Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 40 - Lady Sarutobi. Shuba wants to quit.

Arriving at his destination, Kai relaxed and pushed the thoughts of the others out of his mind.

He walked through to the main office pass, several ninja from the recon group where busing themselves about... Over the last few months, the others had all come to understand his unique relationship with their boss. The medical ninja here didnt care either way. Most of them were happy to be able to learn a more varied medical program. Still feeling the effects of the war, almost anything and everything that could help the village was welcome. Outsiders just wouldn't understand.

To put it simply she was his office wife. Any mission he wanted to do, went through her before it went to the Hokage. His different outlook on how the village can improve and change in its policies were implemented through her. Basically she was a liaison between him and the village. Along with Shuba who helped with the different procedures on medical improvement. The gossip in the village had her as the mistress. The village women gossip was quite strong with this story. The men in the village just thought it was funny. Shuba just ignored it. But at times during medical discussions, she was known for throwing anyone out the room who interrupted a debate. Considering Tsunade was always busy, she had to learn from who she could.

"You have arrived on time as usual." Lady Sarutobi said, as she moved from behind her desk. She walked across the room and stopped at the other desk in the room staring at it. Pointing down towards the seat, she looked at it. "You have never sat in the seat still. Not since the first month and that incident..... Why do you stand? Do you not trust me?" Looking over at him with the corner of her eyes, Lady Sarutobi started to smile a little. She always looked forward to their meetings of late.

"No. Not on certain things. Blame the wives. They refuse to let me get a different job. They say you keep me leveled, along with Gai and Kisame." Kai said. He then grabbed the files off the desk and started reading them as he moved around the room. "Except Oreo, she said it's best if I keep my distance at times. To laid back. I tend to not pay attention to certain things." Rotating his shoulders Kai thought about returning to the Land of hot springs for a visit "Especially when it doesn't concern my current thoughts. Thought I was just daydreaming to much but oh well."

Kai stops talking once he found a certain file. It was the one that would most likely receive some flak. One that he had pushed forward for a library advancement. To help with understanding the different clans and history. The current library had most to nothing on the different clan behaviors. It was a small proposal to help create unity and get rid of past animosity. Seeing the red seal of rejection on it, Kai placed the folder in his jacket.

Not a normal Jacket mind you. It opened to a small pocket dimension. He continued over the other files a little disheartened at the rejections.

"Ugh, progress has slowed once again." Sighing lightly His thoughts got away from him. Kai started to think up his discussion with Kira about the Whirlpool village. She agreed it would be a terrible idea to recreate it. They would be a target once again considering the strength and the resources Kai had at his disposal. Kai took comfort in the fact she agreed to follow him anywhere they headed to.

While Kai thought of the things of the last few months, Lady Sarutobi had kept herself busy. She moved towards him once she saw the standard opening she was able to spot in his thinking process. As a very skillful ninja herself, she made her move.

"Why doesn't Oreo trust me?" Lady Sarutobi asked as she had moved right next to him. A drink in one hand and a green folder in the other. The drink was to settle his nerves over the rejection pile, the green folder was the approval file. Out of habit, she had started getting closer to him in conversations. Something about his smell and chakra levels made her into a state of serendipity. This is what she told herself to make sense of it all.

On several occasions someone had stepped into the office and caught the two in compromising positions. Kai always had the same goofy expression. But for her, she always became fl.u.s.tered at what was said or the looks themselves.

Kai had to explain it once when he returned home. He had a perfect eyewitness to the events. Two most times, and if we are getting technical 3. Pakura could share his sight when she wanted to. Shura was always in his shadow. 3 Gemini was never to far away as well. With the training and healing of the others in the clan. Jonin guards had been appointed to watch over TenTen and Karin. Naruto received one of the genin guards on several occasions. The team were constantly put to the test with how active the child became.

"Doop," the door to the office closed. In walked Shuba with some breakfast. She stared at the two for a moment. If one looked close they could see the confusion on her face.

Shuba always stared for a moment, sniffed the air and backed out shaking her head. For Lady Sarutobi those were the worst of the instances.

One could only hear "get a room" so many times before daydreams started to happen. Lady Sarutobi thought about it once even tried to seduce him once. But that failed miserably. Kai had looked her dead in the eyes kissed her hand and told her flatly "no!" He said it with such stern resolve she couldn't say anything else. She was left in fret all night thinking she ruined a friendship and may have comprised the village best interest. But it was all put out of her head when Kai showed up the next day continuing as normal. The only difference was the huge smack mark on his face.

Kai smirked at Shuba before he continued reading. Lady Sarutobi had wanted to ask him something important beforehand. But completely forgot about it.

"Sorry about that. Why does Oreo want you to keep distance? Matter of fact how are they all doing? Pregnancy must be quite troublesome right now for them yes?"

"Mmhm," Kai answered the last question with a grunt. Finishing the file he put it away. If things were to happen as needed he needed to head to the Kage Tower. "Dammit. It is as I suspected there is definitely something wrong here. There is a traitor in the village. They are difentely one of the major powers as well."

Kai started to leave but was stopped by Lady Sarutobi. In her calmest voice, she stopped him with a delicate hand on his shoulder. Before he went on a rampage. Even with evidence things had to be handled a certain way.

"Please stop. Considering the last few meetings and the way they went. I think you will kill people this time." Lady Sarutobi said calmly. Her nostrils flared and blood quickened on contact. 'Dammit, the effects are getting worse. I can barely control myself around him. I will have to take that vacation sooner than I thought.'

