Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 38 - Picnic part 4.

"That is how the boy Jack became the Giant Slayer. With the gold from the castle, he and his mother escaped poverty. Jack bought her a whole farm with people to take care of it for her." Kai said as he looked out amongst the children and a.d.u.l.ts. "That is the end of part 1. Another time I suppose I can tell you part 2. But it is time for some grub and a surprise."

Many kids started to ask their parents about the story they just heard. Much to the dismay of the parents who never heard the tale till now. Walking around the forest the parents started to curse sticking around to listen to it themselves. Even they were curious for part 2.

During the telling of the story, Oreo and Kimimaro had returned and listened in as well. Once Kai had finished Kimimaro walked up to him asking questions, once the others were away from him that is. He did not want the other children hearing his questions.

Unbeknownst to him, an older boy watched from the trees. It was an Uchiha by the looks of it. Mesmerized by the story, he listened intently to its tale.

"Father. What became of the giant's family and castle?" He asked. His curiosity getting the better of him. Kimimaro's eyes held an innocence that baffled Kai.

"Oh, good question. What do you think happened?" Kai asked the boy with a calm tone. 'I forget how peaceful this boy is. Even more so now. Was it right acquiring him from the Mist village before the clan massacre.' Thinking about it while he waited for the child response, Kai realized it was. 'I should probably stop saving people I felt were given a bad hand. Heaven's know that would be a long list of people.'

"I think they cried and wept. The father was no longer there. The wife would come home to a dead husband and would have to explain that to her children and people. Wouldn't that start a war?" Kimimaro asked with a calm demeanor. He looked forward to hearing Kai's answer.

"Crying. Normally that would happen. But in this case, that did not happen." Kai said looking at the boy. 'I want you to think about all the differences that could possibly happen. Then, when you are finished, come tell me. I promise not to tell the second part until you do so." Reaching his hand out to grab Kimimaro's hand, Kai looked kindly at him before talking again. "Come with me. We are going to set up the next part to end the picnic. You like fireworks right?"

Walking off to another area with Kimimaro, Kai started setting up the different fireworks he brought out with summoning abilities.

"Father, don't you think this is too much?" Kimimaro asked slightly skeptic at the mountain of fireworks that were set out. It didn't look like Kai would be stopping anytime soon. 'With this amount of fireworks anyone could see this from miles away. This will most likely be loud and dangerous.'

"Nah it will be fine. Besides, there are enough ninja to put out the forest if it catches fire." Kai said humming as he spread out everything.

Kimimaro went about moving them further apart after each batch was set down. He didn't know why, but he felt this would be dangerous.

'Father couldn't possibly want to burn the place down. Does he?' Kimimaro thought wryly to himself.

After 30 minutes of set up, Kai gathered everyone around. Explaining to those who didn't know what to expect he passed out some goggles for everyone. After explaining about the little particulates that could get in there eyes they put them on. He toward Tsume and explained to her about the loud sounds that will go off. His intent was to not spook the genin that came with her from her clan animals. There was no speech or anything like that. With a quick blast of his heat vision, the fireworks started to go off.

As everyone watched the display Kai started to communicate with Gemini.

'How goes the recon? Any trouble so far?' He transmitted to her.

'None so far. I have checked the outer area of the various clans. Nothing to report. From what Shura found out, there has not been any ongoing back at our compound. The Hyuga clan are up to something but I can't get any closer without risking my cover.' Gemini was hidden behind a pole in the distance. With the clan techniques she had mastered, she was able to see through the eyes of various insects in the area.

'Keep me posted.' Kai transmitted before looking back at the children's reactions. 'For the most part, it looks like the fireworks of various Disney characters were the biggest hit. Looking amongst the crowd, he saw Danzo off to the side. Sending his voice over he transmitted a question. 'Danzo, is something the matter?'

With a quick look around Danzo noticed it was not a trick. He grabbed a drink and started to whisper. The drink did a decent job of covering his lips.

"Nothing too urgent. However, the clans have agreed to you joining the council. No small part in thanks to the Uchiha. What did you do to get there allegiance?" Danzo was straight from the hip shooter. The questions that needed to be asked, would be asked.

'Just a method to keep the village strength up. You know by now there will be an altercation with the Hyuga clan. The Uchiha need pacification now. I have no problem talking with them and applying some of the clan's interest to help them. Besides with that woman of yours I thought you would be happy I am backing them up.' Kai looked down and raised Karin into the air to see better.

Her little hands kept reaching out towards the sky. If Kai didn't know any better he could swear the girl was attempting to grab the fireworks with her b.a.r.e hands. It was a good thing she couldn't reach into the sky.

"You are correct in that matter," Danzo said. "When you have the chance, stop by Root headquarters later." Finishing his tea Danzo watched the fireworks as well.

Turning his attention back towards the festivities, Kai kept his eyes on his small family and clan. Once the last firework went off everyone started to disperse.

"Ok, everyone have a safe travel home. I will clean all this up." Kai said to his clansmen. Looking at the gazes of them all Kai sped off cleaning up the fireworks. Running around the forest he picked up all the bottle rockets that landed. The biggest problem was the parachute men. They may have burned up explosively in the air but the remainder did land on the ground in places. Scattered by the wind made it a bigger problem to find them all.

After an hour getting everything cleaned up, Kai headed home. Arriving outside the compound he greeted the guards. WAlking inside he did a scan of the entire compound. Noticing Oreo in the back yard he sped there.

For a few minutes, he stayed there in the shadows deciding what to do. Seeing her troubled expression he made up his mind. 'Do or die time. I can do this. Just have to be an asshole. Should be easy. I haven't had trouble acting like one in the past.'

