstacle. Especially since your divinity was developed here anyway."

"Considering the trials and tribulations for you to reach Silver Age Superman's status. For that wish to take full effect, you have to conquer yourself. That is harder than people think. You are old but also young. All he went through helped get him to that level. You have a ways to go."

"Yeah discard it. Easiest option. One less hassle."

"Very well." With a flick of his hand, a light left Kai-La. "How are you feeling?"

"Better." Looking outside he could see the sun had risen. It was dawn. His ears picked up the sound of everyone moving upstairs.

"Your family is getting up. What will you do in the future?" Carn-La eyed the staircase a little?

"Meh, don't know. Train, live, eat, sleep, and f.u.c.k I guess. Do what anyone else will do."

"Heh makes sense. Why good morning young lady." Carn-La laughed before addressing the first person down the stairs.

"Greetings, " Pakura said. She walked up to Kai-La and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Taking her seat at the table she looked at the stranger.

Hating stupid atmospheres for no reason, Kai-La spoke up.

"This is Carn-La. He is my Benefactor. Also, the reason any of this is possible." Summoning some tea, coffee, and pastries around the table, He grabbed a donut for himself.

"Please to meet you," Pakura said with a bow of her head. "Thank you for all you have done." Reaching over she grabbed some tea and started to mix it up.

"No problem. It was also my fault he is in this predicament as well." Reaching over, Carn-La grabbed a croissant. "I do love these. Especially the buttered ones."

"Shuffle, shuffle, " from the staircase more of the family members came down.

TenTen came running towards Kai-La and sat on his right knee. Looking around at the spread her mouth started to drool. She reaches for Kai-La's donut before he pulled it away.

"Morning to you as well. Get your own donut. This is mine," he said sticking his tongue out.

"But that's the closest one. You should share." TenTen said pouting.

Breaking it in half he handed her half.

"Hehe, you are spoiling her you know that," Pakura said with a slight laugh. Reaching over she grabbed a small plate and put two donuts on it for them both. "There now. Don't eat too many. You have to share with the others."

"Uh-huh, I will," TenTen said before taking a small bite. Looking at the man across from her papa she was intrigued. "Who are you? My name is TenTen. What's yours?"

"Eh, ah." Karin said climbing up on Kai-La's left knee. She looked up and broke off a piece TenTen had.

At that time Ku-La came over with Naruto and sat down. For the most part, he still looked asleep. Naruto looked at the food on the table and stretched his hands out trying to reach them.

Anko went over and put a croissant in front of him and grabbed a chocolate one for herself. She sat at her seat at the table taking small bites. Ku-La had fallen back asleep.

Hisa waved at Pakura when she came down. Giving TenTen a pat on the head she went to the kitchen to start to cook.

"Hello. Call me Carn-La. Nice to meet your little one." Giving a slight wave he went back to sipping his water he grabbed.

"Is my papa in trouble?" TenTen asked.

"No, why do you ask that?" Carn-La was surprised at her question.

"Because he looks tired. You are wearing clothing like he wears sometimes when something important is happening." TenTen said sipping the juice Oreo placed in front of her. "Also his chakra is low."

At the last statement, everyone in the room was surprised except Kai-La, Gemini in the shadows, and Karin. Last being the one who taught her how to sense chakra levels a little.

After a slight pause, Carn-La continued.

"Your papa is in no trouble. Trust me, if he was I would be the first to warn him if I could. But it is good you ask that." Carn-La's tone became a little serious. "As a future ninja, if your papa was in trouble would you help him?"

"Of course, I would," TenTen said smiling.

"I would too!" Karin said.

"Yeah me too," Naruto said. "Why wouldn't we?" At the last question, he started l.i.c.k.i.n.g the butter on his fingers.

"That is good to hear," Carn-La said with a smirk in his tone.

For the next 30 minutes, the group all talked for a bit. Kai-La noticed as they all talked some of the habits of Carn-La reminded him of someone. He just couldn't pinpoint who.

"Well," Carn-La said standing up," I have to go now. Be safe all of you."

After goodbyes from everyones. A portal opened behind him and he walked through.

Oreo stared wide-eyed Looking around the room she noticed Kai-La and Pakura were the only ones not surprised. The kids just mostly oh'ed and ah'ed.

"Now that he is gone. What is on the agenda for today?" Oreo asked.

"Nothing. Relaxation. I was thinking about traveling to the ocean or a beach. What do you all think?" Kai-La said to everyone?

"The ocean. How about a picnic instead?" Hisa asked. "It is a lovely day."

One by one they all agreed on a picnic. It was set to happen around 2:00 in the evening. Everyone started to busy themselves with there own things to do.

Kai-La sat at the table. He was currently reading a story to Naruto. The three little pigs. Ku-La sat to the side acting like he wasnt interested, but Kai-La new better.

At the end of the story, Naruto wanted another story.

"Big bro, can you read me another one?" Naruto asked excitedly.

"Of course," Kai-La said putting the book away. "What kind would you like.?"