"They are harming the Village and you want to wait? Are you daffy woman?" Kai questioned looking back quite surprised at her.

"This will have to wait! The Cloud Ninja have come with the intent to broker peace on the surface. Therefore... the delegation cannot be killed. They will be here for a few months. The village must show unity. Especially since you have delivered proof they are up to something already. The council is on alert, they wont just sit back. Trust them. If not trust me at least." Looking up at him she held her gaze with his own. More determined than ever to change his mind.

After a few minutes like this Kai stopped. He moved his neck around. 'Tsk this is getting troublesome.' "I might as well tell you." He informed her of what his "people" found previously about the cloud ninja.

"We will take care of it. Most likely we will have resistance to your plan, it will be reported. But with this Intel, I will make some moves of my own. Be patient." Lady Sarutobi then walked to her desk. Taking out a scroll she started writing out some code. They would be passed along to some sleeper ninja. High priority missions.

"I will head to the academy. Re strengthen the barriers there and check on some other things." Kai said to her. He was already at the door walking out.

"Ok. Good luck. Everything will work just fine." Lady Sarutobi said a little fl.u.s.tered. 'Am I getting rusty as a ninja? I didnt even hear him move.' As of late, Kai was mixing in just the right amount of super speed with his ninja movements. Even standing started to have no sound.

"Oh before I forget. To answer your questions from before." Kai said at the door smiling with his back facing her. I stand because I usually have something to do in a hurry. It is a lot easier when I am looking around. The other question, yeah I trust you. And the last one, Oreo knows I find you attractive. Since I have a high libido she thinks I will step out on them. But that would be dumb. What man with five wives would step out any of them? That's how you get your d.i.c.k chopped off. Anyway later."

"Whoosh," with a smile on his face Kai disappeared.

Lady Sarutobi continued to write till it all sunk in. "Wait get back here.." it was way to late. Looking over to her co-worker she didnt know what to say. Shuba just stared at her blinking.

"I want to quit!" She said dead faced.

"What for?"

"S.e.x.u.a.l harassment. This is a terrible workplace." Shuba then walked to Kai's desk and sat down. She moved her shoulders deeper into the chair and leaned back into it. The cushions warping around her.

"Ah so comfy! I am taking this chair when I quit Hikaru!" In moments she started to drift into slumber.

"How the heck do you fall asleep so fast in that chair?" Hikaru moved around trying to get comfy in her own chairs. She did not see the appeal of the cushiony chairs herself. "They are not that great."

"Its the chair and the smell." Shuba moved her head back and forth.

"Did you say smell?!"

"Huh, why so agitated. Did you not notice it yet? It comes off him. I figure it's the reason he doesn't sit down anymore."

"Wait wait wait. You smell it to? I am not going crazy from overwork?" Hikaru had jumped up and grabbed the woman by her hands. This was a bad idea since it brought her much closer to the chair in question. Shuba pulled back out of instinct taking her as well.

"Bam," they both fell over in the chair. Hikaru landing face first in the top of the chair. Taking in a deep breath left her dazed over. In a matter of seconds, she became flushed and passed out. Her bosom pressed directly into Shubas face.

"We are not little girls anymore. Get off me!" Shuba said muffled. Pushing her friend off of her, she noticed her unusual state. "What the hell?" Reaching her hand out she did a medical check as quick as she could. " Dammit. Your in "Heat" already. Why didnt you take your medicine? Answer me?" Getting no response from her she lifted her friend up and sped out of the room to the hospital.

"Of all the times for this to happen. Why now?" Looking over at her friend over her shoulder, she thought about the various outcomes to solve this problem. "Heh. You will get something out of this. I guarantee he wont let you die. If I am wrong..." Shuba's voice trailed off as she gained a dark demeanor. "No, I am not wrong. For being a quarter Inuzuka your symptoms are just as bad."


Had arrived at the Academy. He landed right next to his second team leader. Lucifer had grown to be a great second. More times than not a full Leader in Geminis absence. Kai had been meaning to just appoint her as team leader officially only falling to the second role when Gemini would be present. But that can wait till after the operation. Doing that now would be stupid on his part.

With a gaze from Lucifer, the others started to appear. Once Little Dipper made it, Gemini stepped from his shadow.

"Alright team this is the situation," Gemini said. More to the point Shura said instead. The voice only had subtle differences that only Kai has been able to catch as well as Lucifer and Tsume. "The Cloud ninja are making a move. Make sure in the following days you protect our targets. Taking nothing for granted, take no chances. Leader already said it, but I will say it again. None of you are allowed to die. If the situation gets to dangerous fallback. Am I clear?"

"Yes Gemini." They said in unison.

"Am I crystal clear?" Gemini asked now with her chakra pressuring down on them all. A few Chunin and Jonin in hiding revealed themselves slightly scared by the young ninja's chakra.

"Yes, Gemini!! We hear, and will obey!!" They said again with more conviction.

"Good. Begin the operation!" She commanded. Each member disappeared to there individual posts in the village.

Lucifer nodded her head and looked back towards her Leader. Her hands gripped tight on her weapons. Both swords looked magnificent in the light. Staring to long put one in an illusion. As the second, Lucifer had trained herself well to keep her spot. She would die to make sure nothing happens. She was in charge of the Academy students. Not the teachers or others. Just them.

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