"So what is it Oreo? Are you feeling unwell? Or is it the decision I have made for you?" Kai looked at her questioningly as he leaned against the tree in the backyard. Sending a message to Gemini to leave him alone for a little while, he figures now would be the best time to settle any issues with the woman.

"I... I want a straight answer. No games or anything like that. Or half answers for that matter." Oreo said. She stopped and gazed at Kai's movements. Seeing no change she pressed her questions. "You have accepted me as your fourth wife. I am happy. But my mission, you won't interfere with it will you ?" Seeing him nod she continued. "If they share Lady Kaguya's blood then… I will definitely protect them. You can count on it."

"That is great to hear. If there isn't anything else… I am going inside to sleep, it has been a long day, to say the least." Moving forward he stopped right in front of Oreo. "You said you wanted a strong hand. So I will give you one." Grabbing here with his left hand he pulled her by the middle of her back towards himself. "Try with all your might to get free."

Circulating her chakra Oreo couldn't even budge. She tried to burst free from his grip next. All to no avail. "I can't break free," Oreo said slightly relieved. "I tried with all my strength. How strong is your physical strength? What's the limit?" As she continued to push off her smile grew bigger. 'If his physical strength is this high, I wonder how strong he will be with further training. His Physical aspect fits perfectly with what I want. What about his other areas? Only time will tell I suppose. Till then I will do what I can to help him and… our family.'

When Oreo thought this to herself she felt a pain leave her c.h.e.s.t. Her chakra reserves increased as well. A tattoo started to form on her head to her neck.

"What's with the markings on your face?" Kai asked. "Looks a little like Tsunade's markings but more diverse in pattern."

"They are sage markings. You can let me go now." Oreo breath was a little short as she tried to contain her excitement. 'I advance in my sage understanding. But how…' Looking up at Kai she hesitated to ask. Seeing his wondering look she dismissed it being him. 'No matter. I can finally start studying the higher tier arts.'

"Nah I won't." Do those markings have to do with sage arts or not?"

"Yes, they do."

"Good. Teach Kimimaro the basics of it. Do not let him sign any contracts with the snakes or any other. I have a different animal in mind for him." Tightening his grip on Oreo, Kai circulated some chakra around his hands and eyes.

His hands repaired the damaged he observed earlier that he did not know how to fix till earlier today. His enhanced vision went about checking up and down her body. Looking at her chakra network, he watched as her chakra flow increased. 10 minutes later he released her and walked inside.

"I am glad you understand me. However... if you let up on me.." Oreo sn.a.k.e.d her arm up around Kai's throat. "I will strike swift and merciless. Understood?" Oreo said teasing. A smug grin adorned her face as she licked her lips.

With an intense glare of his eyes that heated up the area, Kai observed her more closely. The more his eyes glowed, the faster her heart rate increased. Musing about that, Kai placed his hand on her chin.

"Don't stay out too late. Learn to rest a little. This is not a request you understand?" Kai said sternly leaving no room for argument or disagreement. Looking at her smiling face he knew she understood. Braking away he stopped at the threshold of the door.

"Thank you." Oreo whispered. Hugging her self, she felt something on her finger. "When did he?" She started to say as she held the ring up to the moonlight. On the ring, a serpent was wrapped around a sleeping fox eating its own tail. A yellow sheen ran down the center of the snake.

"The yellow represents fear." Kai said over his shoulder. " I think you will do fine understanding it."

Stepping into the house he felt Gemini re-step into his shadow. With a slight groan from her, he sent some more chakra her way to alleviate any pain she may have. Kai then busied himself cleaning up the contents of the picnic that were set inside the house. In two minutes the house was cleaned up and he rested on the sofa. Summoning a medical book he went about reading on what to expect from a child with emotional damage. Mostly medical issue that popped up around three-year-olds and five-year-olds. After spending a few hours doing that, he pulled out a book on prenatal care. This book he took his time on.

The little fox that he named Jaws played around on his c.h.e.s.t and feet. Over across from Kai, Ku had come down and sat on the loveseat with Naruto. Naruto was actually sleeping heavily. When Ku thought it was appropriate he interrupted Kai.

"Hey, I need your attention," Ku said in a whisper. He had already noticed Kai was able to hear low leveled speech. Kai folded the book and sat it on his l.a.p and stared at Ku. "I am unable to remove any more of myself from Naruto. Something has intervened in the process. I am at about 5 tails worth of my power currently. I tried over and over again to no avail." Watching Kai's expression Ku couldn't help but grimace in what would happen next. 'Hope he doesn't attack. Fighting him would not bode well for me or Naruto right now. Please don't be angry.'

Contrary to Kurama's thoughts, Kai took it in stride.

"That is ok. Do not force anything. If it is dangerous to you or Naruto it is not worth the hassle. Besides we can try more in the future. For now, just continue looking over him. I want you to groom him to be a sage. While you are at it if there are any in the clan that are suitable let me know. It is best to have more trained in the arts for the future." Kai watched and listened to Kurama's heartbeat die down after he finished speaking. 'So nervous. Am I that much of a mean guy.' Petting Jaws who landed on his l.a.p, Kai smiled with a grin. 'Never mind I am a pretty awful person. No matter. Things will proceed as need be.'

"I.. yes. I will start teaching him and some others the basics. The principals anyway. So you are not mad then?" Kurama started to actually like this human a little more now.

"No, I am not. Things happen. Don't worry about it too much. Go to bed. It is quite late." Looking over at the time Kai thought it best to turn in now and made his way to the bedroom. Pakura was already asleep drooling into her pillow. Laying down himself he went to bed as well.

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