Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 39 - A few months later.

Off if the Forest of Death somewhere. Kai and a few members of the Clan were resting against a large tree. It had been several months since the picnic and the weddings of various people.

A Jonin appeared a few feet from Kai with a scroll. Walking over and taking it from him, he read it quickly, then once again for good measure. Dropping it behind himself, a hand reached out. It was Gemini grabbing it and disappearing back into his shadow.

Several people flinched when they saw this. Even those who had been around Kai, still had trouble getting use to the comings and goings of the little ninja. But they all agreed to never assume Kai ever acted alone.

"Good work. Tell your Kage thanks for the assist. I will honor our agreement and leave his village alone for the next five years." Waving the Jonin away Kai braced himself. The ninja himself then disappeared after the signal. Kai looked at his clansmen.

"Alright, you all are dismissed for the rest of the day. Go enjoy time with your families. Make sure you alert of your surroundings."

"Yes, Lord Senju!" The members said before disappearing to return home and to their duties. Only a few were left behind such as Hisa and Pakura.

Along with Tsume and Mastica. An Uchiha was off to the side.

Pakura was sporting a decent size belly now and refused to stay at home most times. Her reasoning was simple "the enemy will not care if I was pregnant so it doesn't matter." Kai didn't care to argue about it. Hisa was adamant about staying near to make sure the delivery had no troubles or any complications pop up.

"What did the scroll say?" Pakura asked. She walked over and entwined her arm with Kai's. "Is it trouble or something more diplomatic this time?"

"Nothing actually too important." Kai smiled as they all walked through the forest. "The Rain Village Kage, has given me information on Garra of the desert. His mother is not faring well. The medical teams are no longer capable of keeping her alive much longer." Stopping to collect the right words to say, Kai looked over to Pakura. "She has at most two months before the body becomes completely dead. Apparently, her 'spirit' is weak, if it wasn't for the Puppeteers using some extreme methods she would have perished in her coma already."

Pakura gripped Kai's arm tightly. She knew what she wanted to ask but was scared to do so. Her life has been better for over half a year now. She is expecting triplets soon in a few months, and her sisters are expecting as well. But she could not give up her promise to help her old friend. Especially with what they have done to her youngest.

The reports have come in sporadically over time. Garra has been kept confined at times and subject to inhumane torture. If not for the responsibility she had, she would have charged in and taken the body of her friend and Garra with her. She was convinced by Anko that would be a deadly move.

"What about the Hokage? Any new word about increasing alliance relations with them?"

Tsume choose this time to chime in. "No. The council pointed out how terrible it would be if we concede anything more. With his mind changed the Hokage is aware of the terrible outcome. The deal, if found out will have a negative impact on the population. If they find out the minute details it is something we do not want. The heads all refuse to budge anymore as well. If it wasn't for Kai's help with smoothing things over with the Uchiha clan and providing additional food." Tsume said sternly. She paused to let it sink in. "We may have had a civil war on our hands in the future. With pressure from the Fire Daimyo as well, we can't do anything more. I am sorry Pakura.. but you may have to give up on them." Tsume stepped back after saying that.

"I can't do that." Pakura said gripping Kai's arm. Her silver wedding band shining in the sun. "Please! As your wife. I ask you to save them!"

"Lady Pakura you ask too much!" Mastica shouted at her. Tsume grabbed and pulled her back telling her "do not interfere. It is not our place you know that."

"But…" Mastica stubbornly started to say before stopping. She looked at the ground growling. 'Why did he have to marry her? There are more than enough women in the Leaf village to help him rebuild the clans. That filthy outsider will ruin everything.'

Tsume watched her second. Seeing her growl in frustration and holding in barely contained rage. She knew what bother the women but didn't have anything she could really offer her to calm her down. 'Dammit, this was so much easier when we didn't know who she was formally. Even with everything she has done around the village, Mastica can't let it go.' Organizing her thoughts she looked to Hisa, signaling the woman to talk later. 'She will have to get herself under control soon. Especially with the "heat" coming soon.

'Wonder what she has to say?' Hisa thought as she listened to the various conversations.

"Woosh, woosh"

Gai and Kisame appeared in front to the side of Kai. "Lord Senju!" Gai addressed as respectful as ever. "There is a report from the perimeter. You were correct about the Cloud village. Several of their ninjas have been spotted in various locations of the village outskirts. They are disguised as travelers and merchants. The Inuzuka team along with Uchiha team have been able to sniff them out."

"Grr is that supposed to be a joke." Tsume snarled. Realizing she seemed to be on edge, she wanted to apologize to the man. But before she could, he already spoke up.

"A joke. What do you.. oh I see. Of course not Tsume. I would never." Gai said smiling.

"I thought it was funny. Hehe, who knew you had it in you Gai." Kisame chuckled. In the last few months, the two had become friends if not rivals. Much to the happiness of Kakashi. Looking at Kai his voice became more serious. "Various checkpoints have some of these "people" out and about." With him doing air quotes Kai could barely keep his composure. "It is just genin but I suspect they were placed there as a backup. A show of numbers. Most likely the genin just think it is a grade E mission. Keeping them in the dark about the severity of what is going works in their favor."