Seeing Naruto think about it, Kai-La looked at Pakura and Hisa who sat down. They had come back from a meeting they both had attended in the morning.

"What is it?" Kai-La asked. He was slightly confused about there expressions.

Hisa looked at Pakura who in turn looked down.

"How many wives did you go and get last night?" Hisa said plainly. "Pakura is too embarrassed to ask."

Pakura face turned red and denied adamantly. "That isn't true at all."

"Right ok. I didn't get any new wives." Kai-La said scratching his cheek. "

Kurama was whispering into Naruto's ear about something. Naruto just kept shaking his head really fast.

"What you didn't?" Pakura said looking at him weirdly. "But the word around the village..."

"What word around the village?" Kai-La looked at them more intrigued by the second. 'What in the hell are they talking about.'

"Knock, knock" A few quick taps at the door had Kai-La looking over.

"Come in. Nobody is going to open it for you!" He yelled. He didn't feel like getting up.

In walked Lady Sarutobi, Guy, Kakashi, and Kurenai.

"What can I do for you all?" Kai-La asked. Looking at Hisa who was getting fl.u.s.tered for not greeting them properly he stopped. "Hisa sit down. This is your home. You are not back at the Hyuga compound. They will be ok."

"I..I.. Yes, you are right. I keep forgetting." Hisa said sitting back down. Looking over her and Pakura continued there talk.

"So... why are you all here?"

Lady Sarutobi stepped up. "Did you leave the village last night?"

"Yeah. I went for a walk. So what." Kai-La said. He looked over to Naruto. "Did you think of a new genre yet?"

Both boys shook there head. "Yes. We want a horror story." Both of them wanted to be shocked and amazed by what they would hear story-wise.

"Horror. I see. I have just the thing. How about the story of a man named Van Hellsing?" Kai-La said in a menacing tone. "The slayer of many and cursed to walk the world for eternity doing the work of the lost. On his way, he was joined by all forms of life. As well as unlife."

Both boys gulped at his response. They shook there head in excitement. "What do you mean unlife? They asked in unison.

"Wait!" Lady Sarutobi said. "You can't just leave the village whenever you want like that." Stepping forward closer she stared down at him.

Kai-La looked over at Ku-La. He signaled him to cover Naruto's ears. Seeing that done he looked at Lady Sarutobi. Channeling his murderous intent at her he asked his questions slowly. His hair had turned deep red as he leaned in his chair crossing his legs over one another.

Noticing the change Guy was on guard. 'Why does this always happen to me.' He thought to himself.

"Oh. Says who?" Kai-La asked coldly. "I don't remember something like that restricting me before in any way."

"The.. the rules state ninja need permission to leave. You can't do as you like. Leave when you like. " Lady Sarutobi said. She steeled herself and looked defanitely at Kai-La. 'This is the way it's always been for higher-ranked ninja. But then again he doesn't know the infrastructure of the village at all. He hasnt't participated in any reconstruction plans. Why did the council send me here to ask in the first place? It makes no sense... unless this is a power play. The Uchihas didn't vote on this. It was mostly spearheaded by the Hyugas.'

"This applies to ninja. I am only an honor member really. So if I quit as a ninja, along with my wives and clan members., " Kai-La said pausing for dramatic effect.

"I can come and go as I please. Hisa was Semi-retired, so that really doesn't matter for her. I believe we haven't finished the paperwork for her to become active again yet. There isn't anything I can do about Anko. That is her decision I suppose." Looking over at Pakura he asked, "what about you? Did you decide if you want to join as a ninja or stay as a civilian."

Pakura didn't even think about it. "I will do whatever you think is best. Besides, there is so much to do in the clan. There really isn't a need to waste it doing missions. The Leaf ninja were doing fine before we came. I think they will do fine without our help." Pakura got up and went to the kitchen.

"Pulling back our mission requests should help as well," Hisa said smiling. "No reason to offer more assignments for larger amounts of money and resources." Her tone was sickeningly sweet. Smiling she went to help Pakura in the kitchen.

"Wait a moment. You can't be serious. Kai-La! Be a little reasonable." Guy said. Looking at the others not saying anything he continued. "The personnel you have can help the village greatly. I know you have treated some of the wounded ninjas already around the village. From what I hear, Kira is an excellent medical ninja as well. No reason to not help."

"But Guy, you have to understand. My coming and going as I please.." waving his hands carefreely Kai-La looked him in the eyes, "is how I have survived this long. The people that know of my whereabouts at all times are few. That is how I like it. It is also the best option. For my safety of course. And there own." Kai-La said smiling.

Naruto couldn't hear anything that was said. But he focused on trying to read peoples lips like Kai-La and Ku-La taught him to.

Kurenai stepped forward. "Lord Senju if I may."

"By all means." He looked over to the red-eyed woman.

"Do you not trust the Leaf Village? Have we displeased you somehow."

Looking at her, Kai-La was shocked but more than a little intrigued.

