Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 34 - Picnic day Part 1

After a few hours and a sit-down. The various visitors were getting ready to leave. Every now and then Kisame would chuckle when Kai-La became annoyed at the glares he received from Pakura and Anko. Gai just stared at them. He was taking down notes of the conversation and what Kai-La would say every time he was backed into a verbal corner.

Fed up with explaining everything, Kai-La just shrugged his shoulders. Looking over at Lady Sarutobi he thought it best to move on. Speaking to her about the matters quickly, he felt everything that needed to be covered had been.

"So... Lady Sarutobi do with that information what you will. We have a picnic to get ready for." Looking at the clock and then to the others around the table, Kai-La watched everyone busy themselves to get ready. "The picnic will be at 12. Anyway, it will most likely start later than that.. considering how everyone mood is wacky."

"Very well. I will inform the council." Stopping at the door Lady Sarutobi turned to stare at Kai-La. Her hands gripped her clothing tightly as she took a deep breath. Sweat already gathered at her fingers. 'Just maybe I can convince to carry himself a little better.'

"Huh, what is it?" Hisa stopped what she was doing to ask the woman. To Hisa, Lady Sarutobi looked troubled. Her gaze and expression were quite contorted to her. Especially considering how she knew the woman only became like this when she was struggling to say something. Or when she felt a situation was heading to a different direction out of her control.

"Lord Senju, do not worry. I will do what I can to fix some of the rumors. Or at least explain to the others." Lady Sarutobi bowed then left.

Looking at her departure Kai-La shrugged. He looked over to Gai and Kakashi. He motioned for them to sit. Staring at Kisame next he decided to just talk to him later. That or let the wives deal with him. From there gazes he felt they were angrier than he was about the situation.

"Alright gentleman what is it? You didn't leave without her. there must be something else. Do you think it wise to let her leave by herself?"

Kisame grinned and spoke first. "That lady is strong enough by herself. Besides, there are some Chunin waiting outside for her." After pointing over his shoulder Kisame stared at Kai-La with a serious expression. "The Mist ninja have been declared as defected traitors. We expected that but it was done so smoothly on his end the others are happy they left. The Hokage has agreed to take us all in. However, there are some issues."

Kakashi and Guy both became serious as well. Oreo sat down at the table and erected a seal after receiving a signal from Kai-La.

The sound seal spread around the table effectively silencing their voices from the outside. With a flick of her wrist, the seal became wavey. On the outside, if one looked in they wouldn't be able to read their mouths or tell who was who.

"It is safe to speak freely," Oreo said. She then leans back in her chair studying the others.

"The Hokage would like to involve some of the Mist ninja in the future operations. I am against it. We are grateful for everything the village has done. But we were expected something different." Kisame started to twiddle his hands when he noticed Kai-La didn't speak.

"The Council has.. made this complicated. Some of the clan heads believe they should be interrogated for information. Others think we should trade them for other prisoners the village of Mist has of ours." Kakashi said.

"Oh but that won't be happening," Kai-La said offhandley. "The Mist ninja will be taken into my clan. Both of the clans I represent as a matter of fact. As for the Kaguya clan members, they will be placed under your care Oreo." Looking over to her he figures it would be a good time to mess with her a little.

"If the other clans have a problem with that they can come talk to me face to face. I believe we can come to an accord about this." Kai-La said chillingly. "The Hokage already agreed to the mission and its guidelines of what would happen to the Mist ninja. Them wanting more is none of my concern. I have paid adequately for the mission. Way more than necessary."

Looking at Gai and Kakashi expression Kai-La decided to throw some more information at them.

"They, are her people. Their bloodlines are intermixed. This is the Kaguya clan mind you. The other Mist Ninja are there guardians. I am sure the Hokage can spin that in his favor."

Looking at Oreo he decided best to say something more. " With how much you care for her it would be best if you teach them. Whether it's in your techniques of sealing or different arts."

"I am sorry what." Oreo looked back shocked. Finally coming out of her confusion. She needed to speak before Kai-La changed his mind.

"You heard correctly. You will lead the descendants of Kaguya as if they were your own. I can think of no one better. Oh, and a boy by the name of Kimiaro will be directly under your care. You will act as the boy's mother."

"As a mother?" Oreo repeated it surprised.