"What they don't know, can't screw the mission over. If the genin knew how important the mission was they would most likely fail at their infiltration and disguises. Makes sense for them to have a more carefree attitude. That only comes with being a greenhorn." Kai looked at the different people around him. Noticing there trouble faces he felt it was need to push them a little. "Go ahead and speak. No need to be shy."

"Heh, they may be too scared to. But I will ask," Kisame said with a toothy grin. "The Hyuga clan, are they worth it? You have spent a great deal of effort and ruffled a lot of feathers in the meetings for this."

Hisa tensed up at this. Despite the clan's treatment of the branch family, they were family still after all. Several members approached her to try an reconcile the situation. Hisa was no fool. She knew some were trying to curry favor with her. Several branch members knew something was up. With Kai pointing out problems of their set up in clan meetings, things were changing. It was slow but changing. Despite her efforts, she felt her anger leaving her about the clan's treatment towards her and others.

"Kisame. They are not worth it at all. There are less than twenty people in that clan that I care about." Kai said rubbing his chin. With a snap of his finger, he remembered something else at that time. "But I know Anko and Hisa themselves would like something done now."

"I.. don't .. you don't have to," Hisa said.

"What kind of husband would I be if I don't try? Besides I don't like their attitude all too much." Shrugging his shoulders, Kai looked back at the other two.

Kisame smiled and laughed. "Heh figured as much." Looking at the others he decided to press some other matters. "So when are you going to get more women pregnant. You haven't' forgotten about that have you. Currently, only your wives are pregnant. Shouldn't you speed up the process soon."

"Ahh, you are right about that," Kai said sighing lightly.

"There are some Mist Ninja I can introduce you to..." Kisame stopped talking when he felt Sameheda quiver a little. Looking back he saw the intense glare coming from Tsume. Mastica was damn near frothing at the mouth.

"Eh, calm down everyone. I have been working on that problem actually just... have been enjoying the last few months before I begin." Kai said trying to get everyone to settle down a little bit.

As the unofficial Advisors to Kai, the two always had something to say about the former's decisions when it affected the village.

It's not like Kai didn't know what was going on. Gai kept him stable with the minor clans. Kisame happened to be a great liaison with the Mist ninja that settled in. The council had approved the team of Genin under him. He was allowed to have complete autonomy with them. Overriding their clan's various rules. With help from the Hokage, they believed this would help keep him in the village. With the Jonin team under his command as well, the council was satisfied with the number of people keeping tabs on him.

Danzo played his part very well. With the Hokages inner circle along with Kai's wives, they knew that the Hokage and he no longer had a feud going on. As far as some of the heads knew, the two men had been competing for Kakashi.

'Still, have no idea with the woman from the Uchiha clan though. What was Danzo thinking I wonder?' Kai thought. Thinking about Aria he looked over to her. She was an Uchiha but did not have the pinwheel and was happy for it. She was part of the branch family but had a lot of autonomy due to her connection with Root.

In Danzo's own words, "having her around will help gain the Uchiha trust even more so." Kai himself paid it no mind. The woman listened and always did exactly what was needed of her. She reminded him of Gemini a little. But slightly creepy.

Shaking his head Kai remembers the talk between the Heads last month. A lot of them didn't believe the Cloud Village would try anything. Even with the evidence retrieved from the interrogation of the surrounding ninja that had been caught in other countries they wish to keep the peace.

'Despite all the different meddling of myself and other different factors. Hinata's birthday is still happening somewhat like it was before. What to do?' Kissing Pakura on the head, Kai made up his mind. He looked to the sky briefly and hoped he had the strength for what came next.

"Husband what is it?" Pakura asked with a sinking pit in her stomach. Subconsciously she grabbed her belly in fear.

"With Oreo currently incapacitated, I will rely more on your decisions for those who wish to do the village harm Aria. As her second I have faith you will make sure nothing untoward happens to the village and the clan."

"Of course my Lord. I will return to the Uchiha compound and alert them as needed." Aria nodded her head before disappearing.

"Mastica, Tsume, I need you two to take some of my clansmen from the infiltration division." The two women tensed up. "Head to the Village Hidden in the Sand and extract these two targets." Handing them both a scroll with the plans of the mission Kai looked to Hisa.

With her head c.o.c.ked to the side Hisa became troubled. Before Kai could say anything she was already shaking her head no. "I am not going with them. You can't make me." Hisa said angrily.

"Looking over at Pakura she told the woman with sadness in her voice. "I understand they are important to you. But you are important to us. I will not risk it. Besides with my own pregnancy coming closer, it would be better if I stay in the village."

"It is because your pregnancy is getting closer that I want you to go. There is a chance something else might happen when the cloud village delegation visits for the meeting. Considering how it is happening around the same time as the heiress of the clans birthday I won't leave anything to chance." Kai said looking over them for any argument.