"No. You haven't. Well, not all of you anyway."

"Then try to understand it from our point of view. You have come to the village and resided in the 4th Hokages compound. Not only have you disrupted the Hyuga's livelihood. You have also changed the power dynamics of the village. Your attitude towards it all is a little too relaxed for some people."

"The Aburame clan for instance." From what we have gathered has thought about sending a member of there main clan to be betrothed to you or your children. They wish to solidify an alliance." Lady Sarutobi said slightly conflicted. She didn't wish to reveal the information just yet but felt pressed to. "The Yamanaka clan has already shown interest in friendship with your clan from what has been reported. From what we hear this was intended by you yourself Lord Senju."

"The Yamanaka clan has the best methods to help my clansmen with there lively hood. The mental techniques can help them on the road to recovery. I will not apologize for that. My people come first." Shrugging his shoulders Kai-La thought for a moment. "Tell your council I have no interest in becoming the Kage of this village. This you have my word on it. As far as marriages go.... None of my daughters are available for a political marriage. That is the bottom line. Anyone trying to force it can be expected a very painful end."

"What about.. your sons?" Kurenai asked as she looked at Ku-La and Naruto. Looking quickly away, she started at Kai-La intently.

"I don't know. Maybe, I will see. Hehe. If they are too rowdy maybe." Looking over at Ku-La he smirked.

"Grrr. Not funny old man." Ku-La said baring his teeth.

When he did so, Kai-La saw Kurenai blush just a little bit.

Looking back at Lady Sarutobi he couldn't think of much else to say. "Not much else I am willing to do about that. I can leave altogether. That should solve the problems. Dontcha think?"

Looking a little troubled Kurenai shook her head adamantly. "No! The village morale has increased with there being another Senju. Because of you being here, Lady Tsunade has returned. The people are happier, with over half of them starting to work harder. The members of Root are now home with there families more. You may have brought chaos to the village but a lot of people are seeing this as a good thing."

"What she said is right," Kakashi said stepping forward. "The medical applications Kira has explained has helped a lot of our ninja. Despite certain things.. and certain staying in the village is a good thing."

"Well, I guess." Kai -La said shrugging his shoulders.

"You are a Kage ranked ninja. Disappearing from the village puts people on edge." Lady Sarutobi said. "Please just notify someone when you are going to leave. Especially if you are going to a battle zone."

"Sure...If I remember. I will find you and notify you personally. Oh. Answer me this. Why do these two think I have a bunch of new wives?" Kai-La said pointing at Hisa and Pakura. "What new wives did I get??" Kai-La had started rocking on the back table legs of the chair.

Kakashi stepped back and looked to the side. Guy gained a sudden interest in the floor. Kurenai started to giggle like a schoolgirl and laughing at Lady Sarutobi.

"Well... at the briefing earlier. A ninja who will remain nameless.. saw you holding Mastica closely. There is a rumor you have taken her for yourself. There is also the rumor that you had refused to leave the fight without her. The ninjas at the battle said you were adamant about saving her and her clansmen. You insisted she was needed to save Lady Tsume. Other reports say you have been caught looking at Lady Tsume fondly and that you were overly concerned about her."

When he heard this, despite being able to fly he lost balance landing on his b.u.t.t.

"I am sorry what?? That is just showing concern is all." Kai-La said getting up to his feet.

"Well.. it doesn't help with the fact that you were seeing speeding off into that direction. How did you see the flare anyway? The village is far from that battle zone." Kakashi said laughing.

"We also received a report from a ninja who said your body language changed around them both. And I quote " man he looked her in the eyes and she immediately looked away. He also apologized to Tsume about interfering with her mission." End quote. It was quite hilarious." Guy said.

"How is that funny?" Kai-La said slightly angry.

"I didn't find it funny. That Mist ninja did." Guy said quickly.

"Crap. I think I know who. Are you ok with them coming to the village Guy? Especially with what their predecessors did to your father, you and your team." Kai-La asked concerned.

"Of course. I know they were not involved in that matter. Just there predecessors." Guy said.

"That's what I like about you Guy. You are definitely a better man than me in that regard." Sitting back down Kai-La looked at Ku-La. Ku-La removed his hands from Naruto. "We can discuss later, I have a story to read."

"Knock, knock, " at the door, there was a, louder knock this time.

"Sit down Hisa. Come in!" Kai-La said automatically.

In walked Kisame.

"Ah, he is the one who told me the story," Guy said, pointing. "I don't remember his name though."

"Hehe yeah, I did. Best, wingman ever here." Kisame said pointing at himself. Feeling three pairs of eyes on him Kisame looked around. Seeing one woman from the kitchen stared at him angrily while being embarrassed he started to chuckle. In the living room, a woman dressed in white came from outside staring at him angrily. He chuckled a little more. The third pair of eyes he couldn't find no matter how far he looked.

"Hey.. Kai.. I swear someone is staring at me. But I can't find them. Is your place haunted?"Kisame asked looking back at Kai-La.

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