"Well yeah. You did want to be my wife did you not? Kinda need to know how to be a mother. Considering how many kids are gonna be here in the future it will definitely help." Kai-La said all of this to her with a smile. 'I can't do shadow clone due to my body but maybe I can do a different one. I will have to research more on that subject. Then again with the super speed, I should be able to change diapers relatively fast. As far as the cleaning the babies that will be easy. House cleaning is easy for me so I guess that isn't an issue. Feels like I am forgetting something but oh well.'

"You are no longer thinking about it? You actually agree to it?" Oreo had to make sure. She had convinced the others who were on the fence but she knew she was to talk to Kai-La to make sure he really said it. For him to agree completely now left her slightly shocked.

"Yes. I don't see why not. Besides, you have proven you are trustworthy enough. With the Kaguya clan needing help, I figure that will help you as well. Was I wrong in this assumption?"

Seeing her nod her head yes Kai-La looked to Kisame.

"Kisame as far as the information goes... will you allow me to search them for the information myself. I guarantee I won't give any secrets of your village."

"That should be fine... I will be there to watch as well." Kisame said after a moment of thought.

"Kisame your people will need a leader. For diplomacy, I suggest Mei for that. Zabuza would be a good bodyguard for her. As for you.. you would be better as an advisor to them both. You have first-hand experience on what can happen with a bad leader. With your judgement, I think you would make an excellent digatary. Besides with your combat skills, I think it would work out great in that department."

Kisame shook his head. "I will definitely being that to there attention thank you for that. I will trouble you from time to time when need be." Smiling Kisame relaxed as well. Looking at the pastries on the table he decided to help himself.

"This is really good." He said stuffing his face. He ate as fast as Naruto did.

"That is good." Looking over to Gai, Kai-La started to smile. "So how goes things for you? He's father food changed you in any way?"

Momentarily caught off guard Gai answered with a smile. "It is all going great. The boy has talent in fist, swords, and chakra control. We have bonded quite well. Me and his mother have been taking it slow. Walks every day around the village. Time spent in the park as well. I am quite happy."

"I am glad to hear that." Looking over to Kakashi Kai-La tilted his head a little. "Have you grown your hair out Kakashi?"

"Yes, I have. I am surprised you notice. But it is only a few centimeters so far. I have started studying the different hair techniques of my former teacher. Jiraiya had provided them after the Third Hokage asked for them."

"That is good." Thinking to himself Kai-La thought it was weird he didn't use any of the hair techniques. Didn't make much sense when he thought about it. Jiraiya taught Minato who then taught Kakashi. There aren't many techniques shared between the three. "Well glad the techniques won't be lost so that's good to hear."

They all continued to talk a little more before Kakashi and Gai left. Both were on there way to report to the Hokage and to get ready for later. With Kisame staying behind enjoying himself to the pastries still. After he filled himself up he went to get the clansmen and tell them the news.

"A picnic after all that, I think everyone will be quite happy." Getting up Kisame went outside. A group of Chunin awaited him. They escorted him back to where the others were held.

Getting up Kai-La walked to get the others who by now were ready to leave. Oreo was still in a daze, but she was ready to go. Karin and TenTen kept making faces at her to get her attention.

Kurama held Naruto's hand as his other hand held a basket. The others were already heading out the door. Grabbing TenTen in Karin with one arm Kai-La hooked Oreo's arm with his own dragging her with then. The moment the group stepped out the house a seal was placed on the home.

At the compound's gate, the rest of the clan had joined them. As well as members from other clans.

"Umm, what is with all these people?" Kai-La asked Pakura.

"Clan relations. I invited them beforehand when I was in the village." Anko said nervously. "I didn't know it would turn out like this."

"This was supposed to be a family thing. But I guess this is ok...." Kai-La shrugged his shoulders before continuing to walk. "We will make the best of it."

Traveling to the picnic area took a little over 20 minutes. Considering how no one was in a rush they enjoyed the scenery. Making it to a section of the forest that was marked only slightly dangerous. Considering the amount of ninja present most had there guards down.

"What a big area. Looking at the two girls on his arm Kai-La looked at them with a smile. " Have you two ever been in a bounce house?"

Both girls looked at each other before shaking there heads no.

"What is a bounce house?" Kari asked from the side.

"You are in for a treat!" Kai-La said with a huge grin. "It's a latex house or design inflated with air that people bounce around in for fun. Kids use it to jump around in. It is cushioned to help prevent any damage."

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