Tsume who had finished reading the scroll rolled it back up and looked to Kai.

"You want us to go to the village of women first. Hisa will remain there and we will gather some of their women to help with the infiltration. Afterward, we are to head back to that village, where you will meet up with us." After confirmation from Kai, she looked towards Mastica. Tsume sent her a signal to get the mission started. 'The reward for this mission is quite steep. With this the clan will be out of dire straits. I can have everyone spend time home and recover.'

"So you are moving on with that plan for those women," Hisa said somewhat angrily. She did not like being too far away from the family. Even more so with the possible dangers going on as well.

"Yes. While there I need you to get names and blood samples of each person there. Treat them if you can. If not wait till I arrive." Kai said flatly. "Take Kimimaro with you. It will do him some good to get out the compound. He has been driving Oreo crazy with his doting."

"Fine then. But I am doing this under protest! If I come back and something has happened to the others, I swear no more s.e.x at all for you mister. Humph." Turning around in a humph Hisa disappeared.


"Eh… I wonder if she realizes you have other wives that you can go to instead of her." Kisame said with a blank face. Coming up to Kai he placed his hand on his shoulder. A grin was on his face as he realized something. "How does that work anyway. Do they take numbers are do you just all sleep in a big bed or something?"

It became quiet amongst the group as a few leaves passed by there faces. For the first time, Kai thought about how his night activities went about happening usually.

Gai face turned red as he started to imagine. He couldnt look Pakura in the eyes. As he turned to stare at the clouds.

Tsume and Mastica ears perked up a little. Both women wondered how that worked as well. Several of the woman gossiped in the village about instances like this. The Uzumaki compound was just the latest in its gossip talks.

"What, no they don't take numbers. I just.." Kai started to say before Pakura covered his mouth with a kiss. Her face was red as a strawberry. "I should go and so should you." Leaving his embraced Pakura disappeared.

This left Mastica and Tsume stunned for a moment before both disappeared next after her.

"So… how do you do it anyway," Kisame asked with a grin. His curiosity had been picked up.

"I just.." Kai started before Gai pipped in.

"Ah, I just remembered something. Lady Sarutobi needed to speak with you." Gai face was stilled red but he managed to say this with a straight face nonetheless.

"Do you know what it concerns?"

"Clan matters. She did not go into details. I did not ask."

"Very well. I guess I will pay her a visit. What are you two up to now?" Kai circulated his chakra summoning his suit and mask. "Would you like to come with or no?"

"Nah. That lady keeps trying to set me up with one of her cousins so no way. I will head back to the compound and check on the academy kids. They should be out right around this time. Later." With that Kisame turned into a puddle of water disappearing into the ground.

"I will travel with you. There is something I would like to discuss." Gai said slightly embarrassed.

"Alright, let us run and talk then." Kai then leaped to the nearest tree with Gai right on his tail.

As they traveled the men conversed. At first, Kai thought it was something unimportant. But the more he listened the less he smiled.

"So let me get this straight. She wants you to take less missions for you to be home more. But doesn't want you just around the house training. Do I have that right?"

"Yes. I don't really know what to do. I never really dated. The marriage was rushed and I don't know what to do."

"When was the last time you two went on a date?"

"We went on a walk when we first met."

"And since then?"

"We were married and went on the honeymoon to the Land of Tea."

"Ok, ok. But what about a date in between there and then?"

"We haven't."

Kai felt sweat gather down his back. There was no way Gai was this simple. Or was he? "When was the last time you two were intimate?"

"The honeymoon. We then started talking about how we wanted to wait before we had a child of our own."

"Wait a moment," Kai said stopping on a building's rooftop. "You two haven't been intimate since July? Kai said counting on his fingers since the other wedding.

"That is correct," Gai said rubbing his own shoulder. For some reason, he felt like he did something wrong. "What? I didn't do anything wrong did I?"

"I… When was the last time you kissed her?"

"I kiss her cheek every day. Twice actually. One before I leave and one when I come home." Gai said smiling with his thumb raised. He was quite proud of himself.

"No.. freaking way…. You need to do more than that. Like a lot more. Ok, forget coming with me. I need you to head to where ever your wife is and give her a soul-wrenching kiss my man."

"Soul wrenching kiss. I would never do any forbidden technique on her!" Gai said adamantly.

Kai felt like someone punched him in his soul just then. He could feel Gemini laughing inside his shadow at the man. Feeling his blood pressure rise, Kai remember the man is usually literal with his meaning.

"Its an analogy. Look ahead to your wife and give her a really good kiss. No matter who is nearby just do it. Trust me it will work wonders. Also, you can be intimate without having a baby Gai. Just one of you go to the medical department and get a prescription first before starting. The pull-out method does not work for men of youth." Kai said chuckling before speeding off leaving the other there dazed.

"I should be more intimate. I think he is just joking with me. I will ask Kakashi what he thinks first." After mumbling to himself Gai turned to go to the Hokage's tower